Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1001 Why is there an extra part?

In the dormitory.

Lin Fan's dark eyes gradually became clear, and North, whose neck was being held by him, also opened his eyes.

The locked girl also opened her eyes, but she was still unable to move. After all, even his soul was bound by Lin Fan. If Lin Fan didn't let him move, he couldn't move.

"Since it's a duel, my wounds..." North pointed to his wounds.

The god of technology tormented him a lot.

Lin Fan said expressionlessly: "Don't worry, Neil just experienced a battle and was also injured."

"However, since it's one-on-one, I, Daxia, can't be unreasonable. If I want to fight, I'll fight in an upright manner, so that you can be convinced that you lose." Lin Fan took out the walkie-talkie: "Bring two medical personnel, and bring another one Bring up the corpse of a god and let him recover his power quickly and return to his peak state."


Not long after, the door of the dormitory opened, and two medical staff walked in immediately. Northburn was worried that the other party would secretly do something to his injury, but he saw that although the two medical staff had ugly faces, they were also gritting their teeth. Stitch up his wound carefully.

"You don't know how to do anything, right?" North was still a little worried.

The nurse didn't even raise her head, and said coldly: "We in Daxia are different from your gods, and we are not that mean. We abide by the Geneva Convention. Now that you are a prisoner of war, we will not kill you."

"If you really want to do something, the commander-in-chief will not arrange for us to treat you, but will just break one of your arms and let you fight."

"Now, we are doctors, you are just a casualty."

This is Daxia Medical School taught by Mr. Zhang himself!

He is unambiguous about killing people, but when saving people, he will also put aside personal grudges first.

A pure patient-doctor relationship!

North was silent for a moment, feeling suddenly moved, but then his expression twisted: "It hurts, it hurts..."

"Sorry, I accidentally made a mistake." The nurse smiled: "You'd better not move around, otherwise, I will make another mistake."

"Ah! It hurts! I didn't move!"

\\"No, you moved around, you breathed.\\" The nurse smiled again: "I'm sorry, you moved around and made another mistake accidentally."

North was silent for a moment: "Are you sure you made the mistake accidentally?"

For the next half hour, North kept wailing. The medical staff in Daxia didn't know if they really made a mistake, but they stabbed him in various ways.

During this period, the medical staff kept changing shifts, as if they were all rushing to prick him...

This is not the most disturbing thing about North's mentality.

But when he complained that he was in pain, he heard a nurse who had just changed his shift frown and said, "Didn't they give you an anesthetic?"

"You humans have anesthetics?" North looked confused and almost collapsed: "Why didn't you tell me earlier and give me an injection! Did you deliberately not give me anesthetics and prick me on purpose?"

The nurse hesitated to speak: "Ah, please wait while I think about how to make it up..."

"Do you think I'm deliberately trying to trick you and cause you pain?" Lin Fan said solemnly from the side: "It's because you have to fight next, and anesthesia will affect your reaction. In order to perform at your best, just hold on. , don’t bite Lu Dongbin.”

North: "..."

Although he didn't understand why the dog bit Lu Dongbin, and he didn't know why the dog bit Lu Dongbin, for a moment, North was actually a little touched!

Do you really think about me?

Do you want me to win?

"Haha, you're pretty good to me." North smiled solemnly, "Don't worry, I will kill that god descendant with my own hurts!"

But I have to say that the treatment given to him by these humans was really good. North looked at the sutured wounds with satisfaction in his eyes.

He lay down in the bathtub that had just been delivered, which contained seawater that had just been fished out.

Under the moisture of the sea water, the wounds stitched by North released a faint glow, and the healing was visible to the naked eye, and the thin sutured threads actually detached themselves!

As the child of Poseidon, the Lord of the Sea, he has extremely strong resilience in the sea water!

Not even the gods can compare with it!

This is the power of a pure-blooded god!

But North was not happy, because what was placed in front of him next was...

North stared blankly at what was in front of him, with a sad expression on his face.

Lin Fan urged: "Quickly absorb the divine power. If you don't show your peak state, how can you prepare for the next decisive battle?"

North looked at Poseidon, almost crying: "Father, this is the second uncle..."

The headless corpse in front of him was his second uncle!

"Don't worry about my second uncle! Absorb his remaining divine power, absorb as much as you can, and recover quickly!" Poseidon said loudly: "If your second uncle knows about it in the plane of death, he won't blame you!"

Of course it's not surprising.

The second uncle was wearing a dazzling marine armor and carrying a trident. He had just entered the plane of death. Before he could speak, he was pressed down and beaten by a group of heroic spirits and orcs in military uniforms...

North stretched out his hand tremblingly: "Second uncle, I'm offended!"

After some tossing, North finally returned to his peak condition.

At this moment, he no longer looked as embarrassed as before, his glory was dazzling, and he moved like Poseidon!


Her blue hair was fluttering in the air, and her battle armor of the sea was crystal clear.

That trident is so dazzling!

His whole body exudes the aura of the ninth level peak, and he is only a hair away from the tenth level!

"Thank you," North looked at Lin Fan: "I really didn't expect that you would take the initiative to help me."

Lin Fan smiled and nodded: "Haha, you're welcome."

If you are not fully prepared, how can you be convinced that you will lose?

Just to make you go all out!

This way, there is no excuse for losing!

Lin Fan had just witnessed Poseidon's ability to shirk with his own eyes, which is why Lin Fan asked Neil to come and fight North!

Except for whether he has human blood, this Neil can be said to be almost identical to North in every aspect!

"Actually, I'm very curious." Lin Fan looked at North's eagerness to give it a try and frowned: "Speaking of it, Neil is your brother after all. Why don't you seem to be confused at all?"

"My brother? Don't insult me. I am a pure-blooded god. I am much nobler than that bastard tainted by human blood. Our life levels are different." North sneered: "Speaking of which, what I can do can make me and The tool for my father’s survival...this bastard should feel honored.”

Lin Fan said nothing more, after all, Neil would educate him...

"Okay, Poseidon, just watch your son show his nobility." Lin Fan silently took back the Shura chains that bound Poseidon.

He has bound Poseidon's soul in the world of the crown. He can make Poseidon unable to move or even speak with just his thoughts. At this time, he no longer needs the Shura chains.

Immediately, Lin Fan grabbed Poseidon with one hand and North with the other, and walked up to the top of the Great Steel Wall.

On the Great Wall, the red flag is flying!

Under the red flag, one hundred and fifty-six long poles were erected, and one hundred and fifty-four gods' heads were fluttering in the wind!

"North, say hello to the uncles." Lin Fan patted North on the shoulder.

North and Poseidon looked at the flying head with gloomy faces and red eyes, but when they saw the two empty long poles, they suddenly became extremely angry.

"This is prepared for you." Lin Fan said softly: "Soon, your heads will hang on it and become Daxia's warning to other gods."

"And your corpses... will become our nourishment."

"But Poseidon, your body was self-destructed by you before..." Lin Fan sighed: "I'm going to go back and hang up your Sea Crown, which is in line with your identity as Poseidon."

"Too much bullying!" Poseidon gritted his teeth and cursed angrily. As the Lord God of the Sea, he had never been treated like this before!

But at this time, he could only be helpless and furious, and even as Lin Fan's thoughts arose, he could no longer say a word.

The Great Steel Wall was overcrowded at this time. Some soldiers who had just rested crowded up hoping to witness the next battle. There were also countless reporters holding cameras.

At this time, the gods of Daxia were also there, but they were all bandaged and sitting in wheelchairs.

Gongshu Ming, who only had time to install one eye, even lowered his head with his incomplete left hand to play with his machine heart, muttering: "Damn, I broke them all apart... Wait, why is there an extra part?"

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