"Who has a finger on his body!" Ying Ju turned his head and asked in a low voice to the Qin soldiers beside him.

  The wrench finger is a protective gear worn on the finger to hook the bowstring and protect the finger... Cough, to put it simply, when I contacted archery before winning the trial, I always wore the wrench finger, and it was used a lot. It is a soft bow, far less than the hard bow in the army.

  The finger wrench is not a decoration like a ring from the beginning, on the contrary, it is a war item.

  A Qin Jun raised his hand, glanced at the calluses on his hand, and said embarrassingly: "Your Majesty, we are on the edge of the Great Wall, and everyone is rough and fleshy, and few people use their fingers."

  The rest of the people looked left and right, and it was obvious that no one was wearing such a delicate thing as a wrench...

  In other words, everyone is a rough man, and they rarely use this thing when shooting arrows and bows. .

Chapter 1000

  Ying Ju narrowed his eyes: "You guys try it now, can you shoot the person in front of you?"

  The sergeant with a bow and arrow on his body shook his head: "It's still far away, and the horse is bumpy, so most of the villains will miss it!"

  "What about you?" Ying Ju looked at the other soldiers, and everyone's expressions were almost the same.

  "Archery right away is no better than archery on the ground. Many people need to practice archery from a young age to be able to shoot accurately on horseback." A knight said, with a bit of embarrassment on his face.

  In other words, they were all archers who were half-way monks. They could only kneel and shoot on the ground. When the arrows were fired on horseback, they could also act as bastards.

  A single shot, there is absolutely no point of the head at all; but a salvo of ten thousand arrows, there is no need for the head.

  The overwhelming rain of arrows rolled over, and the enemies fell into pieces like mowing grass.

  According to their current number of people, it is completely impossible to form a rain of arrows of that size.

  Ying Trial was secretly annoyed, thinking about those bastard palace guards, he must be fooling himself again.

  Who says archery has to use a wrench?

  "Give the bow to the widow, the widow!" Ying Shen stretched out his hand, and the knight on the other side hurriedly pulled the bow from his neck and handed it to Ying Shen.

  The quiver was also handed to Ying Ju, and he hung it on the edge of the saddle.

  Ying Shen narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand and hooked the bowstring, and he could draw the bow, but there was a burning pain in the belly of his thumb.

  It's like the bowstring is about to snap your fingers, but Ying Ju guessed that it should be able to hold it after three or four strokes.

  It was his fault that his flesh was too tender, but he also found that this bow was not at the same level as the flower arrow he used to shoot Miki's chest at the son's mansion.

  Ying Shen twitched an arrow and squinted at the back of the horse galloping in front of him. He felt that it seemed impossible to kill Wu Chang with one arrow.

  The guards around Wu Chang, like all the stars in the moon, blocked Wu Chang with their own bodies.

  "Kill him first!" Yingjing narrowed his eyes, staring at the archer.


  The bowstring shook, and the lightning-fast arrows roared out in an instant.

  The archer subconsciously heard the sound of the bowstring vibrating behind him, so he lay down on the horse's back with great wit.


  Almost in an instant, an arrow had shot through his helmet, shattering the hair on the back of his head, and the plough seemed to whizz past, hitting the horse's neck!


  The war horse fell to the ground, and Yingzhen was shocked, and he forgot the burning pain in his thumb. Although he knew that his archery skills were good, he did not expect to perform exceptionally today!

  Like a broken sack, the sharp archer climbing on the horse fell from the rapidly rolling horse, and fell to the ground without making a sound.

  The neck was twisted in a very exaggerated arc, and it was obvious that he broke his neck and died.

  "The mighty king!"

  Many soldiers roared in unison, chasing all night, everyone was flesh and blood, and everyone was exhausted.

  But Ying Ju suddenly showed his hand and killed the sharpshooter on the opposite side who used cold arrows to kill people. Everyone felt extremely happy and spirited up!

  Ahead, Wu Chang hurriedly glanced back, Ying Shen picked up his bow and arrow, and shouted loudly:

  "Wu Chang, I'll give you one last chance, you can save yourself from death by dismounting and surrendering!"

  Seeing that there were more and more people blocking his line of sight behind Wu Chang, Ying Ju suddenly shouted:

  "Look, I'll shoot the person on your left!"

  As soon as the voice fell, the knight on the left suddenly fell off his horse and died!

  "Ah—" Wu Chang screamed in horror.

  Ying Ju also sucked in a breath of cold air, his thumb already hurts a lot.

  He asked the people around him again, "Go back and ask if anyone has a wrench on their body!"

  The surrounding cavalry hurriedly climbed on their horses and sent a message to the back, but after a while, the message came back.

  "No?" Ying Ju gritted his teeth and shouted loudly, "Elder Wu thief! Look at me, I will shoot the person on your right with this arrow!"

  When the voice fell, Wu Chang just had time to look back, and another person on his right fell from a horse and died!

  "Riding on a horse..." Ying Ju grinned in pain, his thumb belly cracked, and the bowstring was dyed red with blood.

  "Your Majesty!" Qin Jun on the side obviously did not expect that his Majesty would be so precious...

  It's only three arrows...

  Ying Ju gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "Wu Chang! You don't surrender! If you don't surrender, I'll shoot you with one arrow!"

  Before Wu Chang could speak, there was a guard beside Wu Chang who shouted: "No need to worry about the patriarch, we will guard you in the middle, he can't shoot you!"

  The man's voice just fell, and an arrow was shot on the head, hitting the back of the head, and the man's head was tilted, but he was lying on the horse's back.

  The dead corpse was dragged by the war horse and ran for a long distance, and then it was bumped off the horse's back with a "bang"!

  Wu Chang was even more afraid, and hugged the horse's neck tightly.

  From the perspective of winning the trial, even Wu Chang's head can't be seen, so why shoot him?

  "Your Majesty! The one with no head behind the horse's head is a long black mount, shoot the horse first!"

  A soldier with bright eyes shouted.

  Ying Ju glanced at his bloody fingers, scolded a nasty word in his mouth, gritted his teeth and opened the bow again, but when he was about to open the bow and shoot, there were many horses lying on the horses in front of him. people.

  From their point of view, first there were a group of people who stood upright as living targets, and then there were the long black horses.

  This group of people who stood upright as living targets completely blocked Ying Ju's sight!

  "Your Majesty!" Suddenly, someone shouted: "In the past, General Meng Tian once stood on Ma'anshan with both feet and shot the Huns! Why didn't your Majesty follow suit?"

  Ahead, Wu Chang, who was escaping for his life, was terrified when he heard the shouting.

  But after a while, I heard the angry scolding from Ying Trial: "Come on! Come on! Who are you to stand on the saddle for the labor and capital to see! The labor and capital ask the emperor to make you a general!"

  The scolded cavalry shrank his neck angrily, yes, but not everyone has the extraordinary martial arts of General Meng Tian.

  The voice of winning the trial was already furious, and he didn't even have the demeanor of a king.

  Wu Chang heard the words, and was afraid of laughing on the horse's back: "Win the trial! Win the trial! You can't kill me."

  Ying Ju gritted his teeth and scolded angrily: "Then let's see, who of us can survive! Let the widows rush to the left and right!"

  Wu Chang was also vigilant. He glanced back secretly, and then he relaxed. Although he couldn't see that the flesh and blood of Ying Ju's fingers were already rolling out, he could almost see the white phalanx, but he understood that Ying Ju was willing to do so. (Li Qian's) couldn't shoot himself. Thinking of this, he was relieved.

  Ying Trial narrowed his eyes, and suddenly thought of the war stories told by the old guards who were married to Princess Qing'er.

  His eyes suddenly lit up, he waved his hand, and said to the Qin Jun beside him: "The widow quietly removes the dragon python gold armor on his body, and you find someone with good riding skills to put it on your body, and then pretend to be widowhood and stumble. , the widow is carrying a bow on one side.

  When Wu Chang saw the widow's horse stumbled and fell to the ground, he would definitely show his head. At that time, the widow could shoot him with one arrow! "

  After everyone heard it, they all thought it was a coup. At the moment, Ying Ju also lay on the back of the horse, stretched out his hand and grabbed the armor strip that tied the armor, and slowly untied it.

  Qin Jun on the side hurriedly reached out to take it, and Ying Trial also stretched out his hand from his side, wrapping the shirts of other soldiers around him.

  "Let's spread it out!" Ying Shen raised his bow and said through gritted teeth.

  The soldier quickly put his armor on his body.

  Among the uniform black armor, the dragon python golden armor, which symbolizes the identity of the princes and kings, is so conspicuous?Celery.

Chapter 1001

  "Your Majesty, the wound on your hand..."

  Ying Ju gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry, you shot accurately, you're ready, don't stumble and break your neck!"

  "Don't worry, Your Majesty! It's fine!" The soldier smiled, then drove his horse forward, and the former army spread out a little.

  When the man was about to pretend that his horse stumbled, a man suddenly turned his head beside Wu Chang who was running for his life.

  Ying Ju hadn't figured out what was going on, but Qin Zun, who was wearing his dragon and python golden armor, had already been hit by an arrow in the forehead, and suddenly fell to the ground and died!

  "Those who ride horses, and archers!"

  Ying Trial was shocked. If he had just moved forward a little when he shot the people in front of him, wouldn't it mean that...

  Thinking of this, Ying Ju felt that the idea of ​​hiding among people was so wise!

  "Hahaha..." Wu Chang's frantic laughter came from the leader: "Win the trial of the dog thief! You are finally dead! Hahahaha...

  You can't imagine that the archer of my Wu clan, facing the dazzling morning sun, can still hit a hundred shots! "

  With a gloomy face, Ying Ju raised his bow. The long laughter of Wu Chang who was laughing triumphantly on the horse's back came to an abrupt end. He looked down and saw that an arrow had shot through his left shoulder!


  The piercing pain struck, and Wu Chang suddenly fell off his horse.

  Ying Ju, who was mixed in the crowd, roared: "Elder Wu thief! You have already planned my plan in 580. Come on!"

  The soldiers on the left and right rushed forward with a roar, and the archer opened his bow in a panic, and immediately several horses fell to the ground.

  Upon seeing this, Yingjian hurriedly hid behind the horse's neck. He glanced at the flesh-skinned fingers that rolled outwards and bleeds, and cursed as vicious as a ghost: "You bastard!"

  Immediately, regardless of the pain, the bow is an arrow!

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