After all, Zhang Er and Bai Ba were rewarded because this war severely damaged Zhang Han, the commander of the Qinbei Road Army, and killed Li Jian, the brave general of Hangu Pass.But now Chen Yu has actually verified whether the two were really injured, which is obviously a distrust of Zhang Er and Bai Ba.And once this kind of thing is verified by him, it is the crime of deceiving 16 Zhao Wang.

  At that time, I am afraid that the infinite scenery sealed this time will become the future evidence.

  For this reason, Zhang Er communicated with Chen Yu several times, but Chen Yu seemed to have changed his mind, ignoring Zhang Er's letters and still doing his own way.

  Bai Ba didn't care, he saw Zhang Han stabbed with his own gun.Li Jian even shot himself.So, he began to prepare for the siege.

  Chen Yu knew Bai Ba's preparations, but he did not teach Bai Ba the defense map of Hangu Pass that Yan San'er gave him, and shared resources.

  They didn't even know that the defense map Yan San'er gave them before was really the defense map of Hangu Pass.

  At this time, Bai Ba was smug.He firmly believed that he could take Hangu Pass, lead the Zhao army into Xianyang Palace, and capture Su Wen with his own hands.

  When Bai Ba agreed, Zhao Jun's momentum was unprecedentedly high.

  In Hangu Pass, Zhang Hand, Li Jian and others were busy arranging strategic plans.

  Zhang Han did suffer some minor injuries.

  Against Bai Ba that day, they were a plan that would never allow victory.It's just that Zhang Han underestimated Bai Ba's combat power. Although he was wearing a good gold inner armor, Bai Ba's shot did not cause him any direct damage, but because of Bai Ba's amazing strength, this shot was actually separated by The soft golden armor directly broke his two ribs.

  On the battlefield, although this little injury is nothing, it is already a big deal for a grand marshal like him.

  Zhang Han endured the pain at this moment, standing in front of the sand table in armor, arranging tactics.If it weren't for Li Jian and others trying to persuade him, I'm afraid he would have to go into battle himself and fight Bai Ba again.

  At this moment, Li Jian was the complete opposite of what the outside world said.Not only was he not injured, because he was going to fight, he was more excited than usual.

  That day, Bai Ba returned with an arrow. Although Li Jian seemed to have an arrow in his chest, others didn't know that this was a kind of archery handed down from his family.It is the moment when the arrow is about to hit the body, holding the shaft of the arrow with the hand and pretending to be hit by the arrow.

  This kind of kung fu requires boldness and carefulness, and the coordination of hands and eyes is like lightning.

  The Li family's archery has been passed down from generation to generation. This type of archery is a must for them, in order to paralyze the enemy when facing the enemy.

  Now he uses this archery technique to deal with Bai Ba, and successfully makes Bai Ba think that he has seriously injured him.

  At the same time, in Hangu Pass, Zhang Han and Li Jian were not seen except for important generals, as if they were really injured.As a result, the spies sent from all sides could not get the exact information, and they completely believed that they were injured by Bai Ba.

  Bai Ba is sharpening his knife outside Hangu Pass, preparing for a decisive battle.

  Zhang Han, Li Jian and the others were also gearing up for a night attack in the city.

  Before dawn on this day, the side door in the direction of Hangu Pass quietly opened.

  Li Jian led a team of soldiers from this small gate, and quietly went out of the city with a horse strap.They did not detour to the rear of the Bai Ba army who had already invaded the city.

  Instead, he drew a larger arc and sneaked toward the farther Jude.

  Li Jian's target is Zhang Er.Before leaving, Zhang Han gave him one day.When night fell, it was when Li Jian began to attack Zhang Er.

  On this day, all the defenders in Hanguguan City had to do was to defend the city gate and prevent Baiba from successfully attacking the city.

  Once Li Jian starts to attack Zhang Er, with Li Jian's bravery and Zhang Er's cowardice, it must be a one-sided situation.At that time, Bai Ba will definitely use his troops to rescue Zhang Er, and at this moment, the entire Hangu Pass will come out and hunt down Zhao Jun.

  The whole war deployment is nothing special, just a big detour.The only pressure point is that the defenders of Hangu Pass must withstand Bai Ba's attack.

  "Dong dong dong..."

  Outside Hangu Pass, with the rising of the sun, a sound of war drums rang out.

  The Zhao army under Bai Ba formed a siege formation and marched slowly towards Hangu Pass.Every time they took a step, they chimed in with the sound of drums, which made Zhao Jun's momentum higher and higher.

  "Bow and arrow, prepare!" At the head of Hanguguan City, Zhang Han disregarded the pain and went to the city in person.

  Following his order, the archers at Hangu Pass were divided into arrays according to Daqin's rules, and they all hid behind the walls of the city wall. The feathered arrows with Han Xing aimed at the Zhao army team that was slowly approaching under the city.

  Bai Ba was constantly watching the situation on Hangu Pass from the bottom of the city, and he had long guessed that the archers of Daqin, who were good at archery, would definitely use the archers to defend the city wall.As he waved, the advancing formations changed instantly.

  The square array was chaotic and mixed, and instantly turned into a long snake array.

  This serpent array is classified into two columns.The front row is full of rattan players, holding a huge rattan shield in one hand and a long sword in the other.Their task is only one, to block the arrows that are shot.

  And behind them, is the archer chosen by Bai Ba in Zhao **.They stood behind the rattan player, just shooting arrows, and the task of blocking the arrows was all handed over to the person in front of them.

  The people Bai Ba selected were in pairs.Or father and brother, or relatives, or friends... In this way, each shield player will try his best to protect the shooter behind.The archers in the back don't have to worry about the people in front of them, just shoot arrows at the city head.

  In this way, the geographical advantages of the archers on the siege side and the archers defending the city are minimized.

  Moreover, the one-word long snake array is also more flexible than the square array, and it is not easy to be locked by a large-scale arrow rain.In this kind of siege battle, such losses will be smaller.

  In addition to the advancing one-word long snake formation, Bai Ba also prepared two siege teams of nearly ten thousand people.They have long carried the ladder and set up the rushing car. After waiting for the archers in front of the long snake formation to suppress the archers at the head of Hangu Pass, they will immediately rush to the bottom of Hangu Pass and break in. .

Chapter 443

  Boom boom boom boom boom..."

  The sound of the war drums rang in the sky above the battlefield of the two armies, making this piece of heaven and earth turbulent.

  Because the Qin army is condescending, the range is naturally longer than that of the Zhao army.

  When the Zhao army entered the Qin army's range, the Qin army archers shot their arrows mercilessly.Arrow rain whistled towards Zhao Jun's long snake formation.

  As the arrows roared, the sound of Zhao Jun's war drums became louder.

  "Quickly rush over." Zhao Jun's general made it clear that in order to suppress Qin Jun, he had to hit another distance within Qin Jun's range.

  All the rattan players standing in front raised their shields high to protect their vital points, and at the same time shot some arrows with their knives.Behind them, the archer of Zhao State bent his waist slightly and followed the rattan player in small steps.

  All the archers in the Zhao Kingdom are bent bows and arrows. Once they are within the range, they will immediately shoot a rain of arrows to suppress the archers on the Qin Juncheng.

  Although the rattan player can defend against the shot of the bow and arrow, it is not all flawed.

  As the first wave of arrow rains from the Qin army came, there were many arrows in the hands of rattan cards in the Zhao army falling to the ground.Often the moment these shields hold the arrows, their shields will reveal flaws.Immediately after the rain of arrows came, the rattan player and the Zhao army archers behind them would be shot to death.

  The scene was instantly tragic.

  Just after the Qin army's first round of arrow rain, Zhao army launched a small charge.It quickly crossed the last distance of their range and entered the range where they can attack.

  The archer hiding behind the rattan player immediately came with a scatter.

  The archers of Qin and Zhao fought for the first time under Hangu Pass.The arrows of the archers of the two countries met in mid-air, and some arrows collided by coincidence, and there were bursts of jingling sounds.

  More is to miss each other and shoot into the camps of both sides.

  At the head of Hangu Pass, the Qin army archers took advantage of the geographical advantage to hide behind the city wall when the arrow rain of Zhao army came.Some of those who responded slowly were shot by bows and arrows.

  In an instant, a large area of ​​casualties appeared at the city head of Hangu Pass.

  "Free Scatter"! "The captain of Qin Jun, who was in charge of the archers, shouted loudly.

  The Qin archers, who had originally maintained a three-tiered shooting formation, were suddenly mixed up.Free scatter is the job that tests an archer's reflexes and skills the most.Some experienced archers don't just bend their bows stupidly, but listen to all directions, always pay attention to the bows and arrows shot from the opposite side, and shoot to kill the enemy troops on the opposite side.

  At the moment when the archers on both sides began to fight, Bai Ba ordered that the troops on both flanks that were ready to attack the city quickly attacked and launched the first attack on the city defense of Hangu Pass.

  Zhao Jun's two wings were like two human flesh dragons, charging towards Hangu Pass, which was sitting on the ground and guarding the east gate of Xianyang.

  The smoke and dust are everywhere, and the horns are in the sky.

  As the two-wing army approached, Zhang Han showed a cruel sneer at the corner of his mouth, making his numb face even more sinister.

  "Send the order, prepare to shoot blindly."

  With his order, countless Daqin foot soldiers suddenly appeared from the inner side of the Hangu Pass.

  These archers are all under the Hangu Pass, and they are almost unaffected by the fierce battle of the archers on the top of the city, and they form a solemn array.In front of each phalanx, there is a captain in charge of command.

  On the top of the city, a figure held two dragon flags, waving them regularly.

  Every time they swing, these archers with their feet are under the command of the leading Colonel, adjusting and teaching the direction of the feet and the arc of the arrows.

  When Zhao Jun's two long siege dragons almost approached Hangu Pass, Qin Jun's feet shot out the crossbow arrows for the first time.

  The angle of these crossbow arrows is quite large, drawing a huge parabolic arc in the sky, whizzing away from the city to the outside of the city.

  The two flanks of the Zhao army had just arrived at Hanguguan City, and they were greeted by crossbow arrows that fell from the sky.

  These crossbow arrows fell madly at an angle like rain.

  Zhao Jun was caught off guard and was shot and killed countless times by crossbow arrows.Because it falls from the sky, the inertia is very large, and some people are actually shot by the crossbow arrow through the whole body from the head, and they are directly shot to the ground.

  A blood flower fell directly to the ground.Each blood flower represents the end of a fresh life.

  War is so cruel.Ordinary soldiers are like ants, like dust in the meat grinder of this war.

  Seeing Zhao Jun fall like he was cutting wheat, Bai Ba's expression remained unchanged and he waved again.There were military horses rushing out from both flanks, they roared, waved their shields and weapons, and rushed to Hangu Pass.

  "Today, Hangu Pass will definitely be conquered." Bai Ba snorted coldly, his one-word long snake formation had already approached Hangu Pass, which was on a par with the Qin army's archers.

  "Come on again." Following Bai Ba's order, a combination of bow, arrow and rattan players rushed forward again behind him.

  The wall of Hangu Pass is only so wide, and no matter how many archers in the Qin army are, it is impossible for them to stand on the wall and shoot arrows.The open space in front of Hangu Pass is vast. As long as the Zhao army stabilizes its position, it can send more archers on a large scale.

  At that time, the Qin army's archers will eventually be suppressed, and the final result is that the Zhao army will board the Hanguguan City Tower and start close combat.

  The bow and arrow battle between the two sides lasted for two hours.

  The Zhao army's bow and arrow position gradually stabilized, and the soldiers who attacked the gate of Hangu Pass on their flanks also rushed to the city gate of Hangu Pass after paying a great price.

  The rushing cart was finally set up and aimed at the huge gate of Hangu Pass.

  On the side of the rushing chariot, archers and rattan players were responsible for covering the soldiers who controlled the rushing chariot and rammed the gate of Hangu Pass.

  Just when they set up the rushing car, Daqin heavy armored soldiers appeared above Hangu Pass.

  These soldiers are protected by heavy armor all over their bodies.They have no swords, no hard bows in their hands.Everyone carried a can of kerosene, equipped with this kind of igniter around their waists, and even torches were lit in the tower.

  These kerosenes are specially designed to deal with rushing cars.

  The most feared thing for a wooden rushing car is kerosene. Once it is ignited, it will lose its effectiveness.

  ".. Shoot those heavily armored Qin soldiers." Commander Zhao Jun, who was in charge of the chariot, immediately shouted.

  Zhao Guo's archers who were following the rushing car stood up and shot towards the city head, and one after another sharp arrows shot towards the city head with a whistling.

  But these bows and arrows just collided with sparks on the heavy armored soldiers of the Qin army.

  The soldiers still held the jar and threw it down.

  A jar of kerosene fell on Zhao Jun's chariot, and along with the kerosene, there was a torch.

  With a sound of "Peng", it rushed over the car and a fire ignited.

  Many Zhao Jun soldiers who were sprayed with kerosene also burst into flames, sending out heart-rending screams.

  In this round of siege of the city, Zhao Jun barely reached the city, but the chariot was burnt down, and a large number of corpses were thrown, but it failed miserably.

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