Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1187 Lu Xiaobu has a clear conscience

Lin Fan looked at Lu Bu who looked confident and asked complicatedly, "Are you sure?"

Lin Fan thought about it, no matter how he looked at Lu Bu, he didn't look like a sunny and cheerful boy who could be recognized by the taboo left by the God of Morality...

"Don't look down on me." Lu Bu stretched out his hand and said to Lin Fan, "Give it to me and I'll see if I can contain it."

"No, these are the friendship gloves left by the God of Morality." Lin Fan emphasized: "Although the accommodation conditions require betraying someone who treats you sincerely, it is still a taboo item left by the God of Morality before his death. The residual thoughts of the God of Morality leave behind a moral barrier. Only if you have a clear conscience can you pass the moral assessment, obtain the approval of the God of Morality and become the owner of this [Friendship Glove]."

There are two types of taboos.

One is the active precipitation of gods who have initially mastered the rules. On the other hand, there is no obsession test, you just need to meet the containment conditions.

Lin Fan's [Loki's Mask] is like this, so it is quite easy for Lin Fan to contain it.

The other is when the god who initially mastered the rules dies unfortunately.

This forbidden object carries the obsession of resting the god before his death, which is a wisp of the remaining soul.

In addition to the containment conditions of the taboo objects themselves, they also need to pass the test of obsession and gain approval.

Only by meeting the containment conditions and passing the test can one truly possess the forbidden object.

Speaking of which, the storage conditions of this friendship glove are also insidious. It is obviously a friendship glove, but it must be betrayed by someone who treats you sincerely before you can use it...

As a taboo object left behind by the God of Morality after his death, if you want to contain it, in addition to meeting the containment conditions, you must also pass a moral test and have a clear conscience.

How can you have a clear conscience after betraying someone who treats you sincerely?

This is simply like being a bitch and still erecting a memorial arch!

These strange holding conditions and moral tests may be related to the mental journey of the moral god who was willing to make friends, but died of the betrayal of his friends.

He was keen on making friends and would go out of his way to help his friends, but in the end he died at the hands of his friends.

Before he died, he was extremely angry and wanted revenge, but the morality in his heart still required him not to retaliate, and also hoped that he would continue to maintain high moral standards... This mental journey can be described as very bumpy and tangled.

It is precisely because of these almost self-contradictory containment conditions and extremely high moral requirements that when Daxia went through a hard battle to obtain this forbidden object, none of the gods living in Daxia at the time could successfully contain it, and it was impossible to contain it at all. Unable to use, just like a regular glove.

In the subsequent war between gods, this B-level taboo did not play any role at all, and no one could use it.

"Don't worry, just give it to me." Lu Bu insisted, "Isn't it just a clear conscience? It's simple. I think I'm quite moral."

Lin Fan: "???"

What morals do you have!

In the history of Daxia, don’t you know what Lu Bu’s reputation is like?

You, Lu Bu, can be associated with being brave and invincible, but are you the one who should consider morality?

In the end, Lin Fan couldn't defeat Lu Bu and finally just said: "Okay, be careful. If you can't contain it, throw it away immediately and prepare to resist the backlash."

Lin Fan put the [Friendship Gloves] in Lu Bu's hands.

Lu Bu took a deep breath, pouring his divine power into it, and his thoughts spread out, faintly blending with the [Friendship Gloves].

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Fan felt a little uneasy and secretly hoped that Lu Bu could successfully contain him.

In the last life, Lu Bu had just woken up, and he and Zilu had already perished together with the ocean god Klein.

Therefore, among the gods of Daxia who tried to contain this forbidden object in the previous life, Lu Bu was not among them.

Could it really be done this time?

But Lin Fan also knew that there was little hope, because even though Lu Bu was satisfied that he had "betrayed someone who treated him sincerely", with what Lu Bu did, he could not pass the test of morality and a clear conscience left by the God of Morality. moral issues.

Just when Lin Fan was sweating.


[Friendship Gloves] Under the infusion of Lu Bu's divine power, white and pure light emitted.

An illusory figure slowly floated out. It was a kind old man with white beard, wearing a pure white robe, spotless, making people look warmer.

He seems to be an old man with high moral standards and high moral standards.

He glanced at Lu Bu and seemed a little disappointed.

After all, Lu Bu's temperament is as sharp as a knife, and he doesn't look like a moral person...

"Another one here to try." The old man didn't seem to be interested in Lu Bu, and said calmly: "Okay, let's start."

"I have been willing to make friends and abide by morality all my life, but I died of the despicable betrayal of my friends. If you think about it carefully, I am extremely stupid. Before I die, I am determined to take revenge and will never be a good person again."

"If you want to accept my inheritance, let me ask you first, have you ever betrayed a friend who treated you sincerely?"

Lu Bu was silent for a long time, and finally couldn't hold it in anymore and said, "Well, is it okay to betray dad?"

Old man: "???"

"You are more shameless than I thought," the old man looked at Lu Bu with a complicated expression, "Have you ever betrayed your father?"

Lu Bu was stunned for a moment: "Which one are you talking about?"

The old man was also stunned for a moment: "How many fathers have you betrayed?"

"Abandoning the Lu family tradition and recognizing Ding Yuan as my father should be regarded as betraying my father. My father also treated me sincerely. Well, this is the first father. Dong Zhuo used Red Rabbit to win me over, and I killed Ding Yuan, well , Ding Yuan is actually sincere to me. This is the second one. He fucked Dong Zhuo for Diao Chan. If you think about it carefully, Dong Zhuo is also sincere to me. Well, three of them. Poseidon and I hit it off as old friends, so he is sincere to me. Of the four dads, this Knight Lord should be the fifth now..." Lu Bu counted on his fingers.

Old man: "???"

The old man took a deep breath. It is estimated that he has never seen anyone who can count his father with his fingers...

"Your Excellency is so outstanding. You are even more shameless than I thought." The old man was shocked. Obviously, what Lu Bu did was beyond the bottom line of human nature understood by this god of morality...

Lu Bu solemnly clasped his fists and said, "Promise!"

"But it's not enough to be shameless. I am also the god of morality. My descendants should be moral." The old man sighed, "Before I died, I wanted to take revenge and become bad, but in the end I could not suppress my inner morality. …”

"So, you still have to pass my moral test."

The old man looked at Lu Bu with a complicated look. Obviously, he did not think that this despicable man who had repeatedly killed his father could pass the moral test.

In fact, there were people who wanted to pass the moral test before.

But after passing the previous question, how can a person who has "betrayed someone who treats him sincerely" have a clear conscience?

"It's okay, come on." Lu Bu nodded.

"That begins... Only people with a clear conscience can use the forbidden items I left behind."

The old man's pure white light suddenly shone brightly, and his voice became ethereal, as if it reached people's hearts.

He stared intently at Lu Bu in front of him, his old eyes becoming inexplicably deep and piercing his soul. He said, "Let me ask you, do you have a clear conscience?"

Having a clear conscience is something only a person with high moral standards can do!


The friendship glove exudes a strange aura and is vaguely aimed at Lu Bu. As long as Lu Bu fails to pass the test, not only will he not be able to possess the forbidden object, but he will also have to accept the backlash of the failed containment!


"I've never felt guilty." Lu Bu scratched his head.

The eyes are sincere.

There was no trace of shame in his sincere eyes.

"Ah?" Cannian, the god of morality, was a little dumbfounded for a moment: "You, don't you feel guilty?"

"No," Lu Bu shook his head and asked doubtfully, "I don't know what guilt feels like in my whole life... Also, why should I feel guilty?"

Cannian, the God of Morality, glanced at Lu Bu in disbelief. His gaze became deeper and deeper, penetrating Lu Bu's heart, gently knocking on the sleeping heart, trying to awaken the guilt in Lu Bu's heart.

This is the moral gaze, the exclusive means of the moral god.

It can remind people of the wrong things they have done and infinitely magnify their moral sense, making them feel uncontrollable regret and cry bitterly.

In Lin Fan's last life, the gods of Great Xia cried uncontrollably under the gaze of this morality. Even Lin Fan recalled that when he was eight years old, he stole 50 cents from his parents to buy lollipops and cried. I stopped until my eyes were swollen.

But the moral gaze swept across every corner of Lu Bu's heart. This god of morality could not find any guilt in Lu Bu's heart!

Have a clear conscience!

This is the highest level of moral standards!

Whoever says that a person has a clear conscience must mean that this person has extremely high moral standards and has never done any bad things.


The person in front of me is Lu Bu, a slave with the third surname, no, Lu Bu, a slave with the fifth surname!

Lu Bu, who had already killed four of his fathers with his own hands and had great military exploits!

This guy has absolutely nothing to do with morality, either in history or in rural novels.

Even if this god of morality doesn't know Lu Bu, just hearing about his glorious past, one can guess that this person is completely a morally corrupt person, and his heart must be full of guilt about the past.

But at this moment, he glanced at Lu Bu, his eyes scanned Lu Bu's heart, and there was really no guilt at all!

"You really don't feel guilty?"

"Not counting this, you have killed four fathers!" Cannian, the god of morality, looked confused, "How can you have a clear conscience!"

In his opinion, only those with perfect morals like himself before can have a clear conscience and pass the moral assessment left by him back then.

But he really couldn't see any guilt in Lu Bu's heart!

Can this morally corrupt person have a clear conscience?

Lu Bu frowned and explained, "Is it difficult to have a clear conscience?"

"Isn't it difficult?" Cannian, the god of morality, asked in disbelief, "This is the highest standard of morality! Only people with perfect morals can do it. You have killed so many fathers who treat you sincerely, how can you still do it?" I can have a clear conscience!”

"It's very simple. I have a clear conscience all my life." Lu Bu waved his finger, "Let's just say that my first father, oh, that was my biological father, oh, he had no ability, and he was already dead at the time."

"In order to have a good future, I changed my appearance and accepted Ding Yuan as my father, isn't it right?"

"Then you kill that Ding Yuan, don't you feel guilty?" the God of Morality asked.

"Don't feel guilty. Although Ding Yuan treats me sincerely, he doesn't have a red rabbit horse! I am a great general and don't even have a good horse. It happened that Dong Zhuo valued me and gave me a horse, and it was a red rabbit horse. , and are willing to accept me as their adopted son. Dong Zhuo treats me like this, he is like my biological father, of course I am willing to follow Dong Zhuo! Kill Ding Yuan, what should I feel guilty about?" Lu Bu asked.

God of Morality: "??"

For a moment, the God of Morality didn't know how to answer, and even felt that it was right... Damn, what this guy said made sense...

"No, then you killed that Dong Zhuo, don't you feel guilty?"

"Don't feel guilty." Lu Bu said expressionlessly and without any guilt: "Dong Zhuo was kind to me. He gave me a red rabbit horse and made me the general of the world's bodyguards and flags, but he also wanted to occupy Diao Chan! That's Diao Chan! "

"That's my love!"

"To repay my adoptive father... he didn't even give me Diao Chan. For Diao Chan, of course I will fuck him! What's the use of giving me a red rabbit horse? What I want is Diao Chan! A red rabbit horse is nothing compared to Diao Chan!"

"What's there to feel guilty about?"

The red rabbit horse whose crotch was dyed like a zebra snorted, as if in protest.

God of Morality: "???"

Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

What's there to feel guilty about!

Isn't this guilt enough?

Are you really not guilty at all?

"Then the fourth one...wait a minute, you mean Poseidon? The main god of the sea when I was alive? Did you kill him too?" The God of Morality looked shocked.

"Well, he's actually pretty good to me. He fell in love with me at first sight and trusted me very much. But... for Diao Chan! What's the point of killing him?" Lu Bu was still confident.

For a moment, the god of morality was stunned. His moral eyes stared at Lu Bu for more than ten seconds, and he muttered to himself incomprehensibly: "Damn it, what's going on?"

"This kid has done so many rebellious things, but he doesn't feel any guilt at all."

"Under the gaze of my moral eyes, anyone, no matter how strong they are, even if there is only a little bit of morality left in their heart, will be awakened and magnified infinitely, feeling guilty and crying bitterly for any small thing they have committed before..."

"Why doesn't this kid feel guilty at all?"

Suddenly, this residual thought seemed to understand something: "I understand, I understand!"

" have no morals at all!"

"So you won't feel guilty at all! Even under the gaze of morality...because you don't have any morality to wake up!"

" really have a clear conscience!"

The God of Morality looked confused. He never expected that an immoral person could actually achieve the highest moral standard - a clear conscience!

He clearly betrayed someone who treated him sincerely, even several fathers, but he didn't feel any guilt at all.

Not only did he meet the containment conditions he set, he also passed his own moral test!

"I really didn't expect that the descendant of my dignified God of Morality would turn out to be a person with no morals..." The God of Morality said with mixed emotions, and then slowly disappeared.

This also means that Lu Bu has met the conditions of containment and passed the moral test left by the God of Morality. He has officially become the descendant of the God of Morality and has mastered the forbidden item B0312 - [Friendship Gloves].

I, Lu Bu, have a clear conscience.

Lu Bu suddenly felt a sense of intimacy coming from this glove, as if he recognized its owner.

With a thought, the [Friendship Gloves] were already inside the body.

Lin Fan on the side was already dumbfounded. No, brother, you, Lu Bu, have passed the moral test?

This was a moral test that none of the living gods of Great Xia had passed! Even the selected ordinary warriors once failed the moral test!

Have a clear conscience!

The highest moral standards, how many people in the world can have a clear conscience?

At the beginning, even the abbot, who was highly respected and had abided by the precepts all his life, failed. Under the gaze of the God of Morality, he failed.

In the end, it was passed by Lu Bu, who had the least connection with "morality"?

"Is it because... Lu Bu really has no morals..." Lin Fan could only think of this reason.

But if you think about it carefully, it is right. The more moral a person is, the more guilty he is!

On the contrary, Lu Bu, a house slave with no morals and who would do whatever it takes to achieve his goal, has no guilt at all and has perfect logic and self-consistency...

What happened to Kill Dad?

Don't ask, just ask because of Diao Chan.

Therefore, Lu Bu, the most immoral person, achieved the highest moral standard - having a clear conscience.

"No wonder no one passed the test in Daxia in the previous life... These contradictory containment conditions and moral test were simply specially designed for Lu Bu."

"Except for Lu Bu, no one can betray someone who treats him sincerely and still feel no guilt."

"Thankfully, Lu Bu has survived until now in this life..." Lin Fan once again felt that his previous efforts were not in vain.

Lu Bu summoned the [Friendship Gloves] again, then put it into his body again, played with it a few times, and said to Lin Fan with a proud look on his face: "Look, let me just say that I can pass the moral test. Do you still need to doubt my Lu Bu's morality? I have a clear conscience. ,easy!"

Lin Fan looked at the [Friendship Gloves] and said silently: "Why do I feel so reluctant when the remaining thoughts of the God of Morality dissipate?"

Lu Bu suddenly put on his gloves and said eagerly: "Lin Fan, are you willing to be my friend?"

He wanted to try the ability of the [Friendship Glove]. Of course, he had to let Lin Fan admit it himself and establish a friendship...

Lu Bu sends you a friend request.

Friendship from Lu Bu...

Lin Fan was silent for a moment: "No."

Lu Bu: "..."

Lin Fan quickly changed the subject, pointed to the unconscious Elder Lei Cang who was the only one left on the ground, and said, "Okay, the matter is over. Do you know what to say when you get back?"

"Haha, everyone who knew what happened is dead, and the traces of the fight have disappeared. Shouldn't I just say whatever I want when I go back?" Lu Bu chuckled: "Don't worry, I'm not a fool like Wang Hu and Bai Qi. I know What should I say?"

Lin Fan: "..."

You really overestimate yourself.

"I'd better go back with you." Lin Fan said worriedly.

the other side.

Young Master Jesse stood there with a nervous expression.

Because of the obstruction of the grass, he could not see the battle in the distance, nor could he feel the fluctuations of divine power.

Thinking back to his previous experiences, he was still a little shocked.

But the next moment.

"younger brother!"

"Master Jesse, are you okay?"

Two voices came, and two figures rushed around the grass in front!

Shockingly, it was the bald Lu Xiaobu riding a zebra, and Young Master North!

Both of them suffered some injuries. Lu Xiaobu was holding his chest and his breath was disordered. Young Master North's breath was also disordered.

On the horseback, Elder Leicang's limbs were severed and he was still unconscious.

"You are finally back!" Young Master Jesse walked up quickly and glanced at Young Master North: "Young Master North, didn't you leave alone before..."

"Brother, thanks to Young Master North this time, otherwise... I'm afraid I won't be able to come back alive!" Lu Xiaobu glanced at Young Master North.

Lin Fan also smiled and said: "I just happened to encounter Lu Xiaobu and his group fighting with God Shura and Elder Lei Cang, so I took action."

"We Young Masters should not get involved in such a dangerous matter..." Young Master Jesse was mid-sentence when he suddenly noticed the injuries on North and Lu Xiaobu, his face changed slightly, and he asked with concern: "Are you injured? "

"Yeah. That Shura God is very powerful. We almost didn't fight him. Fortunately, Young Master North took action in time and forced him back... It's a pity," Lu Bu's eyes turned red. "The two elders of the Aoki Temple and the Power Temple , was killed by that Shura God!"

The voice was sincere, filled with immense hatred and sadness.

The acting was so realistic, as if he had forgotten that he and Lin Fan had killed two elders just now... Even Lin Fan was shocked by Lu Bu's acting skills.

Is this acting without any moral burden?

God of morality, you are confused!

"Alas." Young Master Jesse sighed and cursed: "That damn Shura God actually ran away!"

"Yeah, I just wish I couldn't kill him!" Lin Fan gritted his teeth.

"What a pity." Jesse continued: "I originally wanted to find out why Lei Cang cooperated with God Shura! Why did he dare to cooperate with God Shura, and what was he going to do!"

"It's okay, Brother Jesse," Lu Bu grabbed Elder Leicang, who was still unconscious after he stood up, and threw him in front of Young Master Jesse: "I caught him! If you have any questions, just ask him!"

Young Master Jesse's eyes lit up: "Brother Bu, good job!"


Young Master Jesse pulled the reins, and the six-winged horse hoofed on Elder Leicang.

Didn't wake up.

The six-winged horse immediately poured urine on Elder Leicang's face.



Elder Leicang woke up instantly. Just when he was about to curse, he felt heartbreaking pain in his limbs!

The limbs are broken and the divine power cannot function at all!

Looking at Young Master North and Young Master Jesse in front of him, Elder Leicang's face instantly turned pale as he understood what was going on.

"Now, you answer whatever I ask you." Young Master Jesse said expressionlessly: "Leicang, it is your own intention to cooperate with God Shura, or Young Master Zhou Ni's!"

Elder Leicang's figure was greatly shaken, but he did not speak!

"Not honest yet!"

Lu Bu stabbed Lei Cang with a spear, piercing Lei Cang's thigh. Lei Cang gritted his teeth in pain, but still did not speak.

"Okay, let's not say that." Young Master Jesse said expressionlessly, "The worst thing that could happen is that Young Master Zeuni orders you... that the Thunder Temple conspires with God Shura to hunt down the gods here!"

Lei Cang's eyes were shocked, but he still didn't speak.

"You don't have to answer, but the temple you joined this time is the Temple of Thought. By the way, have you heard of [Soul Reader]?" Young Master Jesse smiled and said unhurriedly: "She's here too. .”

For a moment, Lei Cang's face turned pale.

Jesse looked at Lei Cang as if he were looking at a dead person: "Don't worry, I won't kill you, I will let you question Zhou Ni in front of many young masters of the temple!"

Lu Bu on the side frowned and said, "Then now we..."

"If it is true that the Thunder Temple is cooperating with the Shura God... then this matter will be serious." Young Master Jesse said with a worried expression: "We can no longer disperse our exploration. If that is the case, all the temple teams are now in danger!"

"Even if it may attract the attention of strange beings, we must quickly gather other temples!"

As he spoke, Young Master Jesse stretched his hands towards the sky, billowing divine power surged out, and dazzling light pillars rose into the sky, shining for thousands of meters!

The sky, which was gradually falling into darkness, was all bright under this pillar of light!

Glory shines!

Even a two-meter-high grass maze can't cover up this dazzling sky-high beam of light!

At this moment, all the teams that were scattered and exploring in the grass maze raised their heads and looked in the direction of the light pillar.

"There's a situation."

"Which team sent the signal."

"Did they discover any treasures or relics? Or were they in danger?"

"Don't worry so much, go and have a look!"

The team that was originally scattered in the grass maze gathered towards the light pillar at this moment. This was a signal recognized by many temples to request gathering.

After releasing the divine light beam, Jesse breathed a sigh of relief: "No matter what the situation is, we will figure it out in front of many young masters of the temple."

After saying that, Jesse looked at Lu Bu moved.

"Brother Bu, it's all thanks to you this time!" Jesse thought about everything just now and was filled with fear. He said to Lu Bu, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to survive!"

If it weren't for Lu Xiaobu, he would have died twice now!

It was Lu Xiaobu who blocked Leicang's attack on him immediately!

It was he who stood up to the powerful Shura God first and forced him back!

"Are you and I friends now?" Lu Bu suddenly asked.

Jesse was stunned. The originally aloof little Brother Bu suddenly became willing to make friends...

"More than just a friend, you are my brother!" Jesse seemed a little guilty and couldn't help but express his true feelings: "To be honest, I used to take advantage of you before and used family affection to bind you, but now, you He is a real brother in my heart!"

Instead, he is now bound by family ties...

It was Lu Xiaobu's performance that completely moved him!

If it weren't for Lu Xiaobu, he would have died twice!

Little Brother Bu risked his life to protect himself and save his own life. How could he have other intentions like his father said?

This clearly shows that he is loyal to himself!

As if he was afraid that Brother Bu would be angry, Jesse said: "When I go back, I will report to my father and ask him not to treat you as an adopted son. From now on, you and I will be brothers, and your treatment will be the same as mine! I will ask my father to give You gave me the same surname as me, the same surname as my father!"

Give me a surname!

And they still have the same last name!

This means that we will be a real family from now on! The Lord Father and Son of the Knight Temple will completely accept him. Although he is not his biological son, he is like his biological flesh and blood, a true brother and sister!

In other words, in the future, Lu Bu will be treated as a young master, just like a young master, equivalent to another biological son of the Lord God!

Lu Bu nodded movedly: "You and I will be true flesh and blood brothers from now on. As long as I am here, no one can hurt you!"

Lu Bu thought about it.

I am a biological brother to you, just like a young master, equivalent to another son of my father.

Then if you die...

And the other side.

Seeing Young Master Jesse releasing the beam of light and many temples beginning to converge here, Lin Fan was filled with excitement.

here we go.

Zouni is about to be questioned!

But this also means that there is not much time for hunting. Once many temples gather together, there will be no chance of hunting.

You have to seize the last moment!

"Then Shura God may also ambush the incoming temple team nearby." Lin Fan said to Jesse: "In this way, I will greet the incoming temple team. Once they encounter Shura God, I can help them."

"This is very dangerous. If you meet that Shura God..." Young Master Jesse looked worried.

Lin Fan smiled and said confidently: "Don't worry, as a child of my father Poseidon, I still have some means to save my life. God Shura can't kill me."

After all, I am the Shura God.

"Moreover, as we are all young masters, we should help each other." Lin Fan added with a face that did not care about life and death: "The future hope of the God Realm lies with you and me, young masters! How can I watch them be killed by that damned person? Killed by God Shura?"

"Young Master North takes the lead, risking his life to help other temples, worrying about others, which is admirable." Jesse looked in admiration. At this moment, he really felt sincere for this young Master North, who was born in a poor temple. Feel in awe!

No wonder his father was so optimistic about him and asked him to befriend him this time!

Before, he also felt that Young Master North was not worthy of the reputation as the first young master. After all, Zhou Ni was the first young master in terms of strength and qualifications!

But now it seems.

That Zhou Ni is suspected of conspiring with God Shura!

Even if he didn't instigate it, it was his people who cooperated with God Shura! If he can't even discipline his elders well, he still expects him to take over the authority of the God King and lead the halls of the God Realm in the future?

And this young master North is worried about the teams of the major temples, and is willing to risk encountering Shura God to protect other temples. This is simply worrying about the God Realm!

Jesse suddenly had an idea... If the God Realm can be led by this person in the future, it will definitely be stronger than Zeuni taking over the position of God King!

"Okay, let's not talk anymore. I'll rush to meet the other temple teams and ensure their safety!" Lin Fan urged.

Brother, stop inking.

I have to hunt quickly.

Otherwise there is no chance!

"Congratulations, Young Master North!" Jesse got off his horse and slowly bowed to Lin Fan.

When he raised his head, the figure of Young Master North was already far away.

Looking at that figure, Jesse exhaled and said with emotion: "Brother Bu, if the young masters of all the halls are like the young master North, then after hundreds of thousands of years... won't our God Realm be prosperous?"

Lu Bu: "Well, I also hope..."

Lu Bu thought, if all the young masters of the temple were like Lin Fan, then the God Realm would probably be wiped out in less than half a year...

at the same time.

The temporarily formed exploration teams are gathering in one place.

They didn't pay attention to this. In the grass passing by them, most of them had eyes growing on sticks, looking at them coldly.

A place in the grass.

"Your Highness, the intruders are gathering together now." A strong man holding two swords reported while squatting obscenely.

The prince in the grass in the distance had his eyes slightly closed. Even though he was far away, he seemed to have seen it. He nodded and said, "Yes, I saw it."

The strong man is already eager to try: "Order to attack now, I can't wait to jump out and start a group!"

"No, they are still scattered now, and our encirclement has not been completely closed. Maybe some fish will escape and slip through the net." The prince closed his eyes slightly, as if browsing an invisible map, his sight seemed to penetrate countless grass, and saw Every move of several teams: "In this way, when they gather together, we will use the grass to surround them and look for opportunities to capture them in one fell swoop! Remember, we must capture them alive!"

"Oh." The strong man sighed reluctantly: "Okay."


As of now, 6:02 am

The 8,000-word chapter lasted all night, which is equivalent to four updates. Adding the previous update of 5,000 words, it is equivalent to six updates. Sleep, sleep.

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