Inside the house, a hoarse voice suddenly came out.

  Su Wen frowned, but Jin Yiwei, who was beside him, had already broken into the door.

  After 3.8 minutes, Jin Yiwei ran out and told the emperor, "Your Majesty, it's Mr. Lin!"

  "Lin Qidu?" Su Wen carried his hands on his back, walked in quickly, and saw a man wearing plate armor writing a "big" on the ground!

  "Your Majesty—" Lin Qidu looked at Su Wen and smiled bitterly: "I also ask Your Majesty to forgive me, I really don't have the strength to stand up and salute."

  Su Wen grabbed a chair and looked at Lin Qidu blankly: "How could you be like this, kid?"

  Lin Qidu had no choice but to say: "Last night, I borrowed General Li's armor to wear on my body, but the armor was too heavy. After I fell, I didn't stand up.

  After shouting all night, I heard a lot of noise outside, but no one heard my voice.

  So... my servant was trapped in armor on the ground all night. ".

Chapter 1019

  Su Wen directly extended his thumb: "Lin Qidu, Lin Qidu, you are really invincible! I have to admire you!"

  "Help him up and take off his armor!"

  Jin Yiwei on the side held back his smile and helped Lin Qidu, who was wearing heavy armor, to stand up. Lin Qidu was full of gratitude.

  Just when he was about to speak, his face was already showing an unbearable look.

  "Your Majesty! It's really unbearable for your servant to leave first!"

  After speaking, without waiting for the emperor to speak, Lin Qidu swayed slowly and ran out.

  Su Wen couldn't help laughing: "This kid? Just like him, how did he get into the arena?"

  "Your Majesty, it's time to leave for the palace!" Xu Mofu's voice came from outside.

  Su Wen stood up and said with a smile, "Okay, go back to the palace!"


  "Ah—" The refreshing Lin Qidu came out of the toilet and heard the guards on the side talking about what happened last night.

  "So, General Li is still lying on the bed?" Lin Qidu asked hurriedly.

  The guard cupped his hands and said, "Sir, what you said is good, General Li is still lying on the bed!"

  "Then I should go take a look!" Lin Qidu hurried over.

  Who would have thought that before entering the courtyard, he would have heard a familiar laughter.

  "Xiaohan..." Lin Qidu stopped outside the courtyard.

  The laughter of a girl's voice came out.

  It was followed by Li Ding's rich voice.

  "Don't worry, it's all trivial, you didn't see it, how brave I was when I picked up the thick beam and smashed the Snitch last night!"

  "Also said! Look at you, the blue veins on your hands have not completely dissipated until now!"

  "I made the soup for you, I was just by the window sill, you can drink it when it cools!"

  "No, I want you to blow the cold and feed me!" Li Ding's voice even had a coquettish feeling.

  Jiang Xiaohan's laughing voice came out: "Okay! It's all up to you! Everything is up to you! You have to get well soon, but you promised me to take me with you..."

  Lin Qidu had not heard what happened next.

  He stumbled around in Qinjiazhuang, like a zombie that lost his soul.

  "Sir! Sir - you made me look good!" Several stewards found Lin Qidu.

  "The noble person has returned to the palace again. Now the Qin family village is all left to the husband to take care of. We have a lot of things, and we want to ask the husband for advice!"

  In Lin Qidu's eyes without a trace of divine light, a terrifying light suddenly burst out, and he said something that no one could understand.

  "Indeed, he is better. I will go to the arena in a few days, and my life and death are uncertain. If she is still thinking of me, then I will die in the arena in the future, and she will be very sad."

  "Sir? What did you say sir!" The stewards couldn't understand.

  "Nothing!" Lin Qidu took a deep breath: "Just do everything as usual, there is nothing to change or correct.

  In addition, a large amount of food was hoarded, and abundant military rations were reserved for His Majesty's expedition.

  It can also be used to guard against the shortage of food and grass in the rear and in the army when the army is fighting. "

  "Yes, sir!"

  Many shopkeepers hurriedly stepped back.

  Lin Qidu looked at the slippery ground after the light rain, and sighed softly, he ordered to go down: "Prepare the horse, don't follow me today, I want to walk alone!"

  "Yes! Sir!" A guard walked in a little: "But for the sake of Sir's safety, the subordinates should follow Sir."

  Lin Qidu glanced at the loyal guard and nodded slightly: "Okay!"

  The drizzle of light rain fell on the ground like a cow's hair, stopped for a while, and then fell for a while.

  It's like it's raining today, and I don't think much about it.

  Lin Qidu was sitting on the back of a horse, and when he was walking across a street, he suddenly saw a child who was as skinny as a mummy, being chased and bitten by a group of vicious dogs!

  "Huh?" Lin Qidu frowned, and the guard beside him rushed forward and roared.

  Five or six equally skinny dogs screamed and ran away to one side with their tails tucked.

  The short and shriveled child put the contents in his hand to his mouth and swallowed.

  Lin Qidu sat on the back of the horse, watching this scene, his brows couldn't help frowning tightly.

  "It's a stray child." The guard said in a low voice, "Looking at this, it should have been eaten from the mouth of the evil dog."

  Lin Qidu couldn't bear it in his eyes, he reached out and took out a purse from his sleeve and threw it to Xiao Er.

  At this moment, there were already people in many corners of the street showing a hideous appearance.

  The guard on the side snorted coldly: "My husband is Mr. Lin from Qinjiazhuang. Who would dare to rob the things he gave to others? You can try it!"

  For a time, all kinds of greedy eyes suddenly became full of fear.

  Feeling the child holding the purse, he looked stupidly at Lin Qidu, who was slowly walking away on the horse.

  Late at night.

  Lin Qidu sat at his desk and wrote for a long time before he stopped writing. The guards on the side were already yawning.

  "This is what I have learned about doing business these days. I have written it all down, and you will present it to the lord tomorrow!"

  The guard suddenly came to the spirit: "Sir, shouldn't you really go to the arena? Then you can't get down if you go up!"

  Lin Qidu said with a blank expression: "I have already promised to the emperor, do you think this is a joke?"

  The guard hurriedly said: "As long as the imperial concubine says a word, sir, you will be fine, sir, you shouldn't go!"

  "Okay! Don't talk more!" Lin Qidu walked a few steps in the lobby, looking at the house in front of him, but his mind was full of Jiang Xiaohan's appearance.

  "I, Lin Qidu, have been wandering around in the rivers and lakes, and have spent more than 590 years of wasted life. Only when I meet the Ming Lord can I become the dignitary of today's [-]!"

  Thinking of the days when he was under the fence of people in the past, he couldn't help but chuckle: "Humph! Recalling the past is just asking for a three-foot space to put down a desk, but it's not enough.

  now?I also have a large courtyard with three entrances and three exits, all of which were given to me by the lord.

  As long as I, Lin Qidu, are still alive, I should plan everything for the Lord!

  Even if it is death, it will never take a half step back! "

  The guards looked at Lin Qidu with moving expressions, and it was not good to say anything to discourage him.

  "It's getting late, you should also go down and rest, we will go to the arena tomorrow!"

  "Yes, sir!"

  The guard helplessly put away the thick stack of paper, holding it back.

  Lin Qidu didn't want to go to the arena so quickly, at least until he could put on Li Ding's armor.

  It's just, I don't know why, after thinking about the conversation between Jiang Xiaohan and Li Ding, he can't rush to the Beast City now, and immediately go to the arena to fight with people!

  "Someone!" Lin Qidu said loudly.

  There were servants waiting outside. After hearing Lin Qidu's voice, he hurried in and bowed his hands:

  "What's the master's order?"

  Lin Qidu's face suddenly showed a bit of self-deprecation, and he pointed to a portrait on the edge of his bookshelf:

  "Have you seen this portrait? Go to the Jiaofang Division and find a few girls who look like her."

Chapter 1020

  The servant hesitated for a while, of course he knew who the person on the portrait was.


  "What are you doing here?!" Lin Qidu suddenly got angry!

  The servant hurriedly cupped his hands: "The villain will go immediately!"

  Lin Qidu was in a very irritable mood. He sat at the desk again, took down Jiang Xiaohan's portrait, and stared at the portrait with a demented expression.

  He suddenly thought that if he had not become the imperial concubine's staff, but had participated in the imperial examination, he might have obtained a half-official position.

  By that time, will I be able to be with Jiang Xiaohan forever?

  Lin Qidu couldn't help but recall that he was the first girl who was tempted when he was young.

  As a result, after thinking about it so carefully, he realized that from the beginning to the end, he had only been sincere to Jiang Xiaohan alone.

  "Master! There is a little beggar outside the gate of the mansion. He has been unable to leave. He said that he has received the favor of the master, and he will only leave after repaying the favor."

  Lin Qidu raised his head, his eyes were already a little red.

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