"He! He is the real emperor, a veritable emperor! And you and I are just a traitor!"

  Another old woman slowly withdrew her gaze, obviously he was also shocked by the scene of the emperor fighting a hundred people alone.

  "Is this person really Su Wen? He and the young boy in the rumors are simply the difference between clouds and mud."

  The old woman with tears on her face said, "Could it be that what you have seen with your own eyes can still be faked? When he was in Wuzhong, he personally fought against Xiang Yu.

  You people don't often say that Xiang Yu is brave and invincible in the world. If he was really invincible, why didn't he just kill the emperor? "

  "Speaking like this, you really lose your identity." Another old woman calmed down:

  "You can also see how fierce he is. When he is a world-class warrior, he may not be able to defeat him, and I feel that he is stronger than when I saw him in Wu Zhong!"

  "Perhaps..." The old woman let the tears flow down her face: "Perhaps, the father emperor really issued an edict to pass the throne to him.

  His literacy and martial arts are all first-class. With such a good king to govern the 3.8 world, he can definitely prosper! "

  Another old woman laughed gloomily: "You should first consider whether Ruan Wengzhong can survive the pursuit of the fake emperor and then talk about it!"

  The old woman burst into tears, she threw it against the window on the second floor, and burst into tears.

  The other old woman just felt extremely irritable, and repented and said: "The speed of Wuzhi City's ruin is faster than I thought, because I underestimated Su Wen.

  At the beginning, [-] fat sheep, [-] cattle, and [-] curved ploughs were distributed to the people of Beidi County for free. I should have imagined that where there are old Qin people, he is invincible and invincible. of. "

  He didn't even notice that the old woman who was crawling on the window and crying bitterly had a bamboo slip in her sleeve slipping down indiscernibly.

  The wind blowing in the distance blew away the bamboo slips that flew out, and I don't know where they landed. .

Chapter 939

  "Did you get rid of it?"

  On the endless grassland, Ruan Wengzhong restrained his horse and looked back. There were only four or five hundred cavalrymen following him.

  "Should get rid of it..." Ying Fusu said, "The generals defending the North Gate are just ordinary people. Do they have cavalry in their hands? It's just..."

  He couldn't help sighing: "I just didn't expect that as soon as Su Wen appeared outside Wuzhi City, all our calculations and arrangements became so vulnerable."

  "Why should you be discouraged?" Ruan Wengzhong said vigorously: "Our move is against the sky.

  The way of defying the sky is very Dao. If it is so easy to succeed, would you be embarrassed to say that you are going against the sky?Hahaha……"

  Ying Fusu couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Hahaha... The general said very much, how can such an act against the sky be so acceptable... Not good! Why are there so many people in front of us?"

  Ruan Wengzhong hurriedly turned around, and at the limit of the line of sight that was connected to the ground that day, a large black cavalry suddenly appeared.

  On the green grass, black iron armor, overwhelming...

  "It's Qin Jun!" Ruan Wengzhong said with an ugly face: "We'll find a way to kill it!"

  "General!" Ying Fusu shouted in a hurry, Ruan Wengzhong, who was about to rush to kill, suddenly restrained the monster-like war horse, turned his head and shouted:

  "What's the matter? Don't be afraid, just follow behind me. The person who can kill me Ruan Wengzhong has not yet been born in this world!"

  Ahead, the torrent of steel rolled over, and there was a rumbling sound between the heavens and the earth, and the earth trembled under the iron hooves.

  The banner with the character "white" fluttered in the wind, and the iron cavalry that rolled over seemed to be destroying the world.

  After seeing the "white" banner, as strong as Ruan Wengzhong, he was unconsciously afraid.

  "Human Tu!" Ruan Wengzhong's voice was extremely solemn.

  "General!" Ying Fusu's face was very pale, and his lips were trembling slightly uncontrollably, but he pretended to have a heroic smile: "I'll go, if they can capture me, Ying Fusu, it must be a great achievement.

  I can die, but the son cannot be without the help of the generals. If the son does not have the generals to help him, how can he achieve great things! "

  Ruan Wengzhong crossed the golden man in his palm, his eyes looked west, the golden sunset was projected from the end of the sky, and his eyes were dyed golden in an instant.

  Before the human slaughter arrived, they already knew that they would die if they rushed forward.

  "Heh!" Ruan Wengzhong said: "It's sunset again, goodbye sunset. This reminds me of those days of bloody battles with the Huns."

  He looked back at Ying Fusu: "Did you let me escape?"

  Ying Fusu was finally no longer afraid, he and Ruan Wengzhong looked at each other: "Young Master is far more important than our personal honor, shame and life and death."

  "I can die, the general can die, but at this time, only I can die, the general must survive!"

  Ruan Wengzhong looked at the determined look in Ying Fusu's eyes, and two lines of hot tears slowly rolled out from his golden eyes.


  When the golden man landed, Ruan Wengzhong rolled over and dismounted, knelt in front of Ying Fu Su Ma, and kowtowed heavily.

  Ying Fusu was on the horse's back, smiling, then slowly drove the horse and walked past Ruan Wengzhong, who was kneeling on the ground.

  The snow-like white horse snorted and held its head high, and the golden sunset shone on it and its master's white clothes.

  This moment is a holy moment.

  Loyalty and righteousness are worthy of respect and praise at all times.


  Glancing at the back that seemed to be walking into the golden light, Ruan Wengzhong wiped away the tears on his face, gritted his teeth and turned on his horse.

  "Respectfully send the eldest son!"

  Among the five hundred remaining soldiers, someone shouted with a hoarse voice.

  "Respectfully send the eldest son!"

  In the setting sun, the [-] remnants of the soldiers were cast like gold.


  Ahead, the back, who had stepped into the setting sun, let out a desolate laugh.

  Ruan Weng Zhong re-selected the direction of the horse and fled.

  "As long as someone leaves, raise your head to see you!"

  The pure black horse without a single mottled hair, Bai Qi gave an order with no expression.

  "Dong dong dong..."

  The war horses chased after them frantically, and the soldiers and soldiers carried Mo knives.

  Ying Fusu held his head high. He believed that the eldest son, Fusu, was the real king. Even if he died, he should maintain his due demeanor and majesty.

  The people who slaughtered the army surrounded him, and Ying Fusu's eyes were majestic and calm, as if an emperor was patrolling his territory, not a prisoner.

  At this moment, he thought that he absolutely could not shame the son Fusu.

  "Gu Nai Da Qin's eldest son Fusu, where will your family master be?"

  A horse came whistling, and a cold laughter came out of Bai Qi's mouth, like Ye Xiao was crying, and the death was sobbing out of control after being ecstatic.


  With a wave of the Mo knife, all the pride of the eldest son, Ying Fusu, instantly turned into a corpse.

  Bai Qi stretched out his hand and grabbed the human head that flew upside down into the sky. He put the Mo Dao on the ground where the green grass was Lili, and held the head of the eldest son Ying Fusu in both hands, ignoring the dripping warm blood. in front of yourself.

  This action is almost nose-to-nose.

  When no one dared to see the eldest son Fusu, he beheaded him with a single knife; just like in the wilderness of Changping, no one thought that Bai Qi dared to kill all the [-] soldiers of Zhao State.

  This history, separated by two thousand years, still makes people feel creepy.

  But Bai Qi sat still, so killing a Ying Fusu was as simple as swinging and closing the sword.

  A very cruel smile appeared on his face: "Do you think you can stop my progress? In this world, only the emperor can."


  The gust of wind blew in Ruan Wengzhong's ears. The moment he turned back on the horse, he saw the head of Ying Fusu flying upside down into the sky, and he saw the blood spurting out of the chest of the headless corpse.

  He didn't have time to grieve, and the iron cavalry that surrounded the two flanks of the human slaughtered army was fast, but in the blink of an eye, their retreat seemed to be cut off.

  It was getting dark, and the people slaughtered the fire.

  The five hundred riders crowded together like they were warming up in the cold winter.

  Ruan Wengzhong squeezed the golden man in his hand tightly, and looked at Bai Qi who was slowly driving the horse to him.

  "Why do people who should have been buried in the ground come out and show shame?" Bai Qi's face was expressionless:

  "You are in the northern 543 Xinjiang, and you have a lot of military exploits, which makes the Huns fear and tremble. On the Great Wall, there is still a statue of you, in order to deter the Huns."

  Ruan Wengzhong looked at Bai Qi, his eyes suddenly returned to calm, neither angry nor sad, but it was pitch black, and there was no rush, as if his entire eyes had completely turned black.

  "Are you the descendant of Tu Baiqi?"

  Bai Qi said, "Yes."

  "Then do you know what Wu'an Jun Baiqi's final fate is?"

  Bai Qi said calmly, "I was given death by the suspicion of the king."

  "What do you think your future destiny will be?"

  Bai Qi suddenly reached out and undid a jug from his waist. He reached out and threw it to Ruan Wengzhong on the horse. Ruan Wengzhong grabbed the jug with one hand and drank it all. Staring at the jug, his eyes were full of Remembrance color.

  But he didn't know what he remembered.

  Is it the honor and disgrace of the past?

  Or, it was just that when he was young, in a poor family, his father was drinking the turbid wine in his mouth.

  Or is it the first time that he received the courtesy of the son and buried his poor father from birth to death?

  Or, is it the promise you made to that girl when you were young, before stepping into the golden horse?

  If nothing else, she should be someone else's grandmother by now.

  A pity, not a pity.

  "I know my fate." At this moment, Bai Qi's whole body is a pure murder weapon without any impurities, "Have you ever heard a word?"

  Ruan Wengzhong said, "What?"

  Bai Qi said: "Taiping is originally a human slaughter, why should a human slaughter see Taiping?".

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