The emperor really is a devil!

  Many people thought so in their hearts, and their fear of Emperor Su Wen was literally engraved in their bones.

  "Where's Ying Bu?" Su Wen looked around the tent, but only saw no trace of Ying Bu.

  The corner of Mr. Wei's mouth moved, but he didn't speak. Han Xin, who was standing at the front, cupped his hands and said, "General Ying Bu heard that His Majesty came to accept the surrender. He went out to hunt and said that he wanted to hunt a white deer and present it to His Majesty!"

  "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! The end is coming!"

  Outside the tent, Ying Bu's rude voice came, and he actually hunted a white deer!

  Ying Bu put the white deer that was shot to one side and bowed his hands: "Your Majesty, listen to what I said on the grasslands, it is auspicious to be able to hunt the white deer!"

  Su Wen laughed loudly: "Quickly flatten! It's the blood of the deer..." He glanced at Ying Bu: "Isn't it wasted?"

  Ying Bu smiled and took out a water bottle from under his shirt, and presented it to Su Wen with both hands: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, this white deer blood is a great supplement, why is this minister willing to waste it?

  The wine has been prepared in advance, and the deer blood has been caught. "

  The more Su Wen looked at Ying Bu, the more pleasing his eyes became. He took the jug in his hand, looked at it seriously, and then smiled at the generals:

  "Don't be stunned, don't tell me that you haven't caught Meiji of the Rong clan?"

  Everyone was a man, and when they looked at Ying Bu's large pot of deer blood wine, a knowing smile appeared on their faces.

  "Bring it up!"

  Ying Bu snorted towards the outside of the tent.

  Immediately, a group of Maggies dressed completely different from those from Xianyang walked in slowly.

  Su Wen waved his hand, and before he could speak, Ying Bu had already brought a serving plate from somewhere, placed a wine glass on it, and knelt beside Su Wen with a smile.

  "Hey! You kid..." Su Wen opened the jug, and a very pure taste spread.

  While pouring wine, he looked at the generals: "Don't be stunned, whoever you fancy belongs to whoever, your wife is not in the army anyway.

  I don't say it, you don't say it, who knows? "

  "Thank you, Your Majesty! I like this fat guy!" Cheng Guan, the general of Han Xin's ministry, was really not polite at all, he stretched out his arms and hugged a beautiful girl with a charming smile on her face.

  While pouring wine, Su Wen watched Cheng Guan hug the alien beauty, her chest was extremely magnificent, and laughed and scolded:

  "Do you like being fat? I'm embarrassed to expose you for your little thought!"


  In the military tent, there was a happy atmosphere for a while.

  After the deer blood wine was distributed, Su Wen shook the jug gently and looked at the generals: "Two cups per person, there is not much left, I leave it to Bai Qi, and I can't drink it because Lao Bai is on the edge of the Great Wall. Northwest Wind, we have good things, so let's not count him!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  "That's it! That's it!" Ying Bu laughed.

  Su Wen glanced, and there were more or less one or two around the generals. Even though Lou Jing was asking Meiji on the side to pour the wine, Han Xin was pure like a Liuxia Hui.

  "Hey! What is General Han doing? Are you so afraid of the mother-in-law at home?" Su Wen couldn't help laughing.

  Han Xin wiped the hot sweat from his face and seemed to want to move, but was too embarrassed to move.

  "Your Majesty does not know that General Han has always had a good reputation in Xianyang City. He is afraid that he will break his precepts this time. After returning to Xianyang City, his good reputation will be gone!"

...... ......

  Only Ying Bu dared to make fun of Han Xin like this.

  When Han Xin heard this, his face seemed to be bloodied, and he waited for Ying Bu: "What are you talking about! Come on!"

  As soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed Meiji who was on the side, and said, "Hah!"

  Su Wen couldn't help but gave Ying Bu a thumbs up: "You can do it, kid, you actually used the aggressive method to stimulate my general!"


  While the emperor and the generals in the army were drinking and having fun, a voice came from outside the tent: "Yiqu, Yuzhi, Quyan, Penglu, and Yaqiang, a total of [-] people, have all gone outside the barracks."

  Su Wen put down the wine glass and said with a smile, "Let all their clan chiefs come in."

  "Here!" the soldier shouted loudly.

  "Your Majesty?" Lou Jing cupped his hands slightly, and Su Wen waved his hand: "Go back!"

  Many Meiji got up and stepped out as if relieved.

  After these people left, Su Wen said, "Lou Jing, what's the expression on their faces? Relief?"

  "Cough cough..." Lou Jing coughed lightly: "Your Majesty Qizao, this place is a place of barbarians after all, so it's not like my place in the Central Plains."

  Su Wen's expression was tangled for a moment, and then he scolded in a low voice: "Bastard, what do these people think of me and all the gentlemen?"

  Lou Jing glanced at the emperor with a strange expression and thought, Your Majesty, isn't that what you meant?

  Ying Bu smiled and said: "Your Majesty, the last general and Tian Lan'er are at home, often..."

  "Quickly shut up!" Han Xin couldn't help interrupting Ying Bu: "The surrender is almost here, how can you speak foul language in front of the emperor?"

Chapter 958

  Ying Bu stopped angrily, but looking at him like that, he was completely unfulfilled.

  The tents were all opened, and Su Wen saw a group of people dressed in different clothes, either with expressions of fear, or with expressions of worry and despair, with heavy steps, as if every step he took was very laborious, and walked in with a bitter face.

  "Long live the emperor!"

  "Long live the emperor!"

  A total of fifteen people, this is all the rebel leaders.

  "Is everyone here?" Su Wen asked back.

  The people kneeling below looked at each other from left to right, and Mr. Wei, who was on the side, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, all the rebel leaders have arrived."

  Su Wen said, "Who is the leader of the Yaqiang people?"

  "I...I am!" The man's tone was a little strange.

  Su Wen said: "You Yaqiang people live on the plateau. Since the Shang and Zhou dynasties, you have been at peace with the Central Plains. Every time there is a grand occasion, you also come to worship, expressing the meaning of surrender.

  I just don't understand, why did you betray Da Qin this time?

  Your father, King Rong, had already been beheaded by Yingbu the first time he encountered my general, Yingbu.

  Your brother, and your high priest of the Yaqiang people, all died in the hands of our warriors, Jinyiwei Qianhu.

  Up to now, you have led your clan and become my Daqin slaves. What do you want to say about you? "

  The face of King Xirong was ashen, and his eyes looked at Su Wen with despair. A burly man with a body like a tiger and a leopard actually burst into tears.

  "Are you regretting it?" Su Wen smiled contemptuously: "Of course you are not regretting it, you are just worried that I will cut your head off."

  "Long live the emperor, forgive me, I am willing to be your loyal slave, the clan I lead, there are still [-] people, they can become His Majesty the Emperor, the most loyal slave!"

  Su Wen waved his hand, and Lou Jing, who was on the side, understood, stepped forward, and stretched out his hand to help the Xirong King up.

  King Xirong's face was full of surprise. When he was looking at the emperor at a loss, the emperor continued to say slowly:

  "I have always had a generous heart for those who realize their mistakes and are able to rein in their horses. What's your name?"

  King Xirong hurriedly bowed: "The name of the servant is Sikasheng, I would like to pray and bless my powerful emperor, the king of all kings!"

  When Su Wen heard this, he couldn't help laughing, this guy is really good at flattering.

  But this guy is also very acquainted, knowing that he wants to make all of them into slaves, he is the first to request to become slaves.

  In this way, what the people behind want to say will become an extravagant hope, but it can leave a good impression in front of him.

  Extravagant hope, of course, should not have.

  "What about you?" Su Wen pointed at the rest of the crowd.

  A fierce man like a wolf like a tiger was full of despair, and only kowtowed:

  "Your Majesty, I am the leader of Yiqu. My name is Chimi. I would like to follow Your Majesty forever, as a slave and a maid."

  "I am also willing to follow His Majesty's side and be a slave forever!"

  When the rest of the people saw this, how could they dare to ask for anything?

  He kowtowed directly to show his loyalty.

  Su Wen chuckled: "How many tribes do you have?"

  Everyone, look at me, I look at you, before Ying Bu had time to speak, Ying Bu roared:

  "What are you hesitating for? If your Majesty asks a question, answer it immediately, or you will immediately ask!"

  Everyone was so scared that their faces turned blue, and they reported how many clansmen they had.

  Su Wen raised his hand, and everyone was stunned, as if the emperor raised not his hand, but the devil raised his man-eating claws.

  Seeing that he raised his hand, Su Wen was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak. He shivered all over, and even his body kneeling on the ground subconsciously shrank back to the crowd.

  "Are you afraid now? That's just because my warriors, with swords and blood, have taught you the majesty of Daqin, which should not be offended."

  "Mr. Wei."

  "I'm here!" Mr. Wei cupped his hands.

  "Take these people out and take a good count of how many clansmen they have and how many warriors they can fight."

  Su Wen looked at everyone's fearful appearance, and couldn't help but chuckle: "I really don't know what kind of pig brain you are?

  Stronger than the Yuezhi, the country will be destroyed in less than two months. Do you think that you are more durable than the Yuezhi and the Xiongnu?

  I didn't see that the Donghu people all surrendered to my Daqin, but you are still being rebelled by Zhang Lianggu at this juncture?

  To be honest, I admire your stupidity a little bit! "

  Many patriarchs and important leaders were scolded by the emperor and dared not speak.

  But for some unknown reason, everyone felt relieved after hearing the emperor's curse words.

  Not for anything else, because they all knew that the emperor would not kill them anymore.

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