Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1009 Global sea level decline

On the Great Steel Wall.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, a loud noise suddenly broke out!


Xingye, who had closed his eyes suddenly, opened his eyes, opened his mouth, and released a blue light that reached into the sky!

Above the dark crown of the sea, the blue glory shines!


"don't want!"

Starry Night also let out a wail of pain, but the voice belonged to Poseidon.

"what happened?"

"Is that the glory of the Ocean God?"

"Why is that voice so familiar? Is it Poseidon's?"

Someone shouted in surprise.

But then, the dazzling glory suddenly disappeared, and the shadow of Poseidon slowly dispersed.


Dao Wanqian was the first to feel that the powerful aura hidden in Xingye's body had completely disappeared, and his face suddenly showed joy.

The other gods of Daxia also breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Fan behind Xingye slowly opened his eyes, looked at the girl in front of him and exhaled a long breath, smiled at the other gods of Great Xia: "It's done!"

"Poseidon is dead!"

Before Lin Fan could finish his words, Xingye in front of him had turned around, looking at the young man in front of him with crystal eyes, and he rushed forward and hugged him tightly.

As if they were afraid of losing each other.

It was the boy in front of me who saved him from Poseidon!

He had endured too many dangers, and he could have chosen a simpler way to end it all!


Except for what happened to the gods of Daxia and the senior military officials such as Jin Lao, the soldiers and compatriots of Daxia did not know, and they all looked stunned at the moment.

Under the camera, Mr. Jin laughed: "Haha, let our commander-in-chief explain."

As the camera turned, everyone saw Lin Fan being hugged tightly by Xingye.

"Let go, let go quickly, it's time to go on TV." Lin Fan whispered quickly.

"Ah!" Xingye came back to his senses and quickly let go of his hand.

He no longer had the coolness of standing in the darkness with a dagger in his hand, killing sea beasts in the gap between the huge waves. Instead, he was hiding behind Lin Fan like a frightened rabbit. Fortunately, the black veil covered his face, blocking his red face.

As an assassin, she was not used to the public attention.

Lin Fan took the microphone and smiled at the camera and countless warriors: "Everyone, Poseidon is hiding in the soul of Xingye, the Assassin God of Great Xia. Just now, he was completely beheaded and executed!"

"In this battle, my human race, my Daxia, will completely win!"

"The Ocean Temple is completely defeated!"

Just a moment.

The whole place was silent, and then there were huge cheers!

"Haha, we won!"

"Even Poseidon was killed by us!"

"Who dares to say that we in Daxia are godless!"

"Let's see who dares to come! Come one and kill the other!"

At this moment, everyone cheered and shed tears. In fact, during this period, everyone worked hard, shed blood and sweat, and defended this land in their own way.

The dark clouds covering the sky suddenly dispersed, and the golden sunlight poured down, illuminating the sea and the earth, coating the land with a dazzling golden light.

The Great Steel Wall standing at the end of the ocean shines like a dragon crossing it. All the warriors standing on the Great Wall are like golden statues. The red flags are fluttering in the wind in the sun, and the heads of the gods are shaking slightly.


The surging waves on the sea suddenly calmed down, as if the ferocious beasts had been tamed into well-behaved pets, and the violent ocean no longer roared or raged.

The roar of the stormy waves turned into the crisp and sweet sound of waves, which is the murmur of the ocean.

It's like this ocean that was once controlled by gods is whispering thanks to humans.

Under people's gaze, the sea water that had washed this land for a full year receded, and the sea surface that rose to 100 meters dropped visible to the naked eye.


The terrifying waves of three to four hundred meters have now turned into gentle waves, surging as if waving goodbye to humans, returning to the original deep sea.

Thirty-six thousand miles away, the sea retreated.

Everyone was watching this spectacular scene, watching the water retreat, watching the calm sea under the sun, and watching the rocks and beaches emerge from the sea again.

The ferocious sea beasts that once roared here are no longer seen. Each fish seems to have noticed the departure of the predator, and returns happily, jumping out of the sea one after another.

The sea surface became calm again and became what it was before.

It's like nothing happened.

However, when everyone saw this scene, they felt like they were in another world.

Only then did everyone feel that humanity had really won!

This ocean once again belongs to Blue Star and humans!

"The sea level is falling!"

"Haha, calm is restored!"

People cheered and jumped for joy.

Outside the Great Steel Wall, there are no more raging waves!

They can finally have a good sleep in peace of mind.

People didn't think much of the peaceful life in daily life before, but after the war in the Ocean Temple, everyone understood the value of peace.

Lin Fan couldn't help but his eyes got hot. At this moment, all his perseverance made sense!

Under the golden sunshine, on the fading sea, Lin Fan turned to look at Xingye, took off the sea crown on her head, and touched her head: "You'd better look better without this crown."

Xingye's smiling face became hot again.

Lin Fan took back the crown, picked up the microphone again and said, "Everyone, you have worked hard during this period."

"Tonight, please have a good rest and have a good sleep."

"Tomorrow, we will hold a celebration meeting to celebrate this victory, comment on military merits, and commemorate the soldiers who left for this land."

"And, I'll have another announcement as well."

After saying that, Lin Fan turned and left. He was too tired.

As Poseidon died completely, his tense mind suddenly relaxed, as if he was about to fall asleep in the next second.

The gods and warriors of Daxia also went back to rest, but on this day, Daxia was destined to have no sleep.

The whole summer is decorated with lanterns, firecrackers roaring, and the atmosphere is even more lively than the Chinese New Year.

The speed of harvesting also increased instantly. As the sea level dropped, the corpses of the sea beasts just fell on the beach. There was no need for fishing boats. Trucks like steel behemoths drove out and packed the carcasses of the sea beasts away.

There are also thousands of huge shadows of sea beasts to help with loading and unloading. The mouths of swordfish warriors are used for cutting and packaging. They are simply the best meat cutting tools.

On the road, there is a continuous flow of cold chain trucks loaded with fresh fish and meat, delivering these fish and meat to every city and selling them to every household at a fair price in the market.

The whole summer is filled with the aroma of seafood, and we even make fish dumplings just like the Chinese New Year.

“It’s time to eat dumplings!”

"The fresh ones are different, these big shrimps!"

"I know this cut is the shrimp crackers cut by the God-killing Mecha! Boss, give me two pounds!"

"This dried squid must have been dried directly on the battlefield. It's really chewy. You can buy two kilograms and try it too!"

"Did you see the thousand-meter crab that the crane drove out? My dear, it's all yellow! It's full of yellow fat! No, I have to buy two kilograms of crab roe and make crab roe bibimbap at home!"

Food videos are extremely popular on the Internet, including pan-fried swordfish, giant whale sashimi, crab roe bibimbap, shrimp dumplings, Godzilla balls...

And the other side.

European side.

Although Poseidon has left long ago and the battle here has long ended, unlike Daxia, the situation is still tense.

"Quick, block the gap!"

"The sea water is still pouring in!"

"The divine power of the God of Gu Qi has been exhausted! Quickly mobilize two defensive God-killing mechas! Bring the Engineer too!"

Each European soldier stepped on the mud, stood in the waist-deep water, piled sandbags under the surging water, and shouted loudly.

From time to time, soldiers were washed away by the turbulent water, but the remaining soldiers had no intention of retreating, because behind them was their few remaining homes!

In front of them, the Great Steel Wall, which was only 200 meters high, had several gaps. Waves of seawater roared like dragons and rushed into the remaining land, pouring in a steady stream.

"Hurry up!" Duke Guqi, the god of the earth, turned pale. Under the cover of several soldiers, he pressed his hands firmly on the ground, supporting an earth wall, and shouted loudly: "Hurry up and bring the God-killing mecha. !”

"There aren't many God-killing mechas left! Most of them were damaged in the previous battle, and they haven't been repaired yet!" The intercom said loudly: "Hold on a little longer!"

The Great Steel Wall was even more chaotic. Medical teams were walking in the mud, carrying stretchers, and searching for the wounded in the mud and broken limbs. They were wailing and shouting.

And right now.


Outside the Great Steel Wall, there was the sound of waves.

Everyone turned pale: "It's over!"

Listening to that sound, it seems like a bigger wave is coming!

But just when Duke Gucci thought he was certain to die.

"The wave has become smaller?"

The sea water rushing in from the gap has actually become smaller!

It gets smaller and smaller, and even in the end, there is almost no one left.

"what happened?"

The soldiers who were building sandbags looked at each other in astonishment.

People on the Great Steel Wall shouted excitedly: "The sea water has receded! The sea water has receded!"

"We are safe, we can survive!"

Duke Gucci was stunned for a moment, then picked up his phone and saw a voice coming from the live broadcast of the hero on his phone: "Poseidon has been completely beheaded and executed!"

Gu Qi looked around. Through the gap in the city wall, he saw the gradually falling sea water, saw the calm retreating waves, and saw the piece of land submerged by the sea water emerging again.

Brenda's slightly trembling voice came from the intercom: "Congratulations to everyone, we survived and the wave receded."

There was no happy look on Gu Qi's face. He looked at the land outside the gap, which was two-thirds of the land that Ou Fang had to give up.

The once green hills have been smoothed by the river, and the once lush trees have turned into salty mud.

The once prosperous roads disappeared, and in the distance, a once prosperous town in Osaka was also destroyed. It was almost invisible. Everything was buried under the mud. Only the remains of a few high-rise buildings with broken waists could barely poke their heads out of the mud. .

Looking around, everything is filled with salty mud, and the air is filled with the pungent smell of sea and rot.

The mud is occasionally mixed with human remains, broken bricks, broken pillars, deformed vehicles, and broken wood chips.

It was like a hand wiped across this land, all traces of human existence were wiped away, and the once brilliant culture and prosperous cities were covered in mud.

Looking at this familiar but unfamiliar land, Duke Guqi, the earth god, was speechless, and finally sighed: "We survived...but two-thirds of our land is gone."

"This piece of land that has been submerged by sea water will no longer be able to grow crops, grass will no longer grow, and there will no longer be cattle and sheep filling the land within a hundred years."

"This will be a hundred years of desert, a hundred years of salt and alkali, and a hundred years of restricted life."

"The former manor, the former city, the former grassland will only remain the barren land."

"Not a blade of grass grows."

There was no answer in the headset.

There were only faint sobs.


Although they survived, they were different from Daxia!

Daxia faced the gods head-on and built a 500-meter-high steel Great Wall without giving up an inch of land! Protected the entire land and compatriots!

People’s daily lives are not affected at all!

But even though they survived,...

Brenda forced herself to cheer up and said in a deep voice: "At least we survived, and we still have one-third of the land."

"We still have homes left to grow crops, and our civilization has not been cut off!"

“We can also find ways to heal the lands we have abandoned and restore them to their former prosperity.”

"We still have hope!"

There is hope!

These four words echoed.

Those dirty and injured people standing in the mud raised their heads and looked at the sea that was rushing away and becoming the same as before, and at the land full of mud, with determination in their eyes.

Yes, there is hope!

The sun shines from the dark clouds, onto the land covered in mud, and onto the shoulders of the people standing in the mud.

"Okay, let's stop celebrating." Du Guqi wiped the mud from his face and said loudly: "Hurry up and provide disaster relief! Many houses were destroyed by the flood just now! Go and save people!"

"They are harvesting in Daxia..." Some soldiers looked envious, and then looked at the remains of the sea beasts in the mud: "How about we..."

Gu Qi gritted his teeth and said: "What else can we gain! It's too late for us to provide disaster relief. Go rescue people and fight the flood. Didn't you see so much seawater rushing in just now? As for the corpses of those sea beasts... we can only ignore them for now. If they rot, they will rot." Let’s go back to making feed!”

Gu Qi was also very depressed. After finishing the harvest in Daxia, he happily harvested and went home to cook. As a result, his family was faced with the ruined land and had to fight floods and provide disaster relief. Even if they were in urgent need of food, it was too late. Collect the carcasses of sea beasts...

The difference is simply huge!

the other side.

Free State, underground shelter.


Hearing Lin Fan's voice on the TV and hearing that "Poseidon has been completely beheaded and executed", Mike finally exhaled.

"It's finally over." Mike took a breath from the cigarette in his mouth, his face relaxed a little, and then he said to Paul: "Let's go, follow me to interrogate those rat men."

With that said, he was about to get up.

And right now.

"General Mike!" A soldier suddenly ran over quickly, "I urge you..."

Mike interrupted impatiently: "I know, I'm going to interrogate those guys personally to see who instigated them."

"No, the old man said, those three people should not be in a hurry to interrogate!" The soldier replied: "The old man urges you to go to the meeting as soon as possible!"

Mike was stunned: "Another meeting?"

"Well, I heard that the sea level has dropped and the ocean has returned to its original state!" The soldier's eyes were full of excitement: "Maybe we have to move out of the underground and resume our original life!"

The soldier almost grinned. After all, no one wants to stay here. The conditions are too difficult!

In this underground place where there is no day or night, not to mention the poor food, there is no day or night at all. Although the lights simulate day and night, no one can see the sun for months!

When you open your eyes, you'll see the dark dome, like a coffin board that can't be pushed open, making breathing feel oppressive.

Everyone has almost forgotten the old life, the kind of life with sunshine, beer and drinks, barbecues and lawns, friends to have dinner with, and even going to the beach to bask in the sun when you are not bored!

They can only recall the warmth of the sun in their dreams. For some newly sensible children, adults can only describe the golden sunshine in pale words.

Now that I think about it, the life I didn’t think much of before is almost paradise!

For a moment, even Mike was breathing rapidly with excitement. Although he enjoyed a very high material life here, he was also unwilling to live underground day and night!

"The sea level has dropped? Great!" Mike said as he quickly ran to the elevator: "I'm going to the conference room right now!"

Although it is only one chapter of a 4,600-word chapter, it is equivalent to two chapters.

Next, the pace will be accelerated, and the second temple will arrive quickly, which is the Winter Temple.

Thousands of miles of ice, and the harsh winter is coming. How will Daxia cope with it?

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