Tian Lan'er and Qi Lian hurriedly kowtowed and stepped back.

  Concubine Ren waved her hand again: "You wait to prepare the fragrant soup, everyone retreats!"


  The eunuch Gong'e naturally did not dare to say more, and retreated lightly.

  "That's what you said, but Your Majesty has worked extremely hard these days.

  Han Tan looked at Concubine Ren and nodded slightly, with a look of admiration in his eyes: "If your mother is like this, why don't you worry that God won't give you a dragon child?"

  After a pause, Han Tan squinted his eyes again, and his eyes were already gloomy: "The servant also inquired about some news, the nobleman who fell out of favor in Qinjiazhuang seems to be very restless, and wants to focus on business. Being favored, the nobles have favors for the Northern Army of the Great Wall, why not start first to be strong?" Xiao.

Chapter 839

  "What do you mean?"

  Han Tan bowed his hands and said: "The slave servants had led many eunuchs in the northern army to check on Jin Yiwei's work, and Jin Yiwei was indeed loyal to His Majesty, and did not make any mistakes, and no one was rich.

  So this thing was done very quickly. After the work was over, the slaves bought a batch of furs.

  A high-quality cowhide blanket costs only ten cents at the border of the Great Wall, but in Xianyang City, one thousand yuan is required for a high-quality cowhide blanket. The price is unbelievable, and the profit is Even higher is terrifying!

  As for sheepskin blankets, two dollars, or even a pound of salt, can be exchanged for a carload of sheepskin blankets.

  So in this way, there are often these things in the Northern Army, and the nobles have great kindness in the Northern Army. These things that are regarded as cheap things in the Northern Army are sold to everyone, why not sell them to What about the noble person?Forty-eight"

  Concubine Ren squinted and thought for a while, then looked at Han Tan: "Will this offend Your Majesty?"

  "Don't worry, Your Majesty, these things are the private wealth of the soldiers, how could they anger Your Majesty? If you can pass this matter and make the soldiers in the North rich, Your Majesty will not only not be angry, but will be grateful to your Majesty!"

  "Ten coins a piece of cowhide, shipped to the south, can buy a thousand coins, the profit is so big?

  Don't the soldiers know? "

  "What can I do if I know?" Han Tan said with a smile: "They are stationed in the north, and there is no military order, so those who cannot leave without authorization, even if they know, they can only watch themselves being slaughtered, and there is nothing they can do! "

  "As for the other grassland tribes, as long as they don't sell ironware, the court did not prohibit merchants from seeking profits.

  On the other hand, in Xianyang City, the troop capturing slaves went north one after another.

  Therefore, if the noble person agrees with the idea of ​​slaves, you can make a decision first, and slaves will take the lead in sending people to the Northern Army. It is not so easy for these small teams to capture slaves to get cheap. "

  "Niangniang! The fragrant soup is ready!"

  At this time, the voice of the palace maid came from outside the hall.

  Concubine Ren stood up and said, "You are now in charge of the East Factory. Naturally, you know better than me what the emperor likes and what the emperor doesn't like. You first come up with a charter, do what is feasible first, and make your own decisions. Not impossible."

  "My servant thanked my lady for her trust."

  Concubine Ren gave a wry smile: "Han Tan, you said that this Manchu civil and military, princes and ministers, besides trusting you, who else can I trust?"

  Han Tan also said sternly: "In addition to relying on empress dignitaries, slaves can't rely on others."

  The word "one glory and one loss, all loss" was in the hearts of the two, but neither of them said it.

  in the bedroom.

  The emperor was still reading through the memorials, and since the memorials were changed to paper, the speed of reading Zhu's batches was also much faster than before.

  Su Wen read some reports about spring ploughing from all over the country. The local officials seemed to know that the imperial court had money, and now they asked the imperial court for money ruthlessly.

  This is equivalent to a son asking his father for money, confident and full of air...

  As long as he is not a fool, he seems to know what the emperor wants to do now.

  Therefore, the first priority of the county governors is to build new water conservancy facilities, open up wasteland, develop agriculture, and provide a solid foundation for the development of commerce.

  Throughout the article, there are various points of criticism, and thousands of words are condensed into one sentence - money!I want money!

  Su Wen can't help but give...

  "Your Majesty has changed to rest..." Concubine Ren had never seen the Xiongnu Shanyu have so many things to deal with. After she arrived in Daqin, she realized how ridiculous the Xiongnu's dream of annexing Daqin was.

  Su Wen put the red pen aside and couldn't help but say: "These local officials, all of them know of the great victory of our Northern Expedition, who sent [-] shi of grain and grass to the army of the Northern Expedition one by one, now ask for [-] shi in compensation.

  The one who spoke the most was Ren Xiao, this person is still in Xianyang City, so for the county governors in other places, he is more aware of how much profit I have made from this Northern Expedition..."

  Su Wen couldn't help but flipped out Ren Xiao's papers from the stack of memorials: "This guy said that he was [-] Xiongnu slaves, and then he had to immigrate [-] to the three southeastern counties. It was really a lion's mouth. "

  Concubine Ren smiled and said: "Among the three southeastern counties, I am relatively few from Qin, but I heard that after the end of the Southern Expedition, there was already one migration."

  "Not many people are willing to go there." Su Wen shook his head and said, "The weather there is too hot, and many people will die from the heat when they arrive there, so it gave a very generous immigration convenience back then, I remember one of them, that is, tax exemption for ten years.

  In addition, whenever a child is born, whether male or female, he is given money to support him, but still no one is willing to go there..."

  Su Wen stretched out his hand and threw Zhezi aside, and hugged Concubine Ren gently: "Don't say this, I just got angry, did I scare you?"

  Concubine Ren felt sweet in her heart, she stretched out her hand to take the emperor's hand and pressed it on her chest: "Your Majesty feels, the concubine's heart almost jumped out of fear!"

  "Hahaha..." Su Wen couldn't help laughing, and with a wave of his sleeve, the lamp went out.

  Many palace maids and eunuchs who served on the side quietly withdrew.

  Qin Family Village!

  Mrs. Li and Li Ding waited here until it was dark before they saw Li Yao's carriage slowly returning.

  Li Ding went up to greet him, and when he was about to speak, he suddenly saw a middle-aged man who looked like a scribe, accompanied by a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old.

  The girl was dressed in floral cloth and looked impoverished, but she had an unstained beauty.

  "Who are you?" The result is naturally obvious...

  During the Northern Expedition, he had seen many beauties, and even Li Ding, who had toyed with many Yuezhi and Xiongnu ladies, actually showed the appearance of a pig brother.

  Following the unhappy questioning of the scribes, Li Ding became a little embarrassed and bowed his hands: "Mr. is a novelist, right? Lin Qidu? I am the second brother of the master here."

  When Lin Qidu heard the words, he couldn't help but think of this person's gaze. He felt a little unhappy in his heart, but he couldn't show it again, so he bowed his hands and said 3.8:

  "That's it, I'm sorry."

  "Second brother!" In the curtain of the car, Li Yao, whose face was exhausted, showed excitement again.

  The carriage slowly stopped, and Li Yao jumped down excitedly, as if disregarding her identity.

  She held a booklet in her hand and handed it to Li Ding excitedly: "Second brother, look, this is the real estate I bought today. I have already planned to cover all the industries of clothing, food, housing and transportation."

  Li Ding smiled bitterly: "Little sister, how could you have such an honorable status, how could you have a lowly business? Let His Majesty know this, and I might make him unhappy!"

  "What do you know?" Li Yao smiled slyly, "I did this just to make Your Majesty like it. Merchants are very popular, and the imperial court imposes medium and heavy taxes, so it can still strengthen the country."

  Li Ding heard the words, and his eyes suddenly looked at Lin Qidu with some unkindness: "Is it this person who is out for you?".

Chapter 840

  When Lin Qidu saw this, his expression was slightly condensed, but he didn't know what to think. Instead, he stood on the side with his eyes watching his nose, his nose watching his mouth, and his mouth watching his heart.

  The Floral Girl looked at Lin Qidu with some fear, her eyes full of timidity.

  "Sit down and talk about it later!" Li Yao looked at Li Ding with some displeasure in his eyes: "Second brother, this is the gentleman I invited, how can you be so rude?"

  Li Ding looked at Lin Qidu and saw Li Yao's expression, so he cupped his hands: "It's not intentional to offend Sir, please forgive me."

  This made Lin Qidu a little surprised, he nodded slightly: "It's okay."

  After walking in, Li Yao realized that her mother had also been waiting here for a long time, and she was even more happy, so she ordered a banquet.

  "Let Mr. Lin and Miss Jiang go down to change their clothes, take a break or two, and then invite to the banquet!"

  "Hey!" Xiao Lian didn't dare to ask any more questions, even though she might be younger than herself when looking at this little girl called Miss Jiang, and she looked at everything with a timid look, as if she would tell the truth. She eats the same.

  "Brother Lin?" At the time of parting, Miss Jiang couldn't help looking at Lin Qidu, and cried out in fear. 16

  Lin Qidu smiled: "Don't worry Xiaohan, nothing will happen, just follow this girl."

  Only then did Xiaolian understand that this girl Jiang was called Jiang Xiaohan...

  In the backyard, Li Yao was talking with his mother, and Li Ding sat on his knees and listened.

  "Whether a merchant is a cheap business is not the most important thing. The key is what the emperor likes."

  "Alas!" Mrs. Li couldn't help but stroked her daughter's hair with a bit of helplessness in her tone:

  "Your father, your eldest brother, all look like you. Why is this? Our family's wealth has long been the best in the world, but what are you thinking about?"

  "Everyone has something they want to do, why should my mother insist that I have to do something?"

  Li Yao smiled and said, "Mother, don't worry, I have full confidence in business matters, otherwise, I won't mess around."

  "How sure are you? Just relying on that shabby looking gentleman?"

  "Second brother! Which shabby gentleman have you ever seen? After a storytelling session, can there be tens of thousands of people listening to it?"

  Li Yao's rhetorical question immediately made Li Ding a little overwhelmed. ,

  "What about that little girl?" Li Ding said about this little girl, and suddenly found himself a little nervous.

  "Second brother asked, I have to say which little girl this gentleman is with." Li Yao said:

  "This gentleman was originally a novelist among a hundred schools of thought. He came to Xianyang to take the imperial examinations. He was never exhausted. In desperation, he could only make a living by telling stories in Chang'an City to make a profit.

  This person made a lot of money from storytelling, often with tens of thousands of dollars, but this person cherished the world and knew that there were many scholars like him who came to participate in the scientific examination in Xianyang City, and they were exhausted.

  Therefore, he spread out his income, saving many people from the scourge of depression.

  It is precisely because of this that in order to make money, his storytelling is also quite vulgar, and most of it is made up of eroticism. The protagonist of this story, not someone else, turned out to be the matter of His Majesty the Emperor's Northern Expedition.

  That's why the owner of Jinyiwei was arrested and imprisoned.

  Originally, many people thought that he was dead, and Jin Yiwei was already terrifying, so those who had been favored by him before pretended not to know.

  Only this girl named Jiang Xiaohan, she originally followed his father to Xianyang City to take the imperial examination.

  Never thought that his father had contracted a serious disease, Lin Qidu had never seen her father and daughter, and he was not an old friend, but instead gave money for medicine.

  A few days later, Jiang Xiaohan's father died of illness. Lin Qidu asked for money to be buried, but Jiang Xiaohan was not seen, in order to prevent someone from saying that he was plotting against this woman. "

  "This... this is really a person of high righteousness!" Li Ding couldn't help but express his admiration.

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