Kong Kun said gently: "All the expenses of the imperial court are taken from the people of the world. What the son said is exactly in my heart!"

  Young Master Tian thought to himself, all of you have expressed your views, so should I also come up and say a few words, but I really don't know what to say?

  You can't say that the rice grains you built the Daqin Academy were all grown by me, and a grain of rice and corn should not be wasted. Otherwise, I will report it to Jinyi Wei Yunyun?

  Is this a bit too much?

  Just when he felt the dignified eyes of the two winning generals, he had to take a step forward, when he had nothing to say.

  Han Tan is here!

  He never thought that Han Tan's powdered face would be so endearing.


  Along with Han Tan's long shouts, the tall door of the court hall slowly opened, and hundreds of civil and military officials entered it in a row.

  The officials of the six divisions, led by hundreds of officials, stood in rows.

  Han Tan casually walked to the edge of the throne, and shouted at 3.8: "Long live my emperor! Long live! Long live!"

  The hundred officials kneeled to greet them and shouted in unison, "Long live, long live, my emperor!"

  At this time, Su Wen, the Emperor of Great Qin, who was wearing the imperial robe and crown, slowly walked out from behind the curtain on the edge of the throne, like a mountain, towering in front, making people have to look up and be in awe.

  "All the ministers are flat!" The emperor's calm and powerful voice was full of penetrating power.

  After Baiguan passed away, Su Wen said slowly: "Today, we mainly discuss two things, my Daqin New Deal, the world has a new atmosphere.

  But should I uphold the ancient system of enfeoffing the kings?

  This is one of them, and the other is the gathering of the Wurong people in Beidi County at Jitou Mountain. The number of people is as many as tens of thousands, and the momentum is huge. The county governor has already written to the court, asking for an additional army to stabilize the situation. How to deal with this? ".

Chapter 860

  After speaking, Su Wen looked at the silent civil and military officials, and said slowly: "You gentlemen, you can speak freely, no matter what your words are, I will never condemn others for words."

  Kong Kun looked left and right with a smile on his lips. His ancestor, Kong Qiu, tried to restore the ritual and music system of the Zhou Dynasty.

  Now that he is in a high position and the Son of Heaven is close, if he does not turn his ancestors' wishes into reality, wouldn't he be sorry for the blood flowing in his body?

  With this in mind, Kong Kun would be willing to stand out, ready to take the lead in expressing his heartfelt praise for the system of enfeoffing kings.

  But I never thought that at this time, Li Si, the Minister of Personnel, took the lead and stepped out of the queue, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, this minister has the original performance!"

  "Li Aiqing was originally my minister to the humerus. What do you think about the method of entrusting the kings? But it doesn't matter?"

  The dukes of the Manchu Dynasty probably already knew what Li Si was thinking without waiting for Li Si to speak. He was an absolute loyalist of the county system, and he was divided into the royal system.

  But the reason why Li Si is Li Si is because he does things that ordinary people can never figure out.

  "Initiating your Majesty, before the feudal system is established, the minister still has an important matter that needs to be reported to Your Majesty."

  Su Wen nodded and said: 16 "Aiqing, speak quickly."

  Li Si cupped his hands and said, "Since Xiao He was transferred from the position of the minister of the Ministry of Rites, the minister of the Ministry of Rites has been vacant, so the minister suggested, why not select an official who is qualified for this position from among the six officials at present?"

  Xiao He, who was standing in the queue at the Ministry of Housing, looked at his nose, nose, mouth, mouth, and heart, just pretending that nothing happened, and he didn't know anything.

  Mr. Wei was right next to him, and after glancing at Xiao He quickly, he also learned Xiao He's movements.

  From Su Wen's point of view, the two seemed to have turned into clay sculptures and stone sculptures, probably because their breath had disappeared.

  "Then I wonder if Aiqing has a suitable candidate?" Su Wen suddenly felt that Li Si was really full of bad water... No, it should be full of wisdom.

  When he was trying to rectify Kong Kun, Li Si already understood what he wanted to do without having to say anything, and even helped him arrange things.

  Who doesn't like such a minister, such a person?

  Li Si cupped his hands and said: "I go up and down the court and the field, although Kong Kun does not say that he has an official qualification, but he comes from the Qilu Confucius Mansion, and he is a descendant of Confucius. "

  When Kong Kun heard this, he looked at Li Si with a look of surprise in his eyes.

  The positions of these six servants are far from comparable to those of the Daqin Academy. Moreover, I am now determined to restore Zhou Li. If I have to be the servant of the Daqin Ministry of Rites, even if it is not a minister, it is definitely first-class. one thing.

  Su Wen turned his eyes, looked at Kong Kun, nodded and said, "What do you think of Kong Kun?"

  Kong Kun bowed his hands and walked out, saying: "Thanks to His Majesty's love, the old minister is willing to take charge of the ritual and music for me, Daqin, and uphold the original intention to educate the world!"

  "Okay!" Su Wen applauded, pointed his finger at Kong Kun, and said to the white official: "You can see clearly, this is the style of my Daqin warrior, although the temples are gray, but still committed to the rule of the world.

  Warriors, who are not stubborn and persevering, fighting on the battlefield, are only warriors, and those who dare to ask for orders for the world and seek profits for the world are also warriors! "

  Kong Kun was pleased, and he bowed his hands again: "Your Majesty is wrong, and the old minister is ashamed."

  Su Wen smiled and said, "The words are serious... By the way, young masters, what do you think about the separation of seals?"

  Kong Kun's mind changed, and he was a little hesitant when he saw that the emperor's voice had not yet fallen, and he had already surrendered to the young master. He was...

  When he looked at Li Si, who stood at the forefront of the bureau, Kong Kun was shocked. Above the Daqin court, he was really crouching, and he was already in the trap. Go inside.

  Originally, he was rushing forward with a burst of blood, ready to fight with the ministers, and use the mighty force of Mount Tai to overwhelm thousands of people, and promote the separation of seals.

  But Li Si suddenly made such a move and made himself a servant of the Ministry of Rites...

  What is the official position of the Minister of Rites?What is the responsibilities?

  It is said that he is in charge of rites and music, educating the people, and is the deputy of the Minister of Rites, but in fact, the role of this official position is more inclined to supervise the affairs of the Minister of Rites.

  In other words, the first thing I do now is to stare at the Daqin court to see if there is anything that is not in line with etiquette. It is to supervise, not to enforce...

  How does it feel, like it was intentional?

  Kong Kun secretly pondered in his heart, and he immediately blamed himself, His Majesty trusts his ministers so much, how can the ministers dare to speculate on His Majesty with such thoughts?

  If His Majesty does not agree, how can it be handed over to the court?God damn it!

  When a gentleman deceives him, he may be talking about someone like Kong Kun.

  The son-in-law said loudly, "Your Majesty, the division of titles and the system of prefectures and counties, when the late emperor came to court, he had already discussed this matter.

  What's more, after the new policy of my dynasty, all officials are selected by the imperial examination. If the prince can sit on one side and become the king simply because he is of the blood of the emperor, wouldn't it be contrary to the purpose of the imperial examination system? "

  "This minister thinks that what the son and general Lu has said is powerful!" The son raised his hand and said: "The so-called imperial examinations, your Majesty once joked; 'the court is the prince of the land, and the twilight is the emperor's hall', which is the charm of the imperial examination.

  If ministers and others can rashly surpass the imperial examination because they are from the blood of the late emperor, wouldn't this be a form of suppression for the upcoming imperial examination?

  If the royal family was born with privileges, how would the people of the world think of His Majesty's statement that "the court is Tian Shelang, and the evening is the emperor's hall?" '. "

  Su Wen has a hesitant look on his face, but he also understands 493 in his heart, these two guys are both human beings.

  He seems to be asking aggressively, but he actually understands what result he wants in his heart, which is why he is so confident.

  "Nei Shi Teng." Su Wen looked at Nei Shi Teng, the Minister of the Ministry of Housing.

  Nei Shi Teng bowed his hands and came out: "Your Majesty, in the past, my Daqin was regarded as a barbarian by the country of the Central Plains, and the national strength was weak. Later, the Shangjun reformed and made my Daqin stronger.

  The main willingness lies in the reward and punishment of military merit, which is very clear. Even the heirs of the royal family must still have military merit before they can obtain titles and privileges.

  If you just think that the sons are from the blood of the first emperor, and then wantonly divide the seal, isn't this putting the cart before the horse and making the world look at the high place of the temple and are born with privilege?

  In this case, not only the military merit titles that I inherited from the Qin Dynasty will be damaged, but also the imperial examination system that His Majesty's New Deal is about to achieve will also fall short. "

  Su Wen thought about it carefully, then looked at Meng Tian, ​​the minister of military affairs, and asked, "What does the general mean?"

  Meng Tian came out with a cold face, first bowed his hands to the emperor, then turned around, his eyes flashed coldly, staring at the many courtiers:

  "The meaning of a small minister, who arrogantly said that the kings were divided, and whoever split my Qin territory, should be killed!"

  Knowing this time, Young Master Tian, ​​who had been wanting to express himself standing with Young Master Jianglu and Young Master Gao, finally found an opportunity, and he shouted loudly:

  "The minister agrees!".

Chapter 861

  The young masters seem to be looking at Young Master Tian with some disgust. It's already this time, so do you have to express your stance?

  It's a bit too much.

  Meng Tian and son Tian Chen's second opinion reverberated in the courtroom, not only Kong Kun's color changed, but all the officials slightly changed color.

  After the Northern Expedition, not only did the emperor's prestige reach an unparalleled level, but also the prestige of the general Meng Tian shook the world.

  Above the court, he is far superior to Nei Shi Teng, the son of high school, and his daughter Meng Hui is the empress of the Great Qin Emperor, which makes his identity even more detached.

  Even privately with many officials, he felt that the only person above the Great Qin Dynasty who could compete with Meng Tian was Li Si.

  Even Bai Qi, in terms of status, is probably not enough to compete with Meng Tian.

  Therefore, when Meng Tian's murderous words echoed in the court, it was a huge shock to many ministers, especially Kong Kun, who advocated the restoration of Zhou Li and the implementation of the segregation system.

  Hundreds of officials were forbidden to speak, and they dared not speak much.

  Kong Kun's face changed, and then he cupped his hands to speak, interrupting the heavy atmosphere in the courtroom.

  "Your Majesty, I have the original performance!"

  Su Wen glanced at Kong Kun, but nodded and said, "I love you, but it doesn't matter."

  "Although the sub-encapsulation system has many disadvantages, the sub-encapsulation system also has its advantages."

  "Humph!" Meng Tian sneered: "I would like to hear your opinion, what's so good about the division system?"

  Kong Kun's expression was the same as usual, it is enough for a gentleman to die after hearing about Dao, so why should he be afraid of dying?

  "Before answering this question, let me ask the general a few questions, may I?"

  The corners of Meng Tian's eyes jumped, and a very terrifying aura enveloped the hall. Many people were sweating coldly on their backs, and the cold hairs all over their bodies stood on end.

  "But it doesn't matter."

  Kong Kun seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and said slowly: "In the past, the Zhou Dynasty occupied the world, compared with today's Da Qin, the territory of the Zhou Dynasty is vast, and the territory of my Da Qin is vast?"

  Meng Tian's eyelids trembled a few times, and he seemed to think this question was an idiot, and it was obvious that even an idiot could see that Kong Kun was trying to trick Meng Tian.

  Meng Tian seemed to be extremely patient, and then said: "Of course I have a vast territory in the Qin Dynasty. If the waiter continues to ask such idiot questions, please shut up!" "

  Many officials changed color, but above the court, I am afraid that only a few big bosses like Meng Tian dare to say such words to this court servant.

  "Okay!" Kong Kun didn't get angry, he just smiled and said, "The general is really happy, so I'll just say it.

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