And you are a complete man, you should not make a palm print because of His Majesty's favor.

  Among the six departments, more than half of all the officials are vacant. Can't you just go to a certain department? "

  Seeing Zhou Qingchen whose face instantly turned like ashes, Han Tan continued to grab the big brush on one side and began to paint.

  "The Bank of China said that when your new official takes office, can you help Master Zhangyin solve the problem at hand?" Han Tan suddenly said.

  Zhou Qingchen knelt on the ground and looked at Bank of China eagerly.

  The Bank of China said with narrowed eyes, looked at Zhou Qingchen, and suddenly asked, "Does Zhang Yin have a son?"

  "There are two!"

  "Oh!" Bank of China said, nodded, and then said, "I remember that my Daqin did not have a new policy. Before changing the official position, Zhang Yin was appointed as Tingwei, but because of his incompetence, he retired from the position of Tingwei.

  This is the reason why my factory master said just now that Zhang (Zhao Hao) would be assigned to work in the six divisions, and the face of the palm print was ashes.

  Because palm prints are really incompetent, and under the new policy, all the officials of the six ministries can command ten of them one by one, and everyone is fierce.

  The palm print is like Mr. Dongguo, who has no talent at all, right? "

  This sounds like a curse word, but Zhou Qingchen can only put his head down, accept it reluctantly, and nod:

  "Yes, that's it! But wealth is right in front of you, who wants to let go?"

  The Bank of China said again: "But the official position of Zhangyin is different. As long as you speak eloquently every day and please the emperor, then you will naturally be able to enjoy infinite scenery."

  "But as a man, when you enter and leave the palace, it is inevitable that you will have the opportunity to meet with the concubine Gong E. This is the reason why you must die."

  "So!" The Bank of China said with a sinister look on his face: "Since you already have two sons, why don't you cut off the extra stuff below? Whether women are fun or power is fun, it depends on how Zhang Yin thinks about it! ".

Chapter 827

  Zhou Qingchen covered his crotch with his hands, looked up at Bank of China and said, panting heavily, as if he would be unable to take a breath at any time.

  Bank of China said, squinting and smiling: "When I was a few years old, I was picked up by an old eunuch in the palace, and I didn't know how much my parents needed alcohol, so I could just leave me in the wolf's den. Left me outside the washroom.

  So, I had the old eunuch castrated before I could walk, so I'm destined to experience what it's like to be a man in my life. "

  He turned around in place and looked at Zhou Qingchen with a smile: "But in the same way, I don't have to show my abilities by being a man. Many men with handlebars are as obedient as dogs in front of me."

  "What's more..." Bank of China said, leaning down and helping Zhou Qingchen up: "People like you are already trusted by the emperor. If you can go further and surpass the factory master, it is not impossible."

  He turned his head and glanced at Han Tan, who was seriously painting on the side: "Is that right? The factory master?"

  "That's for sure." Han Tan said secretly: "I originally relied on some cleverness to serve the emperor and get the emperor's favor, but you are different.

  You have already been favored by the emperor, not to mention you have a son, although I entered the palace when I was seven or eight years old.

  But I have never understood what it is like to be a man, let alone without a son.

  You already have two sons. As long as these two sons don't rebel against themselves, they will definitely become rich and rich.

  Even your family will become rich in the future because of you. "

  "Men, you should be more cruel to yourself!" Bank of China said and continued: "I already understand this truth before I reach the weak crown."

  Zhou Qingchen glanced at the two of them, and then said with a gloomy face: "If I really do that, I will be with you in the future."

  "Yes, if you do this, then you will be with us in the future." Bank of China nodded and confirmed:

  "You are the eunuch of the emperor's palm, and the factory is the emperor's eyes and ears. In the world, we want the wind to catch the wind and the rain to catch the rain. What's wrong? I think this is definitely better than those who only cry and cry. The thing is, women who can yell are much better."

  Zhou Qingchen glanced at Bank of China and said, then his face became more and more gloomy, he looked at Han Tan: "You said you don't have a son?"

  "I don't have one." Han Tan nodded: "I entered the palace cleanly when I was seven or eight years old. How could I have a son? And I don't have any relatives."

  "I think this person really looks like your son!" Zhou Qingchen's face was sinister. At this time, he looked like a bgdi prisoner from the outside.

  The Bank of China said with a smile: "If I can become the son of the factory owner, then it would be like God's eyes opening, but God's eyes are not open!"

  Zhou Qingchen looked at Han Tan, Han Tan thought about it, and said, "Kneel down and kowtow, you will be my godson from now on. As long as I have a day left, I won't let anyone bully you."

  Bank of China said glanced at Zhou Qingchen, then knelt down and kowtowed to Han Tan forcefully.

  Han Tan looked at the Bank of China who was kowtowing like pounding garlic and said, and then glanced at Zhou Qingchen: "Now believe it? I'm not joking with you, if you can really be ruthless and do it yourself, we will be all the same from now on. ."

  "I want you to entertain many ministers and let the whole world know that Bank of China has become your godson and will inherit all your finances in the future!"

  Zhou Qingchen's eyes became more and more vicious.

  "Okay, after the gate tower is declared, I will announce to the world that the Bank of China said that 22 will become my son. What about you? When will you do it?"

  "Humph! You'll know!"

  Seeing Zhou Qingchen's retreating back, Han Tan leaned down, sighed, and hugged Bank of China.

  He said, "Are you really willing to be my son? You have to think about it. Being my son doesn't have to be superficial. Maybe when I anger the nobles in the palace, when my head hits the ground, you also to die."

  Bank of China said and nodded: "I really want to find a father, but people like me are notorious, and no one wants to be my father. Besides, I'm still a eunuch, so no one wants to be my father."

  "Call Dad to listen!" Han Tan couldn't help laughing.

  Bank of China said, lowered his head and called out, "Father!"

  "Hey!" Han Tan raised his hand and wiped his eyes: "It's really interesting, I didn't expect that I would hear someone calling me dad in my lifetime..."

  "Don't worry, I will report this matter to the emperor, and it will never be done hastily. The Bank of China said that you will become my Han Tan's son, and that is something that everyone in the world knows about... Let's go, Dad will take you to the palace, this way. If you want to do something, just leave it to these servants to do it.”

  "Okay, Dad, listen to everything." Bank of China said that his eyes were full of tears.

  Xianyang Palace.

  Su Wen was leaning on the queen's lap, and the two were whispering something. At this time, Han Tan led the Bank of China into the palace, adding a son to himself, and a father to the emperor.

  When Su Wen heard this, he couldn't help sitting up and looked at Bank of China again.

  "Have you thought about it?" Su Wen looked at Han Tan.

  Han Tan kowtowed: "Slaves are not complete people in the first place, and being able to serve Your Majesty is naturally a result of God's mercy and His Majesty's favor.

  But no matter what, the slave also wants to have a son, who can give the slave to old age and death in the future! "

  "Okay!" Su Wen reached out and touched it, and a piece of beautiful jade on the imperial case was in his hand.

  "The Bank of China said come forward!"

  Bank of China said that he hurried forward on his knees. Han Tan looked at the knee that Bank of China said had been wrapped with traditional Chinese medicine. For some reason, he actually felt some distress in his heart.

  "This piece of jade is of good value. According to Donghu people, it is a treasure of Donghu. They gave it to me, and I am giving it to you now.

  I hope you will show more filial piety to Han Tan in the future and truly treat him as your own father. "

  "My servant thanked the emperor, long live, and thanked the queen for a thousand years!"

  When Meng Hui heard this, she couldn't help but smile: "Good boy, you can speak quite well... Then this palace is right next to Xianyang City, and you will be rewarded with a courtyard for your father and son to live in."

  When Han Tan heard the words, he hurriedly kowtowed: "Thank you Queen!"

  "Retreat!" Of course Su Wen knew that the two would not go crazy, and suddenly recognized each other as father and son.

  Han Tan walked forward in small steps and presented Su Wen with a brief.

  Su Wen stretched out his hand to take it, while Han Tan led his son back as if nothing had happened.

  Su Wen opened it and smiled contemptuously: "Interesting, interesting! This thing has been calculated on my head!"

  "Your Majesty said..." Meng Hui looked over and said with a strange expression, "Wouldn't Zhou Qingchen really listen to these two people's deceit and go to the purification room?"

  "This isn't cheating, it's punishment." Su Wen said contemptuously, "I haven't ordered Dongchang to do anything, so he dares to talk to Han about it, since he likes to figure out my thoughts so much.

  Then let him be a eunuch, figure out what I mean, let the people of Jinyiwei watch, and report his daily whereabouts! ".

Chapter 828

  Su Wen stretched out his hand and threw the book aside and looked at Meng Hui: "What are you doing here? The little Gong'e in the Renfei Palace died inexplicably. You, the lord of the six palaces, have not received any report, so you will not be held accountable. Responsibility?"

  "It's all dead..." Meng Hui couldn't help but smile: "Didn't they all report to His Majesty on Ren Jinyiwei's side? Then why is the concubine still investigating these matters?"

  "In the harem, I just want to see you kill yourself alone, what qualifications do other people have?"

  Meng Hui got up and bowed slightly: "Then please don't feel bad, Your Majesty."

  Su Wen waved his hand: "I don't feel bad at all, you can do what you want to do, this matter... hum! Don't kill this evil spirit now.

  After that, who knows what strange things will happen in the palace. "

  Meng Hui smiled, turned around and walked out slowly.

  Jiang Xing hurriedly followed, there was only the queen in Nuoda's court, and she could turn her back to the emperor.

  This is not because the queen's body curves are so beautiful, it's just that she is half the master of the world.

  "Go to Concubine Xuan."

  After a long time, the majestic voice of the emperor came from the hall.

  Renfei Palace.

  "The concubine welcomes the Empress!" Concubine Ren led the palace eunuchs and came to the outside of the palace - to greet her.

  The queen glanced at Concubine Ren, and immediately said: "No ceremony and level, this palace came late at night tonight, there are some things, and I want to make it clear to my sister."

  "I don't know what it is, but I also invited the queen to sit down in the palace and talk about it in detail. The concubine will definitely listen."

  "Yeah!" Meng Hui nodded slightly, and Concubine Ren hurriedly stepped forward and led Meng Hui to the palace.

  After being seated, Meng Hui said straight to the point: "In your palace, a little palace maid fell into a well and drowned, do you still remember?"

  Concubine Ren's expression changed: "How can there be such a thing? I don't know who the Queen heard nonsense."

  Meng Hui lowered her head, took a sip of the tea, and said with a smile, "This tea tastes good. It was carefully prepared by this servant Han Tan for His Majesty. I never thought that my sister would also have it here."

  Since Su Wen used boiling water to make tea, the court has regarded this method of drinking tea as a fashion.

  Naturally, this method of drinking tea began to spread among the world.

  Concubine Ren hurriedly said: "This is all rewarded by Your Majesty, otherwise, where would the concubine have such a blessing?"

  Meng Hui put down the teacup, looked left and right, and said, "Sister is very elegant in this palace, and all of them have been replaced with books made of paper."

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