Su Wen nodded and said: "If there are talents, I naturally can't miss it, but now the generals are anxious, I should talk about the reward first!"

  Han Xin suddenly realized that what he was talking about was in a discordant situation, and hurriedly cupped his hands: "Here!"

  "Han Tan!" Su Wen leaned back, and Han Tan hurriedly handed over. He picked up a bamboo slip from the short table in front of the emperor, on the far right, and he said loudly:

  "General Han Xin, who led the army to destroy the Yuezhi, has done a lot of hard work. I hereby confer a military title, Daliangzao! It is the sixteenth rank of military rank in Daqin to spread the word to the three armies!"

  Han Xin was awarded the [-]th Military Rank, as everyone expected, Han Xin hurriedly put his hands up and went out, kneeling in front of the emperor:

  "This minister is a commoner, and fortunately received the emperor's favor, just now he has raised a three-foot sword and led a hundred thousand troops to expedition to the north. How dare this minister ask for a reward? I also ask your majesty to take it back!

  I only wish to serve Your Majesty for life! "

  Su Wen nodded and said: "The general has this credit and deserves the reward, you deserve it!"

  Han Xin almost choked up: "Chen... Who would have thought that half a year ago, I was still struggling to make a living, and I had no meals. Your Majesty's kindness to me is as heavy as a mountain. I will never give this reward. Even as a pawn on the horse, the minister is willing to do so!"

  Su Wen couldn't help sighing, he stood up and patted Han Xin's shoulder: "Okay! Since you don't want to accept Daliang's military title, then I will keep it for you for the time being, you will make military exploits again in the future, and I will do it again. I will grant you to create for Daliang, and when that time comes, you will no longer be able to refuse!"

  "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your generosity!" Han Xin hurriedly kowtowed.

  Su Wen lifted Han Xin with both hands, pulled Han Xin's wrist, and came to the edge of his seat: "Come, sit here with me!"

  Han Xin hurriedly said: "I can't! I can't! I'm a subject after all, how can I collapse on the same seat as Your Majesty?"

  "When I say make, I make it!"

  Han Xin became more and more moved, and only knelt on the left side of the emperor.

  In this era, the right is respected, and Han Xin's move is not too frustrating, on the contrary, there is a sense of advance and retreat.

  Han Tan continued to read here: "The Minister of War is Bai Qi!"

  "The last will be here!" Bai Qi stood up and knelt in front of the emperor, while Han Xin, who was kneeling on the emperor's left rear, also faced Bai Qi and knelt down to pay homage.

  This is a gift for a gift.

  The generals were a little disdainful when they saw Han Xin's dismissal of the title of Hou Zhigong, but now seeing him like this, they were somewhat admired.

  Without waiting for Han Tan to read the merit book, Su Wen couldn't help but turn forward: "General Bai, the strength of your soldiers, I see it in my eyes, and I am happy in my heart.

  From today onwards, the Wanjun under your command, I originally intended to give famous people to slaughter the army, but the word slaughter of people is too murderous, so I give you two choices, one is Hu Ben, and the other is trapped!

  The warriors under your command, like yourself, are like tigers; everyone in the army you command is willing to die in battle. "

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Bai Qi cupped his hands and said, "The ancestor of my ministers was Lord Wu'an, who made the six kingdoms in the world fear in the past, and everyone called it Ren Tu. This word may mean contempt, but!"

  He raised his head and looked at Su Wen: "The sharpest sword is only for the strongest hand!

  Chen is willing to be the sharpest sword in Da Qin, and His Majesty is the strongest hand. How can killing swords not be murderous?

  The minister, please give the famous slaughter, to strengthen the army! "

  "Okay!" Su Wen shouted in a deep voice, "I will give famous people to slaughter the army. As for the future historians, who want to belittle you and me as butchers, how can I care?

  The loach that lives in the mud ditch and the fields has no qualifications to evaluate the true dragon above Gao Xiang's nine heavens?

.... 0 ...

  My intention is to slaughter a million people, so that the people of a country can be safe, and my hands can be bloody! "

  Han Tan then took the opportunity to read: "Bai Qi's army bestowed famous people to slaughter the army, bestowed Bai Qi's rank and chariot commander, and bestowed the title of Zhenbei General for my [-]th rank military rank of Daqin!"

  "Chen Baiqi, thank you, long live my emperor!"

  "Come on!" Su Wen raised his hand, Bai got up, and sat directly behind Su Wen's right.

  This scene made everyone raise their eyes and looked at Bai Qi in shock.

  "Meng Tian, ​​Minister of War!"

  "Chen is here!"

  Meng Tian got up and left the table, knelt in front of the emperor: "You and I went deep into the barren land, sacrificed our lives, destroyed the Dragon City, burned the temple, and the place where the Xiongnu sacrificed to heaven was turned into ruins.

  In the prosperous world that China has not seen in thousands of years, I want to promote the general to the chief concubine and rank the eighteenth rank of my Great Qin Junjue! "

  After hearing about the title of the great concubine, Meng Tian couldn't help but feel a little fiery. His Mongolian clan has served as a general in Qin for three generations, and no one has ever won the eighteenth rank!

  "Besides, because you are the minister of military affairs, you are in charge of the military and horses of the world, and everyone calls you a general. How can I not be beautiful? I will give you the title of general!"

  "Sir! Long live Meng Tian thanked my emperor!"

  "Come on!" Su Wen waved again.

  Meng Tian stepped forward and knelt down to the right behind Su Wen like Bai Qi. It was only the position of the two, one behind the other, which also reflected a little difference in identity.

  "Ying Bu and Wang Meng are out!"

  "The end is here!"

  The two of them stood together hand in hand.Small.

Chapter 714

  "Give Yingbu Junjue, less superior, for my Daqin [-]th rank Junjue, and seal Po Jun General!"

  Ying Bu was overjoyed, this was several ranks higher than the military lord he thought, and he immediately kowtowed heavily:

  "My minister! Yingbu thanked His Majesty for the grace of God, and is willing to go through fire and water for His Majesty, and die!"

  Su Wen nodded slightly. Originally, Ying Bu's military exploits would not have won him the rank of [-]th rank all at once. This is a rank that many veterans who have spent their entire lives on the border may not be able to have.

  But Su Wen knew that this guy who was among the three famous generals in the early Han Dynasty would never let himself down, so he deliberately raised the military rank several levels to show his favor.

  "Get up!" Su Wen nodded slightly.

  "Wang Meng led the army and the people to build earth walls and dig deep trenches. They have made great achievements. Hereby, they are promoted to the tenth rank of military lord Zuo Shuchang!"

  Wang Meng was also very excited to attack and defend: "Chen Wang Meng, thank the emperor for his grace!"

  Don't look at the [-]th rank, he was the commander of the army before, but he was only the [-]th rank Duke, doctor and sergeant.

  This time, he was promoted to the third level, almost finishing the life of many generals in one step.

  Su Wen said solemnly: "Immediately tell the soldiers of the three armies, and the rest of the military exploits will be announced in public outside Xianyang City after returning to the court from the class division!

  At that time, all people will know the name of a hero with a single thought of the war exploits. "

  "The ministers obey the order, long live my emperor, long live!"

  The loud shouts and shouts echoed in the big tent, and the majesty was suddenly born.

  "My dear fellows have been fighting for a long time, please go down to rest, I will be returning to the DPRK soon, you can also tell your soldiers to prepare in advance!"


  Many sergeants retreated, and Han Xin was not far away from the tent when he was stopped by an eunuch: "Admiral, stay here!"

  Han Xin nodded and said, "What's the matter with you?"

  "It's not that this slave has something to do, but I asked you to stay." The emperor's voice came from behind, and Han Xin hurriedly turned around and bowed: "Your Majesty!"

  "Let's go, lead me to see the Mr. Wei you mentioned."

  Han Xin was overjoyed immediately, and after responding, he led the way.

  "According to what the soldiers in the army said, this Mr. Wei was originally a boy from my great Qin Wei Liao's door, but after Wei Liao fled, this boy was sent to the army because of his crimes.

  This person is mostly friends with Wang Meng, and Wang Meng also got his guidance, and this is how he climbed from a corporal to the position of a general. "

  "Oh?" Su Wen was a little surprised: "So, this person is very capable."

  In the distance, a man in full costume was singing something loudly on the snow-covered hillside.

  Su Wen couldn't help but stop and stared at it for a while.

  Han Tan hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, that is Tian Lan'er of the Xiongnu clan. I heard that she is conjuring the spirit of the high priest."

  Su Wen looked at the figure in the distance and couldn't help shaking his head: "He's a hard worker."

  "I also heard that there was a Meng family army named Mengxi who shot and wounded the Huns Zuo Rizhuwang with his own hands. Where is this person?"

  "This person is seriously injured. Although he was rescued by his Yuezhi woman, he is still recovering in the tent." Han Tan said hurriedly.

  "Han Tan, you said that such a warrior, what should I reward him?"

  Han Tan hurriedly said: "The servant just heard that he was the master of two or five hundred people before."

  "How about the general who also went to see the warrior who shot the Huns?"

  "I can't ask for it!" Although Han Xin wanted to recommend Mr. Wei to the emperor, but the emperor was attracted by Meng Xi who shot the Hun King with one arrow, he didn't dare to force it.

  Han Tan seems to be very familiar with everything in the army. This is a very qualified general manager. He knows everything the emperor wants to know, and he chooses not to know what the emperor doesn't know.

  "How are you feeling today?" Mr. Wei was in Mengxi's tent.

  The Yueshi woman was cooking the minced meat, and a lot of the charred flesh on Mengxi's body had fallen off.

  "It feels much better than a few days ago." Meng Xi's voice was still a little weak: "I heard that the emperor's award has come down, and our general has been promoted to the third rank."

  "Your reward is probably not low." Mr. Wei smiled and said, "But now I'm thinking, do you want to stay in the army or take this Yuezhi woman back to Xianyang City?"

  "What Yuezhi woman? What Yuezhi woman? I married my husband, and I am a Daqin woman!"

  The Yuezhi woman who was cooking the minced meat suddenly shouted loudly.

  Mr. Wei covered his ears with his hands, obviously this was not the first time.

  "What are your plans, military advisor? Are you really not staying in the army?"

  After the woman's Hedong roar passed, the conversation between the two men resumed.

  "It's gone." Mr. Wei touched the wound on his neck that had healed, vaguely prickling his hand.

  "This is an opportunity that I bought with my own life."

  He thought for a while and said, "While we were still beside the earth wall, General Han Xin wanted to see me, but I avoided...  

  These figures standing above the clouds have natural scenery, but now the emperor is holy, the world will be peaceful in the future.

  I'm thinking of opening a small tea shop outside Xianyang City..."

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