
  What are these things?

  Listening to the meaning of the villagers, these things were made by the magician Su.

  Where is the divine doctor Su?

  "Li Si, you sent someone to buy a copy of those things. I would like to see what they are."

  "I'm going to find someone to find out about that genius doctor Su."

  "Yes, Your Majesty, I will send someone there immediately."

  Then Li Si took a few people to several stalls.

  And Qin Shihuang sat in front of a stall selling dog meat.

  "The store gave us 3 catties of dog meat and a few pots of good wine."

  "Okay, sir, wait a moment."

  Soon Fan Kuai brought a few large bowls of dog meat, but the wine did not come.

  He put the dog meat down and asked Qin Shihuang.

  "Guest officer, what kind of wine do you want to drink? Do you want beer or liquor?"

  "Beer? What is liquor? Isn't wine just wine? How dare you make fun of..."

  He wanted to say, how dare you make fun of a widow.

  But thinking that this time it was a private visit in WeChat, I hurriedly stopped.

  Fan Kuai glanced at him thoughtfully and said honestly.

  "Guest officer, you can tell from a glance that you are not a local person. Maybe you don't know yet. We have a few new wines here recently. Would you like to try them?"

  "New wine? Okay, then, every kind, please bring me a pot."

  Hearing that it was new wine, Qin Shihuang felt a burst of curiosity.

  "Okay, then wait a moment."

  After a while, Fan Kuai brought a few bottles of beer, three bottles of Erguotou, and two bottles of Jiang Xiaobai.

  "Guest officer, don't you know that all these wines come from the Wolong Winery of Su Shenyi. They are absolutely authentic. If I hadn't had a contact with Su Shenyi, I really couldn't get it."

  Qin Shihuang couldn't help shaking his fingers when he saw the exquisite glass bottle in front of him.

  "This, what is this."

  Fan Kuai was not surprised to see him look like this.

  And he himself is a naive person.

  So I started to introduce him one by one.

  "This is wine, the green bottle is beer, and the white bottle is liquor."

  "If you don't drink well, I suggest you drink beer. Liquor is easy to get drunk."

  "By the way, remember that you must not drink it, or you will definitely get drunk."

  When Qin Shihuang heard that it was actually wine, his face suddenly turned red.

  "Wine, how can wine be filled with such a treasure, and this is what it is."

  He has only seen this kind of luster and this level of transparency on He Clan jade.

  However, the store owner actually used this gem as a wine vessel, which is really a tyrannical thing.

  "You mean this glass bottle? To be honest, this glass bottle is also made by Su Shenyi. You can buy a lot of money with a single drop. Come, use this to drink."

  With that said, Fan Kuai brought out a few crystal clear glass cups and placed them on the table.

  "It's called a glass. If you want to buy it, you have to go to a shop in the southwest, and the price is not expensive."

  "This, this, this..."

  If the bottle is a treasure, this glass is priceless.

  But according to the store owner, these things are cheap and worthless at all.

  And all these things were made by that magical doctor Su.

  This made him even more curious, who is that genius doctor Su?

  Thinking of this, he couldn't help but grab Fan Kuai who was about to leave and said.

  "Storekeeper, don't leave yet, I want to ask who is this genius doctor Su."

  "Why, you don't even know about Doctor Su?"

  Fan Kuai gave him a strange look, and then he was relieved when he thought that he was not local.

  So he explained.

  "Shen Doctor Su is an immortal. We don't know where he came from. Some people say that he came from the sky, and that the gods in the sky came down to save us."

  "Fairy? How is that possible? Is it true or false?"

  Hearing his words, Qin Shihuang immediately stood up excitedly.

  Although it is true that he came out for a parade this time, his main purpose is to find the elixir of life.

  And the elixir of life is naturally only available to the gods.

  So when he heard Fan Kuai's words, his heart skipped a beat.

  "I don't know either, but it seems likely that what Su Shenyi did is true."

  "Seller, I don't know what's going on."

  As he said that, Qin Shi Huang took out a coin from his arms and stuffed it into Fan Kuai's hand.

  Fan Kuai weighed the money in his hand but did not shirk, but said.

  "About a month ago, Divine Doctor Su followed the Lu family to Pei County."

  "Then, within a day, he wiped out Heifengzhai with the power of one person."

  "You must know that Heifengzhai has always been the scourge of the counties around us, and there are hundreds of bandits who kill people without blinking an eye."

  "But I heard that the situation at that time was when the county's chief officer Xiao said that Doctor Su killed more than 30 bandits directly with a sword."

  "Afterwards, it attracted the supreme thunder, and directly took the rest of the pot."

  "I heard that it took a cup of tea in total."

Chapter 64

  "What? Killing 30 people with one sword, attracting the Supreme Heavenly Thunder to directly slaughter the village?"

  After hearing Fan Kuai's words, Qin Shihuang was shocked.

  How is it possible, how can there be such a powerful person in the world.

  Fairies, must be fairies!

  Isn't that what a fairy is?

  At this moment, his excitement grew even more.

  He grabbed Fan Kuai's hand and said excitedly.

  "And what else?"

  Fan Kuai calmly pulled out his hand and continued.

  "You should have heard of the plague in Shuijing Village?"

  "I heard it, I remember that the official has sent someone to seal the village."

  Qin Shi Huang was naturally aware of this, and he personally issued the order to close the village at that time.

  Plague is an incurable disease, in order to prevent infecting more people.

  Can only abandon Shuijing Village.

  "Then, did you know that all the villagers in Shuijing Village were cured by Su Shenyi?"

  "And Doctor Su has developed a drug, which he calls a vaccine. If it is injected into the human body, it will never suffer from that kind of plague in this life."

  In fact, Fan Kuai was shocked when he heard the news.

  There is no cure for the plague.

  And also developed a drug that completely resists the plague?

  These things completely changed his whole world view.

  And Qin Shihuang was even more dumbfounded at this time.

  His eyes were full of incredible color, and he said in a trembling voice.

  "You, you mean, the plague, the plague is cured?"

  "That person also made a medicine to resist the plague. As long as you use it, you won't get sick?"

  At this moment, his body trembled a little.

  Even Qin Shi Huang, who swept across the six kingdoms, could not resist the threat of natural disasters.

  And the plague is the deadliest natural disaster for mortals like them.

  Someone can actually cure the plague and wipe him out completely.

  This was something he couldn't even imagine.

  Immortals must be immortals, this is what Qin Shihuang thought at this time.

  Fan Kuai nodded and said.

  "Of course, this is still fake? Now all Pei County residents have been vaccinated, and they are all free."

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