Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1,173 Asking North to hurt my son?

Zeus looked at the vast territory, his ambition rising, and he felt that the road to the emperor was unfolding in front of him.

"did not expect."

"Although you have damaged my imperial energy, you have almost broken my emperor's heart."

"But you're quite nice."

"It actually opened the door to the path of a true emperor for me." Zeus looked at the First Emperor with emotion.

The First Emperor chuckled: "As long as you obey, I will guide you to become a true emperor."

Zeus: "..."

It sounds weird.

But Zeus didn't think much about it. At this time, he just regarded the First Emperor as a strategist.

He had a good plan in mind.

If you really unify the divine world, this little human emperor will accompany you all the way and witness you, and you will definitely be impressed by you!

By then, all this imperial energy will belong to him!

In fact, what the First Emperor wanted to do was not to be a military advisor, but to be Zeus's guide on the way to the emperor!

The imperial way of the First Emperor back then was also stuck at the seventeenth level for a long time.

Otherwise, even if Zeus's Thunder Way comes to an end, how can he lose to the God King Zeus so easily when the 18th-level Imperial Way faces the 18th-level Thunder Way?

The First Emperor was puzzled for a time. Logically speaking, he had done everything that an emperor could do.

Unify the mountains and rivers and create the glorious Qin Dynasty.

This is already the limit of an emperor, an achievement that ordinary emperors cannot imagine.

And the Brilliant Qin Dynasty did bring majestic imperial aura to the First Emperor, but it only stopped at the seventeenth level.

Why can't I advance to the eighteenth level?

But now, the First Emperor suddenly had a feeling... A true emperor should not only be able to unify the mountains and rivers, but also be able to cultivate qualified descendants who are no less than himself!

This can truly make a dynasty immortal for thousands of years!

This is why the Qin Dynasty clearly has a foundation of thousands of years, but it cannot last for thousands of years. This is the shortcoming of the First Emperor!

"Guide Zeus to unify the divine world!"

"By then, my imperial path will definitely be further advanced!"

"Personally guiding others to unify the world and cultivating an emperor to unify all realms, isn't this more fulfilling than trying to unify the world yourself!"

"And in this process, I can even order the god king Zeus, and he will obey my words."

"His imperial aura comes from me. His position as emperor is given to him by me. He will also unknowingly become my subject because he has repeatedly carried out my orders."

"When he really ascends to the throne of the God Emperor, he will still be a minister when facing me!"

"His imperial ways and aura belong to me!"

"What's more, during this process, the God Realm will be in turmoil, and every temple will usher in bloodshed... And Daxia will have a better chance!"

The thoughts in the heart of the First Emperor were flowing, and his eyes showed eternal plans!

What is an emperor?

Is it the ultimate to dominate the world?

Guide the emperor, enslave the emperor, command the emperor!

Be an emperor above emperors!

At this moment, the First Emperor already understood the key to his promotion to the eighteenth level of emperor!

It's on Zeus right in front of me!

Moreover, by Zeus's side, he could continue to find opportunities to absorb the opponent's imperial energy to recover from his injuries... By the time Zeus truly unified all realms, he might have already returned to his former peak!

By then, if you absorb Zeus's imperial aura, you may not be unable to step into the eighteenth level!

And right now.

Zeus looked at the vast territory and the vibrant palaces, and suddenly said softly: "It's just a pity."

"What's a pity?" The First Emperor was stunned.

"This divine world, under the leadership of this king, has developed so far and is considered to be prosperous..." God King Zeus looked a little unbearable: "Next, I am afraid that all life will be destroyed and war will break out."

The First Emperor nodded slightly.


A chaotic pattern will always bring about diverse cultures.

For example, during the turbulent times of the Spring and Autumn Period, various countries stood side by side and wars continued.

But it also brought about the splendid culture of hundreds of schools of thought contending.


"Are you backing down?"

The First Emperor suddenly reprimanded, staring at the God King Zeus, like an elder scolding a junior, and angrily said: "God King Zeus, have you forgotten that you are the king of the gods and have you forgotten your great wish to unify all worlds?"

God King Zeus suddenly woke up, gritted his teeth and said: "I dare not forget!"

"Remember, a real emperor has no emotions!" The First Emperor nodded slightly.

At this moment, God King Zeus looked at the little human emperor in front of him and felt that the other person was his guide... He looked somewhat grateful.

The First Emperor felt that this scene looked familiar.

It seems that when my imperial heart was shaken, I was reprimanded like this...

"Let's be chaotic, the more chaotic the better!"

The First Emperor whispered in his heart.

When the divine world is in chaos, Daxia will have a chance!

Zeus no longer hesitated, his emperor's heart rose again, and he looked at the territory.

"In this case, let's make sure and take down the Winter Temple first!"

"I just have to find an excuse..."

The First Emperor said it just now.

You must be famous!

Otherwise, even if the Winter Temple is the weakest temple, other temples will be wary in private even if they see the Thunder Temple's unwarranted attack, even if they will not fight against the Thunder Temple for the sake of the Winter Temple.

We must find an excuse, an excuse that is enough to legitimately attack the Winter Temple under the watchful eyes of the entire God Realm!

It can be said that Zeus was already following the strategy given to him by the First Emperor.

"What's the excuse?"

Zeus frowned.

When it comes to making excuses, the First Emperor is a professional!

When he faced the six countries that were vaguely united, he relied on justifiable excuses to destroy each country, and even made other countries not be wary!

Knowing that the general trend had been achieved, the remaining countries suddenly realized it, but it was too late!

"Can you find the God of Winter to act as an assassin and attack you?" the First Emperor said skillfully.

For no reason, the First Emperor thought of the assassin who had the same goals as him.

Everyone said that the assassin was stupid and knew that he would die. Even if his assassination operation was successful, it would not be able to help the Yan country avoid disaster, but would accelerate its demise.

In the eyes of the world, it was a stupid assassination, an assassination that was destined to fail from the beginning, regardless of whether it was successful or not.

It seems that the only thing worthy of praise is the courage to step forward despite knowing that you will die.

But the world has never thought about why the assassin was so stupid.

Perhaps, the assassin in the darkness also has a great dream, the same dream as the Eternal Emperor!

Perhaps, the fish intestine sword was never added to it by Prince Dan.

But Zeus shook his head: "Impossible, how can I find such a stupid God of Winter to assassinate me, and then let me destroy his temple and kill his whole family? What are you trying to do?"

The First Emperor was speechless.


Zeus sighed, "I really don't know how to find this excuse."

It's really hard to find.

"It must be a big enough excuse. For example, the Winter Temple injured an important figure in my Thunder Temple, causing irresolvable hatred. Otherwise, there is no reason to attack them. At most, they will just cede territory and pay compensation."

"But the Temple of Winter is always cautious."

"Furthermore, they also know that their strength is low and they don't dare to have grudges with ordinary gods. When they meet the God of Thunder in my Thunder Temple, they are even more respectful."

Zeus had a headache.

Winter Temple, too cautious!

So cautious that it’s almost perverted!

Even if a small plane is discovered, the whole palace will be dispatched. They will not even rush up immediately, but use the power of winter to interfere with the plane and make the world fall into ice and snow for a period of time until the lower beings are miserable and fearful. And if they are weak, they will conquer it themselves.

He is so cautious when dealing with lower beings, and he is even more flawless, respectful and polite when dealing with gods from other temples.

How could such a cautious temple leave enough excuse for Thunder Temple to attack them?

"Damn it, there's no excuse at all."

God King Zeus rubbed his forehead irritably, very anxious.

Could it be that his journey as an emperor has ended before it has even begun?

Could it be that his great dream of unifying the divine world was defeated by the Winter Temple?

With the strength of the Thunder Temple, attacking a Winter Temple is just like playing, but at this time, I have no way to start!

And right now.

"Assassins may not be useless..." The First Emperor said softly, "I have one person available."

Zeus seemed to be grasping the last straw and said quickly: "Who!"

"It's just that I can't bear what this man said," the First Emperor said in embarrassment, "He was also my master and brought me to the God Realm. Without this man, I wouldn't be able to stand in front of you... …The kindness cannot be said to be small.”

"I couldn't bear to plot against him and take advantage of him."

"But, now, you are my master, what does the past master have to do with it." The First Emperor suddenly looked solemn and said cruelly: "For you to be able to unify all realms, for you to reach the top of the imperial road, for you to become a true The God-Emperor..."

"I can only sacrifice him!"

"Young Master, North!"

For a moment, Zeus's eyes suddenly widened!

"You mean..."

"Didn't you just say that, young master Nos, although he is the child of Poseidon, he is also the child of Chione, the goddess of winter!" The First Emperor said coldly: "If he does anything, you will There is reason to punish the Winter Temple!”

"Next, isn't he going to participate in the exploration of Shenzang with Zhou Ni?"

"If he hurts'll have an excuse!"

God King Zeus suddenly widened his eyes: "Yes, if he hurts Zeuni...that is the young master of Thunder Temple, I will be extremely furious!"

"I'm going to attack the temple behind him. It's understandable for other temples."

"And the entire God Realm knows that Poseidon is my biological brother. He has no reservations about me and has helped me several times!"

"There's no way I'm going to attack my brother's Ocean Temple!"

"Then only the Temple of Winter is left to bear my wrath!"

"This is completely reasonable in the eyes of other temples. Instead of helping the Winter Temple, they will think that I am doing the right thing! At most, they think I am a bit too much."

"But it's understandable. After all, that's Zhou Ni! My most promising child! I worked hard to cultivate and regard him as the young master of the Thunder Temple as his heir!"

"I just wronged my child and had to bear some injuries..." Zeus sighed, feeling a little distressed, but then he thought about it, it was just a minor injury and he would not die.

Moreover, when he unifies all realms in the future, won’t Zeuni also benefit from it?

Everything is for the purpose of unifying all realms and becoming the true God Emperor!

"But how can North hurt my son Zeuni?" Zeus suddenly felt a little entangled again, "Although Young Master North was raised by my stupid brother, his conduct was very good last time we met. Know the general picture.”

"I won't bring trouble to my own temple at all."

"And he also knows that my son Zeuni is the first young master and the future successor of the Thunder Temple that I personally trained." Zeus thought: "It's too late for him to make friends with me, so how dare he take action."

"Besides, the family relationship between our two families also means that he will not take action."

The First Emperor thought, you don’t have to worry at all.

You just have to see if North makes a move and it'll be over!

But in order to make the performance more realistic, the First Emperor still said: "My suggestion is to be honest and honest."

"Be honest?" Zeus looked shocked. "You want me to tell him that in order to kill his mother, I asked him to hurt my son? Is this possible?"

"It's very possible!" The First Emperor said calmly: "You just said that this is the first time that Young Master North and his mother have met."

"Furthermore, Poseidon and Chione are at odds with each other. Chione even hates Poseidon very much. Now the cooperation between the two temples is just out of interest."

"Now that the investment has been made, if Chione dies and the Winter Temple is gone, the Ocean Temple will be able to reap the greatest benefits at this time."

"And you can also start the path to unify all realms and become the true God Emperor!"

"I think if North wants to understand this, he will feel embarrassed. After all, one side is his mother and the other side is his uncle...but he will agree." The First Emperor looked at Zeus and said slowly: "He will understand that we are related by blood. , not necessarily close relatives!”

Hearing this, Zeus was shocked!

"Those who are related by blood are not necessarily close relatives."


"Indeed, a mother who has never met her father and son, even dislikes them and refuses to recognize them... Although they are related by blood, she is definitely not her own family! How can we talk about filial piety?"

"If you think about it carefully, my nephew North also knows the general idea."

"As long as the truth is explained clearly to him, he should be able to agree so that my uncle, my uncle, can unify all worlds." Zeus muttered guiltily: "Although it will kill his mother and make him suffer some injustice, in the presence of God He will be criticized for being stupid and reckless...but I can compensate him more in the future, no, when he agrees, I can give him some benefits."

At this point, Zeus was suddenly stunned.

Then I remembered that the Thunder Temple, which was once rich and wealthy, seemed to have nothing to offer at this was all given to the small bottle in my arms!

"Forget it, let's supply him in the future." God King Zeus changed his words, "I can promise him that in the future I will become the true God Emperor and completely control the God Realm. The Ocean Temple will be the biggest contributor, and I will naturally soar into the sky!"

"I can even allow him to become the only temple alongside my Thunder Temple! Sitting on the fiefdom!"

"As long as I explain this clearly, my nephew will probably agree... to help me kill his mother who refuses to recognize her and has only met her once, and only because of profit."

When Zeus said this, he took a deep breath and said resolutely: "Okay, it's decided!"

"Let North hurt my child!"

"This matter should be done sooner rather than will be in the next Shenzo!"

At this moment, he seemed to see the dazzling imperial avenue unfolding before his eyes!

I saw myself becoming the true God-Emperor with all worlds surrendered and the temple united!

Conquer the God Realm starting today!

Let’s start with my nephew North!

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