Seeing Su Wen, a middle-aged man in a more luxurious dress walked over and waved his hand.

  "What are you doing here? Didn't you see the black cloth at the door? Go out, this village is infected with the plague."

  Seeing the obstruction of the hospital, Xiao He hurriedly stepped forward and said.

  "Hello, medical officer, I'm Xiao He, the head of Pei County. This young master Su is a genius doctor. This time, he's here to treat the plague for these villagers."

  After speaking, Xiao He set his eyes on Su Wen.


  The medical officer looked at Su Wen several times.

  But no matter how he looked at it, he felt that the young man in front of him was just a brother from a big family.

  What a genius doctor is a joke.

  Judging by his age, he was in his 20s.

  Could it be that he learned medicine in his mother's womb?

  In his opinion, the young man in front of him at most has learned a little bit of fur.

  I just wanted to find a place to show off myself.

  But he didn't say those words, because he could see that the young man in front of him was absolutely extraordinary.

  He's just a little medical officer, and he can't afford to offend him.

  After thinking about it, he bowed and said to Su Wen.

  "Young Master Su's kindness, I thank the villagers of Shuijing Village, but this plague is too dangerous, it's simply an incurable disease."

  "For many years, there have been many famous doctors who have tried to destroy them, but they have all failed in the end."

  "I think Su Gongzi is a dragon among people. You must not make mistakes. You should leave quickly."

  Su Wen glanced at him lightly, and then said.

  "I want to ask, since it's not cured, what do you do with those patients?"

  Right now, this person should come from the department of the Qin Dynasty that specializes in controlling plagues.

  However, according to Su Wen's memory, their so-called control is somewhat similar to the isolation of later generations.

  All patients are placed in a closed place.

  The difference is that in modern times, many doctors will find ways to help with treatment.

  And here is just staying together and waiting to die completely.

  Although it sounds cruel, it is the best method in this era of underdeveloped medicine.

  The result was not what Su Wen expected. When the medical officer heard his words, his face became a little ugly.

  "To be honest, Young Master Su, those patients are actually dead."

  "During these days, we will move all the patients into the same house, and when the day comes, we will burn the whole village down."

  Even the ancients knew that plague-carrying corpses had to be burned.

  Otherwise, once it spreads, it will cause even more terrible disasters. .

Chapter 40

  Before Su Wen spoke, Gao Yao couldn't help but speak.

  "What, burn it directly? Then some people haven't died yet, aren't they also burned directly to death."

  To a modern person, this is completely murder.

  This made Gao Yao, who has always been honest and responsible, couldn't stand it for a while.

  After Cui Wenzi heard Gao Yao's words, he couldn't help but sigh.

  "Oh, brother Gao Yao, you don't know something. After being infected with the plague, the pain suffered by patients is often worse than death."

  "As a doctor, I will try my best to find a way to cure every patient."

  "But if I put myself in my shoes, if I get a plague, it's better to die than to live in pain."

  "Furthermore, the plague is difficult to eradicate, so the bodies of the patients and the things they touched must be burned, so as to prevent more people from being infected."

  He is a doctor who has seen many lives and deaths in the decades.

  And he has been to more than one or two villages infected with the plague.

  Although with his medical skills, he saved some.

  But for so many people suffering from the plague, his strength is always a drop in the bucket.

  That's why he was so excited when he heard that Su Wen had a way to cure the plague and completely eliminate it.

  Because of his actions, I don't know how many lives he has saved.

  Su Wen also agreed with Cui Wenzi's words.

  He nodded towards Gao Yao and said meaningfully.

  "Gao Yao, Brother Cui, he's right, remember one thing, we are in Daqin now, so we can't stop thinking in the past."

  "You have to remember that if you want to survive here, you have to make yourself strong."

  This era is not the era of peace in the future.

  It is full of war, disease, and strife.

  And the people here are also full of all kinds of Ermi deceit.

  If you continue to live here with your previous thoughts, you will not only be bullied all the time, but may even die.

  Why is Gao Yao in the original plot so miserable?

  Except for the reason that Yi Xiaochuan was a fool.

  It also has a lot to do with his own cowardice.

  Later, he also understood this truth.

  Soon, by direct means, he became Zhao Gao step by step.

  Although Su Wen did not dislike Zhao Gao.

  But since Gao Yao is doing well now, there is no need to be that cunning person.

  However, the thinking must be changed as soon as possible.

  But with himself, he shouldn't be bullied.

  "Oh, I see, Su Wen."

  When Gao Yao heard Su Wen's words, he nodded very seriously.

  "Ah That's good."

  Su Wen replied to Gao Yao, and then turned his attention to the patient in the open space.

  Smallpox virus is a highly contagious virus.

  People who have never suffered from smallpox, regardless of gender, age, or child, including newborns, can be infected with the smallpox virus.

  It is mainly transmitted through droplet inhalation or direct contact.

  When a person is infected with the smallpox virus, there will be an incubation period of about 10 days.

  After the incubation period, the patient will have a very acute onset, usually with headache, back pain, chills or chills. High fever and other symptoms are the main symptoms.

  At the same time, it will be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, constipation, insomnia and other symptoms.

  After 3 to 5 days of onset, the patient developed a large rash on the forehead, cheeks, wrists, arms, trunk and lower extremities.

  It started as a red rash, then turned into papules, 2 to 3 days later, the papules turned into herpes, and later the herpes turned into pustules.

  2 to 3 days after the formation of pustules, the pustules gradually dry and shrink into a thick scab. After about a month, the scab begins to fall off, leaving scars, commonly known as "pockmarks".

  Severe smallpox patients are often accompanied by complications, which is the main cause of death caused by smallpox.

  Most of those patients in the open space have grown a lot of herpes around their bodies.

  If it is not treated, I am afraid that Su Wen will not be able to save him by then.

  So he ignored the medical officer on the side and walked directly towards the patient in the open space.

  "Young Master Su, you can't go."

  Seeing that Su Wen was actually walking towards those patients, the medical officer immediately wanted to step forward to stop them.

  But he was quickly stopped by Xiao He.

  "Lord Medical Officer, Young Master Su is really a genius doctor, so please don't try to stop him."

  Seeing Xiao He stop him, the medical officer was also anxious.

  However, he is just a medical officer, and he does not know martial arts at all, so he can't ask Xiao He for a while.

  "You, you, what a nonsense, he will be infected."

  Cui Wenzi on the side glanced at them, then said a word and walked towards Su Wen.

  "Hey, Brother Xiao, he will ask you, and the old man will also go over to check it out."

  "Brother Xiao, let me wait here with you, I can't help you anyway."

  Gao Yao knew that he couldn't be of much help.

  And he himself was a little afraid of the plague, so he didn't follow Su Wen, but kept looking around from a distance. .

Chapter 41

  "Doctor Su, how is the situation? Can it be cured?"

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