
Bright red blood spurted out with strands of glory, and the god's head fell to the ground.

This [Soul Reader], whose reputation was resounding throughout the God Realm, who would grow into the most powerful God of Thought in the future, and who once became the most mysterious enemy of Daxia, died under the sword of Shura.

"So, you have to listen to your mother."

Lin Fan held the bottle to collect the blood, just like killing a pig and collecting the pig's blood - this was the nourishment prepared for Wang Hu.

When the blood dried up and the body was about to disappear, Lin Fan grabbed the cold body and put it into the space ring.

"It's a pity."

Lin Fan was a little regretful. In fact, living, soulless gods were more valuable to Daxia, but living things could not be put into the space ring, and it was impossible for Lin Fan to carry this corpse in the next actions.

Lin Fan, who walked out of the grass and transformed into "Young Master North" again, coughed up blood.

In fact, in the previous continuous battle, the power of the God of Power shocked Lin Fan, and then he took three punches from the peak twelfth-level [Soul Reader].

Lin Fan's throat felt sweet at this moment, and his heart was obviously slightly shocked.

Lin Fan spit out blood foam again and frowned slightly.

"The injury is quite serious."

"Most of the teams should have converged on Young Master Jesse's side...and in my current state, it's not suitable for me to continue hunting. I might capsize in the sewer."

"It's time for me to go meet up..."


"Young Master North!" A group of gods came towards us, and the leader of the gods greeted: "You are here!"

Lin Fan looked up and saw Young Master Dick from the Sword God Temple, who had been scolding him before, walking quickly with a big sword on his back.

Beside him was a young man in a gorgeous white robe, exuding vitality. He seemed to be the young master of the Temple of Life.

Behind him were Mr. Zhang and two other girls, as well as three elders and a divine slave.

"You are here too." Lin Fan greeted quickly.

As the other party approached, the young man in white robe nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Young Master of the Temple of Life, [Immortal], Kachel."

"I would like to thank Young Master North on behalf of my father and the Temple of Life. If it weren't for Young Master North, our Temple of Life would not have such an outstanding elder. By the way, let me introduce, my father has promoted him to an elder as an exception, and now he is My elder Zhang from the Temple of Life.”

He pointed at Mr. Zhang behind him, with some pride in his eyes.

This divine slave is really great!

In the temple, you can perform surgeries on powerful gods who are seriously injured and cannot be treated by the divine power of life. You can make friends with other temples and earn a lot of treatment fees at the same time.

But in the Divine Treasure, this is simply a sense of security!

Not to mention anything else, he saved many injured and dying gods and young masters!

"Yes, thanks to Elder Zhang, otherwise we might have died."

"I have to lose my arm too."

The two girls behind him both looked grateful. There were stitching marks on their chests and arms, and even the two elders behind them had wounds.

"You two are..." Lin Fan was stunned for a moment.

"Before we have time to introduce," the green-haired girl with an injury to her chest and a somewhat torn green shirt cupped her fists and said, "Young Master of the Aoki Temple, [Aoki Controller], Reggie."

"Young Master of the Sky Temple, [God of Back Wings], Ruisi."

Looking at the young master of the Aoki Temple, Lin Fan had a strange expression on his face.


I had killed two Aoki Gods before, and now I met their young master...

But if he guessed correctly, Mr. Zhang should have stuffed cotton into them and the injured young masters.

"Wait a minute..." Kachel, the young master of the Temple of Life, suddenly looked at Lin Fan with concern: "Young master North, are you injured?"

Lin Fan nodded.

"Hurry up and treat Young Master North!" Kachel immediately ordered Mr. Zhang.

Mr. Zhang immediately performed acupuncture and minor surgery to stabilize Lin Fan's shattered heart veins and put the broken rib fragments back into their original positions.

"What a damn thing. Those weird lives... are so sinister. Even Young Master North was injured! Those things are so damned!" Kachel, the young master of the Temple of Life, clenched his fists.

Lin Fan, who was undergoing treatment, gritted his teeth and said, "You deserve to die!"

The young masters of the Aoki Temple and the Sky Temple behind them also remembered their previous experiences, and their expressions were ugly.

"Yes, and it was so elusive that I didn't even see what happened before I was knocked unconscious."

"Me too. When I woke up, I saw the bodies of the two elders." Ruisi, the young master of the Sky Temple, also nodded: "Fortunately, I met Elder Zhang and treated me. Otherwise... I didn't expect that Nuo Young Master Si was actually injured by them!"

"During this period, we also met many young masters along the way. They were all attacked inexplicably, and the attackers were very powerful... They knocked us unconscious first, and then left none of us alive. The young masters never saw the attackers. appearance."


It seems that the gods of Daxia did it.

Naturally, I can't let you see the appearance, otherwise the secret will be revealed.

Unexpectedly, among the gods of Daxia who took action, there was Mr. Zhang. After defeating these gods, he immediately went back to treat the young master...

To be honest, if Mr. Zhang hadn’t told him not to kill the young master, he would have died a lot...

Using the Eye of Thought quietly, Lin Fan's eyes gradually turned white, and the dark pupils turned into white whirlpools.

His eyes passed through the flesh and blood and looked directly into the souls of several people.

Above the soul, red represents anger, yellow represents worry and anxiety, and orange represents concern.

The anger is obviously towards the gods who have hurt him, while the worry, anxiety, and concern are towards himself, the Shura god...

To be honest, Lin Fan was a little touched.

He had just killed the gods, but the gods were still worried about him, immediately treated him, and even helped him scold the gods who had injured him... Even the young master of the Aoki Temple, who had killed two elders by him, They were all worried about themselves and cursed the two Aoki gods who were fighting against them.

Mr. Zhang finished the simple operation, carefully counted the cotton balls used to wipe the blood stains, then turned to the young master of the Temple of Life and said, "Okay."

"Yes." Kachel nodded, slowly approached, and reached out to touch Lin Fan's wound.

The white divine power containing vitality was poured into his body, and Lin Fan felt a warm current entering his body.

Under the nourishment of that warm current, every cell in Lin Fan seemed to become active. The flesh and blood of the wound healed quickly, and the sutured wound also squirmed and faded.

Lin Fan couldn't help but admire in his heart: "This is the power of the divine power of life..."

"Although it can only promote healing and is not useful for complex injuries and diseases, it is still very useful for skin injuries."

"Well, if there is a chance in the future, it would be good to tie up a few Gods of Life and bring them back to Daxia to use as mobile medical kits..." Lin Fan silently wrote this plan in the small notebook in his heart and placed it under "Capture a few Gods of Winter" After the god returned to Daxia and became a refrigerator.

This may be the despicable Shura God.

It was clear that someone had treated him, but he still wanted to arrest him.

"Thank you." Lin Fan stood up and tried. At this time, there was no pain anymore. The injury was perfectly healed by Mr. Zhang's surgery and the treatment of the divine power of life. He held Kachel's hand and said sincerely: "The divine power of life is so powerful!"

Kachel didn't know that Lin Fan had already begun to think about how to capture the God of Life. He immediately said proudly: "Haha, although my Life Temple is not very good at fighting, it has its own merits."

"Yes, yes, I underestimated the Temple of Life before." Lin Fan warmly invited: "If you have a chance in the future, come and sit at my house."

Lin Fan's eyes were full of enthusiasm.

"Haha, of course I will go when I have time." Kachel nodded nonchalantly. He also had a good impression of North. After all, the plane discovered by the Ocean Temple this time had such an outstanding divine slave like Mr. Zhang. It shows that the medical level in that plane is very good, so it is natural to maintain the relationship, and better divine slaves may appear in the future.

"It's a deal!" Lin Fan nodded heavily.

"Okay, Young Master North, how about coming with us?" Kachel suddenly asked, "The weird life here is too powerful... To be honest, I can't understand why a low-level god is so powerful. Dangerous and strange life.”

This is true.

It stands to reason that a low-level god would be enough to crush a mid-level god.

As a result, this strange life actually injured every young master, and even the accompanying elders were killed without leaving any trace!

Those young masters didn't even see those strange beings before they were knocked unconscious!

How terrible!

Just thinking about it made Kachel's soul color yellow, the color of the soul that represents tension and anxiety.

"Yes." Lin Fan nodded, "I'll go with you."

"I was originally here to greet you, but Young Master Jesse over there is also in danger."

"Is it a strange life?" Kachel asked immediately.

"No," Lin Fan shook his head, "It's... God Shura!"

"God Shura!"

For a moment, all the young masters’ eyes widened!

"Why is there a Shura God here!"

"This is just a low-level god!"

"And God King Zeus personally helped us open the divine treasure... How could God Shura sneak in! Can the majestic God King Zeus not even detect the existence of God Shura?"

Their expressions became frightened and shocked, and their souls also showed the yellow color of tension and anxiety, and the gray color of fear.

Lin Fan is now also aware of the power of the modified Eyes of Ghosts and Gods. Now he can directly see the inner emotions of the other party, and no disguise on his expression can deceive him.

Thanks to the Temple of Thought for the gift.

"God Shura..." Kachel repeated the word blankly, as if he had thought of something, with a look of fear on his face: "Could it be that what we encountered before... was not a strange life, but God Shura?"

"No wonder, no wonder this place is just a low-level god..." Kachel's tone was almost certain, "There will definitely not be any powerful and weird life here, it's the Shura God!"

"Then we must get together quickly!"

"That Shura God might be watching us secretly right now!"

Kachel said, already running in the direction where the light beam erupted before.

The other two young masters and their followers hurriedly followed. The panic was already rising. They ran wildly without daring to look back, as if there was a terrifying beast chasing behind them invisibly.

I hid in the bushes along the way, not even daring to look at them, as if there was something terrible hidden in the bushes!

"Wait for me, let's go together!" Lin Fan hurriedly followed with a look of fear on his face, shouting in a tearful voice, "There is a Shura God here!"

The group of people fled quickly in the direction where the light beam erupted before. After all, all the teams were probably gathered there now.

Half an hour later.

Lin Fan returned to the place where he met Young Master Jesse.

It had been half an hour since the light beam erupted, and many teams had already arrived to join them.

The elders of each hall also found their young masters, and one after another broke away from the temporarily formed team and stood behind their young masters.

Everyone stood in the open space between the grass. The scene where the young master and the elder were supposed to meet was now silent. Everyone was silent and looked ugly.

The atmosphere was depressing.

Just because the number of people is one-third less than before!

There were originally more than a hundred elders and young masters, but now there are only more than sixty elders and young masters left!

Of course, the young master is still safe, with only some injuries at most.

And there are elders in almost every temple who have not appeared yet!

"Young Master North, here you come." Young Master Jesse in the middle said hello.

"Yeah." Lin Fan nodded.

Some injured young masters also smiled warmly at Mr. Zhang: "Elder Zhang, here we come."

"Thanks to Elder Zhang for his timely rescue, otherwise...if I have the opportunity in the future, I would be a guest at the Storm Temple."

"Kachel, you have found a good elder."

Obviously, most of them have been rescued by Mr. Zhang, and they are full of gratitude.

"Okay." Young Master Jesse suddenly interrupted, and then sighed: "Half an hour has passed now... everyone who can come should have arrived."

"As for those who can't come... I guess they can't come anymore."

As soon as these words came out, the face of the young master of the temple changed: "You mean..."

"Yes." Young Master Jesse nodded: "He is dead."


"How can it be?!"

Some young masters and elders who were not injured and who had obviously not been in danger exclaimed in disbelief, "This is just a low-level god..."

"Lower gods are equally dangerous." Young Master Jesse sneered and looked at Young Master Zhou Ni: "Isn't that right, Young Master Zhou Ni?"

Young Master Zhou Ni was stunned, why did you name me?

I haven’t encountered any weird life along the way, what the hell do I know!

And as Young Master Jesse finished speaking, the other Young Masters also understood, and some of the Young Masters who had lost their elders looked ugly.

"Damn it, three elders actually died in our Temple of Power..." Xiao Lisi gritted his teeth.

"Our Aoki Temple actually lost two..."

"Our Sword God Temple has lost three elders!" Sword God Zhang Feng looked sad and covered his face with tears in his eyes, "Young Master, we have lost three elders!"

"Alas..." The young master of the Sword God Temple sighed, feeling sad in his heart. However, seeing that the Sword God Zhang Feng was even more sad than himself, he immediately said: "I didn't expect you to be so affectionate and righteous. You have just joined our Sword God. Temple…”

"Although I have just joined, in the hearts of my subordinates, the Sword God Temple is my home! Two family members have died, how can I not be sad!" Zhang Feng covered his face, crying as if he was laughing.


Of the three who died, two of them were killed by him...

The young master of the Sword God Temple sighed, but became more and more confused: "What's going on? This is just a low-level god..."

The young master of the God of Agriculture Temple looked at Bai Qi, the only one left beside him, with a horrified look on his face, and grabbed Bai Qi's thick arm: "They, they are all dead...Master, you have to protect me!"

He was lucky. He had already gathered with three elders from his own temple, and finally met Bai Qi who was alone.

But after taking just a few steps, he passed out. Before he passed out, he only heard one sentence: "Young master, be careful!"

When he woke up, the three elders of the God of Agriculture had disappeared, and Bai Xiaoqi was covered in blood and standing in front of him with scars. He held the imitation blood sickle of the Temple of God of Agriculture in his hand. He looked around carefully and held on. Protect him.

Fortunately, he met Mr. Zhang who came here by chance for treatment, otherwise Bai Xiaoqi would have been seriously injured and died.

From that moment on, the figure guarding his back, the man holding the sickle, had become his last source of security.

"I failed to protect the three of them..." Bai Qi grabbed the sickle and sighed, then patted the young master on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I will protect you."

"Yes!" The young master of the God of Agriculture Temple nodded deeply. At this time, Bai Qi was like a father in his heart.

Immediately, the young master of the God of Agriculture Temple also sighed and said with some confusion: "This is just a low-level god, how can there be such a powerful and dangerous strange life... What is going on..."

Beimila, the young master of the Beast Controlling Temple, who was standing with the two remaining Beast Controlling God elders, lowered his head and said nothing. He thought of the Shura God he had met before.

He couldn't help but lean closer to the monkey behind him. Only this powerful master could give him some sense of security.

The other young masters and elders of the temple, thinking about their elders who had disappeared inexplicably, also looked around nervously, as if there was great danger in this strange sacred treasure.

The atmosphere was tense and depressing.

Only Lu Bu... Lu Bu now lost the arrogance and loneliness he had before. He seemed to have transformed into a sunny and cheerful boy, with a sunny smile on his face, chatting with the elders of other temples.

"You are the 296th elder of the Storm Temple, ah, I have admired you for a long time!" Lu Bu patted the other party's shoulder enthusiastically, and smiled at the confused expression on his face: "Introduce yourself, Lu Xiaobu. "

The other party looked at the word "slave" between Lu Bu's eyebrows, his face was startled, and he immediately said respectfully: "Lu Xiaobu? Are you the one who earns money from the Knights Temple? I heard that you are comparable to the reincarnated Lu Xiaobu of Lu Bu?"

"It's just a false name." Lu Bu laughed and stretched out his hand: "Can I make a friend?"

"Of course!" The other party took hold of it and then smiled: "But you are not like Lu Bu. I heard those older gods said that Lu Bu was an arrogant and inhumane guy. I think you It’s very sunny and cheerful.”

"Well, of course! Who doesn't know that someone has a clear conscience in his life and his righteousness?" Lu Bu nodded, shook hands vigorously, patted his chest and said: "Since we are friends, if we have anything to say in the future, I should be my friend My friends are willing to sacrifice their lives and shed their blood even if they are willing to sacrifice their lives!"

"Lu Xiaobu, you are indeed loyal!" The other party gave a thumbs up.

For a time, Lu Bu felt like a fish in water, shuttling between the elders of various temples like a social butterfly. With a sunny and cheerful smile, he looked like he was going to become a "Friend of the Gods" in the divine world, and quickly made friends with the elders of other temples. Friends, shaking hands wildly, forging a mutually recognized friendship…

After all, this is the triggering condition of [Friendship Gloves].

And those elders were happy to make friends with Lu Bu. After all, they had also heard about how powerful Lu Xiaobu was. He was adopted as an adopted son by the main god of the Knights Temple and was hailed as the reincarnation of Lu Bu.

It's always good to have a good relationship.

What's more, this divine treasure seems to contain great dangers that shouldn't be there. It is natural to have a friend like Lu Xiaobu.

And seeing how this Lu Xiaobu is so sunny and cheerful and likes to make friends, he is completely opposite to the Lu Bu back then. He must be a righteous person who will go out of his way to protect his friends.

To put it bluntly, he is a stupid and honest person, a bad guy who is not defensive about his friends.

Once you become a friend, you can ask this enemy for help or try to trick him if you need anything in the future.

the other side.

Looking at the remaining three Thunder elders, Zhou Ni frowned slightly, he was a little confused now.

He always acted alone. Occasionally he met some teams but refused to join them.

I never encountered any danger, let alone any weird life.

Why are your casualties so serious?

This is just a low-level god!

Moreover, even an eleventh-level elder died on my side?

The God of Thunder is one of the most powerful priests. How could he die in a low-level god?

This makes Zhou Ni unable to understand!

The other young masters and elders of the temple were also confused. They couldn't understand that this was just a low-level divine treasure that brought such great danger.

An atmosphere of tension, doubt, and panic spread, and the atmosphere became increasingly tense and depressing in the silence.

The other gods of Daxia also looked puzzled, pretending to be shocked and worried as if they didn't know anything. Of course, Lu Bu was still making friends.

"Okay, Brother Bu, I know you are warm-hearted, affectionate, kind and enthusiastic, but don't make friends yet." Jesse waved, "Now let's get down to business."

Lu Bu reluctantly stopped his dating plan and returned to Jesse.

"Now, almost everyone who is alive has arrived." Jesse said lightly: "Then now, I can say it."

"Haha, I'm willing to talk. I didn't say anything no matter what I asked before. Why do I have to wait until everyone is here to say anything?" Zhou Ni snorted dissatisfiedly.

"Haha, do I dare to say anything before everyone is gone? Zhouni? With you here, do I dare to say anything?" Young Master Jesse from the Knight Temple gritted his teeth and looked at Zhouni: "You think I don't know about you from the Thunder Temple? Did you do something?"

"Ah?" Zhou Ni looked confused.

What the hell did I do and I don’t even know?

"Everyone!" Young Master Jesse stood next to Lu Bu, looked at Zhou Ni, and said with an ugly face: "To be honest, I was in danger before."

"Unexpected danger."

Zhou Ni frowned and said, "Weird life?"

"Then you are so lucky to have met a strange life. I haven't met it until now."

"What, do you have any information about Jinzo? Have you caught him?"

Looking at Zhou Ni who was still pretending not to know anything, the corners of Young Master Jesse's mouth twitched slightly, hey, what are you talking about about weird life?

What I caught was a weird life, okay...

Jesse didn't want to break out, so he suppressed the anger in his heart, pointed at the squirming cloth bag on the horse, and said expressionlessly: "Caught it."

"Great! Come out and have a look! Ask me how to get out of this grass maze!" Zhou Ni said in surprise.


Jesse finally couldn't help it anymore, looked at Zhou Ni fiercely, gritted his teeth and said: "Now that things have happened, are you still pretending?"

Zhou Ni: "???"

What am I pretending to be?

"I don't know what you're talking about, but you'd better be polite when you talk to me." Zhouni suppressed his anger and said slowly.

As the first young master, when have you been treated with this attitude continuously?

On weekdays, Young Master Jesse is taken to the Thunder Temple in private by his elders. They all treat him respectfully, and the other young masters of the Temple are also very polite!

Why did you take the wrong medicine today?

are you crazy?

"You're still pretending! Do you really think I don't know what you did! I've already caught you! If I were you, I would admit it and give me an explanation. Don't make everyone look bad! "Young Master Jesse's voice rose three times higher. He pointed the spear at Zhou Ni, and the tip of the spear released a bright divine light!

He looked like he was about to take action!

"What on earth are you talking about! And what are you yelling about!" Zeuni was confused at this time, but he was also aroused and angry: "Whoever is louder is justified, right? Comparing loudness with me, the God of Thunder, !"

Thunder power spread out, and the power of the twelfth-level peak thunder god surged out.


Thunder surges in the sky and lightning flashes!

Under the thunder, Zeuni's eyes emitted thunder, and dazzling lightning flowed from his body, like the master of thunder, and like the God King Zeus coming in person!

This is the authority of the eldest son of the God King!

This is the thunder and lightning from the Thunder God in the blood!

"Jesse, you'd better calm down and explain your words clearly to me." Amidst the surging thunder, Zeuni said word by word, his voice like thunder, "Otherwise, I'm quite curious about your charge. Can you disperse the thunder?"

The situation is tense.

Lin Fan was excited.

Fight, fight!

I worked hard to make this plate of dumplings, just for this bit of vinegar... No, just for this big show!

Facing this exciting drama that was about to take place, Lin Fan couldn't wait to take out the melon seeds and eat them.

But Lin Fan still suppressed his inner excitement and rushed to stop the fight: "Don't fight, don't fight!"

“Let’s make things clear first, and then say what’s right or wrong!”

"We are all young masters, and we all represent our respective temples. We can't do anything casually! How can we explain it if there is a fight? There must be some misunderstanding here!"

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