"Marshal, I am injured."

  Seeing his miserable appearance, Zhang Han's numb face was also slightly moved, and he immediately ordered: "Come here, send this general to find a military doctor. The rest of the people, with this commander, wipe out the local Zhao army."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Zhang Han patted the horse, took a few steps before turning around and asked, "The two of you have tight eyes, which camp are you from?"

  The commander who made the stick looked at Zhang Han, clasped his fists and said, "The last two are the generals under General Li Jian's account. General Li Jian asked me to protect the commander in the army before he left. this."

  "What's it called?" Zhang Han's expression was still numb, but he was more fond of Li Jian in his heart.

  "Little Chen Ke, butt. The one who hurts his butt is..."

  "My name is Wei Gui." Wei Gui didn't wait for Chen Ke to finish, but interrupted him directly, ignoring the pain in his buttocks, shouting loudly, and at the same time his body stiffened.

  This quite affected his wound, and after sighing, his erect body hunched up again.

...... 0

  "Chen Ke and Wei Gui, this commander wrote it down. You are responsible for guarding Bai Ba. Go back to Hangu Pass." Zhang Han ordered.

  The two took orders, Chen Ke carried Bai Ba, and Wei Gui was supported and returned to Hangu Pass.

  The Zhao army was defeated and was chased and killed by the Qin army, and there was not much left.

  Because the people of Zhao hated the people of Qin who killed [-] men from the Zhao State, few of these defeated soldiers surrendered.Most of the Zhao soldiers rose up and fought in the pursuit of Qin, and died in Huangquan.

  In the next battle at Hangu Pass, the vanguard of Zhao State completely collapsed.

  Even Wu Chengjun Baiba, who had just been rewarded, was captured alive by the Qin army.

  However, the soldiers of Daqin did not withdraw their troops immediately and retreated to Hangu Pass.But after a brief rest outside Hangu Pass, the Qin army in the whole city almost rushed out of the nest and marched in the direction of Julu.

  Hangu Pass only left a few generals with less than [-] soldiers to garrison.

  The first target of the North Road army led by Zhang Han and Li Jian's research was Bai Ba's vanguard army, followed by Zhang Er, one of the main forces of Julu's Zhao army.

  Zhao Jun's troops were on the border of Chen Qin. Although the troops were divided into three groups, Bai Ba was the vanguard with the fewest handsome troops, and then Chen Yu's tens of thousands of troops.The main force is under Zhang Er's control.

  Li Jian was only responsible for bluffing and restraining Zhang Er when night fell.

  The real siege of the Zhao army by the Qin army was Zhang Han's plan after defeating Bai Ba.Once Zhang Han and Li Jian's siege of Zhang Er is completed, then the Zhao army commanded by Zhang Er will face extinction.

  Because Bai Ba, who is each other's horns, has been defeated and captured, Chen Yu is even more dissatisfied with Zhang Er, and I am afraid that he will not save him.Small.

Chapter 446

  Zhang Han led the division of tigers and wolves that Daqin had just won, and quickly marched towards Zhang Er of Julu.

  The success of this battle depends on whether they can rush to Julu before Zhang Er notices Li Jian's bluffing, and complete the encirclement of Zhao Jun in Julu.

  Once this encirclement is completed, then Zhang Er's Zhao army will face extinction.

  Now it depends on whether the psychological shadows caused to Chen Yu before are big enough.Once Chen Yu is really in the game and doesn't come to rescue Zhang Er, then the game between Zhang Han and Li Jian will be done.

  At that time, the army will mobilize its troops and wipe out the rebels of Zhao State just around the corner.

  It's just a little urgent at this time.

  Just when Zhang Han's army was sending out the deer, he also received a report from the scouts, saying that the three coalition forces of Wei, Qi, and Han were assembling and preparing to cooperate with Zhao's army to attack Hangu Pass.

  Judging from this news, these three families still do not know that [-] Hanguguan has launched an attack on the Zhao ** team, and they do not want to give Zhao Guo a chance to enter the customs alone.Because whoever enters the customs first will win the control of the Daqin Imperial City first. ,

  Fools all know that Xianyang has the treasures left by the Daqin dynasties.

  "The whole army is advancing at full speed. It must arrive at Julu before Mao Shi, and cooperate with General Li Jian to complete the encirclement of Zhao's army. At the same time, I will give Chen Yu a message that we are only besieging Zhang Er's army and not attacking. It was Zhao Jun who attracted Chen Yu, who intercepted and killed him halfway." Zhang Han's eyes flashed coldly and he instructed the generals around him.

  He and Li Jian had already discussed that the real goal of this war was to eat Zhang Er's main force in one fell swoop. As for Chen Yu, it would be a smokescreen.As long as Chen Yu didn't dare to act rashly, they would have won half of the battle.

  Daqin Jiashi rushed in the starry night and finally arrived at Julu before Mao Shi.

  At the outskirts of Julu at this time, the Daqin sergeant led by Li Jian was bluffing, and Zhang Er inside was so frightened that he didn't dare to leave the camp to test.Just set up a fence of chariots around Julu's camp to guard against it.

  Seeing Zhang Er's formation, Li Jian sneered at the corner of his mouth.

  The troops he brought were simply not enough to besiege Zhao's entire army.If Zhang Er really had the courage to go out to fight, he would know his truth.

  But Zhang Er is just a scholar. If it weren't for this chaotic world, he would be just an aide shaking his lips in front of the royal palace Takako.The ability to truly lead troops into battle is not worth a beat.

  A quarter of a century later, an army soldier flew to report: Marshal Zhang Han's main force of Hangu Pass had arrived, and completed the encirclement of the Zhao army in the other direction.

  When Li Jian heard the news, he laughed and commanded: "Stop bluffing, tossing this night, I am also tired, take precautions and take time to rest."

  "No." The messenger agreed, and directly announced the order.

  Li Jian sorted out his armor, stepped on his horse and rushed towards Zhang Han.

  Although Zhang Han's army had just arrived, these soldiers were well-trained, camped, and organized.

  Seeing the state of Sergeant Daqin, Li Jian nodded secretly.Zhang Han and Zhang Er were both literati.But the ability of the two to lead troops is completely different.Just looking at it in turn, Zhang Han is the style of a famous general.And Zhang Er, in Li Jian's eyes, is only good at defending himself. As for attacking and killing the enemy, I am afraid he is not good at it.

  Li Jian flew to Zhang Han's tent, turned over and dismounted.

  Some soldiers had already seen Li Jian and hurriedly reported where Zhang Han was. At the same time, someone led Li Jian to the place where Zhang Han was.

  From far away, Li Jian saw Zhang Han.

  Because it just arrived, Zhang Han's handsome account has not yet been raised.He was surrounded by a few generals, and the torches around him showed the map in the middle of them.

  "You are in charge of the siege in the north; you two are in charge of the east, Li Jian is in charge of the south, and I am in charge of the west..., you two are in charge of finding Zhao Jun's grain route, and after finding it, intercept Zhao Jun's grain transporter... "Zhang Hand arranged these things in an orderly manner.

  "Marshal, see you Li Jian." Li Jian rushed over, clenched his fists towards Zhang Han, and immediately participated in Zhang Han's arrangement.

  "General Li Jian, you have been confusing Zhao Jun for nearly six hours. Tell me about the situation." Zhang Han asked.

  Li Jian glanced at everyone without being polite, pointed directly to the map of Zhao Jun's camp in front of Zhang Han and said, "Marshal, look at this ear, before I arrived, this ear formed a battle formation with chariots and surrounded the camp. The formation is conducive to defense. Looking at his deployment, I am afraid that he originally expected Bai Ba to attack the city, but he did not intend to lead the army to attack the city himself. It can be seen that it is ridiculous that King Zhao chose this person as the main commander."

  Zhang Han and the others followed with smiles, some approved of Li Jian's analysis, some shook their heads slightly...  

  "This person who is good at defending is not easy to attack. The final commander believes that this confrontation with Zhang Er will probably last for a few days. We are besieged like iron barrels and cut off their food supply. However, within a few days, Zhao Jun will definitely not Self-defeating." Li Jian went on to say his thoughts.

  After hearing Li Jian's analysis, most generals felt that it made sense.

  Zhang Han also nodded in approval of Li Jian's idea, pointed to the two generals beside him and said, "I thought so too, so I sent the two of them to find the enemy's food route. As long as the food route is found, Zhang's ears will be broken. bloodline."

  Li Jian looked at the two generals, they were both brave generals under Wang Ben's command.The two are brave, but if they want to complete the task of finding food, I am afraid they are not up to the task.

  He glanced around and asked: "Marshal, when the last general left Hangu Pass, he once instructed two generals to protect the marshal. Why are these two people not here now? Could it be that they died in battle?"

  When Zhang Han heard this, he cupped his hands and said to Li Jian, "Speaking of this, I really want to thank the general for being so careful. Did the general say Chen Ke and Wei Gui?"

  Li Jian nodded and replied, "Exactly, why didn't these two come?"

  "They not only saved my old life outside Hangu Pass, but also captured Bai Ba alive. This time, it can be regarded as a great achievement." Zhang Han smiled and continued: "It's just that Wei Gui suffered a little at that time. My son was slightly injured, so I asked him to stay at Hangu Pass."

  Li 3.8 Jian heard the words and wanted to continue to say something, but after looking at the surrounding generals, he had to give up.

  Zhang Han didn't think there was any difference, he just thought that these two might be Li Jian's former personal soldiers, and he was very concerned about it, and didn't think much about it.

  Several people continued to arrange the battles, and it was not until the sky was clear that the more than [-] soldiers of Daqin were set up.

  After a night of tossing, these soldiers are not only not tired, but also full of fighting spirit.

  "Soldiers, this is our first battle to besiege Zhang Er. Who is willing to go out and give us Daqin a lot of luck?" Zhang Han looked at the generals under the tent and asked proudly.

  Several generals heard the words and went forward to fight.

  But at the same time as they stepped forward, there was a figure that was faster, and someone said: "The last general will come to Julu first, and this first battle should be the last commander."

Chapter 447

  It was none other than Li Jian who spoke.

  Li Jian is a valiant general, and he is quite honest.As for Zhang Er's previous use, with his character, he was originally disdainful.But reason told him that Zhang Han's arrangement was right.

  Although right and wrong were clear, Li Jian felt aggrieved.

  Against Bai Ba, pretending to be injured and defeated.Besieging Zhang Er is really a bluff.

  These two things have accumulated in his heart for the past few days, and there is a feeling of unpleasantness.He needs war to vent his depression.Therefore, as soon as Zhang Han's general order came out, he immediately stepped forward, lest someone else steal the victory of the first battle.

  Zhang Han looked at Li Jian and asked with concern: "General was busy all night last night, why don't you take a rest."

  Li Jian shook his head stubbornly and said, "All the generals under the marshal, including the marshal himself, are not driving all night. Li Jianzheng is young and should be the first to fight."

  Zhang Han was also moved by his firmness.

  "Generals, if there is no objection, then let General Li play the first battle." Zhang Han glanced around and said.

  All the generals in the old army of Hangu Pass came quickly to know that Li Jian was brave, and several generals who followed Zhang Han had heard of Li Jian's name when they were in Wuguan, and they all wanted to see Li Jian's reputation. Below, is it worthy of the name.

  No matter what they were thinking, everyone 16 clasped their fists and cupped their hands to Li Jian, and said, "I'm fighting for General Li, and I wish General Li a victory."

  Li Jian smiled slightly, took the arrow that Zhang Han gave him, and left the camp.

  He returned to the camp where he belonged, ordered five thousand elite soldiers, and went straight to the camp.Challenge the South Gate of Zhang Er's Barracks.

  This battle, both sides know is a tentative attack.

  But since ancient times, people have paid attention to a lottery.Therefore, both sides in this first battle are in the heart of Xu Sheng but not allowing defeat.

  On Li Jian's side, the guns continued to fly, and the [-]-strong elite division was like an unsheathed sword, directly stabbing at the south gate of Zhang Er's army.

  Immediately, the three hundred soldiers of the scolding formation came out again, and the tidy and high scolding formation momentum immediately burned the Qin army's fighting spirit to the peak.

  Zhang Er had long expected that the Qin army would definitely make such a move, so the Zhao army had already prepared military horses and officers.

  The two generals of Zhao State, under Zhang Er's behest, fired their horns again and again.

  I saw the huge wooden doors of Zhao Jun's camp open to both sides, and at the same time, a bunch of men and horses rushed out with their pennants fluttering.These Zhao Jun are also well-trained, and immediately formed a defensive formation after rushing out of the barracks.

  The door flags were opened, and the two generals would dodge out from behind.

  These two are powerful, tall and strong, and they look exactly the same.Turned out to be twin brothers.Everyone held a long spear in their hands, with a proud look on their faces.

  Li Jian looked at the formation opposite, with a hint of coldness on the corner of his mouth.

  The opponent, Kaesong, put on a defensive formation, which first showed a lack of confidence.He didn't dare to start a decisive battle with the Qin army at all.

  In the battle between the two armies, in addition to the disparity in strength, more important is the psychological morale.If one side has a firm mentality, then in the process of facing the enemy, the morale will inevitably be insufficient.

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