But if there is a knife, it is already doomed to the end of the two.

  At the same time, the news that Su Wen killed hundreds of bandits with one person's power and treated hundreds of people infected with the plague with one person's power also spread to every corner of Daqin with thunderous momentum.


  In Kuaiji County, a very hidden mountain village.

  "Uncle, I heard that Xiaochuan was arrested in Pei County, let's go and save him."

  Xiang Yu also only heard the news of Yi Xiaochuan's arrest this morning.

  He is the most important person.

  When he heard that his brother was arrested, his first reaction was to save him.

  "Yu'er, look at how frizzy you are, how decent you are."

  "You don't even think about it. Xiaochuan is so smart and strong in martial arts. If he is arrested under such circumstances, do you think his opponent is an ordinary person?"

  Xiang Liang looked at him in anger.

  In his opinion, Xiang Yu has all the qualities of a successful person, the only thing is that he cares too much about feelings.

  Although this is not inherently a disadvantage.

  But for Xiang Yu, who has the hatred of destroying the country, it is the biggest shortcoming.

  From ancient times to the present, those who do great things are all ruthless people, too kind-hearted, and they will always suffer.

  Even Yi Xiaochuan was Xiang Liang's nominal apprentice.

  But in his view, the two are completely mutual use of things.

  Even Yi Xiaochuan knew this, but Xiang Yu had no idea.

  Sora has a whole body of courage, but never uses his own brain.

  However, it was clear that Xiang Yu did not listen to Xiang Liang's words.

  In his view, one yard is one yard.

  Not to mention the relationship between Yi Xiaochuan and them.

  It was his life-saving grace to himself and others that he could not repay.

  "So what? Xiaochuan is my sworn brother and my uncle's apprentice, and he has saved our lives. Now that he is in trouble, how can we not save him?"

  For this nephew, Xiang Liang was also helpless for a while, and could only persuade him earnestly.

  "It's not that we can't save it, it's that we can't save it. Why don't you understand?"

  "Have you heard who caught Xiaochuan?"

  Xiang Yu was stunned for a moment, then said.

  "Who? I heard that it is a young son, and I heard that when Xiaochuan was seriously ill, the son took advantage of the danger and caught him."

  Hearing Xiang Yu's words, Xiang Liang slapped his forehead.

  "Confused, confused, how did your rash look become such a big deal?"

  "You don't even know who your opponent is, so you rushed to save him?"

  "I know you have strength, and you think you are very skilled in martial arts, but you can kill hundreds of bandits with weapons by yourself?"

  "Uncle, if it's just some bandits, take some time, Yu'er thinks she can do it."

  Xiang Yu was at a young age.

  Thinking of his amazing powerlessness, he should be able to kill hundreds of bandits by himself.

  "You can do a shit, even if you can kill the more than [-] bandits, can you guarantee that you will not be hurt?"

  "Can you guarantee to kill them all in one cup of tea?"

  Xiang Liang naturally knew about his nephew's strength.

  But if he were to face hundreds of vicious bandits by himself, he would definitely suffer a great loss.

  Those people are not the brainless big-headed soldiers from before.

  Everyone is a murderer, and they don't know how much blood they have on their hands.

  Even if his own strength is extraordinary, martial arts can definitely kill them all.

  You will definitely hurt yourself somewhat.

  But he heard that the boy who caught Yi Xiaochuan killed them all in just a cup of tea.

  The most important thing is that people don't even have any wrinkles on their clothes.

  Although it is likely that the townspeople are exaggerating.

  But then he helped the villagers in Shuijing Village to cure the plague, so he couldn't be fake, right?

  That is the plague.

  Even if he considers himself proficient in medicine.

  But if he encounters a plague, he can't wait to run eight feet away.

  Going for medical treatment, I am afraid that my life will be long?

  In addition, he recently heard that the person has recently launched a lot of new things in Pei County.

  I am afraid that it will not be long before it will spread throughout Daqin.

  He thought that Xiaochuan would be the key person who could change Da Qin.

  I didn't expect such a person to appear in this world. .

Chapter 57

  Xiang Yu thought he couldn't do that.

  But even so, his previous decision was not shaken in the slightest.

  "Uncle, I really can't do it, but Xiaochuan has saved your life and my life over and over again. We can't help repaying these kindnesses."

  Hearing Xiang Yu's words, Xiang Liang's face was also a little complicated.

  In fact, he also knew that what Xiang Yu said was unreasonable.

  However, Yi Xiaochuan did save them a few times.

  But what they have to do now is not to rescue Yi Xiaochuan, but to hide in the dark and continue their strength.

  Then find an opportunity to overthrow Da Qin and restore Da Chu.

  And all these hopes were all on Xiang Yu's body.

  He gave Xiang Yu a deep look, and then said.

  "It's not that we can't save it, but according to the time, Xiaochuan has been escorted to Xianyang long ago. How do you want to save it?"

  "That Xianyang is full of Qin soldiers. Even if you are unparalleled in personal bravery, you can beat a hundred with one, but there are tens of thousands of Qin soldiers. Among them, there are many generals who are not worse than you. You are going to die."

  "Yu'er, you have to remember what your mission is."

  When Xiang Yu heard Xiang Liang's words, he knelt down on one knee and bowed to Yi.

  "Xiang Yu's mission has never been forgotten, but Xiaochuan is not only my brother, but also my savior. Even if I can't save him, I have to meet the enemy who caught him."

  Xiang Liang looked at the nephew with a complicated expression.

  Finally, with a sigh, he lifted his body up.

  "Actually, I also want to see the demeanor of that person. If that's the case, then we'll go to Peixian County tomorrow and go to the meeting for a while."

  "I want to see where the so-called divine doctor Su is."

  "But I'll say yes first, you can go, but you must not act impulsive, look at my eyes and act together."

  Hearing Xiang Liang's agreement, Xiang Yu finally showed a smile on his face.

  "Okay, uncle."


  At this time, Su Wen naturally did not know that someone had been eyeing him.

  Seeing that the day of marriage is getting closer and closer, Su Wen is also very busy these days.

  Gaoyao's restaurant and Cui Wenzi's medical clinic have been successfully opened with his help.

  Fortunately, with the help of Lu Zhi and Shangguan Haitang, the factory has started production in an orderly manner.

  The appearance of glass products and paper shocked the entire Pei County.

  However, at present, Su Wen has not directly promoted it outside Pei County, so not many people know about it.

  He's ready to do all these things after he gets married.

  And the modern crops he sent people to plant have already had a season.

  In fact, he didn't expect to grow up so fast.

  I think it is thanks to the super fertilizer given by the system.

  When the farmers in Pei County learned of the news, Tongtong agreed to the cooperation method that Su Wen said before.

  Suwen is in charge of the seeds and planting techniques, and they are in charge of the planting and the land.

  When it is mature, the harvest is 55 cents.

  This agreement was signed for two years, and after two years, all the harvests belonged to the farmers themselves.

  And when he came up with this agreement, his status in Pei County instantly reached an unparalleled level.

  The recruitment of workers in the factory solved the living problems of those refugees.

  The production of new crops has solved farmers' problems.

  It can be said that the current Peixian County has completely changed from the one month old Peixian County.

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