Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1,176 Selling Mom at 10% Off

Looking at the First Emperor standing behind Zeus, cold sweat broke out on Lin Fan's back.

The reason why he went home to have dinner with his parents on the last day of tight schedule before sneaking into the God Realm was because he was afraid that he would forget the anchor of human nature.

Forget that you are a citizen of Daxia, forget the land that raised you, forget the 140,000 compatriots who share the same blood with you, and forget the brothers who fight side by side with you.

This is why Lin Fan encouraged the First Emperor and other returning ancestors to integrate into today's Great Xia and dance with the people.

This is also to allow them to leave an anchor of humanity and let them remember that they are people of Daxia.

Sneaking into the divine world, living with the gods, and imitating the gods' thinking, the biggest danger is not exposure.

But to be assimilated by the gods.

In order to kill monsters, you often need to become a monster.

But Lin Fan did not want the gods of Daxia to become monsters like gods, claiming to be superior to all life. Nor do they want them to lose their humanity and acquire the "divinity" of gods.

But now, seeing the First Emperor being praised highly by Zeus, Lin Fan felt extremely nervous. Could it be that...

Just when Lin Fan was worried.

"He taught me the true path."

"My nephew, you may not know what this means to me."

"By then, I will become the true emperor! The true God Emperor!"

Zeus excitedly described the picture of the future, "The major temples standing now will all be included in my Thunder Temple and completely become my subjects!"

"Those areas controlled by the temple...those planes that I cannot enter...the entire God Realm, thousands of planes, I am the only master!"

"At that time, I can even try to break through to the unprecedented 19th level and explore the hidden kingdom of heaven!"


Lin Fan noticed this word and frowned slightly.

Even God King Zeus has to say this word in a tone of awe?

Only at level 19 can we explore?

Isn’t the Divine Realm a plane above all other planes?

Lin Fan also noticed that Zhou Ni also had a curious look on his face, and it was obvious that he had never known about it.

"Haha, it's nothing, I just said it casually." Zeus didn't explain too much. He didn't dare to disclose the existence of the Kingdom of Heaven. He didn't tell anyone about that dream, not even Zeuni.

If the gods knew that there was a kingdom of heaven standing proudly above them, and there was a great life existence that would make him, the god king Zeus, tremble.

I don’t know what kind of chaos the entire God Realm will fall into.

"As long as I reach the nineteenth then, in the God Realm, I will be the only one standing proudly in the Thunder Temple!"

"How about it, nephew North, can you imagine that scene?"

"Unify all realms!"

Although Zeuni on the side had already heard his father's description, he was still imagining that scene, his breathing could not help but quicken, and his eyes were yearning, as if he had seen the day when all the worlds would be unified and return to the Thunder Temple.

"Wan, the unification of all worlds..." Lin Fan also looked shocked, as if he was shocked by the scene of the unification of all worlds.

But in fact, Lin Fan was not shocked at all.

This is exactly the same as what the First Emperor did back then. That is, the First Emperor was born in Daxia a thousand years ago. He was limited by the times and only managed to unify the world, conquered all the discovered lands, and created the magnificent Qin.

Everything as far as the eye can see returns to the royal land!

If it were placed in the God Realm, all realms would have been unified long ago.

Although the God King Zeus now rules a larger area, he is completely inferior to the First Emperor in this regard!

But this also made Lin Fan even more uneasy...

"This is definitely from the First Emperor's Religion!"

"What does the First Emperor want to do?"

"You want him to rule all realms? How can Daxia fight?"

Seeing Lin Fan's shocked and speechless look for a long time, Zeus laughed and continued: "If I get to that point, I will have to destroy the other temples one by one!"

Lin Fan was stunned: "Huh?"

"Haha, don't worry nephew, your Ocean Temple is not included in this." Zeus smiled, "After all, your father is loyal to me, and he is also my biological brother."

"I have never forgotten what he did for me."

"Moreover, if your father knew that I wanted to unify all realms, he would definitely surrender to me."

"Ah..." Lin Fan looked at Zeus blankly, and then at the First Emperor behind him. He felt that things were not what he thought...

Zeus thought Lin Fan was doubting, so he smiled and said: "My nephew North, destroying other temples is difficult, but it is not impossible."

"The strength of my Thunder Temple is obvious to all."

"It's no problem to deal with any temple alone!"

"If I attack the Thunder Temple one by one, those temples will be unable to resist at all. They will have to be destroyed one by one, or completely surrender to me!"

"Unless those temples unite... But this is exactly what is difficult to do, because whenever our Thunder Temple attacks a temple, if they sense something is wrong and unite together... some of those powerful temples are older than my Thunder Temple , it’s still very difficult to mess with.”

"Ah..." The more Lin Fan listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

How is this so similar to the situation that the First Emperor faced with other countries?

"But my nephew Nos, don't worry, I already have a solution." Zeus smiled and said slowly: "Combine vertically and horizontally, first weak and then strong, attack from far and close, and attack separately!"

Lin Fan: "!!!"

Together vertically and horizontally!

Weak first, then strong!

Make friends from far away and attack at close range!

Divide and attack!

It’s completely the First Emperor’s routine!

This is how the First Emperor dealt with the six countries that were monolithic and united with each other!

"My nephew, now I have a general idea," Zeus said frankly and honestly according to the wishes of the First Emperor: "As long as we have a good reputation every time, as long as our Thunder Temple attacks other temples, we will have a legitimate excuse, so that other temples will feel that there is nothing wrong. , they won’t be more careful and will even stand on our side!”

"And by the time they realized something was wrong... it was already too late!"

"Many temples have been destroyed long ago. They have no comrades. Most of the gods and countless gods are under my command. How can they compete?"

"By then, the situation will be complete!"

"The most important thing for me in the Thunder Temple is to find a legitimate excuse!"

Lin Fan glanced at the First Emperor.

It is indeed from the First Emperor's religion.

The First Emperor was a professional porcelain maker.

Six countries, six excuses.

Saying "Qin does not like war", he directly detained the King of Han who was planning to attack Qin with Zhao and Wei, and annexed South Korea.

Backhand, you found an excuse to send troops to Zhao State. The reason was that "Qin was afraid of rebellion" because Zhao State had already signed a peace agreement with Qin State at that time, and you found someone to conspire. With the temper of the First Emperor, you had to do it!

Then he used the excuse of "Qin Worry Attack" to destroy Wei State. After all, the First Emperor was timid and Qin State was so weak. He was afraid of Wei State's sneak attack... he could only destroy it first and then talk about it.

The other countries did not object. After all, it was Zhao, Wei, and South Korea who conspired first. What's more, at that time, the Qin State sent gifts to make friends with distant countries, and at the same time bribed each other's ministers, so that the other country's kings were completely unaware. They even thought that Zhao, Wei, and South Korea were seeking death themselves, and the kings of other countries were watching the fun. At that time, I was still cheering for Qin.

Brother, kill it well! Let them know what benevolence and righteousness mean!

When the State of Zhao and the State of Wei were destroyed, the State of Chu suddenly felt something was wrong. As expected of the most stubborn State of Chu, it took the initiative to attack Qinnan County.

Qin was on the defensive and destroyed Chu.

Yan State was trembling in the corner, not daring to face Qin directly. Qin was at a loss for a while, until the assassin appeared with a map...

At the end of the circle, the First Emperor said it was so fucking exciting.

The First Emperor was very happy.

The Yan Kingdom was destroyed.

Qi was very honest and lived to the end. He was just glad that Qin had no excuse to attack him, but he was shocked to find that Qin didn't need an excuse anymore...

The entire world fell into chaos and was devastated because of the First Emperor's series of conflicts.


Lin Fan suddenly understood what the First Emperor wanted to do.

He wants to plunge the entire God Realm into chaos and destroy all living beings!

Let the God Realm enter the Warring States Period!

Lin Fancuo looked at the First Emperor in disbelief. He saw the First Emperor smiling without saying a word, his imperial posture clearly revealed, and there was only one sentence in his eyes - Don't worry, everything is under your control, brother Zheng.

"Brother Zheng is awesome!"

Lin Fan gave the First Emperor a thumbs up in his heart!

What does it mean to be one emperor through the ages!

What is the posture of an emperor!

A few words directly brought a catastrophe to the God Realm!

He was directly fooled by God King Zeus. The key point is that God King Zeus did not feel anything was wrong. Instead, he was extremely excited and grateful to this human emperor for allowing him to see the true path of an emperor!

Lin Fan felt extremely guilty for his guess just now, and he was even more impressed by this eternal emperor!

This is the plan that an emperor should have!

I am the only one who can plan for eternity, Brother Zheng!

Not only is he plotting against the Six Kingdoms, but he is also plotting against the entire God Realm!

This is a huge good thing for Daxia!

Lin Fan thought about it. When he asked the First Emperor to sneak into the God Realm, he didn't tell him about this mission. It was completely up to the First Emperor to do whatever he wanted... but it turned out that he was deceived by Zeus!

How about you become the commander-in-chief of Daxia?

It is estimated that among all the gods of Daxia, the First Emperor has achieved the greatest results now!

Zeus's voice interrupted Lin Fan's thoughts again.

"My nephew, so now you also know the dilemma that my uncle and I are facing. There is no suitable excuse... I, the God King, can't wait to find an assassin to assassinate me!" Zeus sighed, and suddenly the conversation changed: "My nephew North, tell me, how does your uncle treat you on weekdays?"

Lin Fanxin said it was not good.

As the God King, if you help the Ocean Temple more, Poseidon will not die so aggrieved.

But these words cannot be said face to face. Lin Fan said respectfully: "Uncle is sitting in charge of the auction, and I will keep my kindness in my heart."

Zeus smiled: "This is nothing. I still remember your father, who fought side by side with me when we faced the Titans."

"And the brother who intended to rebel, A'tuo Moxu, many gods had agreed to him at that time... If Poseidon hadn't killed him directly, maybe I would have died without a burial place."

"And that battle back then...I remember all of this in my heart."

"My relationship with your father is not just a brother, but more than a brother." Zeus's voice trembled slightly, "You are my brother's child, after all, you are my own family."

"If I unify all realms in the future, I will definitely keep your Ocean Temple. I will only let your Ocean Temple sit side by side with my Thunder Temple."

"At that time, your Ocean Temple will be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people!"

"I will give you a large area of ​​the divine realm and countless planes in the Ocean Temple!"

"I will make your Ocean Temple regain its glory and possess supreme authority!"

Lin Fan: "???"

Did Zeus take the wrong medicine?

Because of you, Poseidon was seriously injured for so many years and has not recovered. The Ocean Temple has declined and you have not been able to help him.

Now that they are all destroyed, why are you telling me this?

But since he wanted to help, Lin Fan would not refuse. He was extremely grateful at the moment: "Thank you uncle! There is no need to wait until later. Uncle now wants to give me some artifacts and resources in the Ocean Temple?"

Lin Fan looked at Zeus expectantly.

Could this be the long-lost family relationship? Has Zeus' conscience been discovered?

For a moment, Lin Fan was a little touched... Unexpectedly, Zeus would bring him a gift as soon as he arrived in the God Realm.

Lin Fan was flattered by this sudden concern from his uncle.

Seeing North blinking his big eyes and looking at himself expectantly, Zeus's mouth twitched slightly and touched the vial in his arms.

I'd rather give it to you.

But the Thunder Temple, which was once so wealthy that it could overwhelm the Earth Temple, is now extremely poor!

Why do you think you are so poor?

"It's not urgent..." God King Zeus waved his hand, "It will happen in the future."

"As long as all worlds are unified..."

Lin Fan suddenly lost interest and was just painting a cake after all you said.

"But, if I want to unify all realms, I need your help." Zeus suddenly said.

Before Lin Fan could speak, Zeus interrupted: "I know that it may be difficult for you to agree to this favor."

"Perhaps, for you, this is an extremely painful decision."

"Maybe you don't want to agree either."

"But... believe me, this is for the good of your Ocean Temple!"

Lin Fan asked curiously: "What are you busy with?"

"Nos is my nephew," Zeus took a deep breath and said word by word: "This time, Shenzang, please hurt my son Zeuni!"

The air is silent.

Lin Fan looked at Zeus in disbelief: "What?"

Zhou Ni on the side didn't show any surprise. Instead, he looked at Lin Fan with encouragement and sincerity as if he had known about it for a long time.

Lin Fan: "???"

Is this what you said is hard for me to agree to?

I really want it!

You should have told me earlier!


Lin Fan suddenly felt something was wrong and frowned slightly.

This old boy just said that we should divide and attack, first weak and then strong. He also said that he should make excuses and make a name for himself.

Now let me hurt Zhou Ni...

Co-author, you really want me to be an assassin!

"Uncle..." Lin Fan looked at Zeus.

He still remembered that Jing Ke died miserably.

"Nephew North, you should understand." Zeus sighed, "Today, the weakest ones in the entire God Realm are the Ocean Temple and the Winter Temple."

"And you are the child of my brother Poseidon and the winter goddess Chione."

"Of course, the Ocean Temple was founded by your father himself, and I can't bear to do anything to it. You don't need to worry about this."

Lin Fan was not worried about this, because Zeus could not destroy the Ocean Temple now even if he wanted to.

The Ocean Temple can never be destroyed...

Zeus stretched out a finger and said slowly: "The first one I want to take down is the Winter Temple!"

"As long as you hurt Zhou Ni, I will have a reason to attack the Winter Temple openly! I can take down the Winter Temple without suspicion under the watchful eyes of other temples!"

"The unification of all realms begins here!"

"My imperial path has also completely taken the first step!"

Zeus was excited, but after saying this, he still said sincerely to Lin Fan: "My nephew, please hurt my son Zeuni, help me kill your mother, and destroy your mother's temple!"

"Don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with you. I will not touch you and the Ocean Temple. I will only attack your mother's Winter Temple and kill your mother!"

Zhou Ni also said seriously: "Brother, please hurt me! The harder, the better, don't show mercy!"

"This is for the common rise of your two temples and mine!"

Lin Fan: "???"


What did the First Emperor say to them?

Want me to kill my mother?

Want me to destroy the Winter Temple?

This is not about hurting Zhou Ni, but about killing his mother!

"Uncle, do you know that the Goddess of Winter is my mother," Lin Fan's voice was trembling, "You actually came to me... to harm her?"

You should have told me earlier!

Lin Fan's whole body was shaking with excitement, and he tried hard to control himself not to laugh.

The Winter Temple discovered the Bactria plane a year later, invaded Bactria, and brought Bactria into the Ice Age!

No, there are still eleven months left.

That is, eleven days of divine time.

If the Winter Temple is severely damaged or even destroyed at this time...then Daxia will not need to face the Ice Age!

Although Daxia is already preparing to survive the ice age, it would be best to live without nature!

And he can still hurt Zhou Ni. Even if he can't take the opportunity to kill him, if he leaves some hidden dangers for him, it will be enough for him!

Lin Fan couldn't wait to agree, but he still pretended to be embarrassed.

"My nephew, Nos, I know that Chione is your mother! But, I am also your uncle. Your father and I are as close as brothers, no, closer than brothers!" Zeus's tone was urgent, but he didn't care. The God King was majestic and said urgently: "Besides, Nachione, after giving birth to you, have you ever seen your father and son?"

"The entire God Realm knows that Chione hates you and your son!"

"Nephew, you are my nephew after all. Now that things have happened, I, as an uncle, can't bear to lie to you anymore. I might as well tell you."

"The union of your parents was a deal!"

"At the beginning, your father only wanted a child, but no powerful goddess was willing to agree. Only Chione still had some hope... In the end, it was me, the elder brother, who secretly went there without telling your father. Only by threatening her will she be willing to give birth to a child for your father in exchange for my vague protection."

"Do you think she really gave birth to you to your father out of love? It was just a transaction! And you are just her pawn!"

"It's like this!" Lin Fan looked shocked, but still hesitated: "But..."

"Yes, she recognized you this time and invested in the plane discovered by your Ocean Temple." Zeus sneered: "Do you think she discovered it because of her conscience and motherly love? She did it for her own benefit!"

"She's just waiting to get a piece of the pie!"

"She is a cold and selfish woman who only cares about her own interests! Otherwise, why didn't she visit you and help you once for so many years in the Ocean Temple? Then she appeared again after you discovered a plane with endless potential?"

"My nephew North, please don't forget that we are a family! Yes, she gave birth to you, but there is a saying that the closest relatives are more than just blood!"

Lin Fan was shocked, wondering why this word is so familiar?

"Nephew, I am your uncle! I am the one who considers you wholeheartedly! Don't let that woman fool you!" Zeus continued, "Think about it, the Winter Temple has now After investing, if it disappears now, won’t your Ocean Temple have exclusive access to that plane?”

"This uncle of mine is really doing it for your own good!"

"And your mother will only plot against you... Getting rid of her will only be good for you and the Ocean Temple!"

"Moreover," Zeus said word by word: "This is my uncle's first step to unify all realms and become the true God Emperor. You can't abandon your uncle who really cares about you!"

"Think about your father. Back then, he tried his best to help me. If he were here, he would definitely agree. You can't betray your father."

Lin Fan still looked embarrassed: "But, after all, it is the mother who gave me life and pure blood. She is so kind to me. Maybe she is still worried about whether I can return safely... You actually want to I hurt her..."

God King Zeus was about to say something.

But Lin Fan suddenly said: "We need more money!"

"It's easy to say!" God King Zeus's eyes lit up: "In the future, when I rule all realms and become the God Emperor, I will definitely not forget your contribution to the dragon in the Ocean Temple. I promise that your Ocean Temple will..."

"Give it now." Lin Fan was determined and his eyes were firm.

Zeus was stunned: "Now?"

Lin Fan explained righteously: "I'm not doing it for money. I'm not interested in money. I just want to see my uncle's sincerity. I can't make empty promises, so I sold my mother."

Zeus struggled: "This, it's a bit difficult to deal with now..."

"If it's difficult, then don't do it. There's no sincerity at all. How could I betray my mother? How could I trust my uncle's promise for the future? I'm a filial son!"

"Do you understand, filial son! For such a filial and filial son like me, you must at least give me cash!" Lin Fan shone with the brilliance of being the most filial son in the world. After speaking loudly, he turned around and left.

Zeus hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Wait, my nephew North!"

Lin Fan stopped and turned around to look.

Zeus endured his heartache and said, "How much do you want?"

"At least, five million square kilometers of fragments of the divine domain." Lin Fan sighed with a look of reluctance: "Although my mother's strength has declined, she is still the thirteenth-level Winter Goddess, and she is also the main god of the elements... At this price, It’s not expensive anymore, it’s a good deal.”

After all, Lin Fan had never sold his mother before, so he had little experience.

I can only estimate the price.

"Can I get a discount?" Zeus was a little embarrassed.

"After all, he is his biological uncle... In this way, my mother will give you a 10% discount. The 4.5 million square kilometers of fragments of the divine domain will be yours."

"Okay, very reasonable, good quality and cheap." Zeus nodded and said nothing more.

After all, he never bought a mother.

No, I haven’t bought the Elemental God.

The price sounds reasonable and even discounted.

Moreover, this is related to the first step to becoming the God Emperor, the first step to unifying all realms!

Not to mention the discount, even if there is no discount, you still have to bite the bullet and buy it!

Zeus was even a little happy that Nos agreed to sell his mother no matter what!

As for the money... Zeus's generation of god-king turned red and turned to look at Zhou Ni: "Zuni, go outside and borrow money from those young masters."

Zhou Ni opened his mouth: "Ah???"

Lin Fan also opened his mouth: "Huh???"

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