A hint of panic flashed in the blue eyes of the Holy Maiden: "I want to live! I have seen those Ye clans who were played with and discarded by Touman. Their status is not as good as that of pigs and dogs. I don't want to die!"

  Su Wen touched the hilt of the horizontal knife: "Be careful and don't play around with it. If I ask you to roast meat, then you will roast meat. If there is a second time, I guarantee that you will be worse than those Ye clan that Touman abandoned!".

Chapter 637

  The night shrouded the world, and the flickering firelight clustered around Longcheng. Hunger was like the ghost of the dead Huns, tormenting the Huns who were under the knife for the rest of their lives.

  Since ancient times, captives were not allowed to eat enough, and could only be given to the slaughtered grains of grass.

  This is a lesson learned by countless ancient warriors with the blood that can dye the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers red.

  Su Wen naturally complied, but he also felt that the roasted leg of lamb of the Huns' sacrificial saint was delicious!

  After all, there are not so many seasonings in this era, so simple craftsmanship has become very necessary.

  "Should the army take these treasures back in place, or venture through the hinterland of the Xiongnu and go directly to the Great Wall?" Su Wen began to discuss this issue with Meng Tian.

  Meng Tian washed off the oil stains on his hands, and thought about it for a while, then said: "Your Majesty, why don't you ask this holy girl who sacrifices to heaven first."

  After hearing Meng Tian's words, the graceful body of the holy goddess of sacrifice to heaven trembled uncontrollably. She had seen Meng Tian's intentions and actions to kill her before, how could she not be afraid?

  "Come here!" Su Wen beckoned, and the Holy Maiden hurriedly knelt in front of Su Wen obediently: "What's the master's order?"

  Su Wen smiled contemptuously: "How many soldiers and horses did Touman bring to the south?"

  "A total of [-] troops." The Heavenly Sacrifice Saint was a little disappointed, and the Emperor Qin looked at her beauty as if he was looking at dead bones.

  Not only disgust, but also a trace of concealed and depressed killing intent.

  This made her more and more uneasy. She had seen too many people, but there were very few such people, but such people were also the most terrifying people. They were usually moody, and killing people was like a child's play.

  Obviously, this is the case with the emperor.

  "[-]..." Meng Tian pondered for a moment, then asked, "Mainly under the tent of King Touman?"

  "Indeed." The Holy Maiden Sacrifice said: "Among the rest of the Hun kings, all of them responded to Touman's orders, but the people under the account of King Xiutu and King Hunxie suffered heavy losses and were not recruited." "

  Meng Tian thought about it for a while, then reached out and took a bone, placed it on the carpet and gestured:

  "Your Majesty, the northern section of Langshan Mountain in Yinshan is the pasture of King Hunxie, and in the Daqingshan generation, it is the pasture of King Xiutu.

  These two were considered the most powerful among all the Huns, and almost all the pastures north of Yinshan were occupied by these two.

  If we go directly south, the biggest possibility is to enter the territory of these two people, and the bloody battle may be inevitable at that time. "

  Su Wen pondered for a while: "According to Aiqing's intention, we should go back the same way."

  "Although the speed is slower, safety can be absolutely guaranteed." Meng Tian gestured:

  "Even if the Hu people get the news and want to catch up with us, they can't catch up. After all, they are now fighting against Wang Li and leading hundreds of thousands of troops."

  "And the Yuezhi people, who lived in the Qilian Mountains in the south, are now trapped in a decisive battle with the Han Xin army, so retreating the same way has become the best choice."

  Su Wen heard the meaning of Meng Tian's words. She was afraid of taking risks and had a feverish mind, so she had to pass through the territory of King Hunxie and King Xiutu.

  After all, in the honor of the emperor, he crossed the Helan Mountains, crossed the Qilian Mountains, and then made a detour for thousands of miles to the land of the King's Court Dragon City behind the Huns.

  Objectively speaking, this kind of behavior is no longer hot-headed, but crazy.

  But apart from Su Wen, who is a traveler, who knows these places?

  If you send your generals to go, you may get lost on the way, or because the weather here is too terrible, the soldiers mutiny on the way, etc., it may happen.

  If you want to abolish the Xiongnu in World War I, in exchange for the complete peace of the entire northern border of the empire, based on Su Wen's knowledge of the Xiongnu, this risk is worthwhile!

  Su Wen knew better than anyone that the Central Plains seemed to be safe now, but in the future there would definitely be a war of rebellion against the remnants of the six kingdoms of Kanto.

  The current Su Wen is no longer the Su Wen in history who can directly abandon the Great Wall and dispatch [-] Great Wall Corps to pacify the chaos.

  There is no peace now, but when the Huns and the remnants of the six Guandong kingdoms are in chaos together, the Qin Empire will be attacked by the enemy.

  The best possibility is naturally to pacify the world, but the biggest possibility is the loss of the Great Wall in the north, and the loss of a large area of ​​land east of the Hangu Pass in the Qin State after the six kingdoms in the east rebelled.

  Then it is very likely to return to the situation of the Warring States Period.

  Under the same night, different things happened, Qin Junjun Village at the Langshan Pass of Yinshan Mountain.

  The terrifying flames devoured everything, and the tumbling waves of fire destroyed almost everything that could be destroyed.

  Far in the depths of Yin Mountain, Bai Qi led the army to garrison in the wind and snow, and the crimson ocean could be seen from a distance.

  Wang Meng knelt in the snow, crying silently.

  "Report - General, our army scouts saw that the Huns army did not stop and went south overnight!"

  Bai Qi turned around, the sadness on his face suddenly restrained, and when he looked at the whole person again, he had a cold attitude:

  ".ˇ Did you find out how many people there were?"

  "The Xiongnu army is in chaos, and there are roughly more than [-] troops in the vanguard, overwhelming the sky!"

  "Explore again and report again!" Bai Qi shouted in a cold voice, "Remember that scouts are more careful and don't reveal traces!"

  "General, rest assured, all the scouts under the command of the last general, if there is a possibility of being discovered, they will immediately draw their swords and kill themselves, and will never reveal the hiding place of the army!"

  "Okay!" Bai Qi said sternly: "As expected of me, Qin Erlang!"

  The sky gradually turned white, and the army in the sea of ​​fire gradually dissipated, and only the terrifying smoke and dust still rose toward the sky.

  "Wang Meng!"

  Bai Qi snorted lowly.

  With a layer of cold snow falling on his body, Wang Meng cupped his hands and said, "The end is here!"

  "How many people can you mobilize the corvée you were ordered to recruit?"

(Good Li Zhao) "[-]!" Wang Meng said solemnly, "The [-] people will be able to get here tonight."

  Bai Qi looked at Wang Meng and seemed to have something to say, but he didn't dare to speak out, so his expression eased a bit:

  "Speaking bluntly, what kind of mother-in-law and mother-in-law look like in front of this general?"

  Wang Meng knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists and said: "General, a thousand sons died in the army last night, and the last general only hopes that General will not let them die in vain.

  Previously, the last general regarded them as siblings. This was what the last general said in his heart. If the general felt that the last general collided with the general, the last general would be willing to take the punishment after this battle! "

  Bai Qi sighed, he took a step forward, raised Wang Meng with both hands, and said sternly: "Everyone in my Qin army is a sibling, and the one who died last night was not only your Wang Meng's sibling, but also my Bai Qi's sibling. .

  You and I work together, and all the Huns who crossed the Wolf Mountain will be buried with you and my siblings! ".

Chapter 638

  "The last commander slipped!" Wang Meng stood up, but he couldn't hold back his tears.

  Bai Qi patted his shoulder pads, which had fallen a layer of snow: "You are responsible for leading all the civilians to dig a deep ditch of [-] feet wide on the grassland to the south of Langshan Pass. The depth is tentatively set at [-] feet. The earth wall should be at least two feet or more. If there is time later, the earth wall will be raised.

  At that time, the Huns will be trapped in the south of Yinshan Mountain and cannot cross the ravine you built, so they will flee in the northwest direction.

  By that time, General Ben will lead a [-]-strong army and block it in the northwest direction. "

  Bai Qi looked serious: "Above the earth wall, I will leave you with an army of [-] people. You will command it yourself. Whenever a Huns cross the earth wall, you will raise your head to see you!"

  Wang Meng's expression suddenly changed: "The general only leads [-] men, how can he stop hundreds of thousands of Huns?"

  "Report—" At this time, the scout general came to report.

  "Speak!" Bai Qi turned his head and glanced at the scout general, and the scout general reported: "General, we have already investigated clearly, the number of Huns who crossed the Langshan Pass is roughly [-], and our army scouts immediately went north to the Wolf Mountain. After going deep into the grassland for thirty or forty li, we have not found any troops behind the Huns, so now it can be determined that the Huns have gone south this time, and there is no follow-up troops."

  "Have you found Touman's king flag?" Bai Qi's eyes widened.

  Scout General 357 felt tight, and immediately said: "I didn't find the Touman King Banner, and I also ask the general to forgive me. I have five thousand scouts under my command. In just one or two days, more than a thousand people were lost! It's not a brother! They don't try their best!"

  "Forget it!" Bai Qi waved his hand: "Tell the brothers below that their hard work will be seen in their eyes, and they will never forget it. Let them continue to dispatch and keep an eye on the movements of the Huns, as long as the Huns return to the north. trend, report it immediately!"

  "Here!" The scout general then withdrew with a cold sweat on his face.

  Bai Qi continued: "There are not many soldiers in the elite, what's more, this [-]-strong army has been trained for a long time, but it is not impossible to stop the Huns. "

  But Bai Qi said this, but he didn't think so in his heart. He just wanted to use this [-]-strong army to decisively fight the Huns and [-] iron cavalry!

  The emperor paid no attention to this army. If this battle could not be famous in the world, what face would Bai Qi have to continue to command this army?

  It's just that such a thought is too terrifying, and Bai Qi naturally won't tell Wang Meng in full.

  Wang Meng cupped his hands and said, "General Li Xin will then lead an army of [-] people to the north. At that time, he will join forces with General Han Xin. (bgdi) That is an army of [-] to [-] people, which is more than enough to kill these [-] Huns.

  The general can rest assured. The last general has [-] soldiers and [-] Qin people. As long as there is one person alive, the Huns will never be allowed to jump on the wall! "

  "Okay!" Bai Qi said sternly: "This sounds encouraging, it is not too late, the two of you and I will immediately divide our troops, and I will take a step forward, head to the northwest, find a place to station, and prepare to stop the Xiongnu army!

  You and my army dispatch three scouts to each other every morning, noon and evening, but if there is no scout to report, then the situation has changed! "

  When the words fell, Bai Qi cupped his hands and said, "General Wang, take great care!"

  Wang Meng's body trembled. He never thought that Bai Qi, who was extremely cold-blooded in his heart, would say something like this. He hurriedly took a deep breath and folded his fists and hands:

  "Admiral!" The word cherished in his mouth for a moment before slowly saying, "Treasure!"

  The time of the people's husband's arrival was earlier than Wang Meng expected, and it was already noon.

  [-] people stand on the open ground, and from a distance it looks boundless, as if the entire grassland has been completely covered!

  "I heard from the people over there that the emperor devised a strategy in this battle to wipe out all the Xiongnu, and everyone didn't need to stay in this bitter cold place to build the Great Wall, so everyone's voice was very high."

  The commander Wang Yu told Wang Meng: "General, shall we issue the military order now?"

  "Send it down." Wang Meng said, "The sooner the better, you are in charge of the [-] li here, Wang Fen is in charge of the next [-] li, and Wang Sheng is in charge of the next [-] li.

  We built a [-]-mile-long earth ditch and earth wall here, which directly blocked the Huns and forced them to march toward the Qilian Mountains in the northwest.

  There, General Bai Qi has been waiting for a long time. Once the Huns have moved forward, we will immediately rush to assist the general.

  As long as time permits, the earth wall can be built for as long as possible, and it is best to directly connect Yinshan and Qilian Mountains! "

  At this time, a general with blood on his ears came over with a cold face, dragging a woman.

  When Wang Meng looked at it, his face turned blue. This general was none other than Wang Fen, his subordinate general.

  "Wang Fen, what are you doing?" Wang Meng shouted coldly, "Now is not the time to play with women!"

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