The emperor had been waiting in the tent for a long time. After salute, Su Wen looked at Qi Lian: "How many troops are in the Xiongnu army now?"

  Qi Lian hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "[-] people, obey the orders of His Majesty the Emperor at any time!"

  "I want you to cross the Yin Mountain, lead the army to storm King Xiutu and King Hunxie, and bring their heads to me"! "

  Qi Lian's expression suddenly became frightened, and the left and right captains even opened their eyes wide and looked at Su Wen.

  Right Sun Zhuwang Anmeng lowered his head, daring not to raise his head, nor to speak.

  "What? Didn't you say that the [-] people are at my command at any time?" Su Wen's face sank, and a powerful pressure was revealed, causing several people to tremble.

  "I am willing! I am willing!" Zuo Dadu hurriedly knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Su Wen: "His Majesty the Emperor is above, I am willing! I am willing to lead the army for His Majesty the Emperor, cross the Yinshan Mountains, and destroy King Xiutu and King Hunxie. Take the head and present it to Your Majesty!"

  "Then how many soldiers and horses do you need?" Su Wen showed a hint of satisfaction in his eyes, and he fixedly looked at Captain Zuo.

  "Forty thousand! Forty thousand troops are enough!"

  "Your Majesty! The guilty minister is also willing!" Captain You Da hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed: "The minister is also willing, and the minister does not need [-] troops, [-] is enough."

  "Oh?" Su Wen glanced at Han Tan next to him, "Both of you are willing to share our worries and solve problems for me, so the two of you are not as good as soldiers. How many people do you need?"

  The two looked at each other, and both saw a touch of ecstasy deep in each other's eyes.

  "[-] is enough!" Captain You Dadu cupped his hands and said, "[-] troops, criminal ministers, etc. can definitely help the emperor to sweep the grasslands!"

  "Sweep the grasslands!" Su Wen smiled with a smile in his eyes: "Han Tan, lead them to deploy troops!"

  A look of surprise appeared in Qi Lian's eyes, and Wang Anmeng, who was on the right side, also looked surprised.

  "Where's Tian Lan'er?" Su Wen's eyes sank.

  Qi Lian hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty Qi Zou, after my mother summoned the soul of her late father, she was too sad, hanged herself and fell into a coma and was rescued by others, and she is still rescued in the tent of the ministers. It is not to belittle Your Majesty!"

  "Aren't you two willing to lead troops to sweep the grasslands for me?" Su Wen asked rhetorically.

  "Chen...I don't want to go back to the grassland, I want to be able to serve Your Majesty by your side!" There was cold sweat on the forehead of Anmeng, the right sun chaser.

  Qi Lian cupped his hands and said, "Since this minister has already surrendered to His Majesty, he should be by His Majesty's side, not far from His Majesty."

  "You are all smart people." Su Wen said: "The captains of the left and right always feel that they are smart people, so go to send an order to Bai Qi, and the [-] Huns that the two of them have gathered will all be taken into custody as slaves in our army!

  The left and right captains were all beheaded and reported to the three armies. "

  Su Wen had a deep sarcasm in his eyes: "Do they really think that I'm stupid and will return the tiger to the mountain?"

  Qi Lian and An Meng hurriedly knelt down and said in unison, "I have no intention of betrayal!"

  Su Wen glanced at Qilian and An Meng: "What do you say about the remaining [-] Huns?"

  "Being a slave, in order to prevent escape, you can cut off an arm first."

  Qilian knelt on the ground and said with a cold sweat on his face.

  You Rizhuwang glanced at Qilian in horror, then lowered his head and said, "This minister also thinks that one of their arms can be chopped off to prevent them from causing chaos!"

  Su Wen looked at the two in front of him, and said slowly, "If they cut off their arms, who should I leave it to do in the future?"

  ".. I will use them to build the Great Wall, build fortresses, and carry various materials to save the people's energy for our Qin Dynasty."

  "Chains!" King You Rizhu raised his head, not knowing whether it was because he had completely betrayed the Xiongnu tribe like Qilian, or because he was trembling because of the fear of the emperor:

  "Chain everyone's calls with chains, so that it won't delay the project much, and it will keep all of them from escaping."

  "Very good!" Su Wen leaned down and slowly pulled out the machete from An Meng's waist: "You are responsible for cutting down trees from Helan Mountain and creating chains."

  "On the day when the army returns to the south, I want to see that you have made enough chains that are of sufficient quality.

  If the chain you create is the kind of chain that can be twisted off by the force of your arms, I will be the first to chop your head off! "

  "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely do this well!" An Meng said in horror, he raised his head and looked at the emperor:

  "Your Majesty! Please remove my (your Zhao's) title of Sun Chasing King. I am only willing to be a servant by the emperor's side!"

  Qi Lian opened his eyes wide and looked at the former great Xiongnu who chased the king from the right day.

  "Do things well first, you are the general of my Daqin Sun Chaser!"

  "Thank you, Your Majesty!" An Meng hurriedly kowtowed and slowly backed out.

  He stood outside the tent, and only then did he have time to wipe the cold sweat off his face. At this time, Bai Qi walked over with an expressionless face, followed by two guards, each of whom had one in his hand. Duanpan, there is nothing else on the short plate, it is the heads of the left and right captains!

  "Your Majesty! The lieutenants on the left and right sides of the Huns have been put to death, and the rest of the Huns have become slaves!" Bai Qi's murderous words came from the tent.

  An Meng shuddered again unconsciously, the feeling of death was like the wind, and there was no happiness in his imagination.

  How could Qilian gain the emperor's trust?

  Will he be beheaded by the emperor...? .

Chapter 717

  An Meng swallowed hard, the emperor's temptation was too terrifying, and the cold wind blew.

  He was suppressed by the aura of the emperor, and his thoughts were already frozen, and then he slowly became active.

  He remembered just now that he had indeed moved to lead troops across the Yin Mountain, but he really did not expect that this was actually a temptation by the emperor, or a conspiracy!

  The left and right commanders led the Huns army and uncontrollably went to the grasslands. Isn't this gone forever?

  Only fools will come back.

  An Meng waited outside the tent for a while restlessly, but did not see Qi Lian's head being carried out.

  Qilian, who was pale and walked out of the tent, seemed to be the best comfort for An Meng in this Qin army camp.

  The two former Xiongnu kings looked at each other silently for a moment, then walked side by side and walked towards the distance.

  This is not a time when anyone can control, they choose to surrender, then live in humiliation.

  "Your Majesty is worried about the Huns?" Bai Qi cupped his hands and said, "There's no need to worry too much about it."

  "What should the Yuezhi people do?"

  "Everyone has been reduced to slaves, the Huns are now finished, but the Great Wall cannot be abolished.

  The minister thought that after a hundred years, another powerful tribe would appear on the grasslands. If our descendants did not have the courage of His Majesty today, and they were able to accomplish their feats in one battle, the Great Wall would become the strongest barrier against these barbarians. Strong barrier. "

  "Previously, Li Xin once wrote to me and asked me that all the Yuezhi people in the grasslands on the edge of Zhaowu City, all those who were taller than the rut, were all beheaded, leaving only the women and children.

  All the children will be castrated, and then they will be my servants. "

  "I have ordered Qi Lian to lead an army of [-] Huns to arrest all the Yuezhi people. According to what the Yuezhi king said, there are at most [-] Yuezhi people.

  After many battles, the population of the Yuezhi has dropped sharply, and now I can collect [-] people from the grassland here, and I am very satisfied. "

  Bai Qi cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty said it is true, but this minister wants to build a city here."

  "Building a city?" Su Wen became a little curious.

  "That's right." Bai Qi said, "This is the place where Your Majesty defeated the Huns, and the bones of Modun are buried here, so why not build a city and name it Shoujiang City.

  Even if thousands of years have passed and the years are long, my descendants of Qin and the people of China will still remember what happened here. Their ancestors fought bloody battles with aliens here.

  On every inch of the land here, the blood of the ancestors has been spilled. "

  "Okay!" Su Wen said solemnly, "Just as the general said, build a city and call it surrender!"

  An Meng and Qi Lian rode their horses and slowly patrolled the camp belonging to the Huns.

  Of course, they knew better than any Xiongnu in the military camp that as long as they dared to do anything unusual, they would be completely covered by the Qin (bgdi) people in an instant.

  Faced with such a terrifying Daqin arrow formation, these Xiongnu troops, who even had their leather armor removed, really couldn't find a second way apart from death.

  "Is it my fault?" An Meng's face twitched: "If I hadn't hurriedly went to find that person named Mengxi, these things would not have happened?"

  "What you think is too simple." Qi Lian sighed: "The emperor has already wanted to deal with us. You went to Mengxi to find an excuse for the emperor."

  "Then can we people survive?"

  Qi Lian couldn't help laughing at An Meng, but the smile was a little sad no matter how he looked at it:

  "Live? Of course we can, and as long as we get through this time, we'll live better than anyone else."

  At this time, a group of Huns rushed over in a hurry, grabbed Qilian's horse, and panted:

  "King Zuo Xian, it's not good, Ying Bu, the general of the Qin people, the god of war, broke into our camp. He found the Da Ye clan and said that he would ask the first beauty of the Xiongnu to pour him wine!"

  Qi Lian's anger rose, and when he was about to drive his horse forward, he suddenly saw another group of Xiongnu troops running quickly.

  "The Dae family has an order saying that she voluntarily poured wine for Ying Bu, and asked Zuo Xian Wang not to disturb her good deeds!"

  Qilian was stunned, and then said viciously: "I don't need her to sell herself now in exchange for my chance to live!"

  He lashed the Xiongnu army with a whip in the face, and the man who was hit immediately ripped apart.

  Outside the tent, Qi Lian angrily restrained the war horse, but before he could walk in, he heard laughter and singing coming from inside the tent.

  His face instantly turned white.

  "Don't do stupid things!" An Meng followed closely and grabbed Qilian.

  Qi Lian gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not doing something stupid..."

  "I knew you couldn't help rushing over." The Dayan Clan suddenly came out of the tent, he looked at Qi Lian and said:

  "You know I was hanged from a branch, but do you know who let me down?"

  "Me!" Qi Lian struggled.

  "I rescued your mother." Ying Bu strode out. He held his head high, as if he was showing off something to Qi Lian.

  "I used my Huns' soul-calling song to summon your father's soul. I said to his soul, I will hang myself on a tree. If he doesn't want me to die, let someone come. save me.

  I will dedicate myself to this person who saved me and become his woman! "

  Tian Lan'er turned to look at Ying Bu: "I rode a horse and ran over there, there was no one in that area, and I only need to hang from that tree for a quarter of an hour, and my body will be completely cold. "

  "But he showed up, and he saved me."

  Qi Lian looked at his mother who looked no different from a young girl, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I won't bother about your affairs in the future, but in the same way, I don't want you to bother about my matters, whether I live or die, I don't need you to ask."

  "You bastard, how can you talk to your mother like this?" Ying Bu stepped forward and easily picked up Qi Lian with one hand.

  Qi Lian stretched out his hand to draw the knife, but Ying Bu sneered, and when he reached out and threw him to the ground, he took out the machete from his waist.

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