Such a majestic shouting sound directly shattered the tiles on the fortress of Wuzhi City.

  Su Wen looked at the chaotic army on the tower with a calm expression.

  He knew very well that most of the army soldiers here were old Qin people, so what if Ying Fusu could do things here?

  As long as you stand here and shout, all the people will submit to you.

  And Ying Fusu was out of breath.

  Even if there are thousands of people following him, how can he be worth the tens of thousands of soldiers in this city?

  "We are Daqin soldiers. We never participated in the Northern Expedition, but we still received the emperor's favor. How can we help the rebels and betray the emperor? Betray Daqin?"

  On the tower, a captain shouted angrily, but then his whole body exploded into a cloud of blood.

  A giant with a face like a ghost, holding a re-cast golden man barefoot in one hand, glared at everyone fiercely:

  "Are you going to rebel? This is the end! Who dares to come?"

  Ruan Wengzhong was thunderous, he thought that he (bgdi) could scare everyone back, but he never thought that these Qin soldiers had blood-red eyes, and roared and rushed up.

  "court death!"

  Ruan Wengzhong waved the golden man in his hand, and suddenly the Qin soldiers in pieces were smashed into flesh and blood splattered.

  "It's this traitor who killed the general and killed him!"

  "Brothers, burn him with fiery oil!"

  "Capturing the king first, the traitor Ying Fusu is in the county governor's mansion. If we can't beat this traitor, can't we kill the traitor Ying Fusu? Come with me, brothers!"

  "My old Wang family is a descendant of General Wang Li, and has been a soldier in Beidi County for three generations. The emperor is just outside the city, and now he is giving up his life to serve the country! It's time!

  All the surnamed Wang follow Lao Tzu!Kill this traitor! "

  "Brothers of the Li family camp, we will never fall behind, the Wang family camp is ahead, our old Li family and the old Wang family have been fighting for the prefecture for [-] years, and there is no certainty.

  In today's battle, never take a step back!

  Catch the traitor!

  Repay the King! "

  Ruan Wengzhong, who had been killed with blood and layers of corpses all over his body, saw this scene, and his expression suddenly changed.

  "Hahaha... That idiot has been tricked, he's gone, we'll open the city gate!"

  Ruan Zhongweng, who was running on horseback, roared angrily when he heard the words, his heart was full of unwillingness, but he had no choice but to grit his teeth and kill the county governor.

  No matter what, Ying Fusu must not make any mistakes.


  Under everyone's attention, the tall gates of the outer city slowly opened.

  Wuzhi City is an important gate. Outside the city gate, there is a circle of moat, and there is also a newly excavated circle of moat at the location of a stone's throw.

  If you want to break through such a city, you must pay a heavy price.

  The suspension bridge over the city gate was also lowered, and a large number of soldiers poured out, carrying large wooden shelves and wooden boards, and strode directly towards the moat a stone's throw away.

  Outside, the voices of all the soldiers shouting stopped.

  The sound of fighting in the city gradually disappeared.

  The soldiers of the Wangjiaying carried tall wooden shelves and directly entered the outer moat, and then pressed the wooden boards on top, and a temporary structure passage was paved in this way.

  "Wang Wanmin, the commander of Wu's City, the sinner, long live my emperor!"

  "Sinner Li Engui, captain of Wu's City, long live my emperor!"

  Behind the two of them, the densely packed soldiers knelt on the ground, and when they knelt down, the sound of the armor rubbing was extremely majestic.

  Su Wen slowly walked down from the high platform, stepped on the wooden board, and strode to the two of them.

  "What's the crime of the two generals?" Su Wen stretched out his hand and helped them up one by one. Then he looked at the soldiers with great emotion and shouted loudly:

  "Wait! They are all my loyal and brave soldiers of the Qin Dynasty. What's the crime?"

  "Long live the Emperor!"

  "Long live the Emperor!"

  The soldiers kneeling on the ground roared in unison.

  Su Wen raised his hand slightly, Shanhu's voice stopped immediately, and there was silence inside and outside the city.

  "Your Majesty! The city is on fire!" Ying Bu, Bai Qi and other generals followed behind the emperor, he shouted loudly, and pointed at the city of Wuzhi.

  Wang Wanmin glanced at it and changed his color: "That's the direction of the county governor's mansion. It must be the traitor Ruan Wengzhong who wants to flee, and then he will set fire to the city!"

  Su Wen smiled lightly: "It's nothing more than some jumping clowns, Ying Bu, Bai Qi!"

  "The end is here!"

  Bai Qi and Ying Bu responded.

  "The two of you lead the army separately, intercepting from the outside of Wuzhi City, Ruan Wengzhong is tall and easy to identify, and must not be let go!"

  "Order!" Ying Bu and Bai Qi shouted in unison, and immediately got on their horses, each leading a troop of soldiers and horses.

  "Enter the city!"

  Su Wen waved his hand and ordered.

  Mr. Wei's face changed slightly. When he was about to speak, Han Tan took the lead and said: "Your Majesty, the city is still in chaos. If you rush into the city at this time, it may be dangerous..."

  As soon as these words came out, the two captains Wang Wanmin and Li Sigui looked a little terrified.

  Su Wen smiled lightly: "What's there to be afraid of? Lou Jing, dressed in Jin Yiwei to clear the way, I have Wang Wanmin and Li Sigui to guard, how chaotic can the city be?"

  "I will obey your orders!"

  Lou Jing, Wang Wanmin, and Li Sigui shouted in unison.

  Mr. Wei looked at everything in his eyes, but he focused on finding that the eyes of Wang Wanmin and Li Sigui looking at the emperor had undergone a qualitative change.

  He had seen this kind of look in the Great Wall Corps, those warriors who swore to follow the emperor, when they saw the emperor, it was this kind of look.

  "The emperor is really a master at manipulating people's hearts..."

  Mr. Wei said with some shock in his heart, he had already placed the emperor in a very high position, but he never thought that the emperor was far more terrifying than he thought. .

Chapter 937

  County Sheriff's Office!

  Ruan Wengzhong roared and killed, his body was covered in blood, and the whole person was more like salvaged from a blood pool.

  After seeing Ruan Wengzhong, a group of guards stationed outside the county guard hurried over to greet him.

  "Where's the son!"

  "Mr. Zhang Liang has a kit, and he ordered me to give it to the general immediately!"

  Ruan Wengzhong exclaimed angrily: "When is this all going to be tricky! Where's the kit?"

  The captain of the guard hurriedly delivered the bag, Ruan Wengzhong stretched out his bloody hands and opened the bag, only to see a bamboo slip inside.

  After unfolding, you can see the writing on it: "The fake emperor has established his power, and he stands outside the city. With a shout, all the people will surrender.

  For now, the only plan is to get out first, trying to plot other things. The general just leads the army to break out of the siege. I have already brought my son Fusu to change the disguise, and I will definitely not go wrong.

  In addition, there is still a fake Fusu sitting in the county town, and the general escorts the fake Fusu to Jitou Mountain, where he will meet with the Wu Rong army, stick to Jitou Mountain, or go north along the He-Xi Corridor.

  In less than a month, anti-Qin rebels will rise everywhere in the world.

  At that time, the six kingdoms of Guandong will be scattered all over the land, and the Qin territory will be divided.

  The six Kwantung armies from east to west, together to kill the false emperor, jointly slaughter the world! "

  "Humph!" Ruan Wengzhong snorted coldly: "It's better to say than to sing. Quickly invite the son out, mobilize all the people, and we will go out of the city immediately!"


  Not long after, the fake son Fusu was escorted out. The man and Ruan Wengzhong looked at each other, and the two of them didn't say much.

  "Burn the county governor's mansion down! Wu's City is also given some points!" Ruan Wengzhong suddenly had a plan as he ran fast on the horse's back.

  "The pseudo-emperor Su Wen wants an intact Wuzhi City, and the labor and capital will not give him it, so he will set it on fire immediately!"


  The soldiers who followed behind didn't think much about it. Shangguan said what to do.

  For a time, everyone ignited the rocket, and first shot at the county governor's house, and immediately there was a raging fire.

  Then everyone walked all the way, shooting arrows all the way.

  "Rogue! Robber! This group of people is a thief!"

  "What kind of son Fusu is there!"

  "How could Young Master Fusu burn down our house!"

  Suddenly, someone on the street screamed loudly.

  More and more people escaped from the burning houses, with kitchen knives or hoes and sticks in their hands, all swarming the streets.

  "They destroyed our home, and they fought desperately!" Someone roared with blood red eyes, snot and saliva flowing from their eyes, and it was unknown.

  Looking at the people who had already blocked the streets in just a few breaths, Ruan Wengzhong was lying on the golden man and said with a grinning smile:

  "A few pariahs want to stop the general's footsteps, you are courting death!"

  "Send arrows and kill them all!"

  The guards at the back are the die-hard people of the young master Fusu. There are not many, only a thousand, and they have no feelings for the people of Wuzhi City itself.

  Immediately, he raised his bow and arrow, and was about to shoot arrows at those innocent people.

  Unexpectedly, at this time, there was a sudden sound of flying arrows breaking through the air. Ruan Wengzhong just turned his head and saw that the soldiers behind him were shot dead in a flash.

  In the rear, a large group of soldiers in armor appeared out of nowhere. The first one waved the spear in his hand and shouted loudly:

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