The Bank of China said that of course it would not be silly to ask Yue'er, the emperor asked what you said.

  Yue'er looked at Bank of China and said, "Are you going to go to the grassland?"

  "I won't go." Bank of China said: "The king of Zhenbei is the main general, and General Shejian has led [-] prisoners to Langshan. Who will deal with them will have to wait for His Majesty's edict to come back.

  But I think the biggest possibility is that these people will be escorted to Xianyang City. "

  Yue'er said, "I...Did I do something wrong? I shouldn't have asked Sister Yu Ji to follow me to the grassland."

  "I don't judge this matter." Bank of China said with a smile: "Yu Ji is now the general Zhengbei. How many generals like her are there in Daqin?"

  Yue'er just smiled bitterly: "People are really amazing. Some people want what they want, but for some people, it's the thing they don't want the most."

  "The Taoist people say that doing nothing in the world may be what it means." Bank of China said looking at Yue'er, he suddenly became fascinated:

  "What are your plans?"

  Yue'er sighed: "I don't want to have any plans, Sister Yu Ji leads the army to the grassland.

  If His Majesty the Emperor agrees that King Zhenbei will be with us, then we will be in less danger.

  If King Zhenbei doesn't set out with us, we'll still have to cross the grassland alone 々". "

  "King Zhenbei is in a daze now, and he still doesn't know how to go back to Xianyang to deal with the emperor. He will definitely go to the grassland."

  "You're right." Yu Ji's voice came from a distance.

  Bank of China said hurriedly got up, bowed his hands and said, "Meet the general!"

  Yu Ji nodded slightly: "No need to be more polite, but not only the King of Zhenbei wants to go to the grassland, but the King of Yunzhong also wants to go to the grassland."

  The Bank of China joked and said, "All the kings of Da Qin all have the heart to strive for the improvement of the country, which is indeed the blessing of Da Qin."

  "But time doesn't leave us, we may be about to leave," Yu Ji said.

  Yue'er was taken aback: "What about King Zhenbei?"

  "The King of Zhenbei will wait for the emperor's edict, and only after obtaining the approval can he command the [-]-strong army and follow us to the grassland." Yu Ji smiled:

  "The Su Jiao side has already sent messengers to the Xiongnu King Xiutu and the Hunxie King to issue an order, telling them that the [-] soldiers of my Daqin army pass there.

  As long as they have any obstruction, there will be a second battle of Yinshan! "

  This is something I can't be busy with, so it's better to knock one or two first.

  Bank of China said with a look of surprise in his eyes: "If this is the case, I'm afraid the Huns would not dare to act rashly."

  Yu Ji laughed: "Go to rest early, after we cross the Yin Mountain, the hard days will begin."

  Yue'er always felt that there was something in Yu Ji's words, but the Bank of China said that this side had already handed over and resigned, so she naturally didn't think much about it.

  When she walked into the house, she heard Yu Ji say to the guard, let Mr. Wei be careful, and don't go too far to explore the terrain outside.


  "I thought we came along the battlefield here, and we could see a few stragglers fleeing!"

  The leader of a pair of slave-catching groups turned out to be a group of old men, and I don't know if they were crazy about money.

  Especially the person in the lead turned out to be a one-armed old man.

  "I heard that a lot of people died here. The defender of Yunzhong City, Wang Sheng, died in battle. How could he be left alive?"

  The one-armed old man took out the jug and took a sip, his face a little unsightly.

  This gang of slave-catching groups, which do not recognize people, is the slave-catching group formed by the old army Yu Shizhu...

  It had been a few months since he had come to the north, but he had only captured twenty-three slaves.

  This made everyone feel a little discouraged.

  "Huh? Is there someone over there?" Yu Chizhu, an old soldier with a broken arm, suddenly narrowed his eyes.

  There was a heavy fog on the grassland, and when the distance was far, people and animals were indistinguishable.

  Not long after, a group of people came out of the thick fog.

  Yu Chizhu narrowed his eyes and looked back at the laborer beside him.

  Working hard, he immediately grabbed the hard bow in his hand, looked forward with a gloomy face, and shouted loudly:

  "Come out within three counts, or I'll shoot you to death!"

  "Don't! Don't! Everyone is here to catch slaves. You can't just catch three slaves just because we are lucky, so you can do it to us?"

  Hearing the Guanzhong accent, Yu Shizhu breathed a sigh of relief, and Lao Mingda also relaxed and put away the hard bow.

  In the thick fog ahead, several figures appeared.

  The first person was a young man, wrapped in some fur, which seemed to be covered in armor.

  There were two strong men beside this man, who looked like Kong Wu was powerful, and behind them, three slaves who had already tied their hands and formed a line, stumbled and trotted along with the war horse.

  ".ˇYou guys are lucky, you actually picked up a bargain."

  Yu Shizhu couldn't help but smile.

  After seeing the six people in the lead, his expression became a little stiff:

  "We're not mistaken, the six old men all went north to catch slaves?"

  "Who do you look down on!" Di Fu roared with a fiery temper: "You guys are just lucky, you just picked up a bargain!"

  "Hehe!" The young man laughed: "Old man calm down, this is just a joke, please don't take it seriously.

  I don't know how long have you been here? "

  "It's been almost three months, and twenty slaves have been caught."

  "Oh?" The young man cupped his hands and said, "I'm from Xianyang in Xiahengtian. I've only been here for less than a month, but I'm not very familiar with the procedures for selling slaves here. I would like to ask my uncle to give some pointers."

  Yu Chizhu nodded and said, "There's nothing to point out, I'm all from Guanzhong, and we should help each other on the grassland."

  He turned around on horseback, pointed in one direction and said, "You walk over here and go directly to Shangjun (Li Qianhao), and the slaves can let go.

  If you are reluctant to sell it to those dealers, it is not bad to take it to Xianyang yourself.

  The current market price in Xianyang is [-] yuan per slave. "

  Yu Chizhu glanced at the three slaves, seeing that they were all burly people, and continued:

  "In this way, it is easy to sell one for fifty or sixty thousand dollars."

  The young man named Hengtian was full of joy: "Uncle Youlao told me that if you calculate it like this, it is [-] yuan a piece, which adds up to more than [-] yuan. My three brothers will still get them to Xianyang to sell."

  After saying that, Handa smiled and cupped his hands again: "Everyone take care!"

  "Take care of yourself!"

  The three of them drove their horses and trotted into the fog.

  A slightly relaxed smile appeared on Haneda's face.

  "My lord, I didn't expect us to escape so easily."

  "It can only be said that we are lucky. Now let's go south to Shangjun, don't hesitate."

  "Then these three slaves?"

  "Can't kill, we still need them to disguise Fang!"

  The three slaves looked at the three people in front of them with horror on their faces, but did not dare to say another word. .

Chapter 1006

  Xianyang City!

  The emperor returns.

  The thing that concerned Su Wen the most was the imperial examination system.

  Fortunately, although he was not in Xianyang City, the implementation of the imperial examination system was far better than he expected.

  Su Wen glanced at the list, but there was no name that caught his eye.

  Or, there should be some hidden bigwigs in history, but Su Wen himself didn't know these people.

  However, as long as these people are officials in the imperial court, gold will shine.

  In this regard, Su Wen is not worried at all.

  Li Si's personnel department also began to free up manpower, dispatching newly promoted officials to Beidi County, and cooperated with Chang Gong Han to discuss various things.

  Then, a steady stream of finances and cattle and sheep were born, and they were to be transported from the Jinghe River to Xianyang City.

  The slaves pulled over from Beidi County, the six divisions, began to argue at the same time as they were divided up.

  Of course Su Wen didn't care, this thing only had a certain amount, and the people from the Sixth Division only gave [-].

  Take all the rest out to farm!

  This era is completely appropriate to describe this era with vast land and sparsely populated areas.

  After all, the total population of the entire empire is only tens of millions, which is completely incomparable with the era in which Su Wen lived in his previous life.

  At that time, a slightly larger city had a base of tens of millions of people.

583 "Your Majesty, the battle reports have been sent from all over the country, among which the battle reports of the King of Chu, the King of Yue, the King of Nan, and the King of Cangwu are very urgent.

  In addition, the battle report of the northern pursuit of the Wu clan was also sent. "

  Su Wen took the lead in obtaining the reports of the four kings of Chu, Yue, Nan, and Cangwu.

  After looking at it, he threw it aside and glanced at the eunuch: "These are just doing things according to the wishes of the imperial court, and they are just to curb the tendency of traitors from all over the world to expand."

  The eunuch was startled, and hurriedly presented the letters of King Zhenbei and King Yunzhong to the emperor.

  Su Wen looked at it and said, "Where's Zhou Qingchen? After so many days, it should be fine, right?"

  The eunuch hurriedly said, "I am waiting for His Majesty's call at home."

  "Then you go to pass the decree and let him be the eunuch in charge of India, and he is also a vacant post in the East Factory."

  "According to the order!"

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