"Free gift!"

  "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

  Everyone shouted in unison.

  When the emperor arrived, Mrs. Li was of course not qualified to sit high. She got up and stepped aside and sat down on her knees again.

  Lin Qidu's expression was a little unusual. He never expected that the emperor would appear here.

  The next moment, he seemed to think of something, and the fear of Jin Yiwei in his heart almost reached its limit.

  Su Wen put his arms around Li Yao, smiled, and said in a low voice, "You are quite capable of tossing..."

  Li Yao said happily, "It's not that I don't want to see you being so tired by yourself, since the courtiers are against you, and you are just a Xiao He, of course you can't be busy, so why don't I just take the lead in sharing some of the burden for you?

  Anyway, they all think that everything I do, Li Yao, is a nonsense, and they will definitely ignore it.

  Even if I did something wrong and failed, no one dared to accuse me of anything, but you are different.

  You are the emperor, how can you be wrong? "

  Su Wen couldn't help sighing: "With so many people, I actually... still like to stay with you..."

  Li Yao's heart warmed, and there were faint tears flashing in the eyes of the emperor.

  However, Su Wen has already turned his eyes to Lin Qidu: "Just now when you were talking about these strategies for governing the country, I was listening on the side..."

  Su Wen stretched out his finger and said with a smile: "I have been here for a long time, and I have already drank two pots of hot wine over there. I just want to see if you are really talented, or if you are a scumbag!"

  Lin Qidu crawled down, not daring to speak.

  Su Wen nodded and said, "Just now I heard you say that on the Qinjiazhuang side, you can gather some victims of the disaster, and all of them are women.

  I want to ask you, this year just started spring, how did you know there would be disaster victims? "

  Lin Qidu hurriedly said: "Reciting Your Majesty, the Yellow River floods almost every year in summer and autumn. When His Majesty ascended the throne last year, floods broke out several times.

  But... but local officials didn't report it, mostly out of fear of punishment.

  In addition, the minister dared to say that after His Majesty's Northern Expedition, the treasury was full, wealth was everywhere, and within the Yellow River Basin, the counties that demanded the most money for water conservancy repairs were the counties that suffered the most damage last year. . "

  Su Wen's expression sank, of course Lin Qidu couldn't know what was written on the memorial on his imperial case.

  In this way, it can only show that this guy is completely calculated.

  Su Wen was taken aback: Among the hundreds of schools of thought, there really are experts who are not in the annals of history.

  "So, sir, do you think there will be floods this year?"

  Lin Qidu looked at the emperor without fear at all: "It depends on the money allocated by Your Majesty, whether it has been used for practical purposes, if it is used for practical purposes, I dare not say that all floods are no problem, but there will still be Some unforeseen circumstances arise.

  Therefore, the minister expects that there will be victims of disasters. "

  Su Wen's eyes sank: "You govern the world with me, so unconfident?"

  "It's not that the minister is not confident, but that water and fire are ruthless."

  Su Wen thought for a while, but of course he didn't say anything like a bet that was not in line with his status as an emperor.

  "In your opinion, how many women does Qinjiazhuang want? Is that enough?"

  "One thousand people." Lin Qidu lowered his eyes slightly. He said one thousand people, which means that there are at least one thousand broken families.

  According to the population of Daqin, that means at least a thousand women have lost their children and husbands.

  Thousands have lost loved ones.

  Saying this to the emperor is like deliberately cursing his people for not living long.

  In other words, this is thinking that I have lived too long...

  "Okay, as soon as the sun rises, I will bring you a thousand women. As for what this place can become, I will look at your ability, if you do well, you will be rewarded, if you do not do well..."

  Su Wen looked at Lin Qidu: "You are deceiving the imperial concubine, but it's not just as simple as falling to the ground."

  "This minister will definitely not disappoint His Majesty!" Lin Qidu's heart was beating wildly, and after a little thought, he knew where the emperor would get him a thousand women.

  Huns or Yuezhi prisoners!

  No one noticed that Li Yao's eyes became more and more red after hearing the three words "Imperial Concubine".

  People in the world only call her a noble person, but who would dare to mention the word emperor and concubine again.

  "Retreat!" Su Wen waved his hand: "Zhen and the imperial concubine both give you power, whatever you want to do, this Qin Family Village and inside, it's up to you to dispatch, but if you do it well, if you don't do it well, that is Two things."

  "According to the order!" Lin Qidu exited the main hall, his clothes all over his body seemed to be soaked through, the emperor's power was too scary.

  Li Ding smiled slightly and cupped his hands: "Sir, just let it go. The emperor has given him a heavy responsibility."

  Lin Qidu nodded and said, "Don't worry, General, how dare I not do my best?"

  Mrs. Li nodded slightly. She looked at Lin Qidu and walked away with the help of the maid.

  "It's almost dawn, don't you think you're here to catch an adulterer?" Li Yao said with a wicked smile, "After all, this Qin family manor is full of eunuchs, and Jinyiwei cannot be summoned, and those who trespass will die."

  Su Wen smiled helplessly: "Among the guards who came with your mother, there were Jin Yiwei. They spread the business strategy of this old boy. After reading it, I felt that it was the talent I lacked now, so I only Come in hastily.

  As for rape?

  That's a joke, my woman, who dares to try it? "

  Li Yao leaned against Su Wen's arms and looked at Su Wen with admiration: "Yes... yes, I am your woman."

  Su Wen gently stroked Li Yao's face: "You have to do this well, then you can return to Xianyang Palace as a winner."

  "If you always bow your head, what do you do, let people show off that he slept with your arms around you again last night, or do you still show off that she is half the master of Da Qin?"

  Su Wen couldn't help laughing, and then his face became straight: "What if, at that time, you belong to Xianyang Palace with the same identity as her?"

  "Equal status?" Li Yao's expression finally changed. .

Chapter 846

  Su Wen lightly pressed Li Yao's shoulder and made her lean back into his arms, then said:

  "The rules in this world are set by people, but the rules have always been for the convenience of people to do things.

  For example, the firstborn succession system is to facilitate the stability of the empire, so there are such regulations in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties.

  Just like the queen, if a certain emperor is in a situation like I am now, and he wants to have two queens, divided into the east and west palaces, the queen of the east palace and the queen of the west palace, don’t you think it’s not possible? "

  "I'm afraid the ministers..."

  Su Wen closed his eyes: "Whoever opposes this kind of thing will fall to the ground, and I will not back down."

  "In front of the world's major events, I am the emperor, but I am also a grandson. It doesn't matter if I am called a dog emperor every day, but this matter, I do not want to retreat..."

  Su Wen couldn't help but said: "Peach, I actually miss you a lot, it's like I haven't seen you for many years... How do you say that, if you don't see you in one day, it's like three autumns!"

  "In your own words, even I don't believe in punctuation!" Li Yao couldn't help but kissed Su Wen's arms affectionately.

  Duplicity has always been a woman's greatest skill.

  Su Wen said seriously: "So, I came here in a hurry this time, obviously to see if this old boy really has the ability, besides, of course, I want you to finish the things here, and then Someone will write a letter, please establish the empress of the two emperors.

  Don't think about it, at first, this person will definitely be beaten up by me, even demoted, and then this person will definitely write a book..."

  Su Wen smiled and looked at Li Yao: "After that, you will still be the master of Xianyang Palace."

  Li Yao looked at Su Wen with a smile, her brows and eyes turned into a crescent moon.

  Su Wen couldn't figure out why Li Yao had such uncontrollable favor.

  He thought about it, but it could only be attributed to the fact that his soul came into this body. With the passage of time, there might really be a sequelae of transmigration!

  The sky will be bright.

  Before Jiang Xiaohan could teach Mr. Du the three hundred pennies by hand, she had already boarded the carriage to Li Ding's mansion.

  Of course Li Ding has his own mansion, or the richness of the Li family, which already has a lot of real estate.

  The mansion he chose was more like a private garden, with all kinds of rare and precious herbs planted in it.

  After almost letting Jiang Xiaohan get here, he couldn't wait to fall in love with every inch of the mansion.

  "Your Majesty and Yao'er went to that Huns' mansion, why don't you follow me to see"? The mother's reproach echoed in Li Ding's ears, and the same words rang three times in total, and he heard the voice clearly, not the content of the words:

  "Ah? What did the mother say?"

  Mrs. Li was helpless but delighted: "You can do whatever you want. My mother likes that girl. I have already sent someone to find a good place for feng shui. Will she be willing to move the grave and rebury her father? Look at her own meaning, you can't force others, you know?"

  "Also, although our Li family is the number one dignitary in the world, we can't force other girls to do things.

  You should understand that your elder brother's Jin Yiwei is right by our side, let alone that he will report this matter, even if your father finds out, he will not spare you! "

  "Don't worry, mother, how can the child be such a rude person? Whether Miss Jiang likes it or not, the child will not force it."

  Mrs. Li added: "Mr. Du is willing to give up his life to do things for your little sister, you should also activate the relationship in the army. If you can help him, just like Jingliang helping him, don't always focus on women.

  A man, a man, should aim in all directions! "

  "Ah? What did Mother say? What is dead? Who is dead? Do you want the child to go to the ceremony?"

  Mrs. Li glared at the two sons angrily, and yelled angrily: "Go away! Just do whatever you want. I will find your father and your eldest brother by myself. I don't believe my mother, they can really treat you little. Sister, don't care!"

  Seeing his mother who was inexplicably angry at him, Li Ding reached out and grabbed his head. He really couldn't understand, wasn't he accompanying his mother?

  Why are you being scolded again?

  "I don't know if those servants have paid any attention to what I mean. No, I should say it again in the past. If my father's precious wonderful flowers are raised to death, not only can't blame her, but they have to quietly change it... …”


  The emperor's chariot stopped in front of Qilian's mansion, but before the emperor's chariot arrived, Jin Yiwei's people had completely blocked the place.

  When Su Wen and Li Yao walked off the imperial carriage, Lou Jing had already bowed his hands, "Your Majesty!"

  Qi Lian led ten beautiful Xiongnu women in Qin people's skirts and knelt at his feet together.

  "Long live my emperor at the end of the day! Your honor is safe"

  Su Wen glanced at Qi Lian and found that the very beautiful Hun woman beside him had a patch on her skirt.

  "No gift." Su Wen said slowly.

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