Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1160 The auction ends

Those temple representatives have a fiery attitude towards those god slaves, not because of their bloodline, but because these god slaves have unique means that pure-blooded gods do not have.

In the eyes of the gods, these descendants of gods who have the blood of the gods and rely on the power given by the gods to fight are not as good as those who have become gods with unique methods in the lower world!

This scene completely shattered the illusions in the hearts of the gods and made them completely sober.

These gods who gave them life are not the parents of their descendants at all!

Although the blood of gods also flows in their bodies, only humans are their parents!

What parent is not proud of their children!

How can any parent dislike their child's low bloodline?

"Haha, it's okay not to accept us." Brenda looked at her indifferent father and whispered: "Remember their attitude today. We don't need to feel guilty if we betray in the future."

"Although we share some of the same blood as them, they are not our relatives at all!"

The other gods also nodded deeply.

They will always remember this scene in their hearts.

At this time, Lin Fan was embarrassed. He had no idea that these gods would make crazy bids for the gods of Daxia, but in the end they would completely ignore the gods...

"No, just buy it! After all, we are related to you! This is your relative!" Lin Fan said quickly.

Andrew, the god of power, also reacted very quickly and shouted towards the god of power: "Uncle, as long as you take me back... I will live and die for the temple!"

"We gods know that we are humble and do not dare to stand alongside gods. We only want to enter the temple and serve the pure-blooded gods!"

"As long as you take me back and let me bathe in glory, I can do anything!"


Andrew knelt down without dignity, as if he would die without regrets as long as he could enter the temple and work with the gods!

Although the God of Power still looked at Andrew with disgust, he seemed to be moved by the other party's attitude and nodded: "You, a god with impure blood, are quite obedient, much better than the unconvinced gods in the past. .”

"Young Master North, I shouldn't take advantage of you anymore."

"However, the god descendants are indeed worthless."

"You also said that the price has been reduced, so... this guy is only at level eight, how about I give you 700,000 square kilometers of fragments of the divine domain?"

This price can be said to be very low.

Not to mention the sky-high prices previously sold by the gods of Great Xia, on a normal day, this price would be enough to buy a seventh-level medium god slave, but not enough to buy an eighth-level one.

The gods also had strange expressions on their faces. They never expected that their "relatives" would be completely indifferent to themselves when faced with crazy bids from the unfamiliar gods of Great Xia, and even had to sell at a reduced price...

"Their strength is actually quite good." Lin Fan said quickly, "Andrew, show it to me!"

Andrew, a descendant of the gods, studied under the Confucian sect of the human race, everyone knows!

Andrew stood up slowly.

The power of ideas learned from Daxia flows through the body.


The punch was not as powerful as Mo Zhizhi's, but the combination of his body, already strong due to the bloodline of the God of Power, and the power of his thoughts actually caused a huge cavity to appear in the air!

"Oh?" Kord, the god of power, frowned slightly, "I may say that my bloodline is impure, but I have actually learned some of the unique methods of those who have become gods in the lower world... and my strength is not bad."

"It won't hurt to buy it back and use it as a god slave..."

"In this way, 800,000 square kilometers of fragments of the divine domain."

God of Strength Kord Quotes.

This price is completely the price for purchasing a divine slave.

In fact, in the divine world, the descendants of gods are no different from the slaves of the gods, and are even worse than the slaves of the gods, because the slaves of the gods are all gods in the lower realm and have some unique methods.

Although the gods have the blood of gods, because they are not pure, their strength is generally not as good as that of pure-blooded gods, and they do not have the unique methods of those who become gods, so the gods do not think highly of them at all.

That is to say, Andrew showed the unique methods taught to him by humans and his considerable strength, otherwise the God of Strength would really be too lazy to buy it.

Lin Fan nodded quickly: "Deal!"

The other gods also followed suit and showed off the methods they learned from humans. Combined with the strength brought by their own divine blood, they were finally favored by their own temples.

However, no matter how Brenda showed it, Zeus remained indifferent.

"Uncle, you..." Lin Fan frowned and looked at Zeus.

"The use of thunder and lightning is really good. It can even use high-frequency lightning to dazzle the enemy's sight. Combined with that little thing called sunglasses, it can completely blind the enemy in the same level of battle and gain a visual advantage... Very good , even I didn’t expect that thunder and lightning can be used like this.” Zeus smiled, “But, it’s just not bad.”

"Five of my illegitimate children have been found so far."

"I also have children with pure blood. They are real gods, the children I conceived with the noble and beautiful goddess."

"I don't need more divine descendants. They... are just divine descendants after all. Their mixed bloodline means that their talents are limited, and I, the Thunder Temple, only need the strongest ones."

"I, Zeus, only want the most powerful child, the one with the purest blood, to inherit my position in the future."

"Instead of buying this divine descendant, it is better to use more resources to cultivate my pure-blooded child to grow up as quickly as possible. He can grow up one day earlier so that he can take over my position in the future."

Lin Fan quickly said: "But what if your pure-blooded child dies? You have to prepare more children..."

Zeus's expression changed.

Lin Fan quickly said: "That's not what I meant, it's just that you have to prepare for the worst in everything..."

Zeus said calmly: "I have two children with pure blood..."

"But what if both children die?" Lin Fan asked again.

"If you really want that, you can only choose from those illegitimate children..." Zeus said unhurriedly, "I also have five illegitimate children who are also descendants of gods. Although their bloodline is not pure, their strength is pretty good."

"But what if those five illegitimate children also die? Won't you need her to take over then? So that she can also have your blood..."

"Impossible, my majestic Zeus, the king of the gods, will be reduced to the point where I need a hybrid god with impure blood to take over?" Zeus smiled: "My nephew North, don't worry about me. The entire God Realm , who dares to kill my child of Zeus?"

"I can't say for sure..." Lin Fan said with a complicated look.

Zeus seemed to no longer want to tangle with Lin Fan and sighed, "That's all. I bought a valuable treasure like Aladdin's Bottle before, so I took advantage of your Ocean Temple. Now I'll just give you some face."

"I want this god's descendant, just like buying a god slave."

"Tenth level peak, I will produce 900,000 square kilometers of fragments of the divine domain."

"Deal!" Lin Fan said quickly.

In the end, I sold all these gods half-sold and half-given.

Brenda walked slowly in front of Zeus, looking at her father with a friendly and excited expression, as if she had been thinking about meeting him day and night, and slowly knelt on the ground: "Father!"

"Don't call me father," Zeus said expressionlessly, "When you go back, treat yourself as a slave of the gods, do good work, and don't think about inheriting my position. My position has nothing to do with you, let alone thinking that you are me. The children will be able to dominate and do good things."

"The lowly bloodline in your body determines your upper limit and your potential in the future will be limited. Although you have my bloodline, in my Thunder Temple, you are not as important as an ordinary pure-blood God of Thunder."

"Yes, father... no, the great Lord God of Thunder has given me life. Whatever you say is what you say!" Brenda looked excited: "As long as I can enter the temple and do things for the Lord God and the temple, I will go all out! Even if it is As a divine slave, as long as you can enter the temple, it will be a supreme honor!"

"My child, no, I, a humble descendant of God, will do the most humble job for the temple and for the great god Zeus!"

Zeus nodded slightly: "Yes, that's a good attitude."

"By the way, my child, the child with the purest and most powerful blood, the child who has perfectly inherited my bloodline of the God of Thunder...Zuni, he will take over the position of my God King in the future." Zeus Speaking of this, his eyes were full of pride as a father: "He needs a personal slave now, and I can't order other pure-blood gods to be slaves. He himself also despises those slaves of gods who are of lower life origins... It just so happens , you go and serve him."

As a child of the same father, Brenda actually wants to be this brother's personal servant!

This is what a slave of God should do!

It's just because I have more of the so-called lowly human blood in my body than this brother!

Just because that brother is a pure, noble, pure-blooded god!

Brenda clenched her fists slightly, but still said respectfully: "That is my greatest honor...I will serve that brother, no, that master, loyally."

"I will put his life above mine. As long as I am around, he will never be in any danger."

Only then did a smile appear on Zeus's face: "Not bad."

On the other side, other divine descendants also swore assurances to their elders.

"Elder, you don't know, I have been thinking about it for a long time. I have long wanted to return to the embrace of God!"

"Those lives in the lower world make me sick. I am a descendant of a god with the blood of a noble god flowing in my body!"

"Yes, yes, what the elder said is that I know I am still lowly. But what I mean is that I am better than those beings in the lower world. I have the blood of gods. I should do things for gods! Even as a slave of gods. !”

"Today I finally return to the temple. If I have the honor to work with the gods, I will definitely go up the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire! I won't hesitate!"

"As long as the temple accepts me, I will be the temple's dog!"

"I am willing to die for the glory of a pure-blooded god!"

He looks like a licking dog with no dignity and respect for gods.

It's just that there is suppressed fire in their flattering and smiling eyes!

The elders also nodded with satisfaction. Although these divine descendants were humble, they were more sensible and aware than the unconvinced divine slaves before. Each of them regarded themselves as divine slaves and were willing to do the most humble things for the temple.

"This auction is completely over." Lin Fan finally spoke.

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