Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 988 Don’t worry, I will bring you back

"Okay, don't feel bad. Those of us who are still alive have to work hard and we will meet each other sooner or later." Lin Fan shouted loudly: "From now on, all soldiers, all compatriots, and all the animal army, the Allied Forces of All Realms, immediately Rest, wait until after the celebration meeting, everyone will have a five-day holiday! You have worked hard during this period!"

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers exhaled and woke up from their grief. When they heard the word "holiday", they all became excited.


"Finally a holiday!"

"Go home and see my mother! Haha, I killed five sea beasts this time. Isn't it right for me to be the leader of a group and bring back a big red flower?"

"My parents are probably worried to death. Hehe, they will definitely cook a lot of delicious food for me when I go back this time."

"Don't tell me, I'm really tired..."

The soldiers cheered and felt their bodies tired.

After all, three battles in a row.

Many warriors fought continuously for thirty-six hours. Their opponents were fifty million sea beasts, millions of legendary sea beasts!

And, gods.

And now, the battle is won!

This continuous battle is finally over!

All the soldiers looked at the sea where the corpse of the sea beast was floating, and they felt as if they had been in a dream, a dream full of fire and gunpowder smoke.


They cheered and exited the combat area and walked to the dormitories in the Great Steel Wall. They could still walk, dragging their tired bodies. Some soldiers whose legs were numb or who were too exhausted to stand up were helped down by medical staff. .

"Inform the cooking team to add extra food tonight! Give our animal brothers extra food too!"

The animals also roared excitedly, and the chickens, ducks and geese chirped happily.

On the sea, there were countless animal carcasses floating with sea beasts!

In this battle, these animals also contributed.

Horses and mules constantly shuttled through the Great Steel Wall, carrying heavy ammunition and meals, ensuring the supply of firepower and ensuring that the soldiers could have a steaming meal.

A rooster that had only been fed for two and a half years spread its wings and rushed toward the mouth of the giant whale like a torrent carrying grenades.

One by one, the ducks paddled their double webs and faced the terrifying waves that were 500 meters high.

Their sacrifices are no weaker than those of the humans living on this land!



"Humans, it has to be you chicken brothers!"

A majestic rooster looked up to the sky and crowed, and then he was looking forward to it: "What are you going to have for extra dinner tonight?"

Immediately, I heard the master chef of the cooking class wearing a chef's skirt, holding a kitchen knife, standing at the stairs of the Great Steel Wall and shouting: "All the roosters and ducks, extra food, come with me!"

The chickens and ducks happily walked over and were immediately taken to the kitchen.


The kitchen door closes.

The chickens and ducks looked curiously at the kitchen environment they had never seen before. One chicken stretched its neck and looked at the cutting board and asked curiously: "Cocky? (What are you going to eat tonight?)"

Facing the curious chickens and ducks, the chef smiled and raised the cold kitchen knife.

"Tonight, chicken stewed with mushrooms."

"Come on, everyone line up."

the other side.

Daji was sitting in a wheelchair, leading the pig brothers who were full of expectations, lining up to the kitchen, and the Bull Demon King was on a stretcher, leading a group of excited old cows to the hot pot restaurant...

Don't ask, just ask for extra food tonight.

The neighing of animals kept coming from the Great Steel Wall.

"Cack! Cack! Humans, despicable humans, agreed to give us extra meals..."

"Moo moo! Humans! We, the cattle tribe, have also made contributions. You... Lord Cow Demon King, let's rebel. As long as you raise your arms and shout... What? Lord Cow Demon King, you tell us to hurry up, you still Waiting for beef hot pot? Moo moo?"

"Quack, quack... Brothers, don't resist. We have fed humans, and humans will feed our descendants and raise more ducks... So we, the ducks, make money with blood, and humans are just working for us. Yes, we are feeding ourselves!"

"That's right...there is nothing wrong with this calculation. Humans are just working for us! It is our duck clan who benefits! For the bright future of the duck clan, kill my chicken brother first! Quack!" A rooster sacrificed his life for justice. When he jumped on the cutting board, he didn't even need the chef to do anything. He had already started plucking his own hair with his mouth.

"Grrrr...ah, it hurts, it hurts...don't look at me, it's my first time to take off my clothes, and it's in front of so many ducks..."

The other chicken brothers were dumbfounded, and then they were inspired to pluck their own feathers with their beaks.

"Grrrr! It hurts!"

"Cluck, cluck, cluck, little chicken, don't look at my private parts! Didn't you watch me take off my clothes?" A chicken pecked its feathers while covering its butt with its featherless chicken wings.

"Grrrr... Don't tell me, the second chicken from Lao San's family looks quite fat on weekdays, but he is quite fair and strong when he takes off his clothes..." A little hen lowered her head shyly.

five minutes later.

Before the chef finished his work, a group of chickens who had plucked their feathers and were all white were already lining up to jump into the boiling water.

A group of monkeys holding kitchen knives have also begun chopping vegetables.

"Awesome..." the head chef said with a complex expression, "They moved me."

"Stop talking, chef. Eat a few more pieces tonight. These chickens are so great."

"It smells so good...I can already smell the fragrance..."

It was basically the same in other kitchens. The animals figured out the logic of "feeding people means feeding themselves" and lined up to jump into the pot...

the other side.

On the Great Steel Wall.

Lin Fan continued: "Shang Weitian, you immediately command the logistics team and salvage team to salvage the sea beast's body and put it into the cold storage!"

"Animals that can swim should also go into the water immediately and participate in the salvage. At the same time, we will collect the bodies of your kind and the heroes who died in the battle!"

Just a moment.


The entire Great Steel Wall shook, and with the sound of dry friction and gear collision, the city gate opened wide!

The 100,000 warships that had been prepared long ago rushed out like giant beasts dragging fishing nets!

There are also countless private ships galloping on the sea!

Fishing nets swept across the sea, dragging all the catches back to Daxia.

"Received the goods!"

"Haha, fresh and fresh seafood!"

"It's so fresh, it's even twitching!"

"I'll take two bites first, and they'll be cooked right away!"

The red flag fluttered in the sea breeze, and the solid hull crashed into the waves. On the sea where the smoke and the smell of seafood were mixed, each fisherman laughed happily.

The ducks that were not brought into the kitchen jumped down happily, devouring delicious fish on the sea, or dragging the animal carcasses back.

At the same time, the bodies of some soldiers floating on the sea were also carefully fished out.

After arranging all this and looking at the calm sea, Lin Fan also felt a little tired.

But this is no time for rest.

For Lin Fan, the real battle has not yet begun.

"The rest of the hosting work will be left to you and Mr. Jin." Lin Fan said to Shang Weitian and Mr. Jin.

Shang Weitian was stunned: "What about you?"

Lin Fan sighed, turned to look at Poseidon who was tightly bound by chains, and said complicatedly: "My battle has just begun."


Shang Weitian nodded: "I'll finish it here, and you can deal with Poseidon properly."

Mr. Jin also encouraged: "Come on."

The other gods of Great Xia did not speak, but looked at Lin Fan with expectation and trust.

After all, they have a deep relationship with Xingye, and they all fought all the way here!

"Don't worry, I will bring Xingye back. I will take care of everything."

Lin Fan turned around, the expression on his face instantly turned cold, and dragged Poseidon, who was bound by chains, towards his dormitory.

The battle between Daxia and the Ocean Temple has ended.


For Lin Fan, the next step is the decisive battle!

Not only does he want to kill Poseidon completely, but he also wants to bring back Starry Night!

Poseidon also knew what Lin Fan was going to do. Instead of being afraid, he sneered ferociously: "God Shura, give up. Even if I lose, I still want you to watch her die with me!"

"You can't save her!"

“This is the result of being an enemy of God!”

"I want you to feel the pain of being at enmity with God!"

Looking at the girl staring at him with a serious smile, and thinking of the figure protecting his back in his memory, Lin Fan said softly: "Don't worry, I will bring you back intact."

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