Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1003 My dear brother

On the Great Steel Wall.


Neil soared into the sky, stepped into the sea, and was lifted up by the huge waves, standing opposite his half-brother!

Lin Fan frowned and looked at Wang Hu: "No, now I feel as if I have watched a family ethics drama. I'm wondering..."

"First of all, Neil is Poseidon's child. Then Poseidon doesn't want him, and he doesn't want Poseidon anymore. Then he recognizes you as his father, and then you, the father, ask Neil to kill his brother. , that is, Poseidon’s child…I’m a little confused right now.”

"What a mess." Wang Hu smiled: "You will understand when Brenda calls you daddy."

Lin Fan: "..."

"Lin Fan, let's announce the start." Mr. Jin reminded from the side.

Lin Fan nodded, picked up the phone, glanced at Xingye, and finally said: "You guys must have been waiting for a long time."

As a result, before he could continue, he heard countless soldiers shouting excitedly: "Commander in Chief! Commander in Chief!"

It is true that Lin Fan's prestige is too high now, especially in this battle, he completely defeated the Ocean Temple and captured Poseidon alive!

Lin Fan waved his hand helplessly, signaling everyone to be quiet, and finally continued to speak.

"Just three hours ago, with the efforts of all mankind, I, Daxia, completely defeated the Ocean Temple after thirty-six hours of fierce battle!"

"This is our first victory over the gods!"

"And in this next battle, we will prove that human blood is no worse than that of gods!"

"We want those gods to know that humans are not weak!"

"In this battle, the human child, the ninth-level ocean god, Neil, the god-born, will fight against the ninth-level peak ocean god, pure-blooded god, and the young master of the temple, North!"

"You will witness the death of the last ocean god in the divine world!"

"I think this is the best way to end this war completely, and it is also the best battle for everyone!"

The crowd cheered.

Daxia is cheering.

After experiencing fatigue and life and death, they now just want to witness the death of the last ocean god in the divine world and the end of this war!

What's more, this is a duel between man and God!

The same bloodline, the same priesthood, almost the same strength!

The only difference is whether it has human blood!

Head-on collision!

There are no modern weapons, there is no overwhelming force, there is no fire suppression, there is no encirclement tactics, there is no planning, it is just a head-on confrontation!

The outcome of this battle represents whether the human bloodline is weaker than the gods! Are humans weaker than gods?

To be honest, this battle is also necessary.

Facing the many gods of the Ocean Temple, although Daxia won, it was based on various preparations and the blood and sweat of 140 million compatriots.

Throughout the entire process, during that battle, everyone felt the power and oppression of the gods.

Therefore, even if they win, many people are not happy. They are afraid that the next temple will come, they are afraid that the gods will come next, and they are afraid that humans will not be able to survive the next time.

How long can humanity survive if gods come in batches?

This time we defeated the Ocean Temple, what about next time? What about next time?

What if humans are destined to be weaker than gods, what if... humans are destined to lose?

Then, does the hardship and blood and sweat of our 140,000,000 compatriots mean anything?


"Let's see if we are really better than the gods!"

"This battle is a head-on confrontation! Man versus God!"

"Let's see if we can really defeat gods in the future!"

Both the fighters at the scene and the global audience roared loudly at this moment, and the barrage also filled the screen crazily!

On the other side, the gods of Daxia couldn't get excited. They knew that the last sea god in the divine world that Lin Fan was talking about... was not North, but Poseidon, the Lord of the Sea!

If Neil wins, Lin Fan can use the moment when Poseidon loses his mind to rescue Xingye and kill Poseidon without any scruples!

But once Neil fails... Xingye is afraid that he will never be able to be rescued and will have no choice but to kill him together with Poseidon!

at the same time.

Seeing the soldiers roaring in unison, Guo Zuo also smiled and said to Mr. Jin: "Lin Fan is very smart... After the war, people were exhausted after the war, but he actually made them angry."

"I'm afraid that Neil will lose!" Mr. Jin sighed: "This is equivalent to putting the fate of the country on Neil, who was selected by Lin Fan."

"The victory or defeat of Neil is now equivalent to the contest between our human blood and the blood of gods. It has become a symbol of whether we are destined to lose in the future... What if he loses in front of everyone, alas..."

"Neal won't lose." Guo Zuo smiled and shook his head: "Lin Fan believes in him, and I believe in him!"

After saying that, Guozuo patted Mr. Jin on the shoulder: "Old Jin, it is a good thing to be cautious, but we people have lived for a long time, and sometimes we are too cautious."

“Sometimes, you either don’t do it, or you go all out, regardless of the consequences!”

"It is precisely because of these that we can stand on this Great Steel Wall and watch this final battle."

Mr. Jin was silent, then nodded slightly.


Either don’t do it, or go all out, regardless of the consequences!

Relying on this, Daxia was able to recruit 50 million soldiers before the arrival of the gods, build the 500-meter-high Great Wall of 36,000 miles, create god-killing mechas, form a god-killing army, and do incredible things one after another. score.

Even when Mr. Jin thinks about these things now, he can't help but wonder whether it was really Daxia who did it.

And throughout the whole process, everyone went all out, regardless of the consequences!

If you say build the Great Wall, build the Great Wall!

If you say conscription, then conscription!

If you are timid and consider the gains and losses, and if you build the Great Steel Wall, you also have to consider what if it is too late to finish the construction, and what if an emergency arises, even if you give up from the beginning.

If before recruiting 50 million soldiers, we should consider whether we can recruit them, whether they will interfere with the functioning of society, and whether we can effectively establish a military establishment... Let alone 50 million, I'm afraid we won't be able to recruit even 10 million.

Once you decide, do it!

"I believe it too." Mr. Jin nodded fiercely.

at the same time.

Lin Fan's voice echoed across the Great Wall: "Now, this battle officially begins!"

The battle begins!

A head-on confrontation between man and god, a one-on-one duel!

A life-and-death battle between Poseidon and Starry Night!

There was almost no bells and whistles, and Neil immediately opened his arms and roared.


The ninth-level divine power bursts out with light, illuminating the sea!

Behind him, huge waves rose, and the entire sea surface seemed to be lifted up. A huge wave of 300 meters high rose and crashed into North!

At this moment, Neil was like a true god.

But North's eyes were full of disdain. Looking at the three-hundred-meter huge wave that hit him, North sneered: "That's it? My dear brother?"

"Forget it, let me teach you what the God of the Ocean is!"

"What do you mean, pure-blooded god!"

He said softly: "Lang!"


The ninth-level peak divine power spurted out, and azure glory illuminated the sea below!

A brighter light than Neil!

The light that belongs exclusively to pure-blooded gods carries the unique nobility of pure-blooded gods!

The ocean beneath me trembled violently, and layers of seawater rose like mountains, reaching a height of four hundred meters!

The same ocean magic!

The two giant waves were almost identical, both crashing towards each other like mountains. Only the giant wave released by North was a hundred meters higher. Neil's wave was like a younger brother meeting an older brother in front of it!


The two huge waves collided with each other, Neil's huge wave was torn apart, and North's wave crashed towards Neil.

Neil tried to avoid it, but the huge wave suddenly rose into the air, turned into a water dragon, and crashed into it with a roar!


The water dragon shattered and water splashed.

In the waves falling all over the sky, Neil, who was lifted up by the waves, fell directly from the air. The terrifying force caused Neil to roll several times on the sea surface, and then he stabilized his body under the lift of the waves.


Neil slowly stood up straight, couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and looked at the glorious North with fearful eyes.

Suffered a loss.

The other party's ninth level peak ocean power was stronger than his own.

The other party's magical skills taught by Poseidon, the Lord of the Sea, were more sophisticated than his own.

Even the other party, as a pure-blooded god, has stronger control and affinity for the sea water than he, a bastard.

As the God of the Ocean, his abilities were crushed in all directions!

North did not pursue the victory, but stood on the wave, looking down at Neil with contempt in his eyes.

"Have you learned it?"

"My dear, my godly brother without father's guidance...or should I say, bastard brother?"

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