
  Zang Tu roared, terrified, and frantically pulled the armor on his body.

  "Crash", the armor was removed directly, and he and Han Cheng were pushing the raft.

  Just as he walked to the edge of the flooded water, he was almost thrown into the flooded water by the rolling south.

  "Cough cough cough-"

  In the tumbling waves, Zang Tu took several mouthfuls of muddy water, and only then did he hold on to the raft.

  Looking at Han Cheng again, it's not much better.

  On the raft, there were only five or six soldiers, and they looked at each other with a look of the rest of their lives.


  The 16 life reminder talismans sounded like a roar, and suddenly struck.

  "Hide in the water!" Zang Tu shouted, grabbed the raft and hid in the water.

  The stench of the flood was rolling, and his ears were full of gurgling sounds.


  On the sturdy raft, spears suddenly fell.

  Just before Zang Tu showed his head, he heard Han Cheng shouting loudly, "No way! The rope that tied the raft was thrown by the spear, and the raft was about to fall apart!"

  These words suddenly made Zang Tu fall into the ice cellar.

  "What should I do?" Zang Tu only had time to ask, and the raft slammed and dispersed.

  He only had time to hug a wooden pole, and after a few ups and downs, he disappeared in the flood.

  As for what happened to Han Cheng, he had never even seen it.

  On the edge of the flooded water, Bai Qi's face was ashen, and he looked at the prisoner kneeling beside him.

  "General! The count is clear, five thousand prisoners!"

  The tenth man Tu stepped forward and reported.

  Bai Qi waved the horizontal knife in his hand: "Push all the water down!"


  Hearing this order, everyone in the army was very excited.


  "Your Majesty!" Bai Ze shouted loudly, "This group of thieves has a large number, but they are trapped by us! Hahaha!"

  He laughed wildly: "We used [-] people to trap nearly [-] troops!"

  Su Wen's eyes were also full of madness. He waved the horizontal knife in his hand that had been cut into a gap and roared:

  "The army moves forward, forcing them to dip into the water!"

  "Heavy shield! Heavy shield! Put up the shield wall!"

  Everyone seems to be caught in a frenzied killing. At this time, no one will consider what human nature is and what life is.




  The shield wall began to appear, and the coalition forces in front were squeezed to the edge of the flooded water.

  "Brothers, stop crowding! Someone fell into the flood!"

  Frightened shouts spread through the chaotic army.

  However, a more frightened cry soon replaced it.

  "Qin Jun is here!"

  "Emperor Qin is here!"

  The crazy crowd was completely uncontrolled and squeezed towards the east.


  Bunch of people fell into the water, and screams of panic were everywhere.

  Su Wen held a horizontal knife and led Bai Ze and Wang Mi to rush to kill.

  The Qin army lined up, and once the coalition forces fought back, they would leave behind mountains of corpses.

  Many of these people were not wearing armor, just rough cloth.

  However, the butcher did not stop.

  For the remnants of the Six Kingdoms, the emperor was afraid in his heart.

  Therefore, at this time, killing instead became the best way for the emperor to vent his anger and fear.

  Regarding this crazy massacre, the historian of Qin state recorded this:

  Daqin Taishi Gongji, on July [-], the first year of Emperor Zhaowu's first year.

  The emperor led his men to slaughter [-] troops, raided the camp of the Yan-Han alliance, captured the thieves and killed the generals, broke into the thief's camp, trapped and killed [-] rebels on the west bank of the Rushui River.

  The rebels were defeated, scrambled to flee, and fell into the flood water; when the flood water was blocked by the bodies of the rebels, it was called the Great Victory of the flood water.


  In the city of Lingzhi.

  With his extraordinary ability, Wu Qing returned to Lingzhi City.

  "His Majesty said that he would order people to block the upstream part and stop the flow of water on this side of the moat.

  In this way, the water swirling around the moat will flow downstream.

  At night, King Yunzhong will lead his army to attack the fifty thousand rebels stationed on the west side of the city.

  Your Majesty asked us to prepare hay and other things so that when the army goes out, it will go deep into the mud. "

  Ding Chen squeezed the jade pendant in his hand, stared at the dark night sky outside the city, and then looked at the rebel camp outside the west of the city.

  When he turned around, many soldiers who were trapped here stood up one after another and looked up at Ding Chen.

  Ding Chen's eyes gradually became firmer: "Dig the city gate, prepare to leave the city, and fight to the death!

  Serve the Emperor!Repay Da Qin! "


  The soldiers responded in unison.

  It's just that the time is not equal now, and Wu Qing is going to take a step forward, not knowing that some of the rebels will take the lead to fill the soil upstream and cut off the flow.

  Will everything develop in the way Su Wen expected?


  He put on his armor, raised the horizontal sword, and pulled it out under the firelight.

  "Good knife! 633" Trin subconsciously praised.

  "Your Majesty—" Meng Chun led people over from the side, and bowed his hands to the trial.

  Invisibility turned his head and glanced at Meng Chun, and said slowly: "North and South, you choose one."

  Meng Chun hesitated for a moment, then looked back at the crowd, and Chen Sheng, the imperial envoy of Jinyiwei Beizhen, stepped forward quickly, stood on the side, and bowed his hands to the trial:

  "Your Majesty has an order to follow the king, the king will go there, and the minister will lead the thousands of Jinyiwei around him."

  Shen pondered for a while, and then said: "Meng Chun led [-] troops south.

  When the time comes, Ding Chen, the defender of the city, will naturally go out of the city to help.

  The widow led the remaining [-] troops, as well as the [-] men of Jinyiwei to the north.

  The digging rebels were very tired during the day and completely undefended. Once we got in, we could cut them off after they fell asleep.

  Therefore, the south is the important battlefield entrance, and His Majesty and Bai Qi have already led the army there.

  Whether we can dominate the battlefield here left to us is up to us. "

  Meng Chun opened his eyes wide and looked at the trial. After a few breaths, he suddenly knelt down towards the trial and kowtowed three times:

  "Your Majesty, take care!"

  As soon as the words fell, Shen stood up, and the [-] troops immediately rushed south to the enemy camp. .

Chapter 1075

  "Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei's brothers are the best at light-weight kung fu. Let the brothers go over and find out how the camp is going?"

  Shen pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Alright, we just touch it like this, I'm afraid it won't be good.

  But you need to tell the people under your hand to be more careful. "

  "Don't worry, Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei's brothers have always been cautious and careful in doing things, and things like stunning snakes will not appear in our army."

  Of course, the trial understood that what Chen Sheng said was not bad. He held down the [-]-strong army and spread it out. Not to mention dying, it was almost the same.

  Chen Sheng led many Jin Yiwei to quickly dissipate into the night.

  According to the comprehensive investigation during the day, the number of soldiers who came up here is roughly around [-].

  Although the trial side thinks that it is full of calculations now, it is only [-] people, but he is really not afraid.

  Chen Sheng touched the shed built on one side. The firewood in the fire pit in the distance was still burning, and from time to time there was a popping sound.

  But looking around, with the help of the fire, in Nuoda's camp, not to mention the patrolling guards can't be found, and the rest of the figures are even more invisible.

  In a simple work shed, when the smell of wormwood smoke to drive away mosquitoes was strong, Chen Sheng just touched it, and already heard the snoring noise inside.

  He made a gesture, and Jin Yiwei, who was on the side, responded, and quietly touched it.

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