Listening to Liu Bang's words, the crowd did not dare to hesitate, and hurried up to catch up.

  On Zhang Han's side, he watched Liu Bang lead thousands of troops and fled all the way to the north. At the same time, he also saw the Qin army approaching from the front.

  In front of the Qin army, a big flag fluttered in the wind with the word "Su" written on it.

  Su Jiao rushed forward on his horse, and before he could speak, Zhang Han quickly greeted him: "Is it General Su Jiao Su who is here?"

  "Yes, it is this general!" Su Jiao raised his head and said loudly, "Who are you? Where is the King of Zhenbei?"

  Zhang Han hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "In the next Zhang Han, the King of Zhenbei should be in the rear, and I was ordered to lead the army to chase and kill Liu Bang, the leader of the bandit army. Now Liu Bang is fleeing to the north.

  I've been out of the army until now, I'm afraid I have an hour and a half, so I really don't know what the situation there is. "

  When Su Jiao heard the words, he cupped his hands and said, "It was General Zhang, I'm sorry, the bandit army has gone far, and the battle is not over yet. According to my opinion, the general might as well follow me to the battlefield, how about solving the chaos here first? "

  Of course Zhang Han could hear what Su Jiao never said clearly, the safety of King Zhenbei is more important!

  "So..." Zhang Han glanced at Liu Bang, who had run away without a shadow, and nodded, "That's fine!"

  The two men had similar military rank, so when they talked to each other, they were naturally very polite.

  "I have always dispatched scouts to the grasslands in order to detect the movements of the Huns.

  I didn't expect to get a report today that there is a war breaking out here, so I led the army to rush here." "

  Su Jiao spurred the horse to run and said with a smile.

  Zhang Han said: "So it is, it is no wonder that the general will lead the army to appear on the grassland... By the way, among the bandit army, there is a man named Fan Kuai, who is really fierce.

  Now that there is a general to help, it is a great achievement for you and me to eat him! "

  Hearing this, Su Jiao couldn't help laughing and said: "Since the last battle of Yinshan, I was seriously injured and only fully recovered a month ago.

  I have an itchy hand these days, and I am worried that I can't find a person to practice with. I never thought that I would just come out today and meet it! "

  Zhang Han's general Su Jiao underestimated the enemy in his words, and could not help but say seriously: "As the saying goes, a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength, and a general should not underestimate the enemy!"

  "Don't worry!" Su Jiao waved the big iron halberd in his hand: "If I see you, I will definitely fight with all my strength and caution."

  The voice fell, and a group of people suddenly appeared in front of them, and the leader was burly, like a giant.

  Zhang Han squinted his eyes, and then pointed at the giant at the head and shouted, "That person is Fan Kuai, and he is indeed a fierce general.

  I deceived one of the warhammers in his hand before, and it has been buried in the grassland, so he will only have one warhammer in his hand, and his combat power must be greatly reduced! "

  "This is really because God asked you and me to kill this scorpion!" Su Jiao waved the halberd in his hand, and then shouted loudly:

  "Separate left and right, surround this person, and General Zhang and I will capture him!"


  Many soldiers shouted in unison.

  On Fan Kuai's side, he was startled when he saw the crowd of Qin troops suddenly appearing in front of him, extending towards the end of the world.

  "Where's the lord? Where's the lord?" Fan Kuai restrained the horse and shouted a few times.

  The soldiers on the left and right were also a little nervous. The Qin army in front of him did not know how many people there were, and the lord did not know where he went.

  "No matter what else, go north first, go south is the Great Wall of the Qin army, that is a dead word!" Fan Kuai shouted, waved the warhammer in his hand, and shouted loudly:

  "Brothers, let's go! Heroes don't suffer immediate losses, so let's go north first and avoid these Qin thieves!"

  When everyone heard this, they did not hesitate at all, and followed Fan Kuai to the north.

  At this time, Zhang Han and Su Jiao, who were screaming with murderous intent on the horse's back, suddenly stiffened...

  Looking at Fan Kuai who was desperate to escape to the north, Su Jiao restrained the war horse, glanced at Zhang Han who was beside him with a stunned face, and then laughed loudly:

  "It seems that the bandit army has been defeated. If not, why did Fan Kuai flee directly north when he saw you and me?"

  Zhang Han pondered for a moment, but couldn't understand why.

  Objectively speaking, both Zhang Han and Su Jiao are professional soldiers who have worked for many years.

  Therefore, in their concept, dying in battle for the country is an honor, and soldiers dying on the battlefield, wrapped in horse leather, is a tragic fate.

  So, of course, they couldn't guess how erratic the thoughts in Dao Fan Kuai's mind were.

  "Don't care about him, let's go and have a look first." Zhang Han urged, Su Jiao nodded, and the two led the team on horses, still chasing straight ahead.

  Not long after, they came to the battlefield of the previous blood station of the two armies.

  At this moment, the thousands of soldiers left by Liu Bang were cleaning the battlefield. Suddenly, they saw the crowd of Qin soldiers coming. The expressions of all of them were almost the same as those of Fan Kuai who led thousands of soldiers before, and Zhang Han and Su Jiao's expressions. it's the same……


  "The Qin troops are here!"

  "Brothers, run away and find General Xiang!"

  Looking at the naked body on the ground, Zhang Han and Su Jiao instantly turned red.

  "Kill all these traitors! Not a single one!"

  "Kill them all!"

  Everyone's eyes were red with blood, and they roared like a beast.

  Zhang Han looked towards the battlefield, his expression changed suddenly, he rushed forward on his horse, waved Mo Daoyi (King's Zhao) in his hand, and immediately chopped the three across the ground.

  The horizontal knife turned again, and the broad blade slapped the knight on the horse to the ground.

  Zhang Han asked in a hoarse voice, "King Zhenbei? Where are Yu Ji and the others!"

  "King Zhenbei... King Zhenbei ran away, Yu Ji... Yu Ji... General Xiang is chasing Yu Ji! Which direction!"

  The man's voice fell, Zhang Han's sword turned, and a large head rolled to the ground!

  Zhang Han drove his horse to chase after Su Jiao, and he said loudly: "It's not good, King Zhenbei and General Zhengbei fled in two directions.

  Xiang Yu is chasing and killing General Zhengbei, what should I do now? "

  Su Jiao was about to speak, but saw the earth tremble wildly. He subconsciously glanced at Zhang Han, and the expressions of both of them changed drastically.

  This sight...means that there are a lot of horses running nearby.

  the enemy?

  friend? .

Chapter 1041

  Su Jiao's expression was stunned, then he looked serious and shouted loudly: "The whole army is in formation, ready to fight!"

  For a time, there were scouts running everywhere in the army, and everyone shouted loudly:

  "The whole army is in formation, ready to fight!"

  "The whole army is in formation, ready to fight!"


  In an instant, the seemingly chaotic army formed a clear line in an instant.

  In the front row are the heavy shield soldiers, the pikemen at the back, the archers at the back, and the crossbowmen after that!

  The crossbowmen holding the crossbow had their backs on the ground, their feet exerted force, waiting for the command from the top, and they were ready to fight with their bows at any time.

  Zhang Han frowned tightly, glanced at Su Jiao, who was on the side with high fighting spirit, and cupped his hands and said, "The general is facing the enemy head-on, and a certain family wants to lead the army to attack the enemy from the flank!"

  Su Jiao glanced at Zhang Han, his eyes were full of admiration, nothing else, the bandit army in front of him was aggressive, the most likely is Zhang Han leading the army to charge into the enemy array, like a huge stone throwing into the great lake.

  At first, you may see the turbulent waves, but in the end it will be completely calm!

  "The general doesn't need to do this, he just needs to lead the army to swipe on the side!" Su Jiao said with a smile.

607 At this time, a great future suddenly rushed out of the array of enemy troops coming from the horizon.

  While riding the horse, the general shouted loudly: "Where's my brother Wei? Where are the people? Come out and let me see. Does the land in Xianyang support people? Hahaha..."

  Hearing this loud voice, Su Jiao's face showed a happy expression: "Hahaha... It's General Wang Meng, not the enemy army! Hahaha... You and I are too nervous, and what you see is regarded as the enemy army!"

  "Wang Meng?" Zhang Han couldn't help but said: "He had a military adviser in the army before, but he was called Mr. Wei?"

  "Hahaha..." Su Jiao drove forward and glanced back at Zhang Han: "Yes, it is this person, when the Xiongnu Modun Chanyu wanted to flee north, cross Helan Mountain, and return to the grassland to become king and hegemony.

  It was this Mr. Wei who came up with a good plan to dig a horse pit on the grassland, so that the war horses of the Huns could not gallop and run like wind and electricity.

  This allows us to easily intercept the Xiongnu Shanyu. "

  Not long after, the two armies joined forces.

  After some exchanges, Zhang Han realized that this Wang Meng led the army because General Wang Li had received an order from His Majesty the Emperor, and he must kill Liu Bang, the traitor, on the grasslands.

  Therefore, Wang Licai led Wang Meng's army of [-] people and went straight to the grassland, in order to intercept Liu Bang halfway.

  "It's just that the current situation seems to be a little different." Wang Meng pondered and said, "Jizi Korea seems to have the intention of making trouble.

  When I came all the way, I had already received news from the Hu people, so the rest of Chu had gone straight to Jizi Korea from the sea, and landed on the Jizi Korean peninsula.

  After that, he passed through many forces and passed through the territory of the Donghu people.

  Therefore, you will see Xiang Yu, the grandson of Xiang Yan, the former General of Chu, on the battlefield! "

  Zhang Han frowned and said, "It turns out that there is such a reason!"

  "Yeah! No one would have imagined that these old Chu remnants would actually want to make a detour from the sea and go straight to Jizi North Korea. After landing there, they would directly pass through the territory of Donghu Renren."

  Wang Meng sighed a little.

  Su Jiao couldn't help shouting coldly, "Didn't they all say that the concubine Hui of my court is the daughter of the royal family of the Donghu people?

  The Donghu people were not friends with me, Daqin, but now they have colluded with Gu Chu Yu Nie and borrowed the way to Gu Chu Yu Nie, they should be killed! "

  Zhang Han sighed helplessly: "It can only be said that this time and that time! Back then, His Majesty the Emperor led an army of hundreds of thousands to the south of Yin Mountain and completely killed the Huns.

  Hu people are naturally soft.

  But now, the remnants of the six kingdoms have attacked one after another, and the Central Plains are in flames.

  However, I think what we need to consider now is how to send troops to rescue General Yu and find King Zhenbei. "

 (bgdi) When Su Jiao and Wang Meng heard the words, it was as if they had thought of the crux of the matter.

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