Bai Qi stretched out his hand and threw the King Han flag out, and someone in the army reached out to catch it.

  "Very good! Everyone follows me to the north. I will say it for the last time. If you still can't catch up with me, I will draw my knife and apologize, and I will kill the army and don't waste it!"


  The icy voice echoed above the sea of ​​blood on the mountain of corpses.

  A new round of pursuit begins.

  "General! General!"

  King Yan Han Guang rolled his eyes in pain, as if he would faint again at any time.

  Wang Su drove his horse and rushed to the carriage, cupped his hands and said, "King Yan!"

  "General, have we escaped?"

  Wang Su turned back and glanced at the army village behind him, which was filled with fire, and shook his head slightly:

  "Don't worry, King Yan, the last commander will be appointed by Duke Pei, and he will definitely protect King Han Zhouquan!"

  It is estimated that Bai Qi could not have imagined that the one he killed was King Han's camp, and why the one who escaped from it was King Han Guang of Yan.

  Han Guang trembled uncontrollably in pain: "The life of the widow is all on the general!"

  "The ninth man is here! No one can escape!"

  Unexpectedly, Han Guang's words just fell, and a group of blood-covered cavalry suddenly appeared in the barracks shrouded in fire from the front 630 square.

  "The ninth slaughter?" Wang Su's face changed greatly, he glanced back at Han Guang, then waved the halberd in his hand and shouted loudly:

  "Press on, be sure to block them! Build a shield wall!"


  Beside Wang Su, the dense number of soldiers rushed forward with heavy shields, but in an instant, a black shield wall was successfully built by everyone.

  "In front of the ninth mantu, whoever gets in the way is dead!" The furious roar suddenly echoed.

  Wang Su drove the horses away and shouted loudly: "Go! Don't make any stops."

  As soon as he turned his head, he saw a bloody horse behind, a fierce general with a horizontal knife, smashed the heavy shield, broke through the shield wall with an extremely violent attitude, and whistled and rolled over.

  "It's a bad thing!" Wang Su's expression was slightly sideways, and when he was equipped to turn back to meet the enemy, he suddenly saw a group of troops coming from the north.

  The first person carried a long-handled large sword, and after the loud thunder, he said, "Admiral Zang Tu of Yan State is here, who would dare to kill my king!"

  Wang Su was overjoyed when he saw this, and quickly turned the horse's head, guarding the carriage of King Yan Han Guang, and ran away into the distance.


  At this moment, the human wall suddenly collapsed.

  The angry shouts that suppressed the world suddenly burst into the night.

  "The ninth man is massacred! Those who stand in the way are dead!".

Chapter 1070

  Bai Qi has a total of [-] people, and a thousand people form a team. These two or five hundred people, that is, thousands of husbands, are called the first person slaughter, the second person slaughter, the third person slaughter... Ranked all the way to the tenth .

  Zang Dulei shouted, holding the big sword in both hands, and slashing while covering his head.

  The ninth man Tu roared angrily, holding up the horizontal knife in both hands, only to see sparks splashing in the air.

  A very hideous gap suddenly appeared on Zang Tu's long-handled sword.

  "What?" Zang Tu's expression changed greatly, and he fought again with a knife.

  At this time, a dense mass of people slaughtered the army came forward.

  Zang Tu was brave alone, but the soldiers under his command were slaughtered in an instant.

  "Not good!"

  Zang Tu shouted, dragged the big knife backwards, turned around and climbed on the horse's back and wanted to run.

  "Where to go!" The ninth man Tu shouted furiously, his legs tucked under his crotch, and he ran after Zang Tu.

  Who would have thought that Zang Tu was using a knife-drag plan. When he saw the enemy general behind him chasing after him with a knife, he suddenly roared, and the long-handled sword in his hand slashed backwards!

  "Hey! Shuzi is dead!"

  Zang Tu grinned, but his expression suddenly froze.

  He only saw the horse's head cut off by himself, but not the enemy general.

  "Not good-"

  Zang Tu was startled, subconsciously slapped the horse's back, and immediately jumped off the horse's back.

  Almost at the same time, the moment he jumped off the horse, an incomparably sharp blade stabbed out from under the saddle!

  Astonishingly, the ninth man, Tu, touched Zang Tu's belly and pierced the horse's belly with a knife!

  The blade pierced the saddle straight, to penetrate Zang Tugu Road.

  Zang Tu's spirits roamed.

  As long as his own reaction was a little slow, it would be damaged here.

  "Protect the General!"

  For a time, the surrounding soldiers shouted and rushed forward. Zang Tu was surrounded by a huge crowd, barely making him feel safe.

  "Let's fight and retreat!" Zang Dulei shouted.

  "General Zang, don't panic, Wang Huang is here!"

  At this moment, another group of people came out from the darkness.

  When Zang Tu heard this, he was instantly relieved.

  The ninth Ren Tu saw the arrival of the rebel reinforcements, and just grinned: "One more head, one more military exploit! The world is huge, and my Tu is the biggest!

  Boys!Go ahead!All the military exploits today, everyone has a share, today everyone's heads, our army lieutenants and soldiers are equally divided!

  "Kill"! "



  Zang Tu originally thought that when his reinforcements arrived, these monsters would be afraid, but he never thought that they would become more and more crazy.

  "Kill!" Zang Tu waved his arms and got on another war horse again.

  It's just that they and the soldiers under Wang Huang's command are not at the same level as Ren Tu Jun.

  Not to mention the huge difference in armament, even the combat capability of a single soldier is completely inferior to that of a human slaughtering army.

  Although there were only [-] people in the slaughtering army, they were selected from among the hundreds of thousands of Qin elites.

  Everyone can be called the king of soldiers, and everyone can be a hundred enemies with one!

  Such an army, and yet encountering Bai Qi's inhumane training, how could it not be strong?

  As soon as they confronted each other, the ninth person Tu Jun crushed them, completely crushing them.

  "Cut that thief general!" Wang Huang shouted loudly, waving the spear in his hand.

  Zang Tu originally wanted to retreat, but Wang Huang had already rushed forward with his spear, so he couldn't retreat, so he immediately rushed over.

  Wang Huang roared and rushed forward. The ninth man, Tu, turned on a horse again, and without dodging, he drove the horse head-on.

  Seeing that the two were about to collide, the ninth man Tu suddenly jumped away and kicked Wang Huang, who was caught off guard, and dismounted!

  As soon as Wang Huang landed, he felt a tightness in his back, followed by the sensation of the world spinning.

  The ninth man, Tu, grabbed Wang Huang from the lift with one hand, and shouted at Zang Tu, who was rushing over.


  With a screeching sound, the sound wave is like a gust of wind and thunder!

  Zang Tu sat down and the frightened man stood up.

  The ninth person Tu couldn't help but stab Wang Huang's waist with the horizontal knife in his hand, and stabbed his lower abdomen.

  "This is the fate of betraying the emperor and betraying Da Qin!"

  "Soldiers, rush forward! Kill!"

  "Today is the day when my people slaughtered the army and named Yang Wei!"

  "You have to kill a person who has no light!"


  The roar came from the sky and the earth, as if the heaven and the earth were torn apart under this roar.

  Where does Zang Tu still have the heart to fight again?

  He dragged his sword backwards, and this time he really ran for his life desperately.

  "Go north, there is a boat in the north, we can take the boat and cross the flooded water first!"

  In the chaos, a group of cavalrymen hunted and beat Zang Tu, and the leader was none other than Han Cheng, the captain of the state of Han.

  Zang Tu glanced at Han Cheng, and while running, he said, "The captain is really my savior. Zang Tu will never forget this kindness!"

  Han Cheng glanced at the ninth man Tu, who was chasing after him like a mad dog.

  Then he whispered: "My king personally led an army to face the Tenth People's Massacre."

  "What?" Zang Tu said in surprise: "These people are all demons, how can King Han go to fight in person?"

  "Captain, you..."

  Just looking up, Zang Tu saw the weird smile on Han Cheng's face, and couldn't help but be startled, could it be...

  "..At the moment of life and death, I have a sentence that is not worth saying and should not be said!"

  Zang Tu's expression changed, and then he nodded solemnly and said, "It's okay to say it, Captain."

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