After speaking, he walked to the place where he put his coat without looking back. He knew that he was at the end of the construction site. .

Chapter 568

  Bai Ba's performance made Li Jian feel amused, and he casually pointed at Xiong Zhuang, Xiao Zhuang, and bald-headed Qiang with a disgraced face, and said loudly, "Frontier recruitment, the three of you have been selected, leave immediately."

  The lieutenant in charge of the construction of the academy didn't ask too many questions at all.They are all on death row, and it doesn't matter whether they die in prison or on the battlefield.Because Li Jian showed him the edict from the emperor as soon as he came, it was definitely not fake.

  In this way, the four Bai Ba were brought into the army by Li Jian.

  At this moment, in Li Jian's camp, Yan San'er, the founder of the army, was coming to see his brother off.Li Jian asked the military officer to take charge of receiving Bai Ba and others first, and he went to see Yan San'er first.

  After the military officer received the new clothes and accessories, the sword and sword, the four people were arranged into the army.

  Xiong Zong looked at the bald head fiercely, but unfortunately he was in the army at this time, and because of military discipline, he could not kill anyone casually.Otherwise, the old bear's big knife must be looking at the strong bald head.

  Bald-headed Qiang felt the same way about Lao Xiong, but the bigger emotion in his heart was that he didn't have to face the autumn final.It was a life-suck, and he still doesn't know why Bai Ba asked Li Jian to take him with him when he left.

  Xiaozhuang didn't care. He was a natural escape. Although he had never killed anyone, he thought he was good at swordsmanship and should have no problem dealing with battle formations.At this time, he said to Bai Ba easily: "Xiao Bai, are we going to kill at night and really give our lives to the army?"

  Xiong Zun no longer stared at the bald head at this moment, and said mysteriously: "Xiao Bai, we are a life-changing friendship in prison, you can say what you think."

  The warmth on Bai Ba's face rose again.With a sigh, he threw Chang Ge to the ground.Squat down.Except for the bald head who stood far away, both Xiaozhuang and Xiong Zhuang squatted over.Gathered together and waited for Bai Ba to say that he wanted to raise the flag and rebel.

  "I thought about it for a long time. Although I fought against the Daqin army before, but every time it was a disastrous defeat. Emperor Qin had many chances to kill me, but he never killed me. Now Li Jian can take me out of the death row, no The permission of the current emperor is absolutely impossible. Thinking about it now, my grandfather's death may have been wronged, but it was also caused by the first emperor, and has nothing to do with the current little emperor. If I am unified today, I will bring you to rebel again. It is too much. I’m selfish. In this world, rebellion has no good end. Now I want to take revenge, that is, to do good deeds in the army, to be named a prince and a general, and then to earn more imperial salaries, the more I earn, the more revenge is.” . "Bai Ba said indifferently, as if he was talking about other people's affairs.

  Listening to Bai Ba's heartfelt words, Xiaozhuang and Xiong Zhuang's expressions gradually softened.according to their temperament.If Bai Ba wants to rebel, they will definitely help.As a result, several people know about it, and there is no other way to get rid of death.Now that Bai Ba has no intention of rebelling.It means that the living in this military camp can be continued, according to the skills of a few people, if not a little bit of back.Earning fame is not a problem.

  The bald head on the side is also secretly relieved at this time.When the three of them talked about the rebellion just now, they didn't carry him behind their backs.This shows that he is not a threat in the hearts of the three of them.There are only dead people in this world who are not a threat.

  "The bald head is strong. We are inexhaustible enemies in prison. Now that we have come out, we will give you a chance. On the battlefield. There are no underworld black guns. Let's see who can die in the hands of whom." Bai Ba Looking at the strong bald head, he said coldly.

  Xiong Zhuang and Xiaozhuang looked at the bald head. Although they wanted to make a move, they couldn't surpass the military regulations or the white tyrants.

  The bald head stared at a few people, and after a long while, he cupped his hands, and the flesh on his face did not move at all, but he said, "I owe you a life today. I will let you live and die in another day."

  With that said, he turned around and applied for another transfer with the military officer on the other side.

  Li Jian just threw Bai Ba into the army, and didn't go to see him again or give him any extra care.He believed that with Bai Ba's arrogance and ability, he would not disdain to help himself, and he would emerge from the army in the shortest possible time.

  Li Jian's army did not set off in a hurry, but waited until Wei Huo's army came over and the three brothers gathered together briefly before they said goodbye with fists.The three of them were all from the military, so naturally they would not say goodbye to tears.

  Yan San'er sent two identical imperial edicts to Li Jian and Wei Huo.The words in it are naturally gorgeous, but the three generals have no sense of anything other than the neatness of the confrontation, except for one sentence that made them feel a sense of pride in their hearts: "Those who offend me in China's summer will surely be far away. Execute. Those who kidnap my people in the Central Plains, I will enslave them."

  In the final analysis, it is to repay the body of the person with the way of the person.

  From these two sentences, Li Jian and Wei Huo keenly sensed His Majesty the Emperor's determination to conquer alien races, and in that determination, there was a bitter taste and aura.

  This sub-breath is very suitable for the appetite of military generals.

  Li Jian and Wei Huo parted halfway, and the two of them handed farewell to each other. When they parted, they gave each other a sentence: "If you offend me in Huaxia, even if you are far away, you will be punished. If you kidnap my people in the Central Plains, I will enslave them. "

  With the advance of the army, these two words spread in the army.

  Bai Ba, who was walking with the army, heard that these words came from the edict written by Emperor Qin himself, and couldn't help being shocked by the meaning of these two sentences.Before Da Qin, the Central Plains were chaotic and chaotic, and aliens also took the opportunity to spy on them.But none of the former Seven Kingdoms hegemons thought about the common people in China, they only cared about their own ancestral temples and shrines.

  "If the [-] soldiers killed by our ancestors were not soldiers of Zhao State but Hu people, they would definitely not be called 'human slaughter'. The emperor today is a clear master, and everything is for the sake of the Chinese people." Bai Ba Inwardly sigh.

  Xiong Shi and the bald strong people did not understand the deep meaning of this sentence, but the killing (so good) spirit contained in it deeply infected them.

  The two majestic Qin troops marched to the northern border of Daqin in such a mighty manner.

  At this time, Modun Shanyu outside the northern border was meeting several businessmen from Daqin in the south.These merchants were the salt merchants of the Qin people on the grasslands.After Mao Dun unified the Hu clan, Xiongxiong's ambitions could not be suppressed long ago. If Meng Tian hadn't been deterred, he would have launched a tentative attack on Da Qin.

  Now that autumn is coming, the grass is long and the horses are fat and the cavalry is ruthless. It is when the swords enter Qin.

  Modun had already begun to prepare to attack Qin State in a big way, but he needed an excuse to attack Qin State.He was trying to create an excuse, and the person who brought him this excuse was Xiang Yu's general, Zhong Liying.

  Zhong Liying knew the topography and climate of the Central Plains. If this person could use it for himself, he would have more control over attacking Daqin.Mao Dun thought about it, Zhong Liying had been raising him for half a year, and this was the time to hire people. .

Chapter 569

  Just in the fall, the Imperial College in Daqin opened with the sound of gongs and drums. , which marked the beginning of Daqin academics.Legalism, Taoism, Confucianism -- scholars from hundreds of schools of thought can debate freely in the Faculty of Letters of Daqin Imperial College, and various ideological trends continue to collide and shine.

  In the Kewu Academy, originally only Li Ke brought a few students here.But after the construction of the Imperial College was completed, the Gongshujia and the Mo family were killed in the Kewu Academy.The Kewu Academy, which was originally the most depressed, was instantly crowded.

  After Su Wen personally announced himself as the dean of the Daqin Imperial College, the whole college was boiling... More talents came to Xianyang, wanting to enter the Imperial College where the Daqin Emperor himself was the dean.

  For a time, Xianyang City was full of various characters, some with talents and abilities, some with abilities, and each showed their strengths.A scene of prosperity.

  Gongluo Yixin was the later construction of the School of Cooking, while Motianyuan opened a Xiangtaiju home furnishing store in Xianyang under Su Wen's edict, which sold all kinds of tables, chairs, benches and dressers.

  The people of the Mo family are worthy of being the best craftsmen in the world. After Su Wen gave a simple table and chair drawings, they carried it forward and added their own design ideas, especially in the place where every table and chair furniture does not affect the beauty and conspicuousness. A drop of ink is engraved, and in the center of the ink is engraved the corner of the 313 Xianyang Palace, a royal atmosphere instantly makes the originally delicate furniture even taller.

  For a while, the Xungui's house in Xianyang City almost must have the furniture of Xiangtaiju.If that noble house did not have the furniture of Xiangtaiju, it would be looked down upon by all the aristocratic families and thought that it was not a real Daqin noble.

  As for those rich businessmen.There is no noble title, and I want to buy furniture from Xiangtaiju.It's like a toad wants to eat swan meat, not to mention ordinary people.

  Sumida Yuan wanted to open up a lot of sales of Xiangtaiju furniture several times.Suwen just doesn't allow it.The reason for this has been told to Mo Tianyuan long ago. It is necessary to satisfy the appetite of the rich. If there are furniture engraved on the corner of Xianyang Palace in Xiangtai Residence, it will be worthless.Therefore, it will not be available for sale in the future, nor can it be engraved with the symbol of the royal family.

  Naturally, courtiers objected to such a thing, believing that it was a desecration of royal dignity.But Suwen said that this is the brand effect of royal dignity, which is more grounded.His Majesty the Emperor said so, naturally no one dared to object.Especially when several of the ministers came home and saw the furniture of Xiangtaiju (bgdi) engraved with the corner of the palace, they felt a lot of face.It also died down.

  After Meng Tian was buried, Meng Yi left the Xianyang Imperial Capital again. He couldn't worry about his hard work over the past year, and he wanted to watch the particles return to the warehouse with his own eyes.As a result, Meng Yi's emaciated figure reappeared on the entire land of Daqin, and Xu Hui, a farmer behind him, followed closely. The two of them were measuring the vast territory of Daqin.

  Seeing that an autumn is about to pass peacefully, when the cool wind is gradually blowing from the north, a good news and a bad news spread to the Xianyang Imperial Capital at the same time.

  Su Wen opened two memorials in a row in Wuxin Hall, the first one was from the northern territories.For the first time, Jiuyuan County, guarded by Li Jian, was harassed by a small group of Xiongnu cavalry.Fortunately, Li Jian defended properly, so that the Xiongnu cavalry who invaded Jiuyuan County did not get much oil and water, leaving a dozen corpses and escaped from the border of Daqin.

  There were also Xiongnu cavalry in Yanmen and Daijun where Wei Huo was stationed, but they just saw the Daqin army formation.These Xiongnu cavalry retreated at a touch, without making too much contact.

  Su Wen put down the memorial and sighed: "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop."

  The two memorials from Li Jian and Wei Huo were handed over to Liu Mo and Li Si, who were counselors in government affairs in Wuxin Hall.

  "It's only a matter of time before the Huns are restless. I just didn't expect them to be so impatient. It seems that Mo Dun has a lot of ambition." Li Si closed the memorial on his hand, and his face darkened.

  Liu Mo nodded.He knew about war, and the two brothers were better than him.Not much talking.

  "Report! The South Road Army Marquis Li Yuan's memorial has arrived." Outside the Wuxin Hall.The old servant made an uncharacteristically loud report.

  "Huh?" Su Wen's heart sank slightly. Li Yuan was in charge of the process of pacifying the civil unrest in Daqin. Although he was young, he already had that kind of general demeanor.After the country was unified again, Su Wen ordered Li Yuan to go south and pay close attention to the changes of Zhao Tuo's army in Lingnan.Now that his memorial has been so notified by the old inner servant, it shows that there is a major event.

  "Quickly present the memorial." Su Wen ordered.

  "Yes." The old maid responded.

  Originally, when Da Qin played the pair, the response was 'Hi' or 'Nuo', but Su Wen didn't hear it well.Especially which 'Hi' gave him the feeling that he had traveled to the Kingdom of Devils.Every time he heard Hi, Su Wen scolded the little devil in his heart. A word that was not used by his ancestors for a long time actually allowed them to carry on into future generations.When he thinks of devils, Su Wen thinks of Xu Fu, who brought virgins and virgins to seek immortality during the First Emperor's time.

  The head of this alchemist and liar actually used the money and manpower of the previous emperor to go to the Ryukyu Islands, and even landed on the island of Japan, which is still a barren land.If you don't fundamentally solve this problem, I am afraid that the people of Li people will be unavoidable in future generations.

  After the inland of the Daqin Empire was stabilized, the wolves in the northern grasslands were repelled, and the people who were not ministers in the Nanling Mountains were killed, it was time for the Daqin soldiers to go east and destroy Xu Fu.

  Soon, the person sent by Li Yuan to send the memorial came to the hall.This is a [-]-year-old sergeant, with big eyes on a square face, and there is a calm and wise light shining inside, without the slightest smell of a soldier.

  Su Wen deliberately glanced at the generous military man, and asked the old servant to take the memorial and present it first.

  When I opened the memorial, I saw that the font on it was a little messy. It was undoubtedly Li Yuan's font, but Li Yuan's memorial has always been the most neat, and the font is correct, and there is a general and heroic spirit in the square.Now this memorial is indeed written in Li Yuan's words, but it has lost that calmness and is rather rough.

  Looking at the content of the memorial, Su Wen's originally indifferent face suddenly showed a happy look.His hand holding the memorial was slightly trembling, because Li Yuan was not the only one in the memorial, there was even a memorial, and this memorial came from Lingnan.

  Li Yuan briefly introduced the situation in Lingnan, saying that after several contacts with Zhao Tuo, he had successfully persuaded Zhao Tuo to return to the embrace of Da Qin.

  The second memorial chapter is from Zhao Tuo in Lingnan, and the writing on it is sharp, and at first glance it is written by a hero. .

Chapter 570

  Zhao Tuo's memorial probably means that when the chaos in Daqin first appeared and disputes broke out, in order to protect the local Daqin people from war, Lingnan did not send troops to be involved in the world's disputes. , Now that the world is reverted to Daqin's unity, the Lingnan army is still willing to return to Daqin's rule.After expressing this intention, Zhao Tuo wrote later: The minister was in the countryside of Lingnan, and after hearing the two words written by His Majesty to the soldiers in the north, the envoy finally made up his mind to return to Daqin.Every time I hear Your Majesty's 'offend me Huaxia's prestige, although far away will be executed; I will enslave my Daqin people captive. 'The rhetoric of rhetoric, the minister will be in vain.These words are the battle song of my Daqin sergeant.The ultimate mission of our generation of soldiers is to maintain national security, preserve the caste, and not be bullied by foreigners.Today, there are two sentences from Your Majesty who are at the bottom, and the minister dares to return to the Great Qin!

  Zhao Tuo's words seemed to come from the bottom of his heart, so Su Wen had to nod his head.Although this person closed the passage of Lingnan at the most difficult time of Daqin, and he held a heavy army but did not reinforce one soldier or one soldier to the mainland, but today he took the initiative to surrender because of two sentences, which is also a good thing.First appease Lingnan, and then slowly decide.

  "Zhao Tuo of Lingnan is still one of my great Qin people. To have this memorial, I don't want to ask about the past. Li Si, if you compile an edict, Lingnan will probably ask Li Yuan and Liu Mo to go together." Su Wenyan There was a gleam of light in it, and Lingnan and the Xiongnu were the two major scourges in his heart.In order to consolidate the Daqin Jiangshan, Lingnan and the Xiongnu must be pacified.Now Zhao Tuo of Lingnan has chosen to surrender, and the rest are the Xiongnu in the north.

  Modun Chanyu also left a deep impression in history and is a real hero on the grasslands.When he was alive, the Han Dynasty had no other way to deal with the Huns except with relatives.It was not until later that two famous generals, Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, appeared.The Xiongnu's suffering was relieved a little.However, the Han Dynasty also labored the people and hurt the wealth, and the national strength was declining.

  Now Zhao Tuo has surrendered.Daqin can finally regroup and use all his troops on the frontier troubles in the north.

  "I don't think you look like an ordinary correspondent. Tell me your name. Have you heard of it?" Su Wen looked at the military man with a square face in the middle of the hall. If it wasn't for Li Yuan's general order, he would not have the right to go directly to the hall to submit a memorial. Reported.

  When the square-faced man saw Emperor Qin's question, he immediately stepped forward half a step, clasped his fists and saluted, and said humbly, "The humble name is Li Zuoche, and Li Yuan is my younger brother. It made His Majesty laugh."

  Su Wen's eyes lit up, Li Zuoche, this is also a legendary figure in history.Although Taishigong did not have a separate biography for Li Zuoche.But reading between the lines, one can see that Li Zuoche is a talent.This person was supposed to be under Zhang Er and Chen Yu of Zhao State, but now history has strayed from the original trajectory, causing Zhang Er and Chen Yu to die early in battle, and Li Zuoche has no news.Unexpectedly, he went to defect to Li Yuan and returned to Da Qin's command early.

  "Li Zuoche, I will give you a chance to analyze how Daqin will use troops in the future?" Su Wen asked directly.

  Both Li Si and Liu Mo were slightly taken aback.Although the military man in charge of delivering the letter looked extraordinary, the emperor just listened to his name and asked directly, and it was such a general military matter.Somewhat Menglang-.

  Liu Mo even thought of the rumors about the emperor's release of Han Xin, but he released Han Xin after hearing Han Xin's words, and he really got a handsome man for Da Qin.Could it be that the emperor is more powerful now.Just hearing the name of Li Zuoche, you can judge that this person is a pillar - a talent?

  In the two doubts.That Li Zuoche did not panic and bowed to Su Wen with the etiquette of a courtier, and said, "Daqin is now peaceful in the world. This autumn is another year of Dafeng. Listening to what Your Majesty just said, Zhao Tuo in the south has converted to Daqin. The only things I can think about now are the Xiongnu on the northern grasslands. Daqin's troops will definitely point to the grasslands. If the ministers are right, I am afraid that the northern border has already begun to be haunted by Xiongnu cavalry."

  "Go ahead." Su Wen nodded, affirming Li Zuoche's statement.

  "This minister believes that the Xiongnu on the grasslands are short-sighted. The previous offenders were all looted, and there is no plan to occupy the land of the Central Plains for a long time. Such an enemy has no fundamental threat, but it makes people very headache. Like acne on the body, It's not fatal, but it smells like pus, which is disgusting. It has to be removed quickly. If you want to solve the problem of the Xiongnu once and for all, it is far from being explained by a single minister. The so-called wise man has a thousand thoughts, but he must make a mistake, fool Thousands of considerations, there must be something. As long as Your Majesty cultivates the heart of benevolence and virtue, and treats the world with great virtue, the people with lofty ideals from all over the world will definitely return to their hearts.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  The minister heard that His Majesty established the Great Qin Imperial College, and all the schools of the previous dynasty, except for those who studied the skills of organs, were all placed in the College of Letters.This is considered inappropriate by the minister.The other schools are also fine, the military family can't join the College of Letters and the Academy of Kewu.In the Daqin Imperial College, there should be a place for the military.The minister asked His Majesty to set up a military academy. The minister was not talented, so he recommended himself and was willing to teach in the military academy. "Li Zuoche said so much, and finally expressed his thoughts.

  Su Wen sighed. In history, after Han Xin was killed by Liu Bang, Li Zuoche lived in seclusion in his hometown and devoted himself to cultivating Taoism.It is really flesh that is born from bones, and now he is about to live in seclusion in the Daqin Imperial College and become a teacher.But this guy is right, among the hundreds of schools of thought, everyone can be assigned to the Faculty of Letters, only the Mo family and the military family cannot.

... . . .

  Mohism was the most advanced school of science and technology in ancient times, and it was a practical school.The strategist is a national weapon and must be treated with caution.

  Sun Wu, the sage of soldiers, once said: Soldiers are the major events of the country, the place of life and death, and the way of life and death, which must be observed.If possible, the military family should not only be divided into a house in the Daqin Imperial College, but should be a system of its own.All the advanced methods of the Daqin Imperial College will serve the military as soon as possible.The premise is that this soldier is completely subordinate to Su Wen and the interests of the Daqin Empire.

  "Li Zuoche, I know your ability and your intentions. It's not difficult for the military family to become an academy. I have already prepared a large area in the Daqin Imperial College, which is assigned to the military family, but the name needs to be changed. If you change it, let's call it a martial arts hall." Su Wen said.

  "Let's talk about martial arts!" Li Zuoche repeated, his eyes shining with hope, and said, "Can I teach you?"

  Su Wen nodded and said, "If you are like Mr., it is the honor of Daqin to teach martial arts teachers for Daqin. It's just that what I need are people who can fight, not people who talk about soldiers on paper. You have to give me an answer. ."

  Li Zuoche clasped his fists and folded his hands with joy.Only Li Si and Liu Mozhang and the second King Kong are unclear.

  No one will understand, except for Su Wen who knows that Li Zuoche is a strange man in history, I am afraid that no one in this world will know.Small.

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