A group of people are feeding Lin Qidu sugar water, and someone is slapping him on the cheek.

  The people in the surrounding stands were cheering hoarsely the moment before, and the next second they were collectively stiff.

  "He can do anything?".

Chapter 1027

  "Cough cough..." Meng Hui couldn't help coughing a few times: "This is called luck, but this person's luck is too good."

  Su Wen sat down again, Jiang Xing began to direct Jin Yiwei, and brought back the stove that was removed.

  The aroma of wine and meat permeated the house again.

  "Sir! Can you hold on, sir?"

  Lin Qidu slowly came back to his senses, he glanced at the person in front of him, and said in rough clothes, "If you hit me again, I'll kill you now."

  "Haha... It's good if Mr. can know the pain, then we will withdraw first. Do you think we can face the third enemy now?"

  Lin Qidu stood up slowly with the horizontal knife in his hands. He looked around and saw no body of the female soldier.

  The person on the side explained: "Don't worry, sir, the body has been transported away."

  "If I die, remember to help me clean up!" Lin Qidu took a deep breath.

  He felt that he seemed to be getting used to the arena a bit. The powder on his hands and hearts was specially made, which would make people feel no pain for a short period of time.

  But the sequelae are very serious, and if he survives, it may take several months for his hands to use his strength.

  Even if you have to eat, you need someone to help you wipe your butt.

  Lin Qidu took a deep breath and held the horizontal knife tightly. For a moment, he felt that killing someone was not too difficult.

  He no longer needs to speak, and his actions now show what he wants - fight!

  The iron door banged open.

  A brawny man with a mace walked out of the iron gate slowly.

  The strong man glanced at Lin Qidu, and subconsciously thought of what someone had just said to him.

  Only if you die can your daughter live, otherwise, your daughter will be sent to other slaves and tortured to death!

  The strong man waved the mace in his hand and made a great sound.

  Lin Qidu clenched the horizontal saber in his hand, and he knew by feeling that the person in front of him was definitely not easy to deal with.

  "I really don't know if these people have donkey heads!" Su Wen said angrily after seeing the strong man with a mace.

  Meng Hui took the opportunity to eat the meat slices that Jiang Xing had selected for Su Wen, and then asked: "Is there something wrong? What everyone wants to see is a fair duel result.

  If they don't and they're all skinny people, then the fool knows there's something wrong. "

  Su Wen glanced at the silent arena, and then said disdainfully: "Look, those idiots are about to shout again and kill Lin Qidu."

  The voice fell, and suddenly a voice like a ghost shouted: "Kill Lin Qidu! Kill him! Kill him!"

  Meng Hui couldn't help laughing. He shook the empty jug and immediately understood. The eunuch on the side quickly stepped forward, picked up the jug and walked out.

  Su Wen glanced at his empty plate, and then at the oil stains hanging on the corner of Meng Hui's mouth.

  A smile appeared on Meng Hui's face, and she hurriedly sucked away the oil stains from the corners of her mouth...

  Lin Qidu took a few steps back and stood on the edge of the barrel. He was thinking about how to win, while the man on the opposite side was thinking about how to die normally.

  Lin Qidu glanced at the water in the bucket, and suddenly pushed it with his shoulder, pushing the bucket to the ground.

  With a sound of "crashing", most of the water in the bucket was spilled on the floor tiles.

  The cool water rushed over the strong man's instep and ankle, he hesitated for a moment, then roared, waved the mace in his hand, and smashed it frantically at Lin Qidu.

  "Go to hell! Go to die!" the strong man shouted hoarsely.

  Lin Qidu wielded the horizontal knife. Although he resisted the force of the strong man's crazy mace, his eardrums were aching.

  He even felt a slight sweetness from the monkey head, and he didn't know it was vomiting blood.

  He only felt a little cool and sweet in the throat.

  "Die!" Lin Qidu suddenly shouted, and suddenly drilled towards the man's crotch, the horizontal knife in his hand lifted up, and he even slashed towards the man's crotch.

  Out of instinct, the man jumped up suddenly, and immediately rolled away to this side!

  Seeing that it was feasible, Lin Qidu immediately stood up from the ground, and with a wave of the horizontal knife in his hand, he chopped off the man's wrist holding the mace!


  The man went mad with pain, and blood splashed on Lin Qidu's face. When Lin Qidu was about to swing the knife, he was slapped and slapped out.


  Lin Qidu slammed into the wall with a "bang" like a sandbag that flew out.

  Then he fell heavily to the ground, and he almost fainted from the pain.


  The strong man roared angrily and rushed forward. With his left hand, he grabbed Lin Qidu's neck, which looked like mud, and directly lifted him up and pressed him against the wall.

  Blood foam flowed down the sides of Lin Qidu's mouth, until this time, the strong man suddenly remembered that he couldn't kill Lin Qidu.

  Killing Lin Qidu was as simple as crushing an ant, but equally, the people here wanted to kill him and his daughter as easily as crushing an ant!

  Lin Qidu, who was being strangled, rolled his eyes and couldn't breathe, suddenly felt the strength of the strong man's hands loosen slightly.


  He subconsciously thought of the dagger hidden in the shoe, his left foot hooked slightly, and Lin Qidu touched behind him.


  Lin Qidu stabbed the strong man's forehead fiercely, and then he completely lost consciousness.

  By the window, Su Wen put down his wine glass: "Today's battle is over, and the next time it starts, it should be the time for his body to recover."

  Meng Hui glanced at Lin Qidu who fell to the ground, and the strong man with a dagger stuck in his forehead who died very tragically, shook his head slightly, and then caught up with the emperor's footsteps.

  Crazy scolding swept the entire arena in an instant, but they were all scolding these wastes, and even a Lin Qidu could not be beaten to death.

  But no one dared to question the authority of Beast City.

  Everyone could see it clearly, just a little bit, the one who died was Lin Qidu, not this strong man.

  "Sir! Sir!" Lin Qidu lay on a big bed and opened his eyes in a daze.

  "Sir wins three games in one breath!" The attendant on the side looked at Lin Qidu with admiration.

  Lin Qidu slowly sat up from the bed, he looked left and right, the tingling pain on his neck and hands almost made him cry out.

  "Are we still in Beast City?"

  "Yes!" said the attendant.

  Lin Qidu stood up: "Let's go, let's go now, I don't want to stay here for a moment!" Xiao.

Chapter 1028

  In the carriage, Lin Qidu grimaced in pain, and on the side of the small post, he used a towel dampened with water to cool his swollen neck.

  He saw five very scary finger prints on Mr.'s neck, like ghost claws, deeply imprinted on Mr.'s neck.

  Suddenly, the carriage stopped, the small pillar looked outside, and a person was thrown out of the Beast City.

  The long hair covered the man's eyes, and the people around were swearing loudly.

  "Why did you stop?"

  Lin Qidu asked slowly.

  "Sir, a person was thrown from the City of Beasts."

  Lin Qidu half-closed his eyes: "You have to get used to it, this world is the way the weak suffers from the strong, so bury the body!"

  In Lin Qidu's perception, only the dead will be thrown in the Beast City.

  When the guards dismounted and moved the corpse, they were shocked!

[-] "My lord, it's alive, it's a girl, she's quite handsome!" The voice of the guard came in from outside the carriage.

  Lin Qidu suddenly thought of what happened to him today, and felt that it was really beautiful to be alive.

  "Take her to the Huifu and let her live!"

  "Yes! My lord!" The guards responded loudly.

  "It's cheap to pick up..." In the distance, the emperor in the carriage watched Lin Qidu pick up the female Xiongnu and couldn't help but smile.

  Meng Hui said, "Life is very strange. Just now, Lin Qidu killed the father of the Huns, but now he has rescued the girl."

  Su Wendao: "There are many things in life, there is no way to explain clearly, or this is really fate."

  "Fate?" Meng Hui glanced at Su Wen.

  Su Wen nodded and said, "The Huns will die in the arena sooner or later, and so will his daughter.

  But he chose to die by himself, and his daughter survived.

  When his daughter was thrown out, he happened to be thrown out of the arena. Lin Qidu, who lamented how difficult life was, left.

  Hui'er, do you think this is God's arrangement? "

  Meng Hui couldn't help laughing: "Your Majesty's logic is really amazing... Now where are we going? Have we returned to the palace?"

  "Go to Chang'an City, and I will walk with you again."

  Meng Hui gave birth to a foot and kicked Su Wen: "I want to go to Huaxiang Restaurant to meet your old lover and say it straight, Ben Gong never cares about these things."

  "How can the queen be innocent?" Su Wen called out.

  Huaxiang Restaurant.

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