Su Wen nodded and said, "What about the others? For example, son Niu, and son Zhou?"

  "Virtue is not enough to be the king of a place." Kong Kun said.

  Su Wen pondered for a while, and then said: "According to what Aiqing said, what is the size of the fief?"

  "The meaning of the minister, the fiefdom of the princes and kings does not depend on how wide they are, but whether their virtues are in line with the throne, so one city is enough!"

  Su Wen thought to himself, "You're still quite interesting..."

  "One city..." Su Wen pondered for a moment: "I think Aiqing has already thought about the title, right?"

  "Young master will make Lu the king of Zhao and confer the title of the ancient city of Handan!"

  "Young son Tian is the king of Chu and canonized Shouchun!"

  "Young Master Gao is King Jing, canonizing Panyu, especially the position of Young Master Gao, directly replaces the position of First Lieutenant Ren Xiaodongnan."

  Su Wen pondered for a while, but instead felt that Kong Mun in front of him had an idea a long time ago, but this time... for what reason, did he rashly propose to himself the matter of dividing the princes and kings?

  ".ˇ Tomorrow's meeting." Su Wen considered this matter to be taken seriously.

  Of course, the system of enfeoffment has its disadvantages, but the main reason is that the power of the princes and kings is too great.

  Why is it that after the establishment of the Han Dynasty in the official history, Liu Bang still adopted the method of dividing the feudal and establishing the country?

  Su Wen couldn't understand this, if he could, he would really like to read history books seriously...

  But he knew that in the early Han Dynasty, the enfeoffment system caused the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion in the early Han Dynasty.

  Until the decree of grace comes, the eldest sons and concubines of all the princes and kings have the same right of inheritance.

  All the fiefs and wealth of the princes and kings must be equally distributed to their sons, so the more the princes and kings fief, the smaller the share, the less the money.

  It is precisely because of this reason that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty successfully solved the affairs of the princes of the Han Dynasty (Manuo's).

  Instead, Su Wen felt that it didn't matter. If many courtiers agreed with the division of the title, then it was imperative for him to do this.

  But he has a deeper consideration.

  Seeing this, Kong Kun hurriedly bowed his hands and said, "Your Majesty Shengming, this minister will retire first!"

  "Well." Su Wen nodded slightly.

  After waiting for Kong Kun to retreat, Meng Hui asked puzzledly: "Why did Your Majesty agree to discuss this matter in the court? Once the court's discussion is over, the sons will definitely be restless."

  Looking at the indifferent emperor, Meng Hui became even more anxious: "If this is the case, has Your Majesty ever thought that once the sons are restless, there will be chaos in the capital..."

  "Of course I know, but the Queen has ever thought that when the feudal system was established in the late emperor's dynasty, it was completely rejected. Of course Kong Kun knew about it, but why did he bring it up again?"

  Meng Hui's expression changed: "Your Majesty means that someone is secretly fueling the flames?".

Chapter 857

  The people in the court are really good at trying to figure out their minds. Su Wen just wrote down the process of making tofu with a pen, without even mentioning the precautions.

  After meeting and watching Kong Kun, fresh tofu was already presented.

  Meng Hui's eyes glowed, as if she had never seen anything like this before. She subconsciously took a small piece of it with chopsticks and put it in her mouth, almost all of her eyes were glowing.

  "This taste..."

  "My tofu is delicious!" Su Wen said.

  Meng Hui: "It's delicious... However, I still want to hear it. What does Your Majesty think about the division?"

  "What do you think?" Su Wen ate a piece of tofu, and only felt that the aftertaste was endless. In this era, food is still at the level of being edible. Naturally, it is far inferior to the refined and even demanding chefs of later generations. Art pursuit.

  "The greatest power of princes and kings comes from within the feudal country. He is the emperor. If the princes have no military power or the ability to collect taxes and forge coins, then no matter how big the princes and kings are, they are just empty titles."

  Su Wen smiled slightly: "Does the queen understand what I mean?"

  "Understood." Meng Hui nodded: "I'm afraid Kong Kun will not give up."

  "The descendants of Confucius should not be so self-aware..." Su Wen paused, then said:

  "What's more, whether to divide the seal or not, you still need to nod." Su Wen said: "Since he went out to 490, Jin Yiwei's people have already started to investigate. I believe there will be results in the court tomorrow."

  Meng Hui was relieved: "Your Majesty Shengming, the division of the title will definitely bring the world back to the Warring States Period.

  The concubine always believed that people's ambitions were unlimited. Today, they won the princes and kings, and I am afraid that tomorrow these princes and princes will want to be emperors. "

  "You and I, husband and wife, say everything." Su Wen took a piece of tofu and brought it to Meng Hui's mouth:

  "In the future, you can tell me this, and don't talk to outsiders anymore."

  Only then did Meng Hui feel that she was a little too excited. If people grabbed hold of these words, it would be impossible to target her.

  In turn, someone will target the descendants of the late emperor, the brothers of the emperor.

  This kind of targeting, I am afraid it is an endless targeting.

  "Report! Your Majesty, Lou Jing, the deputy commander of Jinyiwei, asks to see you!"

  "Xuan came in and gave him a plate of tofu, let him taste my tofu, how does it taste!"

  While eating tofu, Lou Jing bowed his hands and bowed: "I will play to your Majesty, the county governor of Beidi will report to the report, the gathering of the Wurong tribe and the Jitou Mountain, the number of which is in the hundreds of thousands, is feared that things will change, so I send a letter to please (bgdi ) The Imperial Court."

  "The Wurong people gathered at Jitou Mountain. Why did this kind of thing delay the report until now?"

  Su Wen's expression changed.

  The Wurong people refer to the five tribes of Yiqu, Yuzhi, Wuzhi, Quyan and Penglu.

  Among them, the Yiqu and the Wu clan were the most powerful, and the remaining three clans, with a number of only more than ten thousand, could not cause any trouble.

  Many years ago, Yiqu became a country of its own and was extremely powerful, but when Empress Dowager Xuan was in charge of Daqin, she had an affair with King Yiqu.

  But later, King Yiqu was executed in Ganquan Palace, and Qin Bing immediately launched to destroy Yiqu.

  It was also at that time that the Yiqu people were killed and injured countless times, and almost all of them were slaughtered, and there were only more than ten thousand people left.

  After so many years, Yiqu is only tens of thousands of people, plus the Wu clan, and three other tribes, combined into the Wurong clan, it is one of the best clans in Beidi County.

  Lou Jing heard the words, hurriedly took out a bamboo slip, walked forward, took the bamboo slip, and presented it to the emperor.

  Seeing the bamboo slips, Su Wen couldn't help but said: "Who is the governor of Beidi County? Haven't you used my Qin paper from Daqin yet?"

  "It's the relative of the old Qin clan, called Qin Nu, and he was the branch of the young son of Qin Mu Gong!"

  Su Wen opened the bamboo slip and looked at it. It said that the Wurong people gathered here to celebrate the emperor's victory in the Northern Expedition at Jitou Mountain.

  At the beginning, it was just a gathering of more than ten thousand people, but later, more and more Wurong people gathered in this place.

  Winning even saw a lot of Wurong people with long swords on their waists and hips. This made him feel extremely bad. In Beidi County, he had already recruited [-] troops and was ready to dispatch at any time.

  He sent more than [-] people to be stationed on the side, and when the Wurong people dispersed, there was already a conflict. Although there was no private person, more than [-] Qin troops were captured by the Wurong people. On the big wooden cart, pull it out and return it to him.

  "Your Majesty, I'm afraid this is something the Wurong people are trying to test." Meng Hui said with a strange expression.

  Su Wen smiled contemptuously: "This is the bottom line of testing the county governor's victory anger. If Ying anger sends troops to suppress it at this time, they will immediately be subdued. Act like nothing happened."

  "What does Your Majesty mean?"

  "The Huns and Yuezhi people in the north have all been wiped out, and the Yiqu people who are already out of breath, how else do you want to make a fuss?" Su Wen smiled contemptuously:

  "Lou Jing passed down this order, copied it down, and distributed it to the officials of the six departments. In the court meeting tomorrow, apart from the division of seals, it is the matter of the five Rong people."

  Lou Jing pondered for a moment, then bowed his hands and said, "Your Majesty, the urgent order to win the anger will be sent, can you?"

  "Are you worried about the rebellion of the Wurong people?" Su Wen laughed and said, "Don't worry, this is their intention to test the court's response to this matter.

  To tell the truth, I am not afraid that people in the world will think that I am a tyrant. Shanglinyuan is still lacking a lot of manpower to open up wasteland. If they really dare to rebel, I will immediately lead the army to suppress it!

  All the clansmen were all denounced as slaves, so that they could do slavery for the people of Qin. "

  Lou Jing cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty's words are justified. The Wurong people really have no reason. After His Majesty's Northern Expedition, when the world is shaking, it is really unreasonable."

  "It's hard to say." Su Wen said, "In this world, many seemingly impossible things have become possible.

  For example, since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, our Daqin and Wei states have fought many times, and the Wei state general Pang Juan has almost no power to fight back.

  Even after the reform of Wei Yang in Daqin, I became stronger, but among the six Eastern countries, Chu is the most powerful, followed by Qi and Yan.

  But in the end, it was me, Da Qin, who won the world, so anything that seemed impossible was actually possible. "

  Su Wen said solemnly: "Jin Yiwei will immediately set out for Beidi County, and every move I want Beidi County will fall under my nose!

  In addition, I remember that when you investigated the families of those families who were corrupted by the old army's tax-free quota, more than [-] people were demoted as slaves. "

  Lou Jing cupped his hands and said, "Indeed, what is your majesty's order?"

  "I asked you to have tens of thousands of women.".

Chapter 858

  Lou Jing smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty doesn't know, all the household registrations of these people have already arrived at the household department, and now they are all managed by the household department.

  Among them, the women, and those with a little beauty, were all compiled and sent to the Jiaofang Division, and the rest were just turned into slaves. "

  When Su Wen heard the words, he nodded and said: "I never thought that the Ministry of Housing moved so fast... Anyway, I will talk to the Ministry of Household, and Beidi County, you must be careful, and absolutely can't say anything. Mistakes, as long as there is a slight disturbance, report it immediately!"

  After a pause, Su Wen said again: "If it happens suddenly, it's okay for Jin Yiwei to kill first and then play!"

  "Order!" Lou Jing stood up and bowed his hands in salutation. The emperor reiterated the privilege of Jinyiwei, but he was really worried that something would happen to Beidi County.

  Su Wen nodded slightly: "Go back!"


  Lou Jing then stepped back and walked out.

  Outside the gate of Xianyang Palace, Shitoyi, who has been promoted to a thousand households, is waiting for Lou Jing.

  In the distance, I saw Lou Jing's figure walking out slowly inside the palace gate, and he greeted him and bowed his hands:

  "grown ups!"

  Lou Jing nodded, and Jin Yiwei who was in the distance walked over with the horse, Lou Jing turned over and then said, "You mount the horse, the rest of you, ten steps away!"

  "Here!" Many Jin Yiwei shouted loudly, and immediately got on their horses.

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