Li Jian's face was gloomy, his spear pointed to the front.

  The archers in Daqin immediately opened their bows and released their arrows, and each of the feathered arrows roared and flew towards the rushing Zhao army.

  Blood and screams rang out on the battlefield.

  However, the blood did not deter Zhao Jun's advance, but aroused their crazy fighting spirit.The entire Zhao army was like a mad beast, charging towards Da Qin's army.

  "Contain this Qin army, and today Hangu Pass must belong to our Zhao country."

  "Take Hangu Pass and kill Xianyang."

  "Vengeance for my Changping man!"

  Exciting shouts roared frantically from the army of Zhao State.

  The Daqin army that had retreated was not in chaos at the moment. The rear team, which had become the front team, did not retreat, but divided into two groups and drew a huge arc around the two flanks of the Zhao army.

  During the whole circuitous process, the original vanguard of the Qin army suffered the impact of the Zhao army, suffered huge blows and suffered heavy casualties.Even the chief general Li Jian was slightly traumatized in the chaos of the army.

  But Li Jian took the lead, and the Da Qin sergeant was even more morale, and collided with the vigorous Zhao Jun.

  Like two huge beasts fighting each other, in an instant, all the soldiers who were in contact with each other died in a large area.There are Qin troops and Zhao troops.

  At the moment when the Qin army's forward could no longer withstand the attack of the Zhao army, the Qin army who had detoured to the two flanks finally rushed over.

  The Da Qin sergeants on the two wings were killed and wounded like the other two beasts.Zhao Jun was attacked by the two flanks, but there was no confusion. Instead, two generals rushed out immediately leading their own team.

  The pressure on the Qin army's forwards suddenly weakened a lot.

  The two sides were slaughtering together, slashing frantically, but the blood flowed into a river in a moment.

  The commander of Zhao Jun's army was picked off by Li Jian at the first moment of his charge.But Zhao Jun was obviously prepared. The death of this general did not confuse Zhao Jun, but a general who was in the chaos of the army instantly appeared to preside over the overall situation.

  With preparations on both sides, the battlefield of the two armies has almost become a meat grinder.

  At the moment when the war was stalemate, the sound of war horses suddenly came from the direction of Hangu Pass, and figures appeared one after another.

  One of the leading generals, White Helmet and White Armor, holds a silver spear in his hand and puts a white dragon on his crotch. He is the vanguard officer of the Zhao army, the general Bai Ba.

  At this moment, Bai Ba also had blood on his body, but it was all the blood of Bai Ba who killed and wounded the Qin soldiers at Hangu Pass.

  When Bai Ba arrived at Hangu Pass, he discovered that Zhang Han was actually sitting in Hangu Pass.

  Zhang Han's handsome army and Bai Ba fought several times, and was stabbed in the waist by Bai Ba with a bullet, and he was seriously injured and withdrawn.

  Bai Ba attacked the city ruthlessly, Zhang Han withdrew to Hangu Pass, and guarded the city wall like an iron barrel, and the Zhao army could not attack at all.

  Although this battle did not break the Hangu Pass, Zhang Han was seriously injured.Originally, Bai Ba wanted to take down Hangu Pass in one go, but there was an urgent report from the camp ahead.

  "Waste!" Bai Ba scolded angrily and led his troops back.

  Originally, Bai Ba thought that his general could withstand Li Jian's attack, but he didn't expect to be beaten by Li Jian in just a moment.


  Seeing that the Qin army was divided into three groups, the Zhao army was surrounded and killed in the middle.The Zhao army led by Bai Ba charged madly.

  No matter how brave Li Jian was, the Qin army was instantly defeated under the attack of Bai Ba and the Zhao army in front.He decisively ordered to fight and retreat with the remaining Qin army.

  After Li Jian broke it himself, he fought with Bai Ba.

  The place where the two fought became the beginning of a round of meat grinders on both sides.

  After a long period of melee, Li Jian finally got rid of Bai Ba's entanglement, and led the Qin army, which suffered heavy losses, to retreat to Hangu Pass.

  Bai Ba continued to pursue, Li Jian bent his bow and shot an arrow.

  It is not the first time that Bai Ba has fought with Li Jian. Knowing that Li Jian is good at shooting, he has long since guarded against the opponent's archery.

  At this time, when he saw Li Jian bending the bow, he was ready, leaned slightly, let the arrows come flying, and reached out and grabbed the bow and arrows with a "bang".

  "It's not rude to come and go!" Bai Ba sneered, holding a bow in his hand and reflecting Li Jian's arrow back.

  Li Jian was unprepared, his figure was a little slow to dodge, and the arrow actually hit his chest.As he held his chest with both hands, the arrow did not fall, apparently inserted into the chest cavity.

  "General!" Immediately, countless Qin soldiers roared loudly, and a few of Li Jian's personal soldiers approached to support Li Jian, who was swaying on his horse.

  "Injure my general, kill!" The Qin army who had retreated suddenly became excited because of Li Jian's injury, and turned back to kill the Zhao army who was chasing.


  Seeing that Li Jian was hit by an arrow, Qin Jun came back in grief and counterattacked. Bai Ba showed a smile on his face and immediately retreated.

  "General 3.8, why don't they take advantage of their main general's injury and hunt them down." Someone immediately raised an objection.

  Bai Ba rolled his eyes at the man, without explaining, and returned with the horse.

  "The two generals of the Qin army were injured. This is the underdog. The art of war has said that the underdog will win, and it is not appropriate to pursue at this moment." A white tyrant's personal soldier said to the man.

  Bai Ba can ignore it, but as Bai Ba's personal soldier and the old man of the Bai family, he can't ignore the people sent by King Zhao.This person was arranged by King Zhao, saying that he was accompanying the army, but in fact he was monitoring.

  When the people around him spoke, Bai Ba also reacted, and then said: "The Qin army Zhang Han and Li Jian were injured by me in the battle, and it will not last. After a day or two, when their grief and anger at this moment are over, we can drive straight in and take Next to Hangu Pass."

  What he said was an explanation for the people sent by King Zhao, and it was also said to the generals. .

Chapter 437

  In the days that followed, Qin Jun seemed to be really afraid of being beaten by Bai Ba.For the past few days, the battle-free card has been hanging high, no matter how the Zhao ** team yelled, the gate of Hangu Pass was tightly closed, and there was no sign of fighting.

  During this period, Bai Ba also organized several storms.However, although the two generals of the Qin army were injured, their will to defend the city was extremely firm.Every time the Zhao army attacked the city, they just left behind a corpse and retreated in vain.

  The news from the spies lurking in the Hangu Pass of the State of Zhao was that the two generals of the Qin army were both seriously injured, especially Li Jian who was pierced through the chest with an arrow, and his life was at stake.

  All the exciting news spread to Zhao Jun's camp.All the Zhao troops were gearing up, waiting for the moment to arrive, and immediately rushed into Hangu Pass, humiliating before the snow.

  They seem to have forgotten that their vanguard officer, Bai Ba, is after the killing god Bai Qi who killed [-] soldiers of the Zhao army in Changping Pit.Hatred blinded their eyes and stagnated their hearts.

  The good news reached Zhao State.

  King Zhao was overjoyed when he received the good news.He immediately passed on the good news and showed it to Zhang Er and Chen Yu16.

  Just as the good news reached the Julu camp where Zhang Er was, Yan San'er also came to Julu.

  Standing on the road, he was still so thin, but his face was full of dust, but he couldn't hide his shrewd eyes and the excitement hidden under the dust.

  This time, he left Hangu Pass and came to Julu for only one purpose, that is, to alienate Zhang Er and Chen Yu, and to let the two generals isolate Bai Ba.

  The days of running around did not reduce Yan San'er's excitement, but made him inexplicably excited.After all, he was born in a brothel. If there is no accident, I am afraid that he can only live in a brothel for the rest of his life.Unexpectedly, he has now entered the battlefield as a soldier of Daqin.What's more important is that he became brothers by accident with the civil servants and generals of the current dynasty.

  After more than half a year of military training, Yan San'er has calmed down a lot.

  In the brothel, he was illiterate and only knew how to hang out.But after entering the Daqin military camp for more than half a year, both Li Jian and Wei Huo made him and the teacher who taught him literate.Yan San'er, who was originally smart and smart, has only known most of the characters in half a year, and is able to read some ancient books independently.

  In the old brothel brothel, he would often watch the visiting clients and eavesdrop on their conversations.

  The clients of whore are from different places, from south to north, and what they say are interesting stories on the rivers and lakes.Those legendary stories of Ren Xia's gangsters are deeply embedded in Yan San'er's mind.

  The dream of a knight in the rivers and lakes, or part of the time and space, is what every youth yearns for.

  Yan San'er is no exception.He aspires to be a hero, whose words and deeds have a wide-ranging impact.

  Now, he feels that this opportunity has come, as long as he seizes it, he Yan San'er can become what he wants.He wants to use his own power to alienate Zhang Er and Chen Yu, and to create an isolated situation for Bai Ba.To rely on their own magic, to disintegrate the Zhao team.

  Thinking of this, Yan San'er got goosebumps all over his body.

  Julu is just a small town. If there is no Zhao State's army stationed here, then this place will be a nameless place.

  On the horizon in the distance, there is a river that is not very wide, flowing slowly from northwest to southeast.This is Zhangshui, and you can see fishing boats occasionally flashing above.

  Yan San'er took a deep breath and stepped forward.

  "I can do it, because my eldest brother is Li Jian, my second brother is Liu Mo, and my third brother is Wei Huo. They are all talents in both civil and military affairs. Since I can call them brothers and sisters, it is not bad. Can't get ink, can't carry guns, then use my cleverness to surprise the Daqin soldiers in Hangu Pass. His grandmother's, Laozi wants to become famous, Laozi wants to be promoted and rich, and swagger back to Sniff Xianglou, when the time comes I will prostitute which girl I want to prostitute..."

  The more Yan San'er thought about it, the more proud he became. He took a big step and entered Julu Town directly.

  On the day that Yan San'er arrived in Julu Town, the children in the town began to sing songs: "Two wounds in one battle, the famous general White Lord. The three armies are horns, two words are not as good as one force."

  The singing of street children soon spread throughout the town.

  This simple and straightforward ballad quickly entered Zhang Er's barracks from the small town.

  In the Zhao ** camp of Julu, Zhang Er was sitting at his desk, his face was unwavering, but his heart was thoughtful, and a faint anger arose in his heart.

  "Is there only such rumors on the street?" Zhang Er said lightly, the scribe's beard on his chin trembled slightly with his words, and the face with a national character had a calm taste, giving the soldier who reported on the opposite side a warm heart a feeling of.

  "General Hui, in addition to these rumors, some people who escaped from the direction of Hangu Pass have recently been discovered. It seems that the situation is Qin's defeated army." A small scout replied with a fist.

  Zhang Er nodded, thinking deeply in his heart.

  He also knew the situation of Hangu Pass very well.

  The battle between Bai Ba and Zhang Han and Li Jian of Hangu Pass caused serious injuries to the two generals of Hangu Pass.Although he doesn't care, but now these rumors have spread to his ears, so he has to pay attention.

  The purpose of his and Chen Yu's assistance to Zhao is for wealth and fame.But now they have just started to improve, and suddenly a white tyrant has robbed them of their reputation.

  "The Qin army has been defeated and is in a state of turmoil. This kind of rumor should not have spread from the Qin army. According to Bai Ba's personality, it is impossible for him to do such a thing." Zhang Er thought in his heart.

  After he has ruled out all the directions for spreading rumors, there is only one reason left, and that is that people are really spreading the merits of Bai Ba.

  Ever since Qin Shihuang unified the six kingdoms, the war between Zhao and Qin has never been cheap, and every time it is a big defeat.Comparatively speaking, Bai Ba's victory, one person fighting two generals, and both of them were seriously injured, this kind of military exploit has become a kind of spirit in Zhao **.

  Zhang Er tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, feeling irritated for no apparent reason.

  At this time, Yan San'er had quietly left Julu.

  Behind a small hill not far from Julu, there was a group of people hidden.

  These people were all dressed in blue cloth, dressed like the servants of a big family, and a young man with clear eyebrows was looking into the distance while building a pergola with his hands.

  The cold wind is not big, but it is also biting.

  There was no half figure on the official road in the distance, and the young man still stared at the official road.

  After a long time, a figure finally appeared from the official road, it was Yan San'er who came from Julu.

  Seeing Yan San'er's figure, a smile appeared on the young man's face, and he waved his arms and shouted, "Fourth, brother is here.".

Chapter 438

  It is Wei Huo who is answering Yan San'er here.

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