In fact, the parade along the way also allowed him to see the suffering of the people.

  Also know that people live in dire straits.

  But also like Su Wen said.

  Today's Da Qin is not as powerful as he seems.

  The treasury is empty, and there are serious internal and external problems.

  High taxes can be used to levy food to supply the army and fill the treasury.

  And reusing corvée to build the Great Wall is the only way he can think of.

  But as Su Wen said, in fact, the common people are the foundation of Da Qin.

  They can't even eat and talk about people's hearts.

  If there is no popular support, then the demise of reason is not far away.

  At this time, he finally understood what he had said at the beginning.

  Why did Qin die in the second world?

  Thinking of this, Ying Zheng couldn't help showing a trace of sadness in his eyes.

  He suddenly knelt down directly towards Su Wen and said.

  "I want to ask Mr. one thing."

  Su Wen looked at him and knew that he should have understood something at this time.

  "What's the matter, stand up and talk."

  Ying Zheng did not listen to Su Wen's words, but looked at Su Wen and said.

  "Mr. I beg you to spread the crops you cultivated throughout this Daqin, so that the people can have enough to eat instead of worrying about food every day."

  "Mr. I beg you to apply the plague vaccine you developed to all the people of Daqin."

  "I know that these things must have consumed a lot of energy, so I am willing to replace them with everything I can give."

  Hearing this, Su Wen suddenly laughed.

  He thought that Ying Zheng would seek the elixir of life.

  In fact, whether it is the crops cultivated, or the brewed wine, or glass or paper, he will promote it to the entire Daqin.

  It's just that I've been busy with getting married recently, and now it's time to implement these plans.

  But now that Ying Zheng has proposed it, it has saved him a lot of trouble.

  At the very least, with the help of Ying Zheng, he was able to extend smoothly everywhere.

  He looked at Ying Zheng who was still kneeling on the ground and said lightly.

  "Get up. If you don't say anything about these things, I will do them too, but in order to proceed smoothly, we need your cooperation next."

  Hearing Su Wen's words, Ying Zheng was overjoyed.

  "Ying Zheng must cooperate fully with Mr. Qin. It is really a blessing for Mr. Qin to have Mr. Qin."

  He knew that once Su Wen spread these things throughout Da Qin.

  Then Da Qin's strength will definitely have a qualitative change.

  At that time, the Xiongnu, Baiyue, and Tongtong will not be taken seriously.

  Since that Alexander can go east.

  Can't he go west.

  He believed he would do better.

  Because in Da Qin, there is a man who is like a god.

  Looking at the seemingly ordinary young man in front of him, Ying Zheng's eyes were full of respect. .

Chapter 91

  Su Wen nodded and said.

  "Besides that, I think the principle of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce is somewhat inappropriate, what do you think?"

  Hearing Su Wen's words, Ying Zheng fell into deep thought again.

  Since the arrival of the Shang monarch, the rewards for ploughing and warfare have made the Great Qin more and more prosperous.

  In the end, the current state of unification can be created.

  And Su Wen actually said that this principle is a bit inappropriate, which made him a little confused at this time.

  According to his original thinking, the reason why there are so many problems in this country.

  All because of lack of food.

  However, the new type of grain cultivated by Su Wen can produce as much as a thousand catties per mu.

  Fundamentally, it can be said that Daqin completely solved the problem of eating right and left by the common people.

  In this way, even if he pays high taxes, those people will not be a problem to eat.

  Their minds should also converge.

  So for a while, he didn't understand what Su Wen meant.

  "Ying Zheng doesn't understand, please make it clear sir."

  Looking at Ying Zheng who was full of respect, Su Wen continued.

  "I know what you think, these things have indeed solved the food problem of the people of Daqin."

  "But have you ever thought that the output value of these things can reach thousands of kilograms per mu, and some can even reach [-] kilograms. So much food can be eaten? Is it possible that those things have to be thrown away?"

  "Besides, people, after the food problem is solved, they will think about a better material life."

  "For example, drinks, drinks, or thinking about changing to a bigger land, or sending children to school, and these things require money."

  "And at this time, the role of merchants is reflected, which can play a role in promoting the circulation of goods and promoting the development of the market."

  "At the same time, those merchants traveled all over the place and spread their special products to various places, which also promoted cultural exchanges between places."

  "If you want to truly integrate the remnants of the Six Kingdoms with the Baiyue ethnic groups and Daqin, you must rely not on forceful suppression, but on cultural fusion. You should know these things."

  After the establishment of the Qin state, Ying Zheng issued some decrees to unify the writing, the currency, and the weights and measures.

  In essence, this is the intention to achieve cultural unity.

  But only the strong demands of the legal system cannot control people's hearts at all.

  You know, the human heart is the most complicated thing.

  Ying Zheng thought about it and responded.

  "But sir, if commerce is encouraged, wouldn't large tracts of land be abandoned without cultivation?"

  "Besides, Ying Zheng has also tried his best to achieve the cultural unity that Mr.

  Su Wen took a sip of his tea and said with a smile.

  "Abandoned? How can it be abandoned? Agriculture and commerce have their own strengths. Farmers sell the crops they grow to merchants for currency, so as to get other things they want."

  "And merchants get a lot of money by selling crops in exchange for other goods, so won't the market be revitalized?"

  "Also, I can tell you very clearly that the common people don't actually like to fight. Who would think of rebelling if they have food to eat, clothes to wear, and a happy life every day?"

  "Do you think I'm right?"

  Ying Zheng was shocked when he heard this.

  He is a smart man, and he naturally knows that what Su Wen said is not at all wrong.

  Then he bowed to Su Wen and said.

  "Sir is a great talent, Ying Zheng has been taught, in fact, I have a question that I have been wanting to ask Mr.

  Su Wen was stunned, but quickly reacted.

  "go ahead."

  Ying Zheng raised his head and said in a deep voice.

  "Sir also knows that now we are in serious internal and external troubles in Daqin, how can I solve these things."

  Hearing his words, Su Wen responded.

  "The internal worries are nothing but the remnants of the Six Nations, while the external troubles are the Huns and Baiyue, am I right?"

  Ying Zheng nodded.

  Su Wen glanced at him and continued.

  "This matter is very easy. Let's talk about the remnants of those who escaped. Those who obey will stay, and those who rebel will kill."

  "You should know that after the demise of the Six Kingdoms, apart from the prisoners who were forced into the Great Wall for corvée service, very few people actually escaped."

  "So in essence, they can't do any damage to Da Qin at all."

  "The methods they used were nothing more than inciting the people to revolt."

  "And after you take the measures above, the people will live and work in peace and contentment. Who will cooperate with them? So they are destined to be only clowns."

  "If anyone wants to obey Daqin and become a commoner of Daqin, you can keep him."

  "If those who swear to death, let's say, just kill them directly."

  "And those prisoners of the Six Nations, I suggest you divide them up."

  Everyone said that Qin Shi Huang was a tyrant.

  But to be honest, even after capturing the Six Kingdoms, he rarely killed people.

  In addition to those who escaped, nothing more than the prisoners in Xianyang prison and the construction of the Great Wall.

  The name of the tyrant came out because of the huge amount of manpower spent in the building of the Great Wall.

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