Shitoyi on the side stepped forward quickly, took out a porcelain bottle, and poured the poisonous powder into it in front of Kang Lianshan.

  Shitoyi shook the jug with a grim smile, then stepped aside and waited.

  "For the sake of knowing you and I, I'll leave you a whole body." Lou Jing grinned.

  There is no need to roar to the sky for revenge, why should murder be too loud?

  Lou Jing is the same.

  Kang Lianshan closed his eyes, raised his head, and gulped down the hot wine in the jug.


  With the sound of "Yes", he threw the jug in the snow, stood up staggeringly, and whimpered in pain from his throat.

  He staggered forward, as if he would fall to his death in the snow at any moment.

  The violent and terrifying poison destroyed the vitality of his body, and he opened his mouth and let out a howl like a beast.


  After saying this, "Bounce", Kang Lianshan stood upright and knelt down towards the corpses of the Yuezhi warriors and warhorses superimposed on a hill in front of the shield wall, and died.

  "Ha!" Ying Bu sneered: "I'm sorry to be useful?"

  "Of course it's useless." Han Xin got up, put his hands on his back, and walked slowly past Kang Lianshan's kneeling corpse, and walked towards the corpse of Yuezhi's soldiers that had been covered by white snow.

  There, a carriage slowly stopped, and King Yuezhi walked down slowly from the carriage. .

Chapter 651

  "My guess is correct, you are even more terrifying and vicious than I imagined." The high priest closed her eyes in pain, and two lines of steaming tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

  Lou Jing sighed: "Of course it doesn't feel good to see your own people being slaughtered. I can understand it naturally, but you should think about how you will live in the future."

  The high priest suddenly sneered: "I know what you are thinking. You want to dedicate me to Emperor Qin in exchange for your career."

  Lou Jing looked at the high priest and said with a smile: "What a smart woman..." He glanced at Han Xin, who had walked far ahead, and Ying Bu and many other banned soldiers, and then whispered:

  "Isn't this your best home?"

  "Of course I only want to say what you want to say." The high priest wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and sighed deeply: "A high priest of the Yuezhi people who did not die, if he lived on the grassland, he would definitely become a confidant of Da Qin. , and the best way is for the high priest to die forever."

  "No no no..." Lou Jing shook his head, he took a sip of warm wine, then took a clean horn wine bottle from one side and put it on the side:

  "There are some words that are suitable for detailed discussion."

  The high priest wanted to refuse, but a person like her could even destroy the entire race in order not to fall into the claws of Kang Lianshan...

  It was obvious that she was really afraid of death, and even more afraid...

  Seeing the Qin Imperial Army behind her, she shuddered subconsciously. As a high priest, of course she knew what kind of inhuman treatment the women on the losing side would suffer.

  "The high priest of the Yuezhi people..." Lou Jing poured wine for the high priest, and then said: "We killed you, the high priest, but there will definitely be another high priest of the Yuezhi people on the grassland.

  But as long as you are alive, it will be different. I know very well that your high priest of the Yuezhi people is a single lineage.

  The previous high priest would appoint a girl or a boy from all the clansmen as the next high priest. This choice was full of randomness, which made the Yuezhi people extremely fanatical about the worship of priests like the high priest.

  So, as long as you don't die and you survive, the Yuezhi people will never have a second high priest.

  So naturally, those Yuezhi people who survived on the grassland and did not completely become my Daqin slaves will never be united. "

  The warm wine in the high priest's horn wine bottle was completely cold, just like her heart.

  "How could a person like you be just one of the Qin people's two or five hundred masters?"

  Two or five hundred people are the masters of a thousand husbands, and a thousand husbands are the official positions of Lou Jing today, but they are called Zhengqianhu in a different way.

  Lou Jing grinned: "I have a fellow countryman, he is a general in the forbidden army, you may not believe it, although he is a general in the forbidden army, but he is very timid.

  But his luck was very good. He was only [-] years old last year, and he inherited his father's official position and became the general of Daqin.

  At that time, I was too poor to live, so I found him and became his personal bodyguard.

  Later, the emperor ordered the selection of the innocent children of Guanzhong to form Jinyiwei, and he recommended me. "

  Lou Jing looked at the high priest with a smile: "And it is at this time that I can fully show my talents. Oh, yes, his surname is Yu, his name is Uncle Yu, and he is the only son in the family."

  The high priest suddenly felt that Lou Jing's smile was very disgusting: "You said that he was lucky, it should not be because he inherited his father's business at the age of [-] and became the general of Daqin, but because he recommended you to become the Qianhu Jinyiwei. ."

  "I didn't say so, but if you think so, I have nothing to say." Lou Jing shrugged and continued:

  "Back to the topic we just talked about, if you want to live, the best way is to be the person next to the emperor's pillow. Although I haven't seen what the emperor looks like, I have roughly come to a conclusion from some wind reviews that the emperor is a very lover.

  As long as you can serve the emperor sincerely and get the emperor's love, then you will never experience what you are experiencing today. "

  The high priest seemed to be thinking about what Lou Jing said.

  Lou Jing smiled and said, "To be honest, I heard people say that the emperor is very handsome.

  He can definitely be called the first-class appearance among people, plus he is rich in the world, it is even more incomparable. "

  The high priest was silent, and Lou Jing added hot wine for her: "In the realm of my Daqin, a concubine wants to be favored by the emperor, except that she must have an outstanding appearance and know how to serve the emperor.

  She also needed a minister to support him. "

  Lou Jing pointed to his nose and said, "I can be your strong support in the court, and you can be my strongest support by the emperor's side.

  This is called complementing each other. "

  "I..." the high priest said slowly, "I have no choice, do I?"

  Lou Jing stretched out his hand and pulled out the machete from his waist, and threw it at the feet of the high priest: "I have a choice, I immediately draw the knife and kill myself, no matter how beautiful a woman is, as long as she becomes a corpse, she will be eaten by wild dogs. ."

  The high priest shuddered, and then she looked at Lou Jing angrily: "If you humiliate me like this, I will die in front of you immediately."

  Lou Jing bowed his hands: "Please forgive me, I just don't want to see a smart woman like you become a mother-in-law who doesn't know how to choose.

  Obviously there is a lot of fame and wealth, right in front of you, but you are hesitant here?

  Even if you want to save your clan, the best way is not to pray to the ethereal god here, but to grasp the emperor's heart.

  A word from the emperor can decide the fate of all your clansmen! "

  The high priest was shocked all of a sudden, raised his head and drank all the wine in the cup: "Help me choose a name for you Qin people, the high priests of all dynasties have no names."

  A smile finally appeared in Lou Jing's eyes: "Our Qin women like to apply rouge on their faces to enhance their appearance and make their husbands love them more.

  From now on, you will be called Rouge!

  The high priest who used to bear the fate of the rise and fall of the ethnic group has died, but her mission has continued on Rouge! "

  "Rouge..." The high priest raised his head, and someone walked past her and Lou Jing, the King of Yuezhi.

  But King Yuezhi didn't seem to see anything, even when he passed by his son's body, he didn't stop at all.

  What is there for the former high priest to stop at?

  "Your Majesty..." Rouge subconsciously wanted to shout out, but the word "King" reached her throat, but she was pressed down again.

  Where did the king come from?

  Where did the high priest come from?

  On the grasslands today, there is only one more woman named Rouge.

  This woman may bear the fate of the ethnic group, or maybe she is just a coward who is greedy for life and fears death.

  However, is there anything wrong with what people do in order to survive?

  Lou Jing was thinking about this question, but after a while, he suddenly realized that it was his own business?

  "General, the war is over. Lou Jing requests to go to General Bai Qi's army!"

  How to seek wealth?

  Nature is the closest place to the emperor. .

Chapter 652

  Zhaowu City!

  The battle here went smoothly beyond Li Xin's imagination, and even when the army was approaching the city, the city gates were wide open.

  The cavalry rushing to the front rushed to the lowest point, only to find that this side was the same as what Han Xin said, without a single soldier stationed.

  In the Yuezhi Palace, there were only more than [-] old and weak guards left behind, almost no resistance was encountered, and a [-]-strong army successfully settled in Zhaowu City.

  As for resistance... After the bloody suppression of a scattered clan of the Yuezhi people, Zhaowu City has become more harmonious than ever.

  It was at this time that Emperor Su Wen and the Minister of War, Meng Tian, ​​commanded a thousand iron cavalry and came to Zhaowu City.

  "No need to report, just hand Li Qi your military order, just say that the captain of the forbidden army is here!" Su Wen said with a smile.

  Li Qi didn't know what the emperor meant, so naturally he didn't dare to ask more, but most of the time he wanted to test Li Xin secretly.

  Under the city tower, Li Qi's side just finished the announcement, and a team of soldiers happened to be galloping, and there was a carriage among them, surrounded by everyone.

  "Interesting, could it be that some nobleman rides a carriage on the battlefield?" Su Wen smiled contemptuously.

  Meng Tian vaguely felt that something was not good, Li Qi waved his hand to clear the way, letting the army go first, but he also had a little more heart, and pointed to a forbidden army to secretly ask who this soldier was and who was in the carriage.

  "Let's go to Lou Jing, Jinyiwei Qianhu, this is my waist card!" The leader stood on the horse, looking a little tired, took out a token from himself and threw it to the soldiers guarding the city.

  He opened the bottle and shook it by himself, but there was no sound. Only then did he realize that the wine was completely frozen.

  "Hey! Little brother! Little brother!" Lou Jing turned his head and called out to a cavalryman who happened to be passing by.

  He didn't know that this "little brother" was the Emperor of Qin Su Wen...

  Meng Tian's forehead was a little dark, and Li Qi's face was filled with anger, as if he was about to rebuke the boldness, but was interrupted by Meng Tian's eyes.

  "But I don't know what's going on with this thousand households?" Su Wen grinned. He really didn't expect to meet this Marquis of Guannei, who was canonized after the founding of the Western Han Dynasty.

  And what's more interesting, this Guannei Hou in the early Western Han Dynasty, I don't know when, actually became a thousand households under his Jinyiwei.

  "My drink is frozen. I see that the little brother's jug is hidden under the leather jacket. It should not be frozen. Can I exchange some money for some wine to drink?" "

  Speaking, Lou Jing shuddered and said rather embarrassedly: "To be honest, the soldiers behind me and I have been running wild for two days and two nights, and we are exhausted. Please help me!"

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