"Speaking of which, this imperial brother of mine listens to the second emperor very much. He almost does whatever the second emperor says."

  Meng Hui nodded: "When he was bullied when he was a child, it was the son-in-law who protected him, and the two were born of the same mother, so they naturally became close."

  Su Wen pondered for a moment, then picked up the bowl and chopsticks and quickly ate.

  Meng Hui nodded slightly, it seemed that the emperor was determined to wake up and was about to canonize the first prince of Da Qin.

  "Summon Meng Tian, ​​Li Si, and Master General Lu!"

  The time for the three of them is different. The first person to come is Meng Tian.

  "Does your majesty really want to confer the title of princes and kings?" Meng Tian naturally had already seen that the emperor wanted to canonize princes and princes.

  Su Wen nodded and said, "How about you want to canonize Young Master Zhou as the King of Yue and govern the southeast?"

  "This..." Meng Tian shook his head: "Chen..." When he was about to say disapproval, he stopped subconsciously, looked at Su Wen and said:

  "What about the rest of the sons?"

  Su Wen reached out and took the roster on one side and glanced at it.

  The eldest son Fusu, the second son Jianglu, the third son Sheng, the fourth son Kang, the sixth son Tian, ​​the eighth son Niu, the ninth son Zhou, and the tenth son Gao.

  The fourteenth son Ming, the fifteenth son Hui, the sixteenth son Zhi, the seventeenth son Zhi, and the nineteenth son Fox.

  Twenty-one sons Qi, twenty-four sons Bo, twenty-five sons Yan, and twenty-seven sons Bao. 3.8

  The last one was the ten-year-old son Yang, who was ranked thirty, also known as the Thirty Young Master Yang.

  The rest are princesses, of which the eldest princess is Princess Yinman, ranking fifth.

  In addition to the eldest son Fusu, the third son Sheng, and the fourth son Kang, Su Wen still has fifteen brothers.

  Meng Tian looked at the long list and felt his scalp go numb. If all these people were crowned kings, there would be more vassal states in the vast and boundless territory of the Qin Empire.

  Once that time comes, the consequences will be unimaginable...

  "Your Majesty, think about it carefully!" Meng Tian bowed his hands.

  Su Wen smiled slightly: "I already know what the general is concerned about. If you are crowned king, the princes and kings have no military power, no taxation, no coinage and other privileges, and they only patrol one side for the emperor and monitor one side's territory, do you think? ".

Chapter 865

  Meng Tian was greatly surprised: "Your Majesty's intention? Is it to only give the name of the king, but not the real power of the king?"

  "That's right." Su Wen nodded and said, "Though what Kong Kun said was not the root cause of my troubles in the Great Qin Dynasty, it also made sense.

  When dividing the kings, it is said that they learned from the six hundred years of wars in the previous dynasties, so they do not give military power, but only the power and responsibility of supervision.

  In this way, although it is only the glory in front, I am afraid that these fifteen young masters will also kick their toes. "

  After a pause, Su Wen said again: "But I won't rush to canonize so many kings. On the contrary, let's try it out with Ninth Young Master Zhou first, how does Aiqing feel?"

  "How much is the fief?"

  Liu Bian pondered for a moment, then said: "The three southeastern counties, going from west to east, are Xiang County, Guilin County, and Nanhai County.

  Therefore, I plan to canonize Young Master Zhou as the King of Yue, and the areas under his jurisdiction are Guilin County and Nanhai County.

  After the imperial examinations, after selecting the accompanying officials and heading south together, what would Aiqing think? "

  Meng Tian shook his head vigorously: "No, Your Majesty, the fiefdom is too large. Guilin County, Nanhai County, and a radius of thousands of miles are far beyond that of ancient great countries."

  Liu Bian waved his hand: "How about the title of King of Yue, which is only given to one city as a fief?"

  Seeing that the emperor insisted on doing this, Meng Tian said: "16 Maybe it can be done, but I don't know where the city is to be the king of Yue?"

  "Hengpu Pass!" Su Wen said loudly.

  Meng Tian is very sharp: "Hengpu Pass is the gateway to Nanhai County. Your Majesty's move is very meaningful."

  "So, does Aiqing agree?"

  "I have never agreed with this minister from beginning to end." Meng Tian's voice was a little helpless: "But it is not impossible for Your Majesty to question the title of the king and to exclude the privilege of the king.

  What's more, the minister has also heard some news that as long as the son will be in Xianyang City, the son Zhou will definitely not rebel. "

  At this time, Li Si came.

  Without waiting for Su Wen to speak, Li Si directly bowed his hands and said: "Your Majesty, although the minister does not agree with the matter of conferring the king, but it can be seen that His Majesty has moved his mind, even if the minister has gorgeous words and wonderful metaphors. , Your Majesty will not change his mind."

  Su Wen had no choice but to give Li Si a seat with a smile: "In a city, you are responsible for inspecting one side and patrolling the border instead of me, why not?"

  "Hey! Your Majesty has made up his mind, and the ministers really have nothing to say." Li Si sighed helplessly and stopped talking.

  At this time, Han Tan led Young Master Jiang Lu in, and Jiang Lu saw Meng Tian and Li Si from a distance, feeling a little strange in his heart, and thought to himself:

  "Could it be that Your Majesty wants to enshrine me as a prince, it's not good, it's really bad!"

  "Brother, come forward." Su Wen raised his hand, Ying Jianglu had to bite the bullet and go forward, kneeling on the side with his hands over his shoulder: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

  "I have already discussed with the two ministers."

  Ying Jianglu listened to the emperor's words, and his palms were all covered in cold sweat, and he also thought to himself: here we come!coming!Do you really want to canonize me as king?

  "I want to canonize Young Master Zhou as the King of Yue, the fief is in Hengpu Pass, and I patrol the southeast for me. Other than that, I have no military power, no coinage power, and no official powers and responsibilities."

  "Ah?" Ying Jianglu was stunned for a while, as if he couldn't believe it, canonized Lao Jiu as the King of Yue?

  "What? Brother Huang, do you think something is wrong?" Su Wen asked with a smile.

  Winning general Lu hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "I dare not, then His Majesty canonized Lao Jiu as the King of Yue, and only respects the name of the princes and kings, without the rights and responsibilities of the princes and princes, and just guards one side for Your Majesty, this is not impossible."

  Winning general Lu, who was relieved, continued: "In the past, the Zhou Dynasty was in chaos, and it was the princes and kings who were conferred by the Son of Heaven. situation emerged.

  If my dynasty canonize the kings, I will remove the authority of the kings, and only enjoy the honorable title and guard one side of the emperor. "

  Su Wen looked at the expressionless Meng Tian and Li Si, nodded and said, "That's the case, then first canonize the son Zhou as the King of Yue, and on the side of the Ministry of Rites, there are two people, the servant of the Ministry of Rites and the minister of the Ministry of Rites, quickly start to get this. thing."

  "Here!" Winning general Lu bowed his hands, "If there is nothing else, the minister will retire first."

  "Go!" Su Wen nodded, Ying Jianglu got up and cupped his hands, and stepped back.

  "Two Aiqings, don't do that, let's talk about the Wurong people?"

  "Chen..." Li Si opened his mouth: "I really don't feel this way, Your Majesty, can I allow Chen to take a leave of absence for a few days?"

  Hearing this, Su Wen couldn't help laughing out loud. He was as steady as Meng Tian. At this time, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  He cupped his hands and said: "Since Your Majesty has issued the imperial decree, and the son will go to summon Lu, then the ministers will not say more, what's more, this is only a nominal king, and there is no real power of ancient kings. In hand, so it's not a big problem."

  Su Wen smiled and said, "That's right, so Li Aiqing doesn't need to be annoyed with me. After all, in the southeast, my court is indeed lacking in management. First, I will assign a prince to guard it."

  "Hey—" Li Si couldn't help sighing, "The center of gravity in the southeast is not Hengpu Pass, if you want to govern, then the center is Panyu.

  Therefore, if your Majesty is worried, you can subdivide another prince and king, and the fief is the city of Panyu (now Guangdong).

  Then, there was Mindong County. Previously, the Southern Expedition had also spent a lot of energy, and the Baiyue people were very powerful there.

  His Majesty can also subdivide a prince, and the fief is located in Dongye City (now Fuzhou) on the edge of the sea.

  In this way, if there is a change in the southeast, Dongye can take the water to support.

  If there is a change in Dongye 500, it will send troops to support it by water.

  In this way, in the southeast, there is no need to worry too much. "

  Su Wen nodded slightly: "What I admire most about Aiqing is that even if you don't agree with the division of the kings, you will still plan this matter carefully for me."

  In this regard, Li Si can only smile bitterly.

  Su Wen said: "According to what Aiqing said, who is suitable to be crowned king again?"

  Li Si pondered for a moment, and then said: "If the minister chooses, among the people in the court and the opposition, those who agree with Your Majesty, Young Master Tian, ​​Young Master Niu, and Young Master Jiang Lu, all three of them can be.

  However, the son Niu and the son Jiang Lu were in important positions, and they were absolutely unable to leave Xianyang City.

  Similarly, Gongzitian is now trying to cultivate high-yield rice in Guanzhong, and he cannot leave Guanzhong.

  Naturally, he can only select candidates from the remaining dozen or so young masters. "

  After speaking, Li Si pondered again, Meng Tian stretched out his hand and drew the roster on the short side to Li Si.

  Li Si glanced at Meng Tian with a strange expression, then opened it and looked at it.

  After a while, Li Si shook his head vigorously: "No, no, Dongye City is the top priority, and its county governor is even more like a former monarch of the Minyue Kingdom, and those who go to this place to be kings will definitely not be able to give half a cent. The mistake, let alone give him military power, on the contrary, he has to give him great power, and this person must be the person your Majesty trusts the most!

  The ministers consulted the sons, and none of them were competent. ".

Chapter 866

  "Oh?" Su Wen was slightly different, but he thought of Wuzhu. In the late Qin era, he once led an army to follow many great armies in Kanto and participated in the war to destroy the Qin Empire.

  It's funny to say that when the first emperor ruled the world, he never harmed him, and this Wuzhu's status is not low.

  Therefore, the first emperor made him the governor of Minzhong County, from the King of Minyue to the governor of Minzhong County, and to Su Wen, that is, the governor of Minzhong County.

  This county governor is the same as Ren Xiao and that county lieutenant. They are the only ones serving in the locality, and there are no other officials who can compete with each other.

  Su Wen thought for a while, and suddenly understood what Li Si meant.

  "Then if you choose two people to be kings from the four, Gongzi Tian, ​​Gongzi Jianglu, Gongzi Niu, and Gongzi Gao, who would be suitable?"

  "This..." Li Si pondered for a moment, then shook his head: "I can't make a decision. The poison of power can corrupt people's hearts the most, so I... I dare not take the risk."

  Su Wen pondered for a while and looked at Meng Tian on the side.

  Meng Tian shook his head: "No matter who goes there, there is a great risk, and just now Li Shangshu said about Minzhong County, but the minister remembered why the late emperor set up the first lieutenant in the southeast, but he didn't think Ren Xiao's power was too great."

  "Oh? Why?" Su Wen couldn't help asking.

  Meng Tian said: "In the past, when the late emperor came to the dynasty, my dynasty sent a large army of [-] people to attack Baiyue and Shanrong in the south, and still paid the price of hundreds of thousands of people, and only then did we capture a large area there.

  It is precisely because of this that the Baiyue people over there are very hostile to my Daqin people. His Majesty believes that Ren Xiao led the army to break Baiyue, so he can deter many Baiyue clansmen.

  And if I set up three county governors, county commanders, and county supervisors separately, and use the method of managing the countries in the Central Plains to manage the southeast, I am afraid that those remaining tribes will rise up in chaos. "

  Su Wen's eyes narrowed: "So, it must be someone who needs an iron fist to suppress it..."

  As he spoke, Su Wen suddenly said, "Where's Ziying? Why haven't you seen him for so many days?" "

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