The army of [-] people, not to mention the array spread out in a word, can round up Lu Shui's small package, and that's almost the same.

  King Han Guang of Yan had only [-] soldiers and horses.

  At this moment, King Yan Han Guang, who is on the east coast, seems to usher in the peak moment of his life.

  Because he has [-] troops in Feiru City, and only [-] troops are left on the east bank to guard...

  Zang Tu led a group of generals to brag in front of Han Guang every day, and that Han Guang boasted that Sun Wu was reborn and Jiang Shang was alive.

  How to blow?

  [-] soldiers died, and they stopped the Qin army's [-] army's footsteps. Is there anything more arrogant than this?

  At the beginning, Emperor Su Wen of Qin defeated the [-]-strong allied army of Yan and Han in Rushui with an army of [-].

  But now there is King Han Guang of Yan, with an army of [-] people, blocking the Qin army on the west bank of the Lushui River, and cannot advance a step for ten days!

  When this kind of life is at its peak, it can be written down in the annals of history and passed down through the ages.

  But the actual situation is... Qin Jun is repairing...

  Except for the tens of thousands of soldiers led by Su Wen and Bai Qi who arrived first, the army behind them rushed furiously, rushing like a mad dog for thousands of miles to the battlefield.

  How can I not be tired?

  Similarly, the top leaders of the Qin army are also discussing how to break the fat.

  Only then did the king of Yan Han Guang's troops approach Lushui, and the myth that the tiger (bgdi) wolf Qin army stopped for ten days spread...

  Zang Tu and Han Cheng deliberately planned, and naturally they were blowing it to death, so they almost didn't directly blow Han Guang to the point where he stood shoulder to shoulder with the sun in the sky.

  At the beginning, Han Guang himself had some rationality, but the further back he found, the Qin army was indeed stationed on the west bank of Lushui, and he began to confront him.

  Is this a fact?

  Zang Tu, the generals under Gu's command, and King Han's younger brother were right.

  Gu is relying on [-] troops stationed on the east bank of Lushui, and has already stopped hundreds of thousands of Qin troops.

  This kind of ability, looking at the world, who can do it?

  On the high platform of the Qin army, standing here can overlook the rebel camp.

  I don't know if Han Guang was intentional or not, but he also built an earthen platform as tall as the Qin army camp.

  Every time Qin Huang Su Wen climbed the soil platform and looked towards the Yan army camp, he also climbed the soil platform and looked towards the Qin army camp...

  Once or twice is not a big deal, but after a long time, Su Wen found that Han Guang was interesting.

  If it weren't for the distance between the two sides, Su Wen would really want to talk to Han Guang across Lu Shui.

  "Your Majesty, it's time to launch an attack. There are countless rafts created by our army. It is not a problem to cover all the water channels of Lushui, which is ten miles deep."

  After waiting for so many days, Bai Qi was already anxious.

  Su Wen raised his head, looked at the rebel camp opposite, and unsurprisingly saw Han Guang with a huge lineup on the opposite side.

  Han Guang's fellow is also looking towards this side.

  "Your Majesty!" Lou Jing, the commander of Jinyiwei, couldn't stand it any longer: "The majesty of the emperor, how can you let people peep at will?"

  Su Wen smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, anyway, they are all people who are about to die, with dead bones in the tomb.

  Just now, General Bai Qi said that it was time to attack.

  Who wants to take the lead? "

  "I want to go to the end!" Bai Qi said almost eagerly.

  "The last general is willing to go!" Yang Duanhe bowed his hands and said: "In the battle of Rushui, General Bai Qi is invincible, and he can't put all the military exploits on himself, right?"

  Li Xin hurriedly said: "You are all people with outstanding military exploits, can't you let me make some military exploits for the sake of the younger generation being born young and having a large family to support?

  In this battle of crossing the river, let the last commander lead the army! "

  Unwilling to be outdone, Yang Xiong bowed his hands and said, "Your Majesty, this minister is a general of the rear army.

  Now that the war is imminent, the final commander asks the first one to lead the army to cross the river, cut down the flag of the Yan army, and kill the king of Yan Han Guang! "

  Su Wen looked at the generals with strong fighting spirit, his face was full of joy, and suddenly looked at the former general Ying Bu, who was silent on the side, and asked curiously:

  "Ying Bu, why didn't you grab the first battle of the battle of crossing the river?".

Chapter 1092

  Hearing this, Ying Bu couldn't help laughing and said: "The last general saw that all the generals were fighting, thinking that the battle of crossing the river might not be the last general's turn to play... So I won't fight.

  See which grandson is lucky enough to win the battle of crossing the river. "

  As soon as these words came out, Bai Qi, Li Xin, Yang Xiong, Yang Duanhe and others all glared at Ying Bu.

  Even the generals Wang Li, Wang Meng, and Su Jiao who didn't stand up for the first attack, also stared at Ying Bu with wide eyes.

  Ying Bu hurriedly raised his hands and shrank his neck: "Come on! Grandfathers! Look at that grandfather winning the battle of crossing the river. You are all grandfathers, and I am - grandson!"

  "Hahaha..." Su Wen stretched out his hand and pointed: "This grandson leads the troops across the river!"

  Ying Bu's face was full of confusion, and then he jumped up: "Hahaha, the last will obey!"

  Everyone stared at Ying Bu with blue faces, almost not one of them was a grandson.

  "In the early morning of tomorrow, the three armies will hear the sound of the drums and march forward. At noon, if the Lushui has not been crossed, the soldiers will be fattened, and I will never spare you!"

  Ying Bu was solemn and bowed his hands: "At noon tomorrow, if you can't cross the Lu River and step on the opposite army camp, please behead me!"

  "Okay!" Su Wen said solemnly, "I can play the drums for you myself!"

  "Here!" Ying Bu retreated with a murderous look on his face.

  Su Wen looked at the generals and said with a smile: "The generals don't need to be discouraged, how to fight Fei Rucheng is the key.

  At that time, it is time for you to wait to show your prowess. "

  "I will obey your orders!"

  The generals slowly retreated, while Su Wen still looked at the other side of the Lu River.

  "Interesting! Interesting! Han Guang really doesn't know how to write dead characters."

  At this moment, Meng Hui drove his horse to the bottom of the high platform and glanced at the emperor: "Your Majesty, come to report from the south, something important has happened."

  Su Wen nodded, Meng Hui turned over and dismounted, walked quickly onto the high platform, and presented a letter to Su Wen.

  After Su Wen read it, he said indifferently: "It's not good, Ge Ying, the chief Sima of Qi, sent troops to attack the south and attack Chu..."

  "Well, how long does the Queen think the King of Chu can hold on?"

  Meng Hui said, "How do you feel about Yu Ziqi and Zhang Ping?"

  "Yu Ziqi is a rare tiger general in the world. Wan Jun takes the head of an admiral from it, and it's generally easy to find something."

  "Although Zhang Ping doesn't say how strong he is, it's not bad for Zhang Han's younger brother."

  "In addition to the general Lu of the King of Chu, he has always had a reputation for being virtuous, so it's impossible to hold on to it, right?"

  Meng Hui smiled and said, "If your majesty is worried, you can send troops to attack Qi with the general."

  Su Wen shook his head: "First north and then south, the general policy of this strategy will not change.

  According to the strength of Jingchu's troops, the King of Chu would not be able to defend the territory even if he could not defeat Qi. "

  Meng Hui pondered for a moment and then said, "It's just that, after all, there is the old land of Chu..."

  "But where did I set up the monument of the people's hearts of the world, so the power of the Chu Yu Nie Xiang clan over there has long been uprooted..."

  Su Wen's eyes narrowed, and he looked across the river: "Then solve the battle in the north as soon as possible, and use the fastest speed to kill it in the south."

  "Well." Meng Hui said: "Chen Qi suggested that the general should send troops to attack Qi. Your Majesty has made up his mind, so Chen Qi is not good to say anything."

  Su Wen said: "Don't worry, Jiang Lu will not be able to hold on for this time."

  Seeing that the emperor was so confident, Meng Hui couldn't say anything else.

  Yan Army.

  Han Guang yawned on the high platform, and watched Su Wen get off the high platform, feeling rather boring, so he got off the high platform.

  Zang Tu was about to follow, but saw Han Cheng wink at him.

  Zang Tu immediately bowed his hands and said, "Your Majesty will go one step ahead, and the last commander will be on the high platform to observe the Qin army's formation, so as to come up with a clever strategy to defeat the enemy."

  If it was in the past, Han Guang certainly wouldn't believe that Zang Tu had any clever strategy. After all, there were so many people on the opposite side.

  But now, Han Guang has already swelled to the point where he is shoulder-to-shoulder with the sun. Hearing that, he just waved his hand calmly and vigorously: "The few people know."

  Han Cheng smiled. He was very satisfied with Han Guang's current appearance.

  "Have you noticed just now that the Qin Emperor Su Wen has summoned the generals to the stage, and the generals seem to be fighting for something when they talk about it?"

  Zang Tu's eyes sank: "Your Majesty means that the Qin army is ready to launch an attack?"

  "Not bad." Han Cheng nodded and said, "The Qin army has hundreds of thousands of troops, and the alliance spread directly to the end of the world.

  I am afraid that they are now sending troops to attack. Our defense can't even hold up for an hour, and it will be completely over. "

  "Then... what does the king mean?"

  Han Cheng and him looked at each other, and there was a lot of cold light in their eyes.

  "I will go to see King Yan later and say that I will go back to Feirucheng to see the grain and grass come over in person."

  Han Cheng sneered and said, "Do you have a way to escape?"

  "The soldiers in the army have been guarding this place for many days. The army is distressed and has no joy. As the general of the Yan Kingdom, isn't it my job to find beautiful girls for the king?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????


  When the words fell, both of them couldn't help laughing.

  In the long evening, Zang Tu and Han Cheng embarked on the road to return to Fei Rucheng.

  Han Guang himself drank too much wine and was so drunk that it was difficult to wake up from a sound sleep.

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