When the eastern microscopic light illuminates the mountains in the Hangu Pass area, Zhang Han has already arrived at the bottom of Hangu Pass.

  He looked up at the gate tower of Hangu Pass, and saw the flags fluttering above and the embroidery belt fluttering.

  Although this is the most snooze moment in the morning light, the soldiers above the tower can still be vaguely seen through the dim light from the east.

  In this situation, Zhang Han nodded secretly.Hanguguan defender, worthy of being the elite division of Daqin, and the Lishan prisoners he led are definitely two different feelings.

  "The soldiers on the city heard clearly, the new commander Zhang Han is here, open the city gate quickly." Zhang Han's personal entourage shouted towards the city head after obtaining Zhang Han's consent.

  The defending soldiers on the city had long seen the arrival of their group, and at this moment they heard the shouts, but they did not open the city, but immediately reported to the general in charge at the moment.

  After a while, the huge gate of Hangu Pass slowly opened with a creaking sound.

  Seeing this scene, Zhang Han sneered, and cursed inwardly: "Although there are many sentries, the general in charge is also a scumbag. Open the door to welcome it so smoothly, what if the enemy makes a fraudulent claim!"

  He made up his mind to give this Hangu Pass's defender a showdown first.Small.

Chapter 431

  Just when Zhang Han was secretly dissatisfied, the door that had just opened a gap in Hangu Pass suddenly stopped, and a horse rushed out first.

  After that ride, more than ten rides followed, and they rushed out of the door in an instant.

  After these cavalry rushed out of the gate of Hangu Pass, they did not come over immediately, but surrounded the gate.It wasn't until the gate of Hangu Pass was slammed shut with a squeaking sound, and the leader, Yi Qi, waved his spear.

  As he cleaned up, all the knights behind him immediately cleaned up the war horses, and a dozen war horses walked slowly towards Zhang Han and the others in a neat pace.

  Seeing this scene, Zhang Han's face, which had been tempered by the war, moved slightly, and then fell silent again.However, although his face is still expressionless, his heart has changed from the one who underestimated the gatekeeper of Hangu before to the one he likes now.

  Two-three-three, "Is General Zhang Han in front?" The young general commander opened his mouth and asked neither arrogantly nor arrogantly.

  His voice was clear, which made Zhang Han very comfortable to hear.

  Zhang Han's entourage was about to speak, but he waved his hand to stop him.With the reins of a horse, Zhang Han's warhorse stepped forward and said, "Zhang Han is here, don't open the city gate quickly."

  The majesty of his words, an aura of overpowering the small, manifested from his body.

  As a future coach, the feeling of being condescending is extremely well-adjusted.

  The young general of Hanguguan took a step forward and cupped his hands and said, "General Zhang, please forgive me, the last general has never seen the general, and only knows the order of the imperial court."

  There was a sneer at the corner of Zhang Han's mouth, and the young general on the opposite side could clearly see it.There was also a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and a pair of strong hands never left the gun barrel in his hand.

  Seeing the stubbornness and seriousness of this young general, Zhang Han breathed a sigh of relief, and he did not want to try again.

  The pride that hung on his face before, Gao Da instantly restrained, and he cupped his hands towards the opposite general and said, "There are people like General Hanguguan guarding, I am very lucky in Qin."

  Saying that, he waved his hand.

  The relatives behind him immediately rushed forward, holding a brocade box in both hands, and sent it to the young general.

  The young general reached out and took the brocade box, and after gently opening it, the coldness on his face suddenly subsided.

  He packed the brocade box unhurriedly and returned it to Zhang Han's personal attendants. Then he hung the spear in his hand on the victory hook, got off his horse, knelt down on one knee and said, "Wei Huo, the last general, come to greet him. Marshal. At the time of this war, the last will not dare to act carelessly, please forgive me."

  Zhang Han had heard about this young Wei Huo for a long time, and now he likes it even more.He laughed, and immediately supported it with his hands and said, "General Wei, please get up quickly, we are all men from wars, so don't make a mess of the words of the civil servants."

  There was a smile on Wei Huo's face, making him look more youthful and sunny.

  After getting up neatly, he shouted to the back: "Marshal Zhang Han is here, open the city."

  A dozen cavalrymen behind him shouted together: "Marshal Zhang Han is here, Kaesong--"

  Following their message, Zhang Han obviously noticed that above the head of Hangu Pass, there was a young general Ling Yi who was wearing a helmet.Immediately, the rows of archers who had been prepared for a long time in the city withdrew one after another.

  Seeing this scene, he finally showed a smile on Gu Jing Bubo's face.

  Wang Ben was seriously ill, and after leaving in a hurry, Li Jian and Wei Huo were temporarily in charge of the defense of Hangu Pass.Now that Wei Huo went out of the city to meet him in person, the general who led the bowmen in the city must be Li Jian.

  These two generals looked very young, but they were calm and well-deserved.

  With the cries of "Kaicheng", the gate of Hangu Pass really opened slowly this time.

  In the city, there was already a large group of infantry, in a trot, rushing out from under the city tower and lined up on both sides.Each of these soldiers has distinctive clothes and armor, and their chests and stomachs are raised. Many of them have large and small scars on their faces. At first glance, they are veterans who have experienced many battles.

  "Welcome Marshal Zhang!"

  The soldiers shouted in unison, and the sound broke the silence of the morning.

  From the city gate, Li Jian rode out, came to Zhang Han, turned over and dismounted, and said with one knee: "The last general received a report from the imperial court yesterday. "

  Zhang Han opened his mouth and said in a deep voice, "The battle situation is unpredictable. We generals know that time waits for no one. That's why we came overnight."

  As he said that, he looked at the soldiers around him, nodded with satisfaction, then waved his hand and said, "Don't fix these useless things, the brothers have been running all day and night, they are very hungry, give me something to eat and drink. , let's eat and talk..."

  Although he said these words with a calm face, the personal soldiers who followed behind all laughed.

  Wei Huo and Li Jian saw Zhang Han's state and thought the new marshal was good.Especially Li Jian is Li Xin's grandson. Zhang Han has seen him long ago. Although he is not familiar with him, he is not unfamiliar.

  In the midst of laughter, an older man behind Zhang Han said, "My family is a general and a civil servant. Even if I tell jokes, I have a straight face. It's good that everyone is used to it."

  Li Jian and Wei Huo looked at Zhang Han and saw that Zhang Han still had a numb expression on his face, but he did not refute the old army behind him.The two looked at each other and smiled, and entered Hangu Pass with a dozen of Zhang Han's men.

  Under the leadership of Li Jian and Wei Huo, Zhang Han and the others crossed the mansion where the marshal worked and went directly to the army kitchen.

  "It's the end of Mao Shi, and breakfast should be ready. Let's eat a little first." Li Jian said, and asked Zhang Han to go inside.

  As soon as I walked to the door of the back kitchen, I heard a slightly hoarse voice shouting: "Fuck it up, clean up all these scumbags and go away."

  "You, pour that swill soup back into the pig sty. And you, can the rotten vegetables still be eaten? Throw it away, our Daqin sergeants will eat the best they want, and beat them the worst if they want to. enemy."

  His voice kept coming, and the people who were scolded by him also replied with a hilarious smile: "Third brother, you shout like this every 3.8 days, we are all used to it, and we all know we have to work hard, worthy of our soldiers. No, take a break."

  "Just you group of gray grandchildren, if I take a break, I might have trouble, cut."

  "Third brother, I don't dare to say anything else. There is absolutely nothing sloppy about what we eat at home. If something goes wrong, you will behead me with a pig-killing knife." cry.

  "It's human nature to say this. As the saying goes, wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, and dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit. Our army in Daqin must eat meat, so we will work hard. When the new marshal arrives, I will apply for everyone. Come on, we also have a spear and a big sword or something. If there is a chance, we will also go to the battlefield, kill the enemy, and make military achievements. Don't think that we can only kill pigs.".

Chapter 432

  "That is, although we are cooks. But there is no difference between killing a pig and killing a pig. We have done it all."

  There was a lively commotion in the kitchen.

  Li Jian and Wei Huo looked at Zhang Han, wanting to laugh on their faces but couldn't help it.Inside is their sworn brother, Yan San'er.

  Only one person roared: "Brother Yan, with your little face, can you see Marshal Zhang? You also have a spear and a big knife. It would be nice to give us a neat pig-killing knife."

  "You..." Just when Yan San'er was about to argue, Zhang Han pushed open the door and entered.

  Li Jian and Wei Huo followed closely.

  The noisy crowd inside saw Li Jian and Wei Huo following behind a stranger in a helmet, and they immediately stopped.

  The sleek and smart Yan San'er saw this situation, and immediately knew that the strange general in front of him was not small, so he shrank his head and did not speak.

  "I am Zhang Han, your spear, the big knife, and the new pig-killing knife, I will help you solve it." Zhang Han's expression was numb, and everyone didn't know whether he was joking or real, so they didn't speak.

  Seeing everyone like this, Zhang Han forced a smile on his face and said, "I'm so fucking hungry, can I get something to eat first?"

  Yan San'er was a very smart person. Hearing Zhang Han's words, he immediately ordered to go down.

  But after a while, the hot breakfast was served.

  Zhang Han looked at the porridge and rice that was served. Although it was simple, it was steaming hot, giving people a warm feeling.

  He picked up the bowl and took a sip. The fragrance of the new rice combined with the heat to dissipate the cold feeling of running all night.There was also a slight smile on his numb face.

  Seeing his hard smile, Yan San'er rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Marshal, that spear and sword..."

  Zhang Han frowned and put it down immediately.

  He was the military marshal of Daqin, and he paid attention to official prestige when he was a civil official.But now that he has entered the army and is in charge of the military, it is not a simple majesty that can lead troops to fight.

  With a bang, Zhang Han waved his hand and said, "Although the military kitchen is a place for logistical support, it is also a soldier. You still need the weapons that you should be equipped with. In the afternoon, you will bring someone to the treasury to collect the weapons. This commander is not sloppy."

  Yan San'er's face suddenly became excited, and he blinked at Li Jian and Wei Huo who were sitting with him.

  Li Jian took a sip of the porridge, without looking directly at him, but slightly motioned him to step back.

  Wei Huo and Yan San'er were of the same age after all, so they secretly winked at Yan San'er, with an uncontrollable smile on the corner of their mouth.

  Yan San'er looked at the two brothers, nodded, turned around and walked away happily.This time he returned to the back kitchen to brag, and got the weapon.If the enemy army kills the back kitchen, they also have weapons to fight in addition to kitchen knives.

  Zhang Han did not eat this meal for a long time.

  A bowl of porridge, a piece of cake, and some pickles were eaten by him.There is no more civil servant's demeanor and state.On the contrary, that resolute and resolute style made the generals feel particularly cordial.

  "Tell me about the current situation of Zhao's rebels?" Zhang Han asked directly without leaving the dinner table.

  Wei Huo looked at Li Jian, and Li Jian said: "The current situation is like this, Bai Ba leads the rebels to vanguard, attack the city, and with the cooperation of several other rebels, they are stationed outside Hangu Pass. Zhang Er leads the Zhao Kingdom. The main force is entrenched in Julu, and in their north, Chen Yu persuaded the rebels in Qi to stand with them, easy to defend and difficult to attack..."

  Li Jian dipped the soup in the bowl with chopsticks in his hand, and directly drew the general situation outside Hangu Pass on the table.

  Zhang Han looked at the situation described by Li Jian on the table with a dull expression.

  After Li Jian finished speaking, he sat for a while with a calm expression on his face, and said, "The rebels in Zhao's territory are nothing to worry about. Although Zhang Er and Chen Yu are close friends, they are literati after all. What Laozi knows best is the relationship between literati It's not difficult to break it. At present, the biggest threat to us is this white tyrant. He is outside Hangu Pass, like a fishbone stuck in his throat, he doesn't spit out."

  Li Jian nodded in agreement.

  Since he fought against Bai Ba again, whether it was a duel or a battle, although he had not lost, he had not been able to defeat Bai Ba.To a certain extent, if it wasn't for Wei Huo's advice, I'm afraid Hangu Pass would have almost fallen into the hands of Bai Ba when Wang Ben was away.

  "This person is from the time when Wu'an Jun Bai rose. It seems that his methods are not inferior to his ancestors. He is a difficult general." Li Jian briefly introduced the situation of Bai Ba.

  Zhang Han nodded.

  He had heard about Bai Ba's reputation when he was in Wuguan.Even Li Yuan, who has always been prudent, wanted to be transferred over to challenge Bai Ba, who was after the four famous generals of the Warring States Period.

  "If you want to send troops out of Hangu, you must eliminate this white tyrant. But they are horns, and it is difficult to break through. It seems that another strategy is needed." Zhang Han said, tapping his fingers on the table.

  After listening to Zhang Han's words, Li Jian hesitated for a moment and said: "But the emperor said that as long as we stick to Wuguan and Hangu, it's fine to prevent the rebels from entering the hinterland of Daqin. The rest..."

  Zhang Han waved his hand and stopped Li Jian from speaking further.

  His knife-sharp face was expressionless, and he said indifferently: "The emperor's thoughts are understood by us as ministers. But the more we understand, the more we have to share the emperor's worries. The war ahead is changing rapidly, and we can't all rely on the emperor to make decisions in the palace. As generals, we expect the enemy aircraft to be our duty first."

  Li Jian thought about it, although he felt a little inappropriate, but what Zhang Han said also made sense.If 233 hadn't strictly abided by the emperor's orders, he would have rushed out of Hangu Pass and had a decisive battle with Zhao Jun's vanguard.

  Now that Zhang Han is full of battles, the depression in his heart has also been swept away.

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