Some people are running around in the chaos, being trampled to death.More were ripped apart by shell fragments.

  A few Roman archers shot the last arrow of their lives at the Qin army camp in a time that could not be fired.

  It's a pity that after their bodies were torn apart by the shells, the arrows without the Lord fell into the open space.They are not yet within the effective range of the bow.

  Seeing this situation, Koons in the back couldn't hold back his fire. With a roar, he suddenly jumped up with a height of two feet and two feet. The giant axe in his hand was in the air, and he protested against the Daqin camp.

  The charge of life.

  Behind him, the Roman soldiers roared furiously.

  This battle for the Romans is simply too embarrassing.They need the leadership of a warrior like Koons. As long as they can rush into the Qin army camp, they will have a strong momentum and make the Roman army.

  Have spiritual support.

  "Blow the trumpet to Koons." Bassa stood on the high platform of the barracks, holding two drumsticks, and banged the war drum.

  The Roman camp was boiling, and all were cheering on their warrior Koons.

  Five thousand Roman soldiers marched forward, holding javelins and spears in their hands, and charged towards the Daqin army formation like a wind and tiger.

  Looking at the Roman soldiers who were full of chest hair but were reluctant to wear breastplates, Da Qin's infantrymen showed sympathy in their eyes.They are very fortunate that they are from Daqin's side.

  Horrible cannons, simply self-destruction.

  "Let it go!" Xin Zhao waved the battle flag in his hand, and the Qin army's artillery array roared again.

  Cannonballs drew lines of fire in mid-air and fell towards the Roman charging army.

  The head of Koons's eyes were red, seeing the cannonballs falling in the sky, he roared, and the giant axe in his hand suddenly smashed towards the flying cannonballs.

  With a "bang", the round shell did not have an explosive device to trigger it, and it was shot by him and flew out, falling into the Roman army behind, making a dull explosion.

  Koons's hands were almost dislocated by the huge inertial shock of the cannonball.But he still gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

  Some of the Roman soldiers behind him tried to block the cannonballs with their shields, but that kind of strength was only able to fight against Kunsishan.

  In the explosion of the bullet, flesh and blood flew.

  When the second round of shells hit, Koons swung the giant axe again. He believed that he could smash the shells and rushed to the Qin army camp to kill.

  But this time he wasn't so lucky.

  At the moment when the giant axe and the cannonball came into contact, the flying cannonball exploded in front of him.

  In the roar, Koons's giant axe flew directly into the air, his upper body was directly torn by the shell, and the explosion was blurred.And his lower body slammed to the ground, blood irrigating the ground.

  ".. Koons is dead!"

  "The Qin people's magic is amazing!"

  With this sound, the Roman soldiers no longer charged foolishly, but (good Lee's) retreated like a tide.

  The [-] soldiers led by Koons had lost more than [-] in this moment, and only more than [-], dragging their bruised bodies, ran away from the Roman camp.

  Seeing that Koons was torn apart by the shell, Wei Huo put down the spear in his hand.At the same time, the military crossbows in the hands of the Daqin infantrymen beside him were also put away.

  He had already seen the tall figure of Koons, and also saw Koons shoot the first shell.If Koons can really rush over, he will face the overwhelming military crossbow shooting of Daqin.

  .Even if he is lucky enough to survive, he will be shot through the heart by Wei Huo.

  The Qin army won again, and the momentum was high.The Qin artillerymen raised their eyebrows.

  Barcelona lost [-] people in two charges, and their faces were cold. Before they stepped off the stage, they ordered Zhong Limei and the other three to be tied up.

  He believed that when the three of them came to attack Daqin, they were sent to death by Roman soldiers.Such people must be killed. .

Chapter 633

  After Bassa conveyed the order to arrest the three, he did not return to the central army, but raised his huge broadsword and rushed outside the barracks. He wanted to personally lead the troops to fight against the Daqin soldiers.

  After two consecutive defeats, the morale of the Roman army fell to the bottom.

  As a veteran, Barcelona understands that in large-scale operations now, it can only be defeated.He thought of a solution to the problem, a duel.

  In Rome, there were times when duels were used to resolve local problems between the two armies.He didn't know if Daqin had such a rule, so now he can only bite the bullet and try.

  "Call an interpreter here," Barça roared.

  Interpreter trotted out from the most hidden corner, stood beside Bassa, but looked at Daqin's position in the distance with uneasy eyes. He was very frightened by Daqin's artillery.

  "I want to duel, tell them, I want to duel." Bassa roared, waving the huge broadsword in his hand.

  The interpreter nodded again and again, someone had already given him a white flag.He trembled toward the Daqin army formation.

  Wei Huo also saw this man walking between the battlefields of the two armies.

  There was only one person, and it was easy to tell that this was the call from Rome.

  "General of Daqin ahead, don't use magic, I'm the interpreter, I'm here to send a message," the interpreter waved the white flag and said tremblingly.

  The Daqin soldiers couldn't help but burst into laughter after hearing what kind of magic he described the cannon as.

  "If you have anything to say, just say it, you alone can't let us cast magic." Wei Huo said coldly.The reason why he didn't explain the cannon, but followed the interpreter's mouth and said that it was magic, it was physical

  It will be until the second emperor Su Wen does not want the secret of the cannon to be revealed.

  "Our general has a proposal. Since they are all men, they should fight like men instead of using magic. If there are still men in Daqin, and there are people who want to fight like men, then

  Agree to our General Bassa's proposal and fight him. ' shouted the interpreter bravely.

  There was a sneer on Wei Huo's mouth.These long-haired ghosts couldn't fight hard, so they started thinking about one-on-one.They must think that my Daqin man is not as strong as them, and his strength is definitely not as strong as theirs


  "General, ignore them. They are generals like birds? In this case, they only have the right to be beaten by us, and they have no right to speak. Our cannons have been aimed at this group of leaders.

  Spear Ghost's military camp, as long as the general gives an order, a few salvos will blow up their crap. Xin Zhao listened to the unbelievable words on the other side, and immediately discussed with Wei Huo in a low voice.

  Wei Huo nodded and said, "My Daqin, every soldier's life is worth more than the entire military camp of the spear ghost. It's a dream to try to earn my Daqin soldiers by dueling."

  "The general is right, don't mind them, I'm going to fire the cannon, the motherfucker." Xin Zhao immediately turned around and was about to fire the cannon.

  Wei Huo stretched out his hand, grabbed Xin Zhao, smiled and said: "That's what I said, but if there is no one in our Qin Dynasty to let them know that we are powerful, these spear ghosts will not be easily convinced.

  lost.I'm going to meet their Barça general. "

  Just as Xin Zhao was about to dissuade him, Wei Huo had already said to the interpreter, "Tell your general Barça, and a duel is a duel."

  When the interpreter heard this, he ran back immediately if there was a general amnesty.Tell Barcelona the news here.

  Bassa listened, snorted coldly, carried a huge broad sword, and walked towards the battlefield.

  Xin Zhao was so anxious that he rubbed his hands together. If either Meng Hang or Upu were there, they could go up and fight this Roman general.He has no confidence in Wei Huo.Xin Zhao has been studying in the Qin Empire

  Studying in the academy, I have never seen how ruthless Wei Huo is.

  Seeing Xin Zhao's anxious look, Wei Huo blinked and said with a smile, "Don't worry, this Marquis of mine was shot with one knife and one shot. Although that spear ghost is big, he can't help but hit him."

  After saying this, Wei Huo turned over and jumped off the horse.He stretched out his hand and picked up his spear, and walked towards Barça.

  "Whether he beats me down or I beat him, bombard the Roman camp immediately." Wei Huo left this sentence.

  Xin Zhao looked at Wei Huo, nodded, and immediately adjusted the muzzle.

  Barcelona arrived at the center of the battlefield earlier than Wei Huo. He looked at Wei Huo's not very strong body and was full of confidence.

  "This kind of yellow-skinned dwarf, if it weren't for magic, I could cut two off with one sword." Bassa cursed secretly in his heart.

  Interpreter stood beside Barcelona, ​​looking like he was going to run away at any time.

  "You (bgdi) are the generals of Rome?" Wei Huo looked at Barcelona coldly.

  The interpreter translated immediately.

  Bassa nodded and said, "Let's duel today, there is no bet, it's just that I, the Romans and the Qin people, will have a contest without magic."

  Wei Huo shook his head and said: "The duel was proposed by you, so naturally there will be some luck. I have already decided unilaterally. If you lose, we will release the magic, and then you will be in the camp.

  It's a sea of ​​fire. "

  Bassa's face turned green when he heard the interpreter's words.Although he was confident of winning, he was still uneasy, and gave the interpreter a color, meaning to hurry back to the camp and inform the Roman soldiers.

  Retreat quickly to avoid losses.

  Tong Yi is also a smart person, he nodded and bowed to Wei Huo before withdrawing.

  What kind of character is Wei Huo?With a sneer, he moved.

  Barça's broad sword immediately waved, trying to block.

  Wei Huo's spear lightly tapped on the ground, his feet exerted force, and the man flew directly over Bassa's head like a big roc bird.

  The long spear stabbed at the same time, and the interpreter has been with the army for many years, and he is also a good hand. He didn't even make a move to dodge, and Wei Huo's long spear pierced his chest and back.

  Bassa roared, and his subordinates were killed by this Qin man at the moment when his broad sword cut out the block.It was an insult, and he couldn't take it.

  In the roar, he swung his sword again, with a whistling wind, and slashed towards Wei Huo.

  Wei Huo calmly dodged Barca's giant sword, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became stronger and stronger.

  Only at this moment did he know that the skills of these tall spear ghosts to fight are so simple.People like them go head-to-head, not to mention themselves, that is, there are many generals in their army who can beat him


  Seeing that Barça's sword fell again, Wei Huo suddenly took a step back and let the broad sword pass in front of him.The spear in his hand pierced like lightning.

  The spear is very simple, there are no moves, it is a stab.It's just that the speed of the stab is too fast.The two shots that Wei Huo stabbed almost turned into a shadow of one shot.

  With two chirps, Barca's wrist and shoulder were shot at almost the same time, and blood came out instantly.

  Wei Huo raised his foot and kicked Bassa to the ground. The point of the gun was aimed at Bassa's throat, and he sneered: "You can hit ten times before I practice stabbing."

  Barcelona didn't know what Wei Huo was talking about. He knew that if he lost the opponent, he would release magic.The thought of his soldiers being shattered by the flames of magic made him scream in urgency.


  Wei Huo ignored him at all, put away the gun, turned around and left.

  From the position of Daqin, there was a roar.Countless artillery shells arced under the sky towards the Roman camp.

  Wei Huo took a big step and walked towards his direction under the whistling cannonball.

  Barca barely supported his body and turned around to see the Roman military camp that had already been engulfed in flames. .

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