"Eh?" Li Yao saw this scene through the curtain of the car, and was stunned for a few breaths before she said:

  "Could it be that some thief dared to break into the Jinyiwei Mansion to commit murder?"

  Li You cupped his hands and said, "Your honor is a little calm, just now is Jinyiwei's internal law enforcement. My father was punished for [-] years because he trespassed without notice!"

  "Brother, are you crazy? How can you beat your father?" Li Yao shouted anxiously, "The emperor has already left the city, how can you let your father welcome him like this?"

  "You beat up your father. You made the Man Dynasty civil and military. How do you think about your father in the future?"

  Li You cupped his hands and said: "No need to say more, noble, Li You is the deputy commander in the Jinyiwei.

  When I get home, I am my father's son. When my father is going to fight or kill him, Li You will never complain! "

  "Hey! Big brother, are you crazy as an official? Come on, let's get my father down for medical treatment..." Li Yao said, and glanced at the big brother in the flying fish suit, all thinking about the blood oozing outside. Unbearable color:

  "Heal my brother too!"

  "Da da da……"

  At this time, a pair of flying horses rushed over, and from the armor, it was known that they were the Imperial Army of Qin.

  "Your Majesty! Your Majesty has already arrived outside the North Gate of Xianyang, please come and greet you quickly! I will wait to hear the news that His Majesty has captured a woman from the grasslands, she is very beautiful, and has been canonized as Da Qin's Concubine Ren!

  If the noble person does not go out to the north gate to greet His Majesty at this moment, I am afraid that later, His Majesty will board the chariot of God, or ride a horse into Xianyang Palace, and it is this woman who will accompany His Majesty! "

  "You, you!" Li Yao angrily pointed at General Li You. He wanted to scold Li You, but couldn't say what he wanted to say, so he had to retreat into the carriage and loudly said, "Clear the way now, how can the Hu Meizi from the grasslands seize it? The limelight of this palace!"


  For a time, the coachman whipped the horse and quickly galloped down the street.

  "I often hear people say that Qin Zhi's wealth and power are far inferior to the strong and intuitive feeling after seeing it with his own eyes!"

  On the horseback, Concubine Ren said with great emotion.

  Su Wen stood on the horse, and from a distance, he saw a woman in a costumed palace, standing in front of the north gate, and behind it were civil and military officials.

  "Long live my concubine to welcome His Majesty, leave for the Northern Expedition, and return triumphantly!"

  Afterwards, many ministers behind Li Yao, the six officials shouted in unison: "The ministers welcome His Majesty's triumphant return, Great Qin Wansheng, long live the Emperor!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Su Wen slowly drove the horse forward, and he hugged Li Yao, who was kneeling on the ground, with both hands on the horse.

  In the rear, many doctors, such as Chunyuyue, frowned, and the emperor's move was not in line with etiquette.

  However, now that the emperor has returned from the northern expedition and annihilated the Xiongnu, they are not good at what to say.

  Su Wen hugged Li Yaohuai to his chest, then he raised his arms and waved, looking at the two columns of the Imperial Army, and many people onlookers, and shouted loudly:

  "The Qin army is mighty!"

  For a time, all the ministers, soldiers, the forbidden army, and the common people shouted in unison: "The Qin army is mighty!"

  "The Qin army is mighty!"

  "Long live the Emperor!"

  "The Qin army is mighty!"

  "Long live the Emperor!"

  Inside and outside the Xianyang city of Nuoda, there are all the cries of celebrating Wansheng.

  Su Wen rode the same horse with Li Yao, and went straight to Xianyang under the cheers of countless people.

  On this day, the emperor is the emperor to whom all Daqin men swear their allegiance to the death.

  On this day, Li Yao was the beauty of Qin that all Da Qin women envied.

  "The noble person may not know, that one is Qin Meiren who grew up with His Majesty since childhood. The noble name is Li Xiayao, which is taken from the meaning of 'Peach's Yaoyao is shining brightly' in the Book of Songs."

  The eunuch on the side introduced everything in a low voice to Concubine Ren, and the most eye-catching Qin Mei, of course, became the person who was introduced in detail by the eunuch.

  "This nobleman is the fourth daughter of the Minister of Personnel, and the two generals, Li Ding and Li Qi, whom the nobleman saw in the army before, are both sons of Lord Li.

  As for the eldest son of Master Li..."

  The eunuch searched the crowd for a while, and then said: "I don't know why I can't find it. The eldest son is called Li You, and he is my deputy commander of Daqin Jinyiwei. He has a high authority!"

  Seeing this scene, Concubine Ren couldn't help but feel nervous. In the palace, women compete for favor, but they can do anything.

  This Li Yao was born in a famous family, and both his father and brother were important officials of the imperial court, which made her a little scared for a while.

  However, thinking that he has the support of the eunuch chief Han Tan, and the tens of thousands of soldiers who were rescued from the north, he felt a little confident, as if he had the capital to compete with Li Yao.

  A pair of phoenix eyes looked at Li Yao's back in the distance, but there was a hint of hostility inadvertently.

  "I Liu Yiyi came from betraying the clan, and entering Xianyang is not the mother of the world, isn't it ridiculous?" Xiao.

Chapter 724

  Countless subjects saw the emperor riding into Xianyang Palace with Qin Meiren in his arms. It was natural. Countless people were wondering what the emperor and Qin Meiren would say.

  Many people believe that it must be a lingering, tender and sweet word.

  But in reality, it's not at all.

  "During Your Majesty's Northern Expedition, my concubine lived in Xianyang, so I could not share His Majesty's worries, so I could only protect the family business for His Majesty."

  Su Wen leaned closer and breathed in the fragrance of Li Yao's hair: "So, someone in Xianyang City has made a small move?"

  "The burning of the Six Kingdoms Prison is a big move, and the small move is not in Xianyang, but in Chang'an City!"

  Li Yao said: "Chang'an City has been built, and the attendants Xiao He and Cao were the orders of Chang'an, but the concubine received news that many people entered Chang'an City in the name of merchants.

  Chang'an is so close to Xianyang, the concubine's body is likely to change, please take precautions as soon as possible. "

  Su Wen pondered for a while, then said, "Jin Yiwei didn't do anything real?"

  "It's all spanking." Li Yao pouted: "My concubine went to my father to go to the eldest brother, and the eldest brother is punishing all the Jinyiwei for failing to do something. He punished himself with a hundred military sticks, and the blood dyed the flying fish clothes into blood clothes. .

  Even when the concubine's father went in, he didn't report it, violated the laws of Jinyiwei, and was punished by the elder brother for twenty..."

  "It's an extraordinary time." Su Wen hugged Li Yao subconsciously, he whispered, but he felt that a person like Li You was simple-minded and could not play tricks. Instead, he thought of Lou Jing, who seemed to be more suitable for Jin Yiwei's survival rules.

  But in fact, at this time, everyone is cheering the emperor long live, even if he speaks loudly, no one will hear, and around the emperor, all the guards are guarding at fifty paces away.

  The spaciousness of the streets of Xianyang City is enough for the army to train as a school ground.

  "Fusu may still be alive!"

  Li Yao loosened her hand and almost fell off the horse in fright. Fortunately, Su Wen hugged her subconsciously before, so there was no ugly appearance of the beauty falling off the horse.

  "Could it be that... the Six Kingdoms Prison was burned down, and the conspiracy and rebellion in Chang'an City gathered together because Fusu was not dead?"

  "What are you afraid of?" Su Wen smiled indifferently: "I will carry the charge of murdering my brother on my own for the rest of my life. If I am a foolish ruler, I am afraid that I will be abused for thousands of years."

  Li Yao looked at Su Wen indignantly: "Whoever dares to insult Your Majesty, the concubine will annihilate him from the nine clans!"

  "There are [-] million people in the world, how do you kill them all?"

  Li Yao snorted coldly, "Then kill [-] million and keep [-] million. Whoever dares to object, kill and keep again!"

  Su Wen looked at Li Yao in surprise: "What have you been doing for the past few months? You have the aura of a female bully?"

  "The concubine is the overlord!" Li Yao hummed, "Your Majesty is not here, the Six Divisions send their own memorials to the harem every day, and let the concubine rule the country together.

  God, I used to cry when I recited the Book of Songs, but I have to look at more than [-] catties of bamboo slips every day. When His Majesty was fighting, I read more than [-] catties a day at most, and my eyes could hardly open. . "

  Since the Qin people declared Empress Dowager Miyue, it has become a common practice for the king to go out, and the palace ladies and ministers jointly control the court, which is not surprising.

  Su Wen frowned: "Isn't your father already working on making Qin paper, hasn't it been successful yet?"

  As soon as she heard Qin Zhi, Li Yao's face instantly turned crimson, she lowered her eyebrows and said, "The development is successful, but my father always said that when His Majesty kneels down and rewards the three armies, he will present Qin Zhi again, like this. Come, Your Majesty will like it more, just a concubine..."

  Su Wen looked at Li Yao's expression and immediately asked, "Did you wipe your ass with a piece of paper?"

  "Hey huh... What did your majesty say? Extremely rude! Extremely rude! Shame to death!"

  Li Yao can't wait to use her head to stab Su Wen's chest open, and then hide her head.

  Su Wen couldn't help but smile: "Compared to Toba wiping, it is also much more frugal. You, you, you know that you want to leave a name in the history books."

  Su Wen's tone is particularly aggravated with the words "Leave a name in the history of the Qing Dynasty"?

  "What's wrong?" Li Yao blushed, but also raised her head and asked.

  Su Wen smiled and said: "The historian will record this way, the tyrant Su Wen has a favorite concubine, tastes the Qin paper to wipe the filth, promotes extravagance, and despises the sacred object that carries the writing and writing, it is really a demon empress!"

  Li Yao's expression couldn't help but become charming: "If you are a demon empress, what's the problem? These canine histories who only know how to hurt people with pen and ink, what qualifications do they have to criticize Your Majesty?"

  "Okay!" Su Wen said with a big chunk in his heart: "Zhen and Taozi should be detached people, right and wrong, why should we leave it to future generations to comment?

  You and I are determined to do whatever you want, just do it.

  It's enough to see if the Qin Dynasty is prosperous. The word "dog history" is used very well. I wonder if those historians have the courage to record it?Ha ha ha ha……"

  The emperor's incomparably refreshing laughter echoed, and the ministers followed, and it didn't take long for them to come to the hall of the court...  

  The emperor was seated on the dragon chair, and the following six officials, with the exception of Gongzi Gao, Minister of Works, and Gongzi Niu, Minister of Works, were not present.

  It's just that Li Si's posture is a little weird, and the top of his face will be slightly twitched, as if his body is sick and it is difficult to support.

  Su Wen silently glanced at Li You standing on the side, and had no choice but to say:

  "Li You will send your father home, and come back when the injury heals."

  "The minister leads the order!" Li You bowed his hands and stepped back.

  Li Si also hurriedly bowed his hands and said, "I thank you my emperor, long live!"

  Only then did Li You support Li Si, the father and son both limped a little while walking, and the expression of Manchao Wenwu was stiff.

  "Restoring posthumous titles and temple titles, do you have any objection?"

  "The recitation of Your Majesty, the temple name and posthumous title were originally the system of my ancestors, and His Majesty's edict to restore it is actually the work of the sage."

  Chunyuyue was the first to come out and say.

  Su Wen nodded slightly and looked at Feng Qiji: "How does Aiqing feel?"

  "This..." Feng Qiji stepped out and cupped his hands: "If that's the case, then the old minister dared to ask, should he establish a temple name and posthumous name for the late emperor?"

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