"Those kinds of things, even the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, Xia Yu Shang Tang, and the Second King Wen and Wu have never heard of such achievements."

  "As for the world of Daqin, the minister still said that. Governing the country is like making rice, when to sing what orders. In today's world, the four directions are in chaos, and the military family should be the main thing, the world should be pacified, and the government should be unified. This is the top priority of Daqin. big deal."

  Su Wen nodded and said: "I still have self-knowledge, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, Yao, Shun, Yu Tang, I am still not comparable to this. Even if this is the case, apart from Meng Yi and others, there are still many aristocratic families firmly opposed to it. Yes. In some aspects, their interests were touched and they took a share of the pie!"

  Liu Mo's eyes shone brightly, and he stepped forward and said, "The big family has been the cancer of the country since ancient times. If the country is strong, they will enjoy it. If the country is weak, these people will gather forces and support their own troops. , These people are more terrifying than those who raised the flag of rebellion. But the emperor can't move them at this time."

  Su Wen turned his head to look at Liu Mo, and the scribe from the Taixueguan in front of him even said a word to his heart.

  Nowadays, there are many people from famous families in the DPRK. Although a series of measures to kill Zhao Gao have deterred them, at the critical moment, those who can really serve the country are only a drop in the bucket.

  "Opening the department and taking the scholars is nothing more than giving the common people a chance to turn over. The aristocratic family does not want to see the common people turn over. The emperor can either cancel the opening of the department and take the scholars, or find a way to balance them." Liu Mo said.

  Su Wen waved his hand and said, "The opening of divisions and the acquisition of scholars cannot be cancelled. This is a chance for Daqin to recover in the future. Once Daqin is stabilized, the matter of opening divisions and exercising scholars must not only be improved, but also be given to everyone in the world. Everyone has a fair chance. This is a big game for me, and we can't give up halfway. The way to do it is to balance the big family."

  Liu Mo nodded and said that the cancellation of the opening of the division and the selection of scholars was his determination to test the second emperor of Qin to reform the ill-government of the Great Qin.

  As long as Su Wen expressed his determination, how to balance the aristocratic family, Liu Mo had already been prepared.

  The two monarchs and ministers chatted freely in the Wuxin Hall, and laughter came out from time to time.

  Some senior officials from aristocratic families heard that the emperor had a morning chat with a boy from the Taixueguan, and they all exchanged ideas secretly.

  Liu Mo's name, like a new star, rose instantly in Xianyang officialdom. .

Chapter 415

  Soon, rumors spread in Xianyang Palace.

  It is said that Liu Mo was directly promoted to one of the counselors of the Counselor's Office.

  In the eyes of outsiders, the counselor is just a small group that makes suggestions.Only the important ministers around Emperor Qin II knew that the ministers in the Counselor's House were the most powerful.

  It can be said that the location of the emperor's decree is the result of the joint consultation between the Counselor's Office and the Emperor of Qin.

  This rumor immediately aroused the shock of the group of Confucian scholars in the Taixueguan.No one would have thought that Liu Mo, who had been silent and preemptive, would climb to the sky in one step.

  Originally, Liu Mo planned to participate in the opening of the division, and relying on his own ability, he could obtain a title.But things change too - impermanent.

  He didn't expect to eat breakfast and go out to meet a scholar, who turned out to be the current emperor Qin Ershi.

  What I didn't expect was that I was in front of the Taixue Hall, and I made a grand discussion, and the Emperor Qin Ershi directly noticed it.

  Wuxin Hall met the emperor, and his hard work paid off. After years of preparation, Liu Mo won Su Wen's trust in one fell swoop, and he even entered the Counselor's House directly.

  The Counselor's Mansion, Liu Mo had long heard about it, was a small circle dedicated to serving the emperor by several court officials.Although it does not seem to have much power, but at the emperor's side, all the decrees are jointly decided by the counselor's office and the emperor, which can be said to have power over the government and the opposition.

  Having figured this out, Liu Mo was even more frightened.With great power comes great responsibility.

  He pinched himself, feeling that what had happened these days seemed like a dream.

  In a daze, he actually became a member of the Counselor's House.Although this matter has not yet been decided, after talking with Su Wen, he already knew that this matter was settled.

  Thinking of the few people in the Counselor's Mansion, Liu Mo's face flushed with excitement.

  Meng Yi, Meng Tian, ​​Li Si, You Zhan...

  These characters, the Montessori brothers and Li Sijah were once under one person and above ten thousand people, and Youzhan was the emperor's jester, and it is said that he was also an unparalleled national scholar.

  It turned out that Liu Mo still didn't believe that Youzhan would have any talents, but since he met the second emperor this time, he has understood that although the current emperor is young, he is by no means confused.

  Liu Mo got the news of becoming a member of the Counselor's House, and others didn't know it yet.

  He came to the place where Xianyang brothels gathered for the first time.

  Here, the most famous is the Sniffing Incense Building.

  In the smelling incense building, there is a woman Liu Mo is thinking about day and night - Xiao Gui.

  Since Yan San'er left, Yan's mother already knew that Liu Mo took her precious son to kowtow to the two border generals, and followed them to the army to earn fame.

  At this moment, the army was in chaos, and after Ma Yan cried a few times, she accepted the status quo.And the place where she lives is a brothel, a place where she sells laughter for a living.Among them, most of the women have seen through the scorching and cold world, and they rarely care about family affection and the like.

  During this period of time, several playboys from the Xianyang Imperial Capital have been eyeing Luluo and the maid Xiaogui by her side.

  Even if Yan Ma tried her best to cover it up, there would be a day when she couldn't stop it.

  After a year, Xiaogui and Luluo both grew a year older. When they reached the age of budding, if there were no dignitaries, they would not be able to escape this test.

  Especially the old enemy Song Mutian, who has been pressing Yan Ma very tightly recently, and he must have done Xiaogui.

  "Mother Yan and Xiaogui must know about this big happy event, so as to deter those playboys who have unreasonable thoughts, and even deter that damn Song Mutian." Liu Mo pondered, and stepped into the sniff. In the incense building.

  It was morning time, and there were only a few benefactors in the Sniffing Fragrance Building, and they all called a few girls in the lobby on the first floor to drink a little wine.

  As soon as Liu Mo stepped into the Sniffing Fragrance Tower, there was a harsh laugh, and a condescending voice said: "Yo, we are here, Mr. Liu. Why, you also know that I will take Xiaogui as a concubine today and come to see you off. Is it?"

  It was Song Mutian who was speaking. On a whim these days, he brought people to force Yan Ma to make Xiaogui his concubine.

  Under the combination of hard and soft, Yan Ma wants to prevaricate, but she can't.

  Today, Song Mutian just brought the official seal betrothal gift here.

  He had just spent money from his father, went through the door of Prime Minister Li Si, and bought an official position of Xianyang City Guard Colonel with money.

  Seeing Liu Mo now, he still looks poor and sour, and a playful smile appeared on Song Mutian's face.

  Over the years, he and Liu Mo have been fighting for strengths and weaknesses, but they can't compete with Liu Mo's sharp mouth, and are often suppressed by Xiaogui with Liu Mo's literary name.

  Now that he saw Liu Mo, he lifted the official seal in his hand and said proudly, "We are the official of Daqin now, and Xiaogui will definitely not treat me as a concubine."

  When the benefactor downstairs saw Liu Mo come in, his eyes flashed and lit up immediately.

  These people who are often in the Sniffing Fragrance Building know that Liu Mo and Song Mutian celebrate the festival.

  Today, Song Mutian brought many of the city guards under his command to take Xiaogui away directly.

  Luckily, Liu Mo just arrived, and the two held each other.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Only poor Xiaogui looked at Liu Mo, who was weak and weak, obviously the sweetheart of a poor scholar, and was worried and unwilling.

  Song Mutian took a few steps forward. Behind him, several city guards stared at Liu Mo with sneer on their faces.

  "What? You dare to shout five or six after taking the official seal? You don't know that what the emperor hates most is the use of officials to oppress people. If things go on like this, I'm afraid your official seal will not last long." Liu Mo was not afraid of those city guards, but sneered. Satire Song Mutian.

  "Hmph, if you can't keep this official seal, that's another story. Today, I want you to watch, how did I take Xiaogui away?" Song Mutian said, and waved his hand.

  Several city guards behind him immediately stepped forward and put all the large bags and small boxes behind him on the table.

  Immediately someone came to open it, and it turned out to be full of gold and silver jewelry, as well as several new clothes that had already been made in the package.

  "Xiaogui, although I am not a civil official, I am no longer the head of Qian. These are the dowry gifts I gave you. Today, whether you nod your head or not, whether Yan's mother agrees or not, Song Mou is going to appoint you." Song Mu God said arrogantly.

  "Brothers, take someone away."

  Following Song Mutian's shout, several city guards were about to step forward to pull Xiaogui.

  Although Yan Ma on the side was reluctant, she did not dare to step forward to stop her.Even Luluo could only watch Xiaogui helplessly.

  "Wait!" Liu Mo stood in front of Xiaogui and watched as the few people were about to speak.

  Song Mutian scolded angrily: "Go away, you poor bachelor, you don't have any official position and fame, and you want to compete with me for women. Look at my official seal, look at my bride price. Can you have that? If you lift it, you will break your legs. I don't believe a little doctor from Taixueguan, I can't handle you as a sergeant with a knife handle."

  Immediately, several sergeants rushed towards Liu Mo like wolves and dragged him away.

  Xiaogui roared, but the first-class women are not the opponents of those sturdy men at all.

  Liu Mo looked at Xiao Gui, struggling desperately, tears couldn't stop flowing.

  "Song Mutian, I'm already a scribe by the Emperor of Xianyang Palace. If you dare to rob Xiaogui, I'll never stop with you." Liu Mo yelled in a hurry.

  "Bah, I also said that I am the emperor's personal bodyguard? But you have to have this before anyone will believe it!" Song Mutian said, shaking the official seal in his hand, triumphantly.

  "Grab someone!" Following his roar, the city guards swarmed up.Small.

Chapter 416

  "I see who of you dares?" Liu Moru roared.

  Xiaogui is the most important woman in his life. If he is snatched away in front of someone's face, then Liu Mo is not considered a man even if he is learning to be rich and famous.

  As soon as it happened, Liu Mo picked up a bench beside him.

  It's just that he reads a lot, and his hands-on ability is really poor. The hand holding the bench doesn't know whether he is anxious or angry or afraid, but he trembles slightly.

  "Yo?" Song Mutian was stunned, with a playful smile on his face.

  "I didn't expect our Master Liu to fight with a stool! Brothers, come on, show him some color." Immediately, the soldiers who followed Song Mutian rushed forward.

  Seeing that things were not good, Liu Mo picked up the bench and smashed it down.

  "Fuck you." A soldier flew up and kicked directly on Liu Mo's belly.

  Before his bench fell, he was kicked flying, knocking over the tables, chairs and chairs behind him.

  "Beat me up. I'm not leaving today, so I'm going to take care of Xiaogui in front of you. This is a good place to do things!" Song Mutian laughed wildly, turned and rushed towards Xiaogui .

  Seeing this posture, the Duke of Guinuyuan around them dared to step forward to stop them.They all stepped back.

  Even Yan's mother pretended to faint from fright and stopped watching.

  Anyway, the money Song Mutian took out was enough to redeem Xiaogui. She was eating this meal, and she would not provoke Song Mutian who became an official of the Imperial Capital because of Liu Mo's true love of a scholar.

  Liu Mo was punched and kicked by the soldiers, and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen in an instant, and there was no good place.

  He stretched out his hand, trying to stop Song Mutian, but there was nothing he could do.


  Song Mutian tugged at Xiaogui's shirt, turned around and smiled proudly: "Come on, the more you curse, the more powerful I will be."

  say, suddenly

  "Ah!" Xiao Gui screamed in shock, tearing up desperately, barely covering his body with a rag.

  "Not bad, not bad." Song Mutian laughed and forced Xiao Gui.

  "Song Mutian..." Liu Mo cursed hoarsely.

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