"Father, what do you (bgdi) say, this person is supposed to be a lobbyist?" Tian Shi asked.

  "Tell them that they don't see anything, and ask your second uncle to rectify the army and restore my homeland of Qi before talking about it.

  The widow is a descendant of the Qi royal family, and naturally should focus on restoring the ancestral foundation.

  Therefore, the Chu Xiang clan has bad intentions, always thinking of treating the other princes and kings as fools, and asking us to sacrifice our lives for their Chu people.

  He Fan Zeng is so capable, why didn't he directly send troops to Hengpu Pass, capture Changsha, and win the land of the Three Jin Dynasty?

  What if you cut off the Qin army's grain and forage line?Ridiculous!

  Do you really think that the widow is a three-year-old child, let him be deceived? "

  Tian Shi said excitedly: "Father, don't worry, Ge Ying, Zhou Wen and others will be sent away by the servants."

  Seeing his son walking to the door of the palace, Tian Dan suddenly said: "Wait a minute, I'm in the post house, let's say that the widow has something to do and cannot see each other.

  The restoration of various countries has only just begun. If they are guilty at this time, I am afraid it will not be a good thing. "

  Tian Shi thought about it for a while, and felt that what the father said made sense, so he cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry, father, the child understands what to do."

  Tian Dan, who was more thoughtful, did not know that he had inadvertently missed Ge Ying, a military genius.

  At the same time, Su Wen led an army of [-] people and entered Yuyang City.

  The sky was still dark, and the sky was occasionally seen, but more often, it was still covered with dark clouds and pouring rain.

  Su Wen had not yet warmed the soft seat, and the order book from Wang Zhongxun in the cloud had already been delivered.

  After he hurriedly flipped through the pages, he turned to Wang Li: "How is the resettlement situation of the disaster victims in various places?"

  "Don't worry, Your Majesty, after I received His Majesty's edict, I have already dispatched messengers to various cities and settled the people with officials in various places."

  Su Wen wondered for a moment, and then asked, "Have you ever asked the people here, when will this rare weather pass?"

  "I'm afraid it will be difficult." Wang Li said with a wry smile: "When the weather first appeared, I had already asked someone to ask, but many people said that the weather was abnormal this year. So of course.

  So, when God will stop the rainstorm is really uncertain. "

  "Never mind!" Su Wen shook his head and said, "In this case, there are only scouts sent from all over the country to pay close attention to the movements of Zuo Beiping County."

  Wang Li stood up, holding an arrow in his hand, pointed at the wall chart on the side and said:

  "When the rainstorm was particularly fierce a few days ago, we lost contact with Pinggu City, which is now guarded by Wang Zhong.

  As for the hundreds of kilometers to the east, they are still out of contact.

  When the minister first moved the grain and grass from Lingzhi City, there was not much grain and grass left in Lingzhi City, and it could last for thirty or forty days at most before bottoming out.

  It's just that the flood does not recede and it is impossible to go to Zuobeiping County, which is really worrying. "

  Su Wen's eyes were very divergent, he stretched out his finger and pointed to the north: "Have you ever thought about trying to send troops from the territory of the Hu people, go back in a circle to the north, and then kill the rear of the bandit army?"

  Wang Li took a deep breath and said: "Your Majesty means that we take the initiative to lead our army through the territory of the Donghu people, cross the Great Wall, and attack the rear of the rebels... This..."

  Seeing the bitter expression on Wang Li's face, Su Wen smiled and said, "The general is worried that people from the past will be attacked by the enemy..."

  "Your Majesty Shengming, especially now, there are continuous torrential rains. Not only do we have floods here, but there will also be floods on the grasslands."

  Su Wen was taken aback: "There will also be floods on the grasslands?"

  "Yes, and the floods on the grasslands are far more dangerous than the floods in our Central Plains.

  When encountering floods on the grasslands, you can only see if the sky will give you a way to survive.

  So, now we really just have to wait. "

  "It's okay." Su Wen said, "You can't fight on rainy days, so you can wait until the weather is clear to fight again. Let all the military units rest well, and tomorrow the army will go straight to Pinggu City.

  As soon as the flood recedes, the army will immediately go to Lingzhi City! "

  (This is to correct the previous statement that Lingzhicheng belongs to Zuobeiping County, because my map of the Qin Dynasty edited by Tan Qixiang is here, and the border between Zuobeiping County and Liaoxi County is suppressed in the middle of the book. When I opened it today and looked at it , only to notice that Lingzhicheng belongs to the boundary of Western Liaoning County.

  Liaoxi County is like a small tail, and it sticks into Zuo Beiping County's stomach. )

  Wang Li cupped his hands and said, "The commander will follow the order at the end. Your Majesty has come on an expedition all the way. It's really hard work, so please rest early, and the minister will retire first!"

  "Well." Su Wen nodded, looking at the brazier burning in the house, this person had a sense of absurdity.

  A few days ago, he was still sighing that it was too hot in the south, but now he has to bake a fire to keep warm. .

Chapter 1057

  Outside Pinggu City, an army like a steel monster was walking on the winding road.

  On the front of the head, which is open to the left and right, is embroidered with an ancient and clumsy "white" character and an ancient and clumsy "human slaughter".

  It's just that the word "human slaughter" is completely embroidered with blood-red thread. From a distance, it gives people a very terrifying sense of deterrence.

  This marching army is not another army, but the slaughter army led by Bai Qi.

  "Your Majesty—" On the tower of Pinggu City, Meng Chun shuddered involuntarily after seeing the two poles, and subconsciously looked at King Yun Zhong beside him.

  Shen couldn't help but smile: "Open the city gate and welcome Bai Qi into the city!"

  "Order!" Meng Chun stepped back and led the crowd outside the city, standing on the official road.

  After a while, a group of cavalrymen rushed out of Bai Qi's army and stopped in front of Meng Chun: "I am ordered to come and ask the eastern boundary of Pinggu City, if the army can pass?"

  Meng Chun hesitated for a moment, then cupped his hands and said: "Yesterday evening, the flood just receded, but now the roads are all silt, and it is impossible to march.

  What's more, King Yun Zhong was waiting for General Bai Qi on the city tower, and there was a labor report -! "

  The soldier responded, turned his horse's head and rushed towards the army. After a while, Bai Qi and Bai Ze rushed forward with their horses.

  After Meng Chun saw Bai Qi, he turned over and dismounted, bowed his hands and said, "Meet the General!"

  Bai Qi said indifferently: "No need to be more polite, since the road ahead is different, then General Lao will inform and ask Bai Qi to lead the army into the city."

  Meng Chun stood up and cupped his hands: "The general is serious, the king has already instructed the last general to come and welcome the general into the city!"

  "Please!" Bai Qi's horse arched his hands on his back, as if he didn't want to say another word.

  Meng Chun had only seen Bai Qi from a distance before, so he could recognize Bai Qi.

  But for Bai Qi's indifference and a character that will kill him if he says one more word, he can be regarded as a real experience.

  Not long after, the army entered the city.

  Bai Qi waited to go up to the tower and went to Wang Shen in the pale cloud.

  However, the trial face was white, but felt a lot of pressure.

  "On the way to the east to No End City, the widow has already gone to repair it with the people. It will not take a few days. As long as the rainstorm stops and the flood completely recedes, the army can travel together."

  Bai Qi nodded slightly: "I heard that in the battle outside the Great Wall, King Zhenbei suffered heavy losses, and General Zhengbei was captured by the enemy Xiang Yu, but I don't know if there is news about Xiang Yu's army on the king's side?"

  Shen shook his head and said, "I'm afraid the general will be disappointed. After the widow marched here, they encountered floods on the way and fled all the way, and then they came to Pinggu City."

  "Then, did the news from Lingzhi City mention Xiang Yu and Liu Bangjun?"

  After thinking for a while, he also looked at Meng Chun who was standing beside him: "The widow has never heard of it, Meng Chun, have you heard of it?"

  "Never!" Meng Chun said with great certainty: "All the orders and battle reports that the king has handled, the last generals have read them."

  Bai Qi suddenly sneered, and both Shen and Meng Chun felt that the temperature on the tower had dropped a lot in an instant.

  "Write a letter immediately and send it to Your Majesty, informing him that Xiang Yu and Liu Bang's army is very likely to rush from the northern grasslands to take a detour for five or six thousand miles and kill them all the way down the Hexi Corridor.

  After crossing Zhaowu City, I will face the attack of Liu Bang and Xiang Yu's army! "

  Bai Ze, the deputy commander on the side, responded quickly.

  On the tower, both Shen and Meng Chun were still in a confused state. Is this all right?

  Liu Bang Xiang Yu will detour thousands of miles?

  Then rush to Zhaowu City and go all the way south?

  But if this is the case, then Xianyang of the Qin State is indeed in danger.

  "General! This...is it really possible for such a thing to happen?"

  Bai Qi said blankly: "Nothing is impossible. Therefore, the Chu bandit army can detour from the sea for thousands of miles, appear in Jizi Korea, then cross the grassland and defeat the king of Zhenbei north of the Great Wall.

  It is possible to continue playing to the west, and after reaching the Qilian Mountains, turn the corner and follow the homeland of Yuezhi, all the way south! "

  Shen subconsciously raised his head and wiped the sweat from his face: "Before the widow left, [-] soldiers were dispatched from Zhaowu City, and there are not many soldiers there.

  After all, there are only more than [-] people, if Xiang Yu’s bandit army really does this, then I’m afraid…”

  Bai Qi looked at the trial expressionlessly, and then said bitterly, "Who knew that Xiang Yu's bandit army would have such a terrible mind."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  "There is an expert in their army." Bai Qi said lightly, "An expert who has passed through the sky and the latitude and the earth."

  After speaking, he suddenly sneered: "So what? It's not bad in our army."

  "As long as the truth is investigated, General Meng Tian will lead an army of the last [-] to the north, and he will be able to exterminate Xiang Yu and Liu Bang's army outside Zhaowu City.

  Even if they were lucky enough to be able to escape from Meng Tian's hands, at that time, when our troops advanced, Liaodong County and Liaoxi County had already been recovered.

  Jizi North Korea is just a bunch of bastards who don’t know how to live or die. When a million troops on the border are mobilized, one person is one pit, can’t they bury them all?

  Killing or burying is not the basic etiquette of war. In the opinion of the end general, killing and burying is the most basic etiquette of war. "

...... 0

  Hearing Bai Qi's words, his palms were all covered in cold sweat, but he just smiled dryly: "The general is right!"

  "General, the order has been written, you can take a look and see if there is anything that needs to be revised."

  Bai Ze presented the order book to Bai Qi, Bai Qi looked at it, nodded and said, "No problem, send it to Your Majesty immediately."


  Looking at Bai Qi, who was overlooking the city, he really felt that this was a demon master. Just standing here would put himself under a lot of pressure.

  But Bai Qi's guess was what scared him even more.

  If true, the consequences would be unimaginable.

  Yuyang City!

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