At that time, no matter what King Yuezhi thought, he could only stand up and call on the Yuezhi people to fight the Huns to the death.

  If you don't do this, then the last Yuezhi army will fall under the slaughtering knife of the Qin people and face the Huns. Maybe they will live, but if they don't face the Huns, they must die!

  "Things like ingenuity are generally useless from a small perspective, but from a large perspective, the ingenuity of the prime minister is worth [-] soldiers!"

  Kang Lianshan's praise made many Yuezhi leaders look jealous.

  But Lou Jing accepted it with peace of mind, because now Yuezhi has prepared a hundred thousand troops!

  He could even predict that it wouldn't be long before these [-] troops would become the vanguard of the Qin against the Huns.

  Since Kang Lianshan is rarely so accurate, why should he refuse?Wouldn't that seem too hypocritical.

  At this moment, Lou Jing was in a very good mood.

  In the distance, a large black carriage creaked as it walked on the snow.

  Sitting here is the high priest of the Yuezhi, but Lou Jing never imagined that this woman had hidden such deep thoughts...

  "Sure enough, the center of the poisonous snake's mouth and the tip of the wasp's tail are not poisonous, the most poisonous woman's heart in the world!"

  Lou Jing said with emotion in his heart.

  "I'm curious, how did the prime minister persuade the high priest?" Kang Lianshan asked cheerfully when he saw Lou Jing's eyes on the high priest's carriage.

  Lou Jing glanced at Kang Lianshan: "The minister said that the most beautiful woman in the world should be the wife of the most powerful man in the world.

  The king is destined to be the strongest male lion on the grassland. If he does not accept the king's love now, when the king comes to the world and sits on the most beautiful woman in the world, the high priest still wants to be favored by the king. It's not that easy. "

  After speaking, Lou Jing smiled meaningfully: "A woman is a thing, the more you take her too seriously, the easier it is to lose; and when you don't take her seriously, she will be obedient. back to you."

  "There is a set!" Kang Lianshan nodded approvingly, he looked up at the sky, and then said: "Let the warriors stop, eat and drink, and when the sky is completely dark, we will kill the Qin people's barracks, today In the evening, we will use the blood of the Qin people to create the myth of the rise of my Da Yuezhi!"

  "Woooooo..." The Yuezhi guard shouted loudly as he rode his horse.

  The [-] army stopped in the snow and silently waited for the dark.

  What will greet them?

  Victory, or death! .

Chapter 644

  "The brothers found that something was wrong. Kang Lianshan had a guard beside him, leading five hundred people, and was staring at the brothers all the time.

  No matter what the brothers do, someone will follow, and those people's intentions are too obvious. "

  Shideyi and Lou Jing were going out to pay their respects. In the ice and snow, the two old men pouted their butts, squatted together, and spoke in a low voice. It was the safest time.

  But just as Lou Jing was about to speak, a burly man came to the side, and Lou Jing recognized this person as the guard beside Kang Lianshan.

  Shideyi immediately said something else: "My lord, when the war is over, how about you give me some beautiful girls? Even the little ones have been born and died with you, so I don't dare to ask for anything else, the general standard is- How many will do?"

  "General standard?" Lou Jing said angrily: "What is the general standard? Wait, wait until I'm tired of my lord, and I'll give you the rest!"

  After speaking, Lou Jing wiped his buttocks, put his hands behind his back, and walked away swaggeringly.

  Just when he was about to have a wry smile on his face, the guard suddenly said, "I heard you Qin people say that playing with other people's leftovers is called drinking foot water, and I feel disgusted when I hear it, little brother never thought about playing clean. of?"

  Shiter heard them one by one, looked at the guard suspiciously, and then smiled: "So, brother, you?"

  "Don't look at me, of course I don't, but if you can do what the second prince ordered, you will naturally have it." The guard smiled mysteriously.

  Shi Teyi immediately rubbed his hands: "Brother, are you serious?"

  "Do you really think I'm shitting here?" The guard stood up with his trousers on, and looked at Shideyi with a sneer.

  Shi Dian was startled, wiped it indiscriminately, and stood up cleanly. He quietly looked into the distance, but Lou Jing didn't pay attention to this side.

  "This is not the place to talk." A cruel smile appeared on the guard's face, which made Shishi panic.

  Immediately, the guard turned around and walked over to this side, Shi Tei hesitated for a while, but followed.

  After sparing a few tents, the guards kept walking and plunged into a tent.

  Shi Deyi stood at the entrance of the tent and hesitated for a while, then touched the machete hanging from his waist, thinking to himself, if it was torture, I would immediately draw the knife and kill myself.

  But after walking into the tent, it completely changed!

  Kang Lianshan was standing in the tent, and the guard stood beside him silently.

  "Meet the second prince!" Shidayi hurriedly saluted, and he was puzzled for a while, but he was more cautious.

  "I've been paying attention to you for a long time." Kang Lianshan turned his head and looked at Shidayi with a smile on his face.

  "The villain is willing to do things for the king!"

  Kang Lianshan turned his head to the guard beside him and said, "Look!" He stretched out his finger and picked it up: "What am I saying, this is a smart man."

  "Your Majesty's eyes are like torches!" the guard said.

  Shi Deyi knelt on the ground, lowered his head and said nothing, only to hear Kang Lianshan say: "I believe you must be full of doubts, why did I find you."

  Shito looked up and looked at Kang Lianshan.

  "The reason is very simple. There are so many people under Lou Jing's hands, but you are the smartest and most noticeable person."

  Kang Lianshan took a small porcelain bottle from one side and threw it in front of Shitoyi: "You don't need to know what's in here, you just need to know, add this thing to Lou Jing's drink.

  Then, beauty, wealth, pastures, slaves, I can give you all! "

  Shide had an extremely struggling look on his face, and the guard beside Kang Lianshan reached out and touched the handle of the knife, as if he would draw out the machete at any time, slashing Shide to death.

  "I..." It only took five or six breaths, and after picking up a face that was already full of beads of sweat the size of a grain of rice, it dripped down:

  "I promise Your Majesty, but can Your Majesty tell me why you want to kill my master... No, it's Lou Jing!"

  "Smart man, you shouldn't ask this question." The guard shouted coldly, half of the machete at his waist was drawn.

  Shi Teyi was so frightened that he shifted his body in place: "Don't kill me, Your Majesty, I will do it!"

  "Hey—" Kang Lianshan waved his hand to stop the guards beside him: "It's okay to tell you, Lou Jing is resourceful, and in just a short period of time, he has already helped me to rule Yuezhi, and even defeated Qiang Qin.

  After this battle, the emperor of the Qin people will fall under the sword of my Yuezhi, and the Qin people have nothing to worry about.

  The Huns probably wouldn't dare to underestimate me, Yuezhi, and naturally there would be no possibility of conflict with my Yuezhi.

  Then you say, what would someone like Lou Jing do when he stayed?Waiting for him to get tired of being the prime minister, and then come to plot my throne? "

  Shideyi's face changed greatly with fright, and he squeezed the small porcelain bottle in his hand: "Shideyi is willing to submit to the king!"

  "Hahaha..." Kang Lianshan laughed and walked out of the tent.

  When Shi Te raised his head, he realized that there was only the dead-faced bodyguard in the tent.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  "Get up!" The guard sneered: "The people under me have already stared Lou Jing to death, you just need to prescribe the medicine, then the king will announce that Lou Jing died suddenly, and the promise you made earlier , all will be given to you.

  Including the beauty who coveted Lou Jing's side, he will also give it to you. The only thing that will not be given to you is Lou Jing's position as the country's prime minister! "

  Shideyi stood up slowly from the ground, his face and hair full of cold sweat: "I won't seek what I can't get, that will only make me die faster."

  After he said this, he shivered several times in a row. This time, he was really frightened, not because of the performance.

  "It's even better if you have self-knowledge." The guard sneered, then squinted at Shidayi:

... 0

  "Don't worry, it's definitely not a good first time for something like this."

  Shide raised his eyes to look at him, the guard smiled and said proudly, "I used to be from the Zhao country, and my master was a merchant who sold illicit salt to the Yuezhi people.

  After a long time, my master became richer and richer, and the women around him became more and more beautiful, until one time, I couldn't help touching his woman, and he actually wanted to kill me.

  I preemptively killed all [-] people from his family, and then ran to the grassland.

  Just when I thought I was going to starve to death, a Yuezhi family took me in. Later, I took the Yuezhi woman who took me in, and I became a Yuezhi person. "

  The guard patted his shoulder: "My name is Zhao Fan, as you can tell from my name, I originally only wanted to eat bran and swallow vegetables for the rest of my life, but look at me now, I am rich and honorable. After the king declares himself king, I will It is the person who is closest to the king, and it is possible for me to be crowned king.

  Also, I think the two of us will be good friends, what do you think? "

  Shi Te swallowed his saliva and said dryly, "I also think we will become good friends."

  "Hahaha..." Zhao Fan let out a very happy laugh and walked out of the tent.

  Shito stood there for a moment, raised his sleeves, and wiped the sweat from his face, only then did he feel damp all over his body, and the cold sweat had soaked all his clothes.

  He stared at the small white porcelain bottle in his hand, his eyes dazed for a while, wondering if Zhao Fan's words had moved him.

  Is he ready to tell Kang Lianshan the biggest secret of the Qin army?Small.

Chapter 645

  Guarqi's army rushed forward, and behind him, the might of [-] cavalry could crush the world!

  "Boom boom boom——"

  The earth is shaking frantically, and it seems that it can no longer bear the terrifying killing intent in this world.

  "Someone robbed the camp!"

  "Enemy attack!"

  A tense and hurried shout came from the Qin army camp, but then the sound stopped abruptly!

  Guarqi sneered at the corner of his mouth and shouted loudly: "Rush forward, don't care about those who open the military stronghold, they are my own!"

  "Ccrunch! Crunch!"

  If you can look down from the sky at this time, you will find that the Qin army is one mile long, and more than a dozen village gates are opened by a group of people wearing large black cloaks.

  The swarming Yuezhi army roared and rushed into the Qin army camp.

  "Go straight to the deepest, the emperor is in the deepest!" The group of people in black cloaks shouted in unison.

The coldness on [-] Guarqi's face was even deeper. He raised his arms and shouted, and the Yuezhi warriors behind him also sounded like him, making an extremely proud cry.

  The fire was blazing into the sky in front of him, but no one could stop his mad rushing footsteps. Guarqi vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he looked back while lying on the horse, and he could vaguely see those Qin people wearing large black cloaks. He was shouting loudly that the emperor was in the deepest part, and rushing forward like this made him dispel his doubts.

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