What is the best thing a slave is good at?

  Especially as an eunuch like him, who served by the emperor's side, and many concubines came and went, trying to figure out his thoughts became a compulsory course.

  When a person like Yue'er is placed in front of him, he only needs to look at it to know what kind of person this person is.

  Han Tan could see very clearly that this man was ruthless, timid but greedy, and boasted of being smart, but he was just a little smart.

  "I... I don't know." Yue'er's answer was exactly what Han Tan expected.

  Han Tan squinted and smiled: "The girl said she didn't know, it's better to say that she didn't want to follow Miss Yu Ji to travel around the world."

  "You..." Yue'er glanced at Han Tan in astonishment, as if she felt that after what she was thinking about was exposed, the fig cloth could not cover her shame.

  However, the difference between the identities of the two is too great, and the exclusive skill of Rejection is not incapable of being activated, but it is afraid to activate.

  Han Tan smiled and said, "Could it be that the girl still wants to become a concubine?"

  Yue'er glanced at Han Tan and said with a pale face: "You know that I can't become a concubine, the emperor doesn't like me, do you still say that?

  You are the dignified Dongchang factory owner, the high-ranking chief of the big house, and I am just a homeless little girl. "

  Han Tan smiled and said, "Don't say that you are a little girl. When you led a hundred people, you dared to come to Jingyang City to meet your Majesty, you are not a little girl.

  However, your Wu clan belongs to the [-] soldiers and horses mobilized by the Wu clan's tiger talisman, don't you feel like they have evaporated from the grassland?

  According to what you said, shouldn't the traitors Liu Ji and Fan Kuai be the two commanders to attack Xianyang?

  It's just that our family finds it strange that the Northern Expedition has already ended, but we have never heard any news from Xianyang City that there are thieves attacking Xianyang. "

  Yue'er's face gradually turned from pale to blue: "Do you mean to say that I lied to the emperor at the beginning?"

  Han Tan couldn't help laughing, he was really an idiot.

  "We have already asked someone to verify the fact that Wu Shilu formed an army in the past. There is indeed such a thing, but in this battle, we have never heard any news about an army of [-] people."

  Yue'er's expression finally softened: "What does the factory master mean?"

  Han Tan already looked down on the girl in front of him, and now he realized why people often say that talking to smart people is a very relaxing time.

  That's just because when you talk to smart people, as long as you show a little bit of meaning, people already know what you want to say.

  But now, after talking for a long time, this little girl has no idea what she wants to express.

  "Doesn't the girl think that your mission by the emperor's side has not been completed?" Han Tan only made a detour.

  Yue'er's face tightened: "What do you mean, you want me to persuade the [-] army to surrender?"

  Han Tan squinted and smiled and said, "Girl is a member of the Wu clan, even if you are a member of the Wu clan, you are not related by blood.

  But you can't escape your identity as a member of the Wu clan.

  The emperor pardoned your death penalty, do you just repay the emperor like this?

  The traitors Liu Ji and Fan Kuai led the army to patrol and hide. If you can persuade the [-] warriors to surrender, they will become the warriors of our Daqin charge.

  For me, Daqin, this is a credit..."

  "Hey!" Han Tan laughed again: "Didn't the girl just say that you don't want to wander around the world outside?

  With this credit, even if the emperor does not like the girl in his heart, why should the girl not be able to gain a firm foothold in Xianyang? "

  Han Tan added: "Chang'an, a new city on the edge of Xianyang, is a gathering place for merchants all over the world. Our family dares to say that it is impossible to eat the delicious food in Chang'an city and play it again after spending one's life. ."

  Yue'er's eyes showed yearning, but she didn't know what to think, and looked at Han Tan with fear:

  "You... you don't mean to hurt me, do you? I was fine, but because of your son's words, this offended the emperor."

  "Bold!" Jinyiwei on the side shouted angrily: "Chang Gong shows you a way to survive, but you slander Chang Gong like this, don't you want to live!"

  Yue'er shrank her neck, and before she could speak, Han Tan waved his hand: "Don't do this, this gentleman is sitting upright, so why should you be afraid of these speculations and malicious slanderous remarks?

  By the way, little girl, I almost forgot to say that the emperor is going back to Xianyang soon. If you want to persuade the [-] army to surrender, I am afraid you will have to go on your own...  

  The more than [-] people you stay in the city may be able to escort you north, but the grassland is full of danger.

  If there is a random group of soldiers, you, a hundred or so people, are their snacks.

  Especially a sweet little lady like you, but a snack that many people see in their eyes! "

  Yue'er clasped herself subconsciously with both hands, she bit her lip, and then she mustered up the courage to talk to Han:

  "Is this all right? You and I from the East Factory went north to persuade the [-] people to surrender. When the credit is reported, you and I will be divided into [-] and [-] percent?"

  "Fifty-fifty?" Han Tan smiled contemptuously: "I will show you a way to survive, and you still want to let Dongchang do things for you? Little girl, is it good for you to touch your neck?

  Dongchang has always only done things for the emperor, and it is useless to talk about it, lest you say to the outside that I, Han Tan, father and son harmed you, goodbye! "

  Han Tan drove his horse and walked slowly towards the city.

  "Miss!" At this time, a group of people came out of the city, about a hundred or ten people, the same group of people who followed Yue'er here.

  She led the Bank of China and said, Lu Ze and the others went to the Jeonqing Ridge, and these hundred or so people became hostages and were detained in Wuzhi City.

  They were not able to meet until today in Kaicheng.

  Yue'er wiped the tears from her eyes, glanced at everyone, and said stubbornly, "I'm going to lead you to do something amazing, this thing may make you lose your head, or it may make you from now on. There is endless prosperity and wealth 3.8 expensive!

  If any of you quit, you can go now, and if you still want to follow me, then we will go now. "

  Yue'er's voice fell, but the group of people did not cheer as usual, and then clung to Yue'er's side, as if the stars were surrounding the moon.

  On the contrary, these familiar faces from the past lowered their heads one by one, as if they had not heard anything.

  Yue'er gritted her teeth and said, "You are all the people I trust the most! Are you going to leave me now?"

  On the tower, Han Tan leaned against the parapet, watching all this with a smile.

  These people have already been warned by him, if they dare to follow, all of them will die!

  Who dares to go?

  He looked back at the place where the emperor Xingyuan stayed, with a look of reverence in his eyes: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, Miss Yuji, the slaves have already stayed for you.".

Chapter 974

  Yue'er cried silently in anger, turned around and galloped down the wide avenue.

  She identified a direction and flew over, the wind whistling in her ears.

  The speed of the galloping horse was very fast, and Yue'er looked at the grass on the left and right and receded quickly, and suddenly felt a little scared.

  Every year in the Wu clan, people fell from their horses and fell to their death. She subconsciously slowed down the speed of the horse.

  The horse seemed to sense the fear of its owner, slowed down slowly, and trotted across the grass.

  In the distance, Yue'er saw a black tent on the grass, a horse outside the tent, and a long sword hanging from the door of the tent.

  This place is where the benefactor is waiting for him.

  Yue'er restrained the war horse outside the tent, her eyes full of contemplation, will the benefactor help her?


  Probably not.

  He and her just met by chance.

  She has already saved herself once, and there is really no need to help her again, and it is very dangerous to go north to persuade the bandit army to surrender.

  Use power and wealth to persuade her to help herself?

  Yue'er shook her head for a while. Hei Long Ling looked at something so precious, she could directly return it to the emperor. What kind of power and wealth could keep such a person?

  "What should I do?" Yue'er raised her head and looked at the clear sky: "Mother, you said that the body of the dead is returned to the grassland, and the soul is in the sky to protect the living.

  You tell Yue'er, what should Yue'er do? "

  "You're here?" A clear voice suddenly came from the front, and Yue'er hurriedly looked down. The slender Yu Ji was standing on the edge of the tent, looking at herself with a smile.

  Yue'er didn't have time to think about it, she turned over and dismounted, walked to Yu Ji in three or two steps, and bowed her head: "Benevolent Lord!"

  Yu Ji smiled and looked at the little sister who was kneeling in front of her: "Saving you is just an effort, no need to do so... Well, although I asked you to come over from the emperor, I didn't treat you as a slave. the meaning of."

  Yue'er raised her head and looked at Yu Ji, only to feel that Yu Ji's eyes were very clear and sincere.

  "Well, I mean, in fact, I want to restore your freedom."

  Just when Yu'er couldn't come back to her senses, Yu Ji suddenly turned around and walked into the tent. When she came out, she had a bag of money in her hand.

  She gently put the money in front of Yue'er and said with a smile: "This bag of money is enough for your living needs, get up quickly."

  Yue'er subconsciously reached out and grabbed the purse, it was extremely heavy, and it was all... gold!

  More than enough for his own living needs, it can be said that he has no worries about food and clothing.

  Yue'er saw that Yu Ji was starting to pack her things, and she immediately said, "Benefactor..."

  "Didn't I say it? Saving you is just an effort. Don't call me benefactor again. If you want to call me, call me my sister."

  Yu Ji's voice was gentle and smiling, making Yue'er, who was full of shadows and resentment in her heart, tremble unconsciously.

  "Sister..." Yue'er called out subconsciously.

  Yu Ji put the burden on her body, walked out of the tent slowly, glanced at the clear sky, and said with a smile, "I'm leaving now, so let's say goodbye, if we can meet again, it's fate!"

  Yue'er looked at Yu Ji, and she could feel that the person in front of her was kind.

  Then... do you still want to pull her north for your own selfish desires?

  She is her own savior. If she loses her life in Northern Xinjiang because of her actions, then...

  Yue'er looked at Yu Ji, who had hung up the saddle and turned on her horse. A sinister color flashed in the depths of her eyes, and she shouted loudly:

  "elder sister!"

  Yu Ji turned back on the horse, grabbed the reins, and looked at Yue'er with a smile: "Little girl, is there anything else?"

  "I..." Yue'er hesitated, and suddenly said loudly: "Sister, do you know that my mother once raised an army of [-], and the [-] army was not my mother's tiger talisman and could not be moved.

  But the tiger talisman has now been used by the thieves, but if I go to the grassland to the north, it is possible to successfully persuade the [-]-strong army to surrender.

  If this is the case, then my Daqin will be able to save a lot of children from dying, but I am the only one to go north by myself. I am alone. Can my sister accompany me? "

  Yu Ji listened to her words, her eyes full of surprise: "Have you told the emperor this idea?"

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