Chapter 1095

  "Report - The Qin army launched an attack brazenly in the early morning, and our army was defeated. The general quickly dispatched troops to rescue the king!"

  A fast horse rolled the dust and rushed into the city of fat like.

  At the moment, Fei Rucheng was in chaos.

  Han Cheng had a bad heart and was on the tower, watching the scout begging for help running up the tower, then knelt in front of him and said loudly:

  "Report to King Han, the Qin army crossed Lushui in the early morning, and quickly send troops to rescue my king!"

  Hearing this, Han Cheng hurriedly stretched out his hand to support the scout in front of him, and said in a panicked expression:

  "There is such a thing?"

  "Hurry up! Hurry up and find General Zang Tu!"

  Han Cheng's voice just fell, and he saw Fei Ru outside the city far away from the smoke and dust and the sky, with flags flying all over the sky.

  In fact, he had already heard the earth-shattering screams on the tower before, and some generals felt that something was wrong and asked to send troops out of the city to see.

  But Han Cheng just said that it was just the prestige of King Yan training his troops, no need to be surprised.

  On the city tower, many generals were confused for a while, and hurried to find Zang Tu.

  It turned out that Zang Tu had actually found a few beautiful beautiful girls, who were walking on the street with an ox cart pulled by them.

  It wasn't that Zang Tu didn't have a horse, but simply because the ox cart was more comfortable, and there was no horse-drawn cart to pull the bumps.

  "General! General!" A group of generals surrounded Zang Tu, anxious.

  "Hahaha..." Zang Tu knew what was going on, but he deliberately pretended not to know anything.

  It really fits the saying: life is like a play, and it all depends on acting.

  "Everyone!" Zang Tu laughed loudly: "Your Majesty is in distress in the army, and I came back to find Meiji to send to the army for fun. It's not a big deal. Why are you all here?"

  "Oh! My great general! Qin Jun crossed Lushui early in the morning, and the Lushui barracks is over!"

  A military general said with a bitter expression: "Now the Jingqi flags outside the city are in the air, I am afraid that the Qin army has already invaded the city, and the king's life and death are unknown!"! "

  "What! Your Majesty—" Zang Tu wailed, and went straight to faint.

  A group of generals on the left and right surrounded Zang Tu, patted on the chest, slapped on the chest, pinched among the people, fed the water, and after a cup of tea, Zang Tu suddenly shouted and suddenly woke up.

  "Your Majesty!"

  "Your Majesty!"

  Zang Tu was shouting loudly again, and his voice was sad and pitiful, so that the surrounding iron-blooded men couldn't help but wet their clothes with tears.

  "Your Majesty treats me like a mountain. Without Your Majesty, how could I be the glory of Zang Tu today?"

  Zang Tu struggled to stand up, pulled out his sword with a bang, and swept his eyes firmly on the faces of the generals:

  "Brothers, all of you were picked up by me, Zang Tu, and I, Zang Tu, have been kind to you.

  Today, I, Zang Tu, are here begging for you, brothers, to lead an army out of the city with me, to fight against the Qin thieves, and to avenge the great king! "

  The generals looked sad, and they all drew their swords, pointed at the sky, and shouted in unison: "Fight the Qin bandit and avenge the king!"

  For a time, the Yan army in the city was infuriated.

  Zang Tu led the brigade and headed straight for the south gate.

  Han established on the tower, and seeing Zang Tu's power, he knew that it was done.

  Fei Rucheng was tall and big, with wide and thick walls, and even the horse-faced wall protruded out. It might not be easy for the Qin army to attack by force.

  Therefore, he was not worried at all.

  Outside the city, the Qin army was approaching the city, and from a distance, it was overwhelming, and as far as the eye could see, it was full of black steel torrents.

  Han Cheng looked five or six miles away, and the place ten miles away was the dark formation of the Qin army.

  It is like following the Lushui flowing from north to south, spreading all the way to the end of the horizon.

  "It's terrifying, this kind of soldier." Han Cheng was startled, and then he heard Zang Tu shouting loudly:

  "Open the city gate! Open the city! I want to go out and fight Qin Thief to the death!"

  Han Cheng hurriedly walked to the edge of the city tower and said loudly: "General, come upstairs to see, the Qin army outside the city is overwhelming, with hundreds of thousands of ranks.

  It is unwise to go out of the city to fight! "

  "King Han doesn't need to say more, the king of my family knows the kindness of me, but if I can't repay the kindness of the king!

  Why is Zang Tu a person? "

  Han Cheng hummed: "The King of Yan has risen at the end of the world, and he has struggled for a long time before he has the foundation he is today!

  The general is the national pillar of the state of Yan, how can he act with anger!

  Let's take the generals upstairs and see how many Qin troops are outside the city, shall we? "

  Hearing this, Zang Tu subconsciously looked at the left and right generals.

  Many generals cupped their hands and said: "General, what King Han said makes sense. The king has spent his whole life here. If you are desperate, how can you be worthy of the king?"

  When the words fell, Zang Tu said angrily, "Then let's go upstairs!"

  Not long after, Zang Tu led the army to the upstairs, and when he saw the overwhelming Qin army outside, he felt shocked and cold.

  What is this... It's really a powerful force, and it's about to destroy the tower.

  Why are there so many people?

  Zang Tu was secretly bitter in his heart, but thinking that not long ago, when there were so many people in his army, his face became even more bitter.

  ".. Qin's army is numerous and skilled. We can only rely on the firmness of the city and the city, and then we can embrace King Yan's foundation!"

  "Report - Xiang Yu, Liu Bang, Han Wangxin and other reinforcements have arrived outside the North Gate!"

  "How many people are here?" Han Cheng asked eagerly, unable to care so much.

  The scout who sent the order glanced at the Qin army outside the city, and then said: "There are so many people, it's hard to count, but looking at the majesty of the army, it is similar to the Qin army outside the city, and you can't see the end at a glance."

  "Hahaha... It's true that the sky does not die!" Han Cheng was excited: "General Zang, you go to the north gate to meet General Xiang, Pei Gong, and that Han Xin, and then go out and defend the city gate!"

  Zang Tu was a little surprised, but looking at Han Cheng's heart-wrenching look, he didn't say much, and immediately cupped his hands and said, "Here!"

  Originally, he (Wang Hao) planned that Han Cheng would stand up at this moment and take the lead in supporting Zang Tu as the king of Yan.

  After all, when the soldiers approached the city, there was no owner in the city, and there were rumors that the King of Yan Han Guang died in the chaos of the army.

  "General! General! Look at what that is!" Just as Zang Tu was about to go down.

  The scout who gave the order suddenly shouted loudly.

  All eyes were caught by what the scout said.

  I saw that on the sloped mountain road, a prisoner cart was slowly pushed forward by Qin Jun.

  A person is bound to the wooden frame in the shape of a "cross" on the prison cart.

  When the generals looked at them, they immediately felt frightened. For no other reason, the person who was trapped in the prison carriage was the king of Dayan Kingdom—Han Guang!

  "I am Su Wen, the Emperor of Great Qin! Listen to the rogues! Han Guang has been captured alive!

  Surrender immediately may save you from death. If you resist stubbornly, when the city is broken, you will not leave one behind and kill them all! "account.

Chapter 1096

  "How to do?"

  On the top of the tower, all the generals panicked, and the soldiers below were also greatly shaken!


  Suddenly, Han Guang's struggling cry came from the prison car under the city tower.

  Zang Tu hurriedly lay on the edge of the parapet, while watching out for the archers in the Qin army, she shouted loudly:

  "Your Majesty! The end is here!"

  Su Wen smiled and looked at Han Guang on the prison car, thinking that this old boy is quite interesting.

  "The widow... widow..." Han Guang shouted very laboriously: "Zang Tu, the great general, all the Yan troops in the city, from now on obey Zang Tu's orders, Zang Tu...

  Zang Tu is the King of Yan!

  Long live the Great Yan Kingdom!

  Long live the Great Yan Kingdom! "

  After saying this, Zang Tu suddenly bit his tongue, tilted his head, and died instantly.

  Chen Sheng jumped, jumped to the edge of the prison car, pinched Han Guang's chin, and blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

  People have died.

  "Your Majesty! Han Guang has died." Chen Sheng cupped his hands, his expression a little angry.

  Su Wen chuckled lightly, glanced at the wailing Yan Jun on the tower, and turned to look at the generals.

  The generals put their hands together and looked at Su Wen.

  "Prepare to attack the city!"

  Su Wen drove his horse into the crowd, the generals shouted 647 angrily, and the Jinglan, which was as high as the tower, was pushed forward.

  On the city floor.

  Yan Jun cried a lot, and Zang Tu cried even more fiercely.

  This time, he was really heartbroken.

  I calculated Han Guang like this, but in the end, Han Guang was in front of the army, passed on to himself, and then killed himself by biting his tongue.

  This made him feel extremely guilty.

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