...... 0

  "I don't ask if your knife is a curling blade, whether the blood of the wolf in your bones has been drained!

  The warriors of the [-] Huns are all shouting for victory, and the wolf blood in their bones is boiling!Burning!

  Only by beheading the Qin people and plundering the wealth and women of the Qin people can we calm the anger in our chests! "

  Hubal's face was flushed red, and he was wearing sloppy mouths. How could such a brave and bloody man endure such stimulation?


  Hubal's head was blown by the wind and snow that came along the way, and his head was instantly filled with all kinds of violent and murderous emotions!

  He pulled out the treasured sword that Touman Chanyu had thrown on the ground, and the cold light flickered, almost inverting his blood-red eyes on the blade!

  "Don't worry, Da Shanyu, I won't give up if I don't mention General Qin's head!"

  Looking at the back of this man leaving like a bear, Touman Shanyu showed a cold expression on his face: "The Qin people want to eat my army of [-] people in one bite? This is the biggest joke! On this grassland, I, the Huns, Humans are inherently invincible.

  In the words of Sun Wu, an expert in China, the time and place are favorable to people, and I, the Huns, occupy all three!

  I, the Huns, only need to bravely step forward and fight, why should I look back?

  Killing and victory are the best way out on the battlefield! "

  Touman raised his head and drank all the spirits in the glass, the liquor in his throat was as hot as lava, making his aged body burst out with blood and vitality!

  "Come here! It is said that the sage kings of the left and right, the kings of the left and the right, will come, and the great Xiongnu will raise the army and move the crowd. Hundreds of thousands of people will go to the Yinshan Mountains in the south, not to destroy the Qin people, and I will not return to the north!" Xiao.

Chapter 660

  Yang Duan and the army quickly retreated south, and took the lead to meet the emperor's commander-in-chief's ten thousand army cavalry.

  Looking at veteran Yang Duanhe with a tired face, Su Wen was unavoidably angry and remorseful.

  Such an old man, as Touman Shanyu said, he should be so old that he can't even lift a knife.

  But in fact, he is still leading the army to fight against the most ferocious enemy in the world.

  "The old general has worked hard!" Su Wen reached out and held Yang Duan and his hands full of age spots tightly.

  Yang Duanhe was stunned for a moment, then smiled heartily: "Your Majesty's words are serious, decades ago, Zhao Guo veteran Lian Po was still able to fight at the age of [-]. Although the veteran is not yet [-] years old, how can he not be on the battlefield for the emperor? Service?"

  He turned his head and looked at the army behind him that stretched far into the distance, and said with some sighs, "It's just a pity that the veteran is no longer in his prime, and after charging a few times, he has already lost his strength.

  If he was ten years younger, the veteran would be able to bring the head of the Hubal, the great Hubal, to his Majesty! "

  Su Wen stretched out his hand and pulled out the horizontal knife hanging from Yang Duan and his waist. This horizontal knife is of excellent quality and can be called a hundred steelmaking, but at this moment there is still a slight gap.

  It can be seen that Yang Duanhe killed the enemy tragically.

  "I am afraid that the old general has not only rushed to kill a few times." Su Wen inserted the horizontal knife into the scabbard, he slowly drove the horse forward, and the surrounding soldiers all turned their attention to the emperor.

  Just as the emperor was about to speak, a group of cavalry troops suddenly rushed from the rear and shouted loudly: "In the report of our army's investigation, there is a Xiongnu cavalry coming straight to the rear of our army. It seems to be a Xiongnu Dangdang who has fought with our army many times before. Hughbar!"

  "Extremely maddening!" Yang Duanhe was extremely furious, and the anger of a landslide torrent erupted from his old body!

  He pulled out the horizontal sword with his backhand, held his hands horizontally in front of the horse, and pointed at the rear army: "My sons! The emperor is right in front of me, how can I allow the barbarians to violate the dignity and might of my Da Qin?

  Follow the old man and fight against the charge. He is the Xiongnu Beirong, who is like a pig and a dog. He can make him declare war on my Daqin!

  That's shame!


  Kill it!

  Use the blood of Rong Di to dye our armor red!

  Use the head of Rong Di to fill our merit book!

  kill! "

  Accompanied by Yang Duanhe's screaming killing sound, the army with less than [-] subordinates suddenly roared, and the deafening shouting and killing sound like raging waves rolled over and swept the entire battlefield in an instant!


  "The rear army is replaced by the former army, and the left and right wings are spread out, and these Xiongnu dog thieves will be slaughtered and killed!"

  The army moved quickly, Yang Duanhe turned and bowed his hands to the emperor: "Your Majesty, let the old minister lead the charge, and ask Your Majesty to sit in the Central Army, the good boys in our army are all vying to kill thieves for His Majesty! "

  Su Wen supported Yang Duanhe with both hands, with a resolute expression on his face: "Although I and the old general are monarchs and ministers, in terms of age, you can be my elder.

  I am a big Qin Erlang, why has there ever been a thief coming from the south, a strong Erlang hiding behind the elders, and watching the elders and the thieves fight?

  What did that become?

  The lamb hiding behind the elders? "

  Su Wen said solemnly: "The ten thousand army cavalry behind me has come here, from top to bottom, no one has ever thought of going back alive, the old general sits in the center of the town, arranging troops.

  I personally lead the army to face Huber! "

  "Your Majesty!" Yang Duanhe was very moved, "He De He Neng, an old minister, can be your majesty's elder..."

  "The thief army has arrived, and the old general is also invited to sit in the center, dispatch the army, and watch how to kill the thief!"

  Li Dingce opened the horse again, and then shouted loudly: "Please sit and watch the old general how Erlang kills the thief!"

  He waved his arms, and many cavalry troops behind him suddenly shouted in unison: "Please sit and watch the old general and see how Erlang kills the thief!"

  "The old general please sit and watch how Erlang kills the thief!"

  Zhentian roared to restrain Xingyun, and the power shook the heavens and the earth!

  Yang Duanhe saw the turn, gritted his teeth and choked back tears, nodded and spoke, his voice choked several times: "Your Majesty! Veteran - Yang Duanhe takes orders!"

  Su Wen let out a long laugh, took off the Mo Dao hanging on the saddle with his backhand, and shouted, "Where is Da Qin Erlang today! How dare you fight against slave thieves with me!"




  The ten thousand army cavalry roared up, like an angry dragon awakening from a deep sleep, making this world tremble!

  Li Ding dashed straight away, waving his Mo knife and shouting loudly: "The former army Biyi, follow my emperor, capture the thieves and kill the generals!"

  "Whoa whoa-"

  The sound of war horses galloping and pounding the earth was everywhere, and Yang Duan and the cavalry under his command of less than [-] suddenly split from the middle of the army formation.

  The Qin emperor took the lead and mastered the Mo sword, like an arrow from a bow, shooting straight at the Xiongnu army!

  This method is indeed a formation, and the name of the art of warfare is the Golden Arrow formation!

  This formation method requires fierce generals who are defeated by ten thousand people to clear the way. When the enemy army is blocked, all the swords will be broken, and the main general of the enemy army will be stabbed in front of the door. It is regarded as the formation of the brave!

  Ordinary generals have never dared to use this staunch formation to fight the enemy.

  This is how Su Wen came up, which shows how strong his heart is to kill the enemy and break the thief!


  In the Xiongnu army formation, the big boss Huber carried a terrifying mace and boasted that a black horse was flying with four hooves. He was also at the forefront of the army formation.


  The Huns let out a howl like a wild ghost, which once filled the entire battlefield with a gloomy and depressing atmosphere!

  Su Wen dashed with the knife, and the speed was extremely fast. The strong wind rushed to his ear, and the moment the cold wind blew across his face, he felt a hot stinging pain on his face...  

  "Why don't you say no clothes!"

  From the rear of the army, there was suddenly an old and desolate battle cry that contained a powerful and passionate voice.

  "Same robe with my son!"

  "Wang Yuxing, repair my spear. I have the same hatred with my son!"

  In an instant, the murderous yet bleak and tragic old Qin's war song echoed across the battlefield!

  It was the old general Yang Duanhe, who stood on the tower of people, waved the Great Qin Heilong flag, and roared in the sky.

  I hate to take away my twenty years!

  Bury my old and crippled body with hatred!

  Can't wait to fight side by side with the emperor, blood-stained battle clothes!

  "Why don't you say that you have no clothes, and you share the same robe with your son! Wang Yuxing is a teacher, repair my spear. I share the same hatred with my son!"

  "Why don't you say that you have no clothes? You are in the same pool with your son. Wang Yuxing's teacher, repair my spear and halberd. Work together with your son!

  Do you say no clothes?Dress with your son.Wang Yuxing made his division, repair my armor.Walk with your son! "

  At this moment, the emperor's eyes were wet.

  The eyes of countless warriors who gave up their lives and charged with their swords were blurred!

  "Daqin - Wansheng!"

  When Emperor Qin returned to Huo Zha, the killing sound made all the gods in the sky shudder!

  "Daqin Wansheng!"

  Li Ding, Dong Yi and other generals who swore to follow, shouted in unison, and the sound wave seemed to be visible to the naked eye, rippling out, completely suppressing the battle cry of the Huns!




  The front cavalry of the two armies were less than two hundred paces apart!

  Neither the Qin army nor the Huns chose to shoot arrows.

  The soldiers of both armies chose the most violent and bloody hand-to-hand combat in 3.8!

  "Only when the enemy is completely conquered under the blade can you be a warrior!" Huber, the great Huns, rushed to the sky.

  "The Great Huns are fearless and use the blood of the Qin people to dye our military flag red, so that our descendants will always stand above the Qin people! Kill—"

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