On the contrary, the Prime Minister suppressed everyone by himself, and used the [-] army to defend Xianyang City, becoming the second line of defense of my Daqin.

  Then, there was the matter of all the prisoners and civilians in Lishan going north. "

  Su Wen couldn't help nodding, but no one told him about this matter. Sure enough, Li Si is doing good things without saying anything by himself. When he does bad things, there are a large group of people staring at him.

  Su Wen looked at Li Yao subconsciously, Li Yao shook her head slightly, indicating that she herself did not know about this.

  The emperor's small movements fell in Bai Ze's eyes, and he suddenly realized that he seemed to have said something he shouldn't have said.

  "Where is the Yuezhi people, where is Anduozhuo of the Mastiff Tiger tribe?" Su Wen drove his horse and walked a few steps along the edge of the ditch that had not yet made the trip, and then restrained the horse's country.

  Bai Ze watched the emperor staring at the green grass seedlings that started to grow on the newly turned soil, and lowered his head and said:

  "Anduozhuo would urge the Yue clan people every day, but I just heard that at the beginning, the Yue clan also had a lot of trouble with the Xiongnu, and many people were unwilling to farm.

  But after more than a thousand people were hanged to death by Anduozhuo in one breath, all of them began to regard Shanglin Garden as their new home, preparing to live and live here. "

  After Su Wen heard the words "prosperity", a trace of chill flashed in his eyes.

  Ahead, hundreds of logging teams who fell wood slowly walked, and the wooden wheels left deep marks on the ground.

  Su Wen watched as these Huns, barefooted, walked in front of him. Chains were indeed wrapped around their feet. All of them bowed their heads. Even the people who were pushing the carts and pulling the wood didn't dare to say anything. sound comes.

  It was like a pantomime. If it weren't for the wind blowing in the face, making the trimmed leaves rustled, Su Wen would have wondered if he was deaf.

  "The granary must be built here within the specified time, and when the autumn harvest, the grain will be placed here."

  With some expectation, Bai Ze explained to the emperor that how the Huns suffered inhuman treatment was not something he considered.

  It is not an issue for the entire population to consider.

  At least, after seeing these tortured Huns, many Qin people are glad that they have a powerful empire, an emperor who is invincible and invincible.

  Otherwise, those who are now in shackles and grazing for the Huns will make the people of Great Qin.

  As for sympathy, those who sympathize with the enemy have always been fools and damned people.

  Su Wen nodded slightly: "When the warehouse is newly built, the soil in the ground must be burned with fire to remove all the moisture, and then it needs to be dug deep and covered with lime to avoid snakes, insects, rats and ants. big problem..."

  He turned to look at the fertile soil under his feet that had been idle for a few days, and green grass seedlings had grown up: "Is there any preparation for the method of steaming manure?"

  "It's downwind!" Bai Ze glanced at the emperor with a strange expression: "The smell is worse than boiling golden juice. I secretly thought that Your Majesty should not pass it."

  "Don't worry, Your Majesty should go to the Yuezhi people to see it now, not the feces steaming site."

  Before Su Wen could speak, Li Yao hurriedly spoke.

  Su Wen felt that he was not heavy on taste. High-temperature composting could kill the eggs in the feces, leaving a relatively pure fertilizer. In this way, the pests and diseases would be relatively reduced.

  When I think of the pesticides in this era, it is almost zero. In a month or two, there will be caterpillars everywhere.

  He was one of those people who fell to the ground and could look straight, but couldn't see the soft-bodied caterpillars crawling around in front of him.

  "Is there a way to deal with insect pests?" Su Wen asked casually. In his memory, there were almost no effective solutions.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  After all, in the era he lived in, everything was done with chemical pesticides to kill insects, and as for how that thing came out, he never understood.

  In addition to forging Leng Bing, in terms of some things in ancient times, he probably watched the most fairy tales such as Dream of Red Mansions and Journey to the West.

  In addition, these ancient things, his understanding of the people of this era, is almost on the same level.

  "There are some ways." Bai Ze thought about it and said: "Someone from the Ministry of Industry came over and said something, but the last general's brain is stupid... Hey, Your Majesty, Gongzitian has built a paddy field in front of him, preparing to cultivate high-yield rice. , he must know more than the future will know."

  Su Wen aside from the reins: "Lead the way!"



  Bai Ze rode the horse in front, Su Wen drove the horse to chase after him, Li Yao seemed a little excited, she and the emperor grew up since childhood, but it was very rare for her to go straight ahead with the horse.

  The wind blows my ears!

  There was a buzzing wind in both ears, before Li Yao had enough addiction to galloping horses, the emperor had already stopped the war horse.

  Moisture is coming from the front, the sun shines in the paddy fields dyed yellow by the soil, and the sunlight is reflected, rummaging on people's faces.

  Gives an illusion that the water seems to glow.

  Young Master Tian Zheng led a group of people around the edge of the muddy sky where the seedlings were cultivated.

  Before planting rice, first use a fertile thin mud field, sprinkle with water and germinate millet.

  During this period, careful care is needed, and the sprouted millet can grow into seedlings!

  Su Wen rolled over and dismounted, stepped forward silently, lowered his head and looked at it. He was pouting his buttocks, rolling up his trousers and standing in the paddy field, watching the sprouting seedlings have grown to the length of two phalanges. Can't stop smiling.

  I said to the same group of people around me who could see the gods: "In order to get this thing, I went to Tiannan. It is said that this thing is well cultivated, but it can be grown twice a year. No problem!"

  "The land of the south of the sky?" Su Wen didn't understand, but after hearing that it was cooked twice a year and three times a year, his expression suddenly became exciting. This thing... he, is it possible that the legend was introduced to the Central Plains in the Song Dynasty. High-yielding Champaign rice?

  So, the fragrant words in the emperor's mouth instantly came out: "Hey! You are really talented!" Xiao.

Chapter 849

  When Su Wen's voice spread, Young Master Tian turned around in a hurry, the sound already made him tremble.

  As for the others, they knelt down silently.

  His immediate boss, the son of Tian, ​​is like this, so there is no reason why you and others are not expensive?

  "Hey! Why does the royal brother need so many gifts? I came here to see the Shanglin Garden of Nuoda. How is the land reclamation? Hurry up and forgive me!"

  Young Master Tian bowed his head and said: "The ceremony of the monarch and the minister can be abandoned at will? Long live the minister, thank you, Your Majesty!"

  When the words fell, Young Master Tian got up slowly. As for the other people, they also got up slowly, carrying a whole body of muddy water, standing on one side, bowing their heads, and did not dare to let out the air.

  Gongzitian said: "Your Majesty, please take a look, this is the rice that will be planted in the No. [-] Pass this year, and all the seeds are the best and best."

  Su Wen looked at Young Master Tian who was full of mud and water on his lower body, but his face was full of excitement, so he walked straight into the paddy field without taking off his shoes and socks, and leaned down together with Young Master Tian, ​​staring at the sprouting millet.

  "I just heard that the emperor's brother traveled far and wide to get these seeds?"

  When Young Master Tian heard the words, a slightly reddish color appeared on his face, and he whispered: "Let Your Majesty laugh, the heads of the lunar calendar generations are all in pursuit of high-yield crops, so they set foot in far-flung places.

  According to the records of the ancient books, going west, there was a farmer’s family who traveled along the Qilian Mountains, crossed the desert, and reached far away places.

  But there are mainly deserts there, and there are not many high-yield crops, but some very rare seeds are brought back. "

  Su Wen's eyes lit up: "Very rare seeds? What kind of seeds are there?"

  He did not ask Gongzitian, this rice seed was obtained by personally setting foot in the barren land in the south.

  Because of such evasiveness, I knew that he was mostly bragging... But in front of so many subordinates, it is difficult to admit it, and it is not easy to deceive the emperor, so I can only flicker words, I hope the emperor can understand his own "Suffering".

  Sure enough, the emperor understood...

  Seeing that the emperor was still standing in the paddy field like himself, Young Master Tian bowed his hands and said, "It's convenient for me to rest in the wooden hut in front of me. I would like to ask your majesty to move. I can talk to your majesty about it in detail."

  Su Wen nodded: "This is the best."

  The ancestors of the peasant family may have crossed the desert, walked through the Hexi Corridor, and reached the Western Regions.

  what's there?

  Live alfalfa!

  The horse's favorite food.

  Then there are some things unique to the Western Regions, such as watermelons, grapes and so on.

  The ancestors of the Tian family sacrificed their lives and walked around the Western Regions. It is estimated that these things must be extremely precious even in the peasant family. Otherwise, why have they not been pushed out.

  Sitting down in the wooden house, Young Master Tian personally held a clean cotton cloth, cleaned Su Wen's feet, and even took off the damp imperial robe, and after drying it outside, he just knelt on the side with his hands and started talking Farmer things come.

  "One of the plants grows fruit in bunches, with small juicy fruits the size of fingernails, one by one.

  After maturity, the colors are mixed, some are white jade and round, some are purple, and some are red, called grapes.

  But these fruits are almost all sour and hard to swallow, but in Xianyang City, in the backyard of the minister's house, there is still a fruit vine that can't be swallowed. as an ornamental plant. "

  Having said this, Young Master Tian looked at the emperor with some embarrassment: "Because this kind of vegetation was brought back from the Western Regions by the ancestors of the Mo family who spent a lot of effort and sacrificed their lives, so it hasn't spread.

  One is that it cannot be eaten, and the other is that this is something that the head of my farm can only plant, so I did not wear it. "

  Su Wen remained calm. These grapes should belong to the category of wild grapes, so they are sour and unpalatable, and cannot be eaten. If artificial pollination is carried out, I am afraid that the taste will change a lot.

  In the memory in his mind, when he once went into the deep mountains to find the perfect ore to cast a sword, he heard from the person who guarded the forest in the deep mountains.

  Wild grapes in the mountains cannot be eaten casually, and they may be poisoned if they are not careful, and if the toxin is serious, it may be fatal.

  "In addition, it is a thing called cold melon. According to the description of the ancestors, this kind of thing can grow to the size of a wooden pot. After cutting it, it tastes sweet and has a lot of juice. Because of its cold nature, it is called Cold melon. …”

  A smile appeared on Su Wen's mouth, which should be watermelon. The original name of watermelon was cold melon, but because it came from the west, it got the name of watermelon.

  "Some people have planted it, but it can only grow to the size of a fist, and many of the flesh inside are white, not as recorded in the handbooks by the ancestors, the taste is sweet and the juice is quite juicy.

  Among them, the red flesh is even more pitiful. "

  Su Wen nodded slightly: "No wonder the seeds of these two crops have not been promoted."

  Young Master Tian sternly said: "Farmers follow their orders and go for high-yield crops. If this kind of food is not high-yield, and it tastes bad and cannot be swallowed, even if there are seeds here, it will not be passed down. , at most, leave hundreds of seeds for future generations, telling them which places have been looking for high-yield crops, and which places have not yet set foot.

  And the seedlings that His Majesty is seeing now are the seeds that the ancestors of the farming family found from the south. According to the records of the classics, they were found in the land of Tiannan.

  It is said that this product is far more productive than the rice in the Central Plains of mine, and it can be grown twice a year. In the ancient manuscripts, it was recorded that this kind of crops can be grown three times a year in the hot places of Shu. "

  Su Wen understood: "So, you don't have a clue in your heart?"

  Feeling the emperor's gaze, Young Master Tian was so frightened that he knelt on the ground.

  This guy has promised to produce high-yield rice in Guanzhong before, but as long as this seed is really Champaign rice from 3.8 Island in the southern half of the country.

  There must be no problem.

  The grain in Shu has already transitioned to the point of two crops a year, so it is not bragging to say that this rice is three crops in Shu.

  "Okay, get up!" Su Wen said, "Since I asked you to teach you to do this, then you can just rest assured and let go. If you fail the first time, it doesn't matter. Summarize your experience and analyze what the failure is. Place, try to do it!"

  "I am frightened, I will definitely live up to His Majesty's high hopes!" Young Master Tian kowtowed vigorously.

  Li Yao, who was on the side, glanced at Young Master Tian strangely, and whispered to Su Wen, "Your Majesty, since this thing is still uncertain, why don't you get my name, no one will blame him if you fail, if you succeed? The credit goes to him, how about that?".

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