Ren Xiao has led many captains to wait in the inn for many days. I wonder when His Majesty will see him? "

  Su Wen pondered for a while, and said, "The battle of the Southern Expedition to Baiyue was really hard. It was also really hard for the soldiers to guard the barren land. Aiqing will sort out the roster later, and I will make a decision within this or two days. "

  "The minister obeys the order!"

  Wang Wan returned to the queue.

  Su Wen's eyes fell on Xiao He subconsciously. Xiao He knew what the emperor meant, and hurriedly handed over and said:

  "Your Majesty, the construction of Chang'an City has been completed. According to His Majesty's wishes, I will attract merchants to settle in it.

  Chang'an City was just built, and ministers told the world that Chang'an City was a city of merchants, so in less than a month or two, the price of land and house prices in Chang'an City had reached the point of an inch of land and an inch of gold. "

  Su Wen was quite surprised. He nodded and said, "In Chang'an City, a house that ordinary people live in, with a radius of ten feet, how much money does it take to buy it?"

  Xiao He cupped his hands and said, "It depends on which area of ​​Chang'an City your Majesty asked about, and the minister divided Chang'an City into eight areas.

  One of the most expensive areas, that is, the first district, requires a thousand taels of gold to buy a house with a radius of ten feet.

  If it is the second area, you need five hundred miles of gold.

  The third area requires two hundred taels of gold.

  In the fourth district, you need one hundred taels of gold.

  In the above four districts, in addition to paying such a high amount of money in order to purchase a house, they also have to donate a certain amount of silk or food to the imperial court. Only when no one has violated the law within three generations can they be eligible to purchase.

  Moreover, the minister did not sell the purchase qualifications of these houses at one time, but distributed a certain amount each time according to a certain amount, so that many merchants competed to bid, and the one with the highest price got the prize.

  Among them, the news of His Majesty's extermination of the Yuezhi came back to the country, and the first district of the minister opened three housing quotas, with a total of [-] taels of gold!

  The rest of the house purchase qualifications will be opened when the army returns to Xianyang and His Majesty orders the whole world to celebrate together.” "

  Su Wen looked at Xiao He approvingly, this guy... he's actually qualified to bring out all the popular hunger marketing in the postmodern era.

  "I'm a little curious, how did you make these merchants who hold the money willingly pay?"

  Xiao He cupped his hands and said, "Since Xia, Shang, and Zhou Jianguo were founded, they have always suppressed commercial development, and His Majesty's first business road has brought a lot of convenience to the government.

  However, the minister did not completely put these conveniences down, but stipulated that those who have real estate within a few districts can obtain some privileges.

  As a result, these merchants were suddenly beaten to death.

  Moreover, the minister also clearly stipulated that the ownership of the district houses in Chang'an City will always be in the hands of the Daqin court.

  After all the merchants paid for the purchase, they can only have ten years of authority. After ten years, they must be re-delivered to the court and disposed of separately! "

  As soon as these remarks came out, many people commented on Xiao He.

  Wang Guan took the lead and stepped out: "Your Majesty, there is a certain amount of wealth in the world, if the imperial court takes a little more, the people will be poorer.

  Xiao He's move is to compete with the people for profit, not the right way. Please also ask His Majesty to judge! "

  "Aiqing's remarks are exaggerated!" Su Wen said, "How come the talents in the world are determined? Think back to the days of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, how much wealth was there in the world?

  How much wealth is there now?

  The vast territory and the financial resources of the whole country, how could it be comparable to that at that time?

  When I built Chang'an City, I wanted the people of the world to see that the so-called wealth is not a fixed number, nor is it a destiny!

  I am the people of Qin, and people will definitely conquer the sky!

  The amount of wealth depends on the hands of people! "

  "This minister agrees!" Meng Yi, the minister of household affairs, handed over and said, "This minister agrees with what Your Majesty said, the amount of wealth was created by human hands.

  I have seen the old farmers outside Xianyang twist hemp into ropes. Day by day, hemp is produced every year, but the ropes are gradually increasing.

  The money sold has gradually increased, and the family of the old peasants has gradually become richer.

  The hunters who got the rope went into the mountains to set traps and caught more prey.

  Small prey were kept in captivity, and over time, the hunters became richer.

  And it is not what Wang Shilang said, the amount of wealth in the world is fixed!

  If the pedantic and unrepentant insist on this, is it not a ridiculous person who does not know how to divide rice and noodles, and does not know weeds and seedlings? "

  Soldiers and Confucians have always competed against each other.

  Especially since the spring season was coming, and after Wang Guan's identity as the Confucian suzerain was exposed, many people looked at him very unpleasantly.

  Meng Yi has no scruples, because Wang Guan's words are not right, so there is a lot of disrespect between them.

  Wang Guan seemed to want to say something, but the emperor's power was there, and he took advantage of the situation and said:

  ".. I have neglected my inspection, and I ask Your Majesty to forgive me."

  Su Wen nodded and said: "Old Aiqing is dedicated to the people, I naturally know that this move with the merchants is not intended to compete for profits.

  I once heard a saying among the people, called "Thirty years of Hexi, thirty years of Hedong", life is changing.

  The regional system that changes every ten years can ensure that merchants have the privilege of rotating and cleaning Chang'an City, and prevent too powerful merchants from appearing and secretly manipulating the prices of various items in our Daqin.

  Xiao He's move seems to have a bigger and deeper meaning in it, not to compete with the people for profit! "

  "My emperor is holy!" Xiao He hurriedly bowed down, and he had to say that what Su Wen said was exactly the long-term future he had in mind.

  However, he never thought that what he had been pondering for so long, the emperor would break through in just a few words!

  Su Wen stood up and looked down at the many ministers: "This move is like a spring imperial examination, I want to open the Dragon Gate for the people of the world!

  People in the world who have both talent and learning can enter our Daqin as an official, benefit the people of one side, and leave a name in the history! "

  "My emperor is holy! Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

  The ministers shouted, Su Wen's eyes showed a cheerful meaning: "Ai Qing, do you have other things?"

  As an emperor, he has more time than anyone in the world, but because he is an emperor, he has less time than anyone else.

  Su Fusu, Liu Bang, and Xiang Yu were all hanging out in Wuzhong, Huiji County.

  Not to mention whether Su Fusu will cause trouble, anyway, when Liu Bang and Xiang Yu get together, it will definitely not be good.

  Therefore, he must go to Wuzhong in the shortest time, and completely kill all the seeds that may destroy the empire in the bud! .

Chapter 727

  The phrase that Su Wen wanted to hear the most, "I have nothing to do, start playing", one lasted for a full two hours before I heard it...

  There's a lot going on in the whole country.

  Except for Zhou Anfang, the servant of the Ministry of Industry, who was dragged down, the rest of the civil and military officials stood in the hall.

  First, he calculated the extravagant expenses of the emperor's northern expedition to Yinshan to the emperor, and then figured out a strategy, where should these things be densely distributed.

  Daqin's treasury can only be enriched, how could it be only half left?

  With only half of it left, all the ministers are very nervous...

  This is an era of aggressiveness, an era of not being satisfied with the status quo, and not being content with the status quo.

  Then, Nei Shi Teng, the Minister of the Household, talked about the question of the slaves of the Hun Yuezhi.

  "The minister believes that His Majesty's use of the Huns and Yuezhi as slaves is very meaningful, but there must be a very good supervision system to prevent people from taking advantage of the loopholes."

  Nei Shi Teng cupped his hands and said, "I, Da Qin, always pay attention to what the law can do without prohibition, but the Huns and Yuezhi together, there are hundreds of thousands of people.

  After these hundreds of thousands of slaves arrived in our Great Qin, how to eliminate their hatred for our Great Qin is the most important question. "

  Su Wen had to be patient, took a sip of the tea juice that Li Yao had boiled, took a sip, raised his head, and saw all the ministers staring at the tea bowl in his hand and gulping.

  Su Wen couldn't help but patted his head: "You Aiqings have been standing for more than an hour. It was I who neglected to observe. I immediately went to the side hall and put tea and snacks. I continued to discuss the country's 413 matters with you Aiqings."

  "This..." Chunyuyue was about to surrender, and it was a bit contrary to the ritual and music system to play the emperor.

  But just now his left foot stood on the ground, and suddenly he felt hundreds of murderous eyes falling on him...

  Chunyu Yue sipped his lips and sighed helplessly in his heart after arguing with other officials about how to enrich the treasury.

  "Don't blame the sages, the younger generation also wants to follow the etiquette, but the body really doesn't allow it..."

  So, after seeing Chunyuyue, the first bar of Daqin, stabilize his footsteps, even an older generation like Nei Shi Teng seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

  "My minister thanked my emperor!"

  The sound of the mountain call seemed to be a bit urgent.


  Naturally, it was Su Wen's first-generation tea drinking method, instead of boiling many things and chopped tea leaves directly, and then eating them as snacks.

  This novel and simple method of drinking tea was instantly loved by many princes and ministers with dry mouth.

  As a result, the ownership of hundreds of thousands of slaves was once again brought up on the agenda.

  Civil and military officials lined the lower seats, and the emperor knelt on the highest place.

  Su Wen's body has long been accustomed to the kneeling posture of this era. He also thought about getting a small pony to sit on, but sitting on the pony (bgdi), he felt uncomfortable all over, so he didn't kneel and sit down to discuss, He is not feeling well...

  "The minister just said that the question of how to deal with slaves, especially among the Huns, has been sturdy for a long time. Now that they have become slaves to our court, they may not hide the idea of ​​revenge in their hearts.

  So, that's really the big problem. "

  Listening to Nei Shi Teng's words, many ministers also began to discuss.

  "Indeed, I have read the battle report of the return from the north, and it said that it has already started to build chains to lock the hands and feet of these Huns, but I am afraid that some stupid people will open the chains without authorization. Woe."

  "I'm afraid that what Langzhong said is too much. How could someone take the initiative to open the chains on the hands and feet of the Huns?"

  "What's the matter? There are a lot of stupid people in the world!" The Minister of Punishment shouted righteously!

  Su Wen really believed what the Minister of Punishment said, no matter this year or in the future, there are too many such idiots.

  "Everyone, be quiet!" Su Wen raised his hand, and many ministers suddenly quieted down, and hundreds of pairs of eyes fell on Su Wen.

  Su Wen pondered for a moment, then the corners of his mouth turned up, and a wicked smile appeared in his eyes:

  "Aiqings, don't you think the amateur life of my Qin Zimin is too monotonous?"

  "Amateur life?" Wang Guan cupped his hands and said, "I dare to ask Your Majesty, what is the reason for this spare time life?"

  Su Wen said; "It's free time, time for entertainment."

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