"On the contrary, he is a very smart person." The person who spoke was Liu Yiyi, the concubine Ren. She looked at the golden wolf soldiers that had almost disappeared from sight, and said slowly:

  "The Xiongnu army surrendered to my Daqin, and most of them were slaves, but he asked to lead the army in person and kill Motun."

  With a smile in her eyes, she glanced at the emperor: "Your Majesty, is this a hero?"

  "That's right!" Su Wen nodded: "I thought of this too, that's why I chose to believe him and give Tai Ajian.

  Moreover, he leads the troops to hunt down and kill Mo Dun, no matter whether he can find him on the grassland, I will not despise him as a slave in the future, at least..."

  Su Wen couldn't help but smile: "At least he can be a general or something."

  Concubine Ren looked at the left and right captains who were annoyed on the side: "The two of you are thinking about regret now, maybe it's not too late."

  Hearing the words, the two looked at each other and hurriedly knelt in front of Concubine Ren.

  "Your Majesty?" Concubine Ren looked at Su Wen, asking for Su Wen's opinion.

  Su Wen smiled and said, "Everyone is kneeling down to you. Naturally, I beg you to show me a way to survive. Then you just need to show me the way."

  Only then did Concubine Ren happily say, "Thank you, Your Majesty!" She then said, "Youri Zhuwang took [-] people away, but there are still [-] people here, I need you to raise their fighting spirit, as long as Morton returns If you don't die at the foot of Helan Mountain, the battle is not over yet!" Xiao.

Chapter 709

  The heavy snow covered the road ahead, and Mo Dun gritted his teeth. They had just encountered a two thousand army under Bai Qi's command. He originally thought that he could completely eat these two thousand people with the advantage of the number of golden wolf soldiers.

  But he never imagined that when these two thousand soldiers faced the Golden Wolf Soldiers that were twice his size, not only did they not have the slightest fear on their faces, on the contrary, they showed the pleasure and cruelty of the tigers seeing the sheep!

  It was only the first round of confrontation, and Mo Dun saw that the thousand people who rushed forward fell to the swords of these Qin people in an instant!

  What they used was an extremely straight, one-sided blade, and the blade was dazzling when it was swung out.

  The machete in the hands of the warriors in his own army was cut off at the touch of a touch!

  What's more, the captain of the Qin army at the head carried a huge weapon that Mo Dun thought was a horse-cutting sword, and at the moment when it swept out, at least three or four Xiongnu troops fell to the ground each time, and they were even brutally attacked. Cut in the waist!

For the first time when [-] confronted, none of the people over there were damaged.

  This almost made Mo Dun think that he was not commanding the Golden Wolf Soldier, but the weakest tribe man on the grassland.

  But... Until King Right Xian couldn't help rushing forward, and he was hacked to death by five Qin troops before he succeeded in beheading, he no longer had any idea of ​​fighting.

  If he knew that Bai Qi's [-] people were from inside and outside Xianyang City, hundreds of thousands of troops, hundreds of thousands of prisoners, and even the top masters selected from the millions of people, it is estimated that when he saw Bai Qi's army, he would immediately Turn around and go.

  How much is this equivalent to?

  Elite soldiers, picking one out of ten is already the limit.

  What about white?

  One in a thousand, one in a thousand!

  This is also the reason why Su Wen met Bai Ze's [-] troops on the snowfield and dared to encircle the Aries King's [-] troops.

  Bai Qi's army is equipped, most of them have horizontal knives, and only a few are still equipped with ring-head knives.

  "Da Chanyu!" He An had been wounded in the previous battle, and they rushed out desperately, but Qin Jun was like a devil, always following behind.

  Mo Dun glanced at the queue of less than [-] people beside him, and he really wanted to cry without tears.

  "Those Qin people are simply devils!" He An gritted his teeth and said, "The armor on their bodies can't be cut!"

  This made Mo Dun's expression sullen for a while. He even found out sadly that the quality of the armor on Qin's body was better than the quality of the machete in his hand...

  How to fight this?

  That kind of whole plate armor is draped over the body, let alone slashing, the war knife can't stab through it, and it will even break the tip of the knife.

  "The Qin people are like devils!" Mo Dun gritted his teeth and said fiercely, he could only cheer up and shout loudly: "We have been in this grassland for a long time, as long as we kill it, it will be Helan Mountain. Once we reach Helan Mountain, , Kunlun God will protect us again, and we can live!

  Erlangs, the more we are at this time, the more we can’t give up. Everyone mustered up our strength and clenched our teeth. My Erlang on the prairie will never give up! "

  "Never give up!" He An mustered all his strength and shouted loudly, but the morale of the Golden Wolf Soldiers with less than [-] people had already dropped to the extreme, and only scattered personnel catered to them.

  In the rear, a captain held a golden knife with a gap in both hands and presented it to Bai Qi, whose face was like ice that would not melt for thousands of years.

  "The golden sword of the Xiongnu Shanyu!" Bai Qi took a closer look, and then a soldier brought the body of Huerhan, the king of the Right Sage, to the front.

  "Have you left a living hole?" Bai Qi used a golden knife to remove Hu'er Khan's scattered hair.

  The captain shook his head: "Brothers have been holding back for a month, and when they move their hands, they have no measure. They didn't keep a single job, and ask the general to convict!"

  In other armies, there is no way to keep alive, but in Bai Qi's army... If you can control it, maybe you can keep alive.

  If Su Wen heard this, he would probably be silent.

  Bai Qi stretched out his hand to put away the golden saber, and said with an expressionless face: "The golden saber of the Huns is carved with an eagle on one side, which symbolizes the god of longevity; on the other side, it is carved in the shape of Kunlun Mountain, which symbolizes the god of Kunlun.

  These two gods are the beliefs of the Huns, so the golden sword has also become a symbol of the inheritance of the Huns.

  If nothing else happens..."

  Bai Qi stepped on Khur Khan's body with one foot: "He, maybe Touman Shanyu... Who killed him?"

  They still don't know about the usurpation of the throne by Mao Dun, and they still think that the Xiongnu Shan is Tauman.

  Bai Qi had never seen what Touman Shanyu looked like.

  "The villain went up with five people. This guy rushed in screaming, but he was so arrogant. When the villain went up, he slashed his lower abdomen. He rushed so hard that he didn't avoid it at all!"

  Another person said: "The villain is a knife on the side, and stabs the neck straight away."

  Another person was about to speak, but Bai Qi was already unhappy: "I am not here to listen to your boasting, this person may be Touman Chanyu, but equally, he is also very likely not Touman Chanyu. …”

  The sharpness in Bai Qi's eyes is terrifying: "Jin Chan's plan to get out of the shell, do you want Ben to tell you personally, what is going on?"

  "The army will set off immediately! Catch up with the fleeing Huns!" The captain of the school was trembling with fear from Bai Qi's eyes, and suddenly hissed angrily!

  In an instant, the army swarmed up.

  Of course, Bai Qi knew that the captain had dispatched [-] people to chase the remnant soldier, but many times he was killed by the snake instead of dying. How many bloody examples are there in ancient and modern times?

  This man was eager to offer himself a golden sword, but he did not personally lead the army to hunt down the remnants of the Huns.

  This is also the time of the current battle. If it is normal training, Bai Qi may directly drop the knife, cut off the head, and spread the word to the three armies. This is to present treasures, please the main general, and let the enemy go!

  But with that look just now, Bai Qi believed that his captain should understand what he meant.

  "Where is General Bai Qi?"

  There was shouting in the distance, and Bai Qi shouted loudly: "This will be here!"

  A group of soldiers stepped forward, even though they had already practiced rapid marching, but they were still breathing heavily at this moment, which showed that they had run a long way!

  "Bai Qi is here!" A loud shout passed, and the group of soldiers walked up quickly and bowed their hands:

  "General Qi, His Majesty the Emperor appeared on the 3.8th battle, and he asked the villain to tell you that there was a rebellion in the Xiongnu army, and Mo Dun usurped the throne and became the new Xiongnu Shanyu, and Touman was dead.

  Earlier, His Majesty cut off the flag of Mo Dun in Xianyang, but it was just a shadow that looked exactly like him that Mo Dun found from the grassland! "

  When Bai Qi heard this, his eyes suddenly opened. Of course, he had seen what Mao Dun looked like. He immediately stepped forward and glanced at Huerhan, the king of the Right Sage. The sharpness in his eyes was even more frightening.

  "So, he is not Touman Chanyu at all. Among the remnants of the Huns who escaped before, Mo Dunchan was among them!"

  Bai Qi blood red eyes, looked at the crowd coldly and shouted: "What are you doing here, disarm! March at full speed, let Mo Dun go, the whole army, starting from this general, all blame!"


  The sound of a wolf like a tiger suddenly erupted! .

Chapter 710

  The same is the anger and killing sound, the soldiers in Bai Qi's army are not only violent, but also give people a feeling of extreme panic.

  The army removed their armor on the spot, only wearing thick jackets, and then ran bravely. They had trained for a long time in the mountains of Shanglin Garden.

  Although the mountain training there does not have such pits all over the place, and the pits are covered with a layer of snow, this does not have much impact on the running speed of a group of killing machines.

  "Huchi! Huchi!"

  Mao Dun was dressed in rough clothes, and he suddenly stopped. On the snow-white grass in front of him, he saw a dense number of Xiongnu troops.

  "That's..." He An was stunned for a moment, then ecstatic: "Chanyu, isn't that the right day to chase Wang Anmeng?"

  Mo Dun grabbed He An, who was about to shout out to the Right Sun Chaser Wang Anmeng, his eyes suddenly sank: "Don't you think it's strange? Shouldn't he lead the army to attack the earth wall at this time? How could he run ahead of us? already?"

  He An's expression changed, and he suddenly widened his eyes: "Just now, after we encountered Qin Jun, the direction was chaotic. Now it seems that we are going in the wrong direction."

  The corner of He An's mouth was bitter, and he pointed to Anmeng, the right sun chaser who had stopped in front of him: "They should have found that we treated them as abandoned sons and chased them all the way, that is to say, they came from the south, we originally Should be heading north.

  However, because of the fight against Qin Jun, he went in the wrong direction and instead went south. "

  Mo Dun clenched his fists tightly, he took a few breaths, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably: "This means that we have been walking away from Helan Mountain for most of the day now!"

  "Da Chanyu! The Qin army's pursuers are here!" From behind, someone shouted in horror: "It's the group of Qin people with sharp weapons!"

  "Don't worry, let's go and fight the king's soldiers with Youri first. After all, we are all Huns. Now that there is a common enemy of the Qin people, he will definitely not be able to quarrel with us!"

  He An listened to Mo Dun's words and felt that it made some sense, so he waved his arms: "Brothers, hurry up and join the army of the king on the right day. There are many of us, and there are few soldiers in Qin, so don't be afraid!"

  In the distance, Anmeng, the king of the right day, also led the Huns forward, and he seemed to see the Qin army chasing behind him.

  "Da Chanyu!" Approaching, the King of the Right Sun suddenly shouted loudly.

  Touman's heart trembled, and he felt a little bad for a moment. He suddenly retreated behind He An, only to see You Rizhuwang suddenly drew his sword and fell straight down. He An, who was running forward, was immediately slashed to death by Yourizhuwang. !


  Blood splattered on Mao Dun's face.

  Mo Dun pulled out his machete with his backhand and held up the machete of King You Rizhu. He shouted angrily: "Are you crazy? The Qin people are right behind us. These Qin people are far more ferocious than the imperial guards around Qin Huang. We Four thousand people fought with two thousand people, and in less than an hour, they were all killed!"

  "Crazy?" You Rizhu Wang Anmeng sneered, and he pressed his hands down, "When you regarded us as abandoned children, did you ever think that there would be today?"

  "Let me tell you, I have already taken refuge with the Emperor Qin, I thought I couldn't catch you, but I never thought that I would meet you here, and let me kill the enemy! Hahaha!

  Mo Dun!Today is your day to die! "

  "Follow the Qin people! You are courting death!" Mo Dun's eyes were full of anger, and he even shook off the scimitar of the right sun chaser, and with a backhand, the left shoulder of the right sun chaser Anmeng was suddenly cut off!

  "Ah!" An Meng exclaimed and hurriedly stepped back. How could Modun give him a chance to back off?

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